Book Read Free

Worlds Between

Page 67

by Sherry D. Ficklin

  Nothing happens.

  Frowning in confusion, I try again. And again. And again. A familiar clutch of fear begins to worm its way inside me. Over and over, I will myself to materialize beside him, and over and over, it fails.

  What is wrong? Am I supposed to visit my family instead? The last time I couldn't go to Brecken, my brothers needed me. But which one now? Figuring Derek is the troublemaker, I focus on him. When I open my eyes, I'm a hundred feet above the ground, floating in the blue, cloudless sky.

  “What the—” And then it hits me. “No!” I moan in despair. “Not yet!”

  As though an umbilical cord is attached to my belly, I am pulled back to Idir Shaol.


  “This isn't right! My time isn't up yet!” Impotent fury boils inside me, ready to shoot forth like a geyser of righteous anger at the injustice of it all. They can't do this!

  Raphael is back. He sighs and nods his head. “I know it seems unfair, Alisa, but you aren't his permanent guardian, and we feel your attachment to him has become too... serious.”

  “My attachment?” I scream. “I'm supposed to be attached to my charge.”

  “You know what I mean,” he says. “Being difficult isn't going to change anything.”

  “This isn't right,” I cry, beyond frustrated.

  “Everything happens for a reason.” He carries a white folder over to his desk. “Brecken must make his own choices. He needs to be responsible for his own life. You helped him see that, and helped him accept his gifts just a little bit more. You gave him confidence to be who he is, and kept him from committing suicide. You were a success!” He smiles and leans against his desk. “Now you can move on to the next level.”

  “The next level?” I ask. “Would that be where my Grandmother is?”

  “Uh, well, no.” The smile disappears from his face. He sucks in air through his teeth with a pained expression. “It would be to the next level. It takes time to pay for mistakes, Alisa. It's not easy. That's why it's better to atone for our mistakes during life.”

  “Gee, Raphael. I'm sorry to hear that,” I say with a touch of venom. “I didn’t realize I had to stop at confession on my way past the pearly gates.”

  “Now Alisa. There's no need for disrespect.”

  “Arrg!” I stomp toward the door. “I've had it. I'm done here.”

  “Wait!” Raphael calls as I am about to slam the office door behind me.

  I don't turn around, but I stop, my hand resting on the crystal door handle.

  “I know this hurts, Alisa, but there's an important lesson for you in all this. The lesson of letting go.”

  I pivot slowly, my eyes boring into his like hot coals. “Letting go? The lesson of letting go?” I step toward him methodically. “You have no idea what I've been through. You have no idea what I've just experienced. Is anyone actually in charge up here?” I don't care if I'm being disrespectful or not. I don't care about the consequences. What more can they do to me? What could be worse than being ripped from my family or blocked from Brecken? No other torture can compare. The two things I want most are gone. The fact that I recently visited Mr. Roland in Hell doesn't even enter my mind.

  “I think you need some time alone,” he states.

  Shaking my head in disgust, I flee the room, hot tears that can never fall, burning behind my eyes.




  I sit on a lonely hillside outside of Idir Shaol, a carpet of soft, green grass surrounding me. Birds flit through the nearby trees, singing gleefully. It is a beautiful spot. Any normal person would be thrilled to be here. But all I want is to be back on Earth.

  A sob tears through my throat as I bury my head in my knees. I have to get back. I just have to. I can’t stay here, knowing my job isn't finished. How can Raphael think it is? Everything inside me screams to go back, that Brecken is in imminent danger.

  Not being able to stand the beauty and peace another moment, I picture the park where I used to play as a child. I might not be able to see my family or Brecken, but maybe I can get close.

  Luck is on my side. I shimmer into sight next to the park's tall, metal swing-set with the familiar blue plastic seats where Natty and I used to have our best conversations. I reach out and grasp the chain; a million memories fill my mind. I sit in one and imagine myself flying up to the sky and back, my feet outstretched, my stomach doing a roller coaster twist.

  The only thing that could make the moment more perfect would be Natty sitting right next to me. A moment later, I hear her soft chuckle.

  “I love how that works,” I say, knowing she's here, only because I want it so bad.

  “Me too.”

  “You sound content,” I say with a hint of jealously.

  “I am, Lis. I'm so happy, and it won't be long until you're with me.”

  “Long in whose eyes?” I shake my head. Time on Earth is nothing like time in the afterlife. The two have nothing in common. Everything takes an eternity now.

  “Aw. It'll go by fast. You'll see.” She leans back, her short, wispy blonde hair glowing like a golden halo.

  “Nat, I need your help.” I say, leaning back too.

  “I know.”

  “You do?”

  “Sure. That's why I'm here.” She sits up straight, and smiles that beautiful, wide smile I love. “Your wish is my command.”

  “Yeah, right. That's what everyone says. I haven't had any wishes come true so far.”

  “You haven't?” she asks, perplexed. “What about getting to see your Gram? What about being able to let go of the pain my father caused you? What about finally falling in love?”

  “Uh... ”

  “See?” she says. “Lots of good things have happened to you. But you want me to help you break the rules and sneak back into Brecken's life, right?”

  “Yeah.” She makes it sound so awful, so illegal.

  “Ah, l'amore,” she whispers with a sigh. “How often do we find true love? In life or death?”

  “It's keeping it after death that concerns me,” I say. “I can't just leave it like this. Brecken and I parted on bad terms and I really feel I should fix it. I'm sure he's worried and wonders where I am. Maybe he thinks I've abandoned him. Left him on purpose. That I've dumped him. I can't do that. I can't have him think I'm angry for the rest of his life.”

  “Didn't he say good-bye, Alisa?” She watches me with that gaze again, the one where I can't hide any secrets. Not that I want to.

  “Well, yeah, but he doesn't mean it. He doesn't understand.”

  “I know,” she says sadly. “Most humans don't. We don't figure anything out until later, until we're dead.”

  “Please, Natty,” I beg, turning to my best friend in all the world. My sister. My only hope. “There's got to be something you can do.”

  “Well, there is one thing,” she says in a lighthearted, singsong voice.

  I jump down and grab the chain of her swing. “There is?” Hope and happiness flood through me. I knew she'd be able to help.

  “I can take you one last time to say good-bye. They'll let me do that. At least I'm pretty sure they will.”

  “Oh, Natty. I love you!” I throw my arms around her and listen to her peals of laughter.

  “Come on, before it's too late.” She grabs my hand, closes her eyes, and purses her lips. She looks so cute while concentrating. I close my eyes too, her hand tight in mine. A moment later, we are there, at Brecken's front door. His motorcycle parked in the driveway. He's home! I run forward, forgetting Natty is even with me.

  “Is someone visiting?” she asks from behind.

  I turn to answer and stop cold in my tracks. Parked on the curb is a shiny black Mercedes Benz. “Oh no!” I hurry through the front door, not bothering to wait for Natty. Brecken isn’t in the living room. I search the kitchen and even the bathroom, but no Brecken. “He must be downstairs.”

  I shoot through the floor and straight into his ba
sement bedroom. Only one lamp glows in the corner. Brecken sits on his bed, Jill beside him. He holds her hand as tears course down her porcelain cheeks.

  “Oh, Breck,” she hiccups. “I'm so... so lonely. Please... I love you so much.”

  Instantly, my gag reflex triggers and my suspicion of Jill's ability to lie hits the Richter scale. “Please tell me you aren't falling for that,” I say.

  Brecken's head snaps up and he looks right at me. His eyes narrow as he takes me in, my white dress, the glow of my aura, the pleading in my eyes. I wait for him to say something, but instead of being happy to see me, he seems flustered.

  Okay, granted. I shouldn't have started our very last conversation the way I did, but seeing Jill holding his hand... Jealously courses through me, her being able to feel the heat of his body when I can't. More than anything, I want it to be me he holds and comforts.

  I shake my head in regret. “I'm sorry, Brecken. I didn't mean that,” I move to sit next to him.

  Jill continues to rattle on. I completely ignore her. “I'm being sent back to... uh, heaven. I can't be your guardian anymore.” I bow my head, but look up quickly. I don't want to waste the time we have together not watching his face. I search deep into his eyes, deep into his soul, memorizing every line, every crease, every eyelash, and every expression.

  “What?” He leaps from the bed, leaving Jill stunned. It's a priceless picture. “Why?”

  “Why?” Jill asks. “Isn't it obvious? We're meant to be together, Brecky. Please come with me for just a little while. I really want to show you something.”

  “Because they said my job here is done. You passed the test, I guess. I tried to talk them out of it, but they won't listen to me.”

  Brecken's gaze flickers from Jill to me, and then to Natty. “Who's that?”

  Jill's face clouds over with darkness. Her eyes close to slits, and hate radiates from her as her lips pull back into a feral snarl. “Who are you talking to now, Brecken? Cuz it's obviously not me.”

  Brecken turns to Jill, his eyes begging for understanding. “Umm, I need some time alone. Why don't you go home and I'll be over later. Okay?”

  “No,” she answers. “That's not okay.”

  “This is my last good-bye,” I say, hoping he'll make Jill leave. “I won't ever... see you—” A sob breaks from my aching heart and I cover my face with trembling hands.

  “Tell me it isn't true,” he says, reaching, his hands brushing though me as though I am only made of smoke. My spirit ripples, and then stills. “I'm not ready to say good bye. We need more time.”

  “I know.”

  Jill moves so she's standing before Brecken, her hands digging in her pocket, her face a mask of rage, her eyes as cold as lake frost. “This is going to end right now,” she says with deadly calm.

  Before anyone can move, Jill pulls her needle-like teeth from her pocket and stabs them deep into Brecken's muscled chest.

  He screams and pulls back, the fangs ripping out of Jill's hand. He shoves her away, and covers the wound in horror. “What are you doing?” He stumbles and falls to the floor, and the surprise in his eyes fades until he lies there, unable to move.

  I kneel by his side, wishing I could staunch the blood that oozes between his fingers. “We have to get you out of here.”

  “Tell your lesser guardian goodbye, Brecken, cuz it's lights out for you in thirty seconds.” She glances at the watch on her wrist.

  Brecken's gaze comes back to me, his eyes pleading. Natty kneels beside us. “There's nothing we can do,” she says. “I'm so sorry,” she whispers to Brecken.

  “What's happening?” he mumbles, his limbs flopping like jelly. “I can't... move.” His head falls back and his eyes roll under their lids. His fingers twitch.

  “Finally.” Jill wipes her hands on her denim short-shorts and squats down to look at Brecken. She tiptoes around him and then crouches by his head, staring down into his face.

  “What is that?” Natty asks. “Where'd she get those weird teeth?”

  “I told you! No one ever believes me! I told Raphael this was happening and he didn't care. He said Brecken had to make his own choices. Well, he can't do that if he's out cold! I'm his only hope now. You've got to help me, Nat.”

  She watches me with concern, unsure. “I don't know... ”

  “Please,” I beg with all my heart. “We have to help him.”

  She bows her head. “All right.”


  ~Kidnapped by Thugs~


  I stand at Brecken's side in the dank basement and watch as Jill pulls out her cell phone. She taps the iPhone's screen and then curses under her breath. “Stupid reception.” She stomps out of the room and up the stairs.

  “Stay with him,” I say to Natty. “I'm going to see who she calls.”

  “Okay,” Natty answers. “Do you think he'll wake up soon?”

  “I doubt it.” I saw what Jill's drug did the last time. I'm pretty sure we have a few hours before he comes around.

  Jill stops in the living room, finally able to make her call. “Hi. It's me,” she says. “Yeah. I'm ready. Hurry.” She ends the call and glances up at the ceiling, releasing a long sigh. She shakes her head and laughs.

  That is when the leech demon appears, a wide smile stretching across his gray, wispy face. He slithers around Jill's ankles and then up her legs until he has wrapped his smoky arms around her neck. He glances at me with a wicked grin. A long, snake-like tongue flicks from his mouth as though he is tasting the air. He licks Jill's cheek.

  A chill runs over my shoulders.

  She stops laughing, walks over to the window, folds her arms across her chest, and waits. She can't see the gray man. She has no idea he's there, but that doesn't make me feel sorry for her. She chose this road.

  Glaring, I stalk over to her, double up my fist, and punch with all my might. My hand goes right through her, just as I knew it would, but what surprises me is that she stops smiling and presses a hand to her face. Her lips turn down into a frown.

  A moment later, I hear the squeak of car brakes in the driveway. Instantly, I am out the front door, hoping to influence whoever it is to help me.

  I'm soon disappointed.

  A silver Jag idles in the driveway, sparkling and beautiful. The door swings open and a long, slender leg steps out. At first, I don't recognize her. She wears a deep crimson business suit, the skirt ending just above her knees. The soft material hugs her lithe figure like spandex, and not one strand of her A-line bob is out of place.

  She closes her car door while three goons file out of the back seat, unfolding into giants. “He's in the basement,” she murmurs, strutting with the confidence of a super model. Without knocking, she enters Brecken's house.

  I watch in open-mouth surprise, and then follow them in, trying to place her identity. Then it hits me.

  Lamia. The woman in red. The woman in charge of Jill's vampiric society. How could I not have recognized her? Then I realize her hair is different. Shorter. Stylish.

  Two minutes later, the thugs lumber up the stairs carrying Brecken. Natty is right behind them.

  “I tried to influence them, Alisa, but they wouldn't listen,” she says. “They're past hearing.”

  Brecken's head lolls to the side.

  “Yeah, and past thinking too,” I answer. “We'll just have to go with them to see where they go.

  They load Brecken into the front seat and even buckle his seat belt, then take off down the street. Jill follows in her car. I take Natty's hand and concentrate on that car. Within seconds, Natty and I are sitting in the back seat of Jill's Mercedes.

  “I think we need help,” Natty says. “You and I can't do this alone.”

  I'm not sure I want outside help. What if we ask Raphael and he says no? Would he stop Natty and me from returning to Brecken too? More than anything, I want to be with him, but I know if he dies now, it will never happen. Not because he would be responsible for his death in
any way, but because he'll probably go to Elysium and I'll still be stuck trying to redeem myself in Idir Shaol. “No. I think we should see if we can do this alone for now.”

  Natty shakes her head. “You're making a big mistake.”

  “Please don't say that, Nat.”

  She sighs and turns to look out the window. A heavy stone of doubt fills my heart. Am I making a mistake? Why do I feel I have to do everything on my own? Maybe if I'd asked for help during my life, I wouldn't be in this mess. But then, I would never have met Brecken. Then again, maybe I would have. Maybe our destinies are woven together in the tapestry of life, and had I lived, somehow, our paths would have crossed.

  To my surprise, Jill doesn't pull up in front of the rundown, little white house like I expected, but at a wide, black, iron gate that leads down a winding drive to a red brick mansion in the distance. The gate opens and we drive up to the front of a beautiful Tudor mansion.

  The woman in red steps from her car, her four-inch, gleaming red heals clicking on the paving stones. “Take him to the basement,” she commands, sailing into the house, not even bothering to wait.


  ~The Auditorium~


  The men drop Brecken onto a narrow cot in a dingy cell down the hall from a basement auditorium. Lamia waits beside him and stares into his sleeping face with hunger. She smooths his hair back. “Almost time, my lovely. Almost.”

  She steps back and walks into the spacious auditorium. On a raised stage sits a king-sized mahogany monstrosity with brocade quilts. It's surrounded by at least a hundred chairs on risers. The seats start to fill with black-robed patrons. Jill finds a seat on the front row while Lamia walks to the raised stage.

  Candles burn in every corner of the room, creating shadows that meld with the ghost-like demons that dance on the edge of reality. One after another, more gray men slither up from an iron vent in the floor. They fill the empty spaces, floating, slithering, caressing the unsuspecting audience.


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