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Sinclair and Raven Series: Books 1-3

Page 1

by Wendy Vella

  Sinclair and Raven collection

  Books 1-3

  Wendy Vella


  Sinclair and Raven Collection

  Sensing Danger


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Seeing Danger

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Touched By Danger

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Scent Of Danger

  Other Books By Wendy Vella

  About the Author

  Sinclair and Raven Collection

  Books 1-3

  By Wendy Vella

  Legend says the Sinclairs heightened senses are a result of a long ago pact between them and the powerful Raven family. To Honor and Protect those of Raven blood is their creed.


  Arrogant and aloof, James, Duke of Raven, is determined to forge his own path and to hell with folk tales that his ancestors created. But when the breathtaking Eden Sinclair saves his life by risking her own, their past resurfaces, and with it comes the uncomfortable realization that they are linked by more than history.


  Miss Lilliana Braithwaite has always appeared a woman of little sense, with a tendency to dress like a color-blind field mouse. Dev had, for two years, ignored her until one night he finds her on the streets of London, attempting to rescue a child, and thereby hurling herself into danger. From that day forth everything between them changes, and in Lilly he finds the woman who could tame his heart. However, she does not appear convinced by that fact.


  Healer, Essex Sinclair understands her family’s heightened senses are a result of a long-ago pact between the Sinclairs and the powerful Raven family, but has always struggled to feel worthy of bearing the legendary Sinclair name. Unlucky in love, Essie has resolved to live a quiet, solitary life as a healer and leave passion to the young and foolish.

  When Max Huntington falls into her herb garden, a bullet hole in his side, her only intention is to heal him quickly and send him on his way. Then she touches him, and from that moment on, fate steps in with dangerous consequences for them both


  Sensing Danger

  Seeing Danger

  Touched By Danger

  Scent Of Danger

  Vision Of Danger

  Tempting Danger

  Seductive Danger

  Nan Nan

  I didn’t realize my dream until you had left us, so this one is

  for the best Nana a grandchild could ever ask for.

  Funny, intelligent, you were strong and resilient and always knew the right thing to say.

  You loved us unconditionally and expected nothing in return, and we miss you so very much.

  There are Nan Nanisims in the family that will last for generations to come.

  You taught us to love and laugh, and had never ending patience

  as you tried to teach me to knit.

  We miss your meat pies and trifle; we miss the lessons you continually taught.

  Love you for ever and always, and promise to keep my top button firmly done up!

  Sensing Danger


  It is said that when lowly Baron Sinclair saved the powerful Duke of Raven from certain death in 1335 by single-handedly killing the three men who attacked his carriage, King Edward III was grateful. Raven was a wise and sage counsel he had no wish to lose, therefore, he rewarded Sinclair with the land that sat at the base of Raven Mountain. Having shown himself capable of the duty, Baron Sinclair was now, in the eye of the King, to be the official protector of the Ravens.

  Over the years the tale has changed and grown as many do. There were rumors of strange occurrences when a Sinclair saved a Raven in the years that followed. Unexplained occurrences that caused many to wonder what it was that the Sinclairs were hiding, but one thing that never changed was their unwavering duty in the task King Edward III had bestowed upon them.

  To honor and protect the Raven family was the Sinclair family creed.

  Chapter One

  England 1818

  “He’s home you know, him up there in that bloody great castle. Two weeks and we’ve not had one sighting!”

  Miss Eden Sinclair pretended to tug her earlobe and then forced the small plug of wax in tighter. Old Mrs. Radcliff tended toward yelling when she was excited, and Eden’s hearing was excellent—in fact, beyond excellent, therefore she needed the protection the wax offered.

  “The new Duke of Raven, do you mean? Is he in residence? It was my belief he hasn’t lived there since he was a young boy, or so Devon said.” Eden looked out the cottage’s only window but could see nothing in the darkening sky. However, she felt the huge castle that dominated the landscape loom above them. The people of Crunston Cliff had lived under its shadow for hundreds of years, and most especially the Sinclair family.

  Sensing she had a willing audience who was happy to indulge her favorite pastime of gossiping, Mrs. Radcliff attempted to straighten her stooped shoulders as she rocked back on the heels of her soft, worn leather boots.

  “Well now, middle Sinclair,” the old woman said, using the name most of the villagers did for Eden and her brother Cam, situated as they were below Devon and Essie Sinclair, and above Warrick, Somer, and Dorrie Sinclair. “You’d be right in stating that fact. The young Duke was driven from his home at ten years of age by that vile, perfidious father of his, and he never returned, even when the old Duke demanded he do so. In fact, he went away to war and has only now ventured home, nigh on eleven
months after his father’s death.”

  “Scandalous,” Eden whispered with just the right amount of awe.

  Mrs. Radcliff sucked on her bottom lip, which seemed to draw in the entire lower half of her face as she had no teeth.

  “They say he’s back to take a bride.”

  “She’ll be one of those titled well-bred ladies who have fluttering eyelashes and white skin.” Eden gathered her basket off the table. “He won’t settle for just anyone.”

  “Rather it was you do you, middle Sinclair?”

  “Not likely,” she answered, moving around Mrs. Radcliff’s small cottage, making sure everything was clean and the old lady’s supper was laid out ready for her when Eden left. “I’d rather marry Elijah Barry.”

  “He’s seventy!” Mrs. Radcliff cackled.

  “Which should leave you in no doubt of my feelings regarding marrying the Duke, Mrs. Radcliff.” Eden swung her cloak around her shoulders. “Not that he would propose to a Sinclair.”

  “Don’t protest too much now, middle Sinclair, those words would taste mighty bitter if you had to eat them one day. Plus, there’s that business between your families.”

  “What business?”

  “You’ll find out when you need to,” the old lady said evasively, and Eden dismissed her words. Mrs. Radcliff tended to say things for effect.

  “And remember, child, your father was a gentleman, so there is no reason for you not to marry a Duke if it’s your wish to do so.” The old lady settled herself in her chair before the fire.

  “Enough of this nonsense if you please, you’re having far too much fun at my expense.” Eden bent to kiss a wrinkled cheek. “And I must be away before someone comes looking for me.”

  “Lord! Look at the sky, ‘tis close to full darkness, and you have to ride the cliffs to reach your home. Go now, before one of your brothers comes searching for you, and shame on me for keeping you so late.”

  “Dev will be looking after the others, and Cam... well, Cam could be anywhere,” Eden added as she felt a weight settle in her chest.

  “He’ll come about, girl, don’t you worry. He’s just lost his way for a while.”

  “I hope you are right, Mrs. Radcliff. Because I for one am growing weary of his behavior.”

  “Go, girl, before you cannot see a foot in front of your face.”

  Eden laughed as Mrs. Radcliff made shooing gestures with her hands.

  “Remember I am for London in two days with my family, but either Bertie or Josiah will visit with you until I return.”

  “And you remember to keep your skirts touching the floor and your drawers fastened.” The old lady cackled. “And I want a of full accounting of every minute upon your return, girl.”

  “Why, Mrs. Radcliff, I’m outraged at your words,” Eden said, pretending to look indignant when she wanted to laugh. “And me an innocent too.”

  “Bah! No one can be innocent with brothers like yours.”

  Letting herself out of the little cottage Eden gave in to her laughter as she collected her horse from the small shed, and was still giggling as she set out for Oak’s Knoll, the Sinclair home.

  The weather was brisk in February anywhere in England, but as Crunston Cliff was situated on a windy ridge above the sea in Dorset, it was not often they had a warm night until summer was well advanced.

  She trotted through the small village, where the shops were butted up to each other like a row of books wedged on a shelf. The paint was fresh, the windows clean, and Eden could never remember a time when Crunston Cliff hadn’t looked just as it did this day. She could name each proprietor and their children, as she and her siblings had played with the residents of the small town for many years. This was her home, the only place she wanted to be. The thought of London made her shudder. Smelly and overcrowded, Eden knew she would loathe it.

  Uncaring that in doing so she was more than likely incurring her brother’s wrath, she urged her mount right instead of taking the left-hand fork that led to her home. Pulling out her earplugs, she tucked them down her bodice. Seconds later she was galloping along the cliff top.

  “If this is to be our last night here, Atticus, then we will enjoy it as we see fit.” The wind caught her words and threw them over her shoulder. The braid her sister had carefully tended was soon free as she bent low over her horse’s neck, but Eden didn’t care. If this was to be her last night of freedom, she’d be sure to make it a good one and to hell with her family’s fury.

  Both horse and rider were out of breath when she reined Atticus in at the end of the path. From here there was a sheer drop to the water on two sides. The roar of the sea was almost deafening as it buffeted the cliff below. The moon was bright tonight, allowing her to see the gulls that still hunted prey, and would do so until none could be found, their cries carrying on the breeze. She needed to remember this place when she felt stifled by the confines of London.

  “Here we have solitude, Atticus.”

  Not many ventured this far along the cliffs, as it led nowhere, so Eden was surprised to hear the distant rumble of men’s voices. Surprised, and annoyed that someone was about to disturb her. She was even more surprised that whoever it was had taken the route down Raven mountain and through the dense forest. They had a heavy foot, she thought as the sound of cracking wood reached her.

  “Why do you suppose someone would take such a route in the dark, Atticus?”

  The horse twitched its ears.

  “Should we not kill him before we toss him in?”

  Eden shook her head, unable to believe she had heard those words correctly.

  “Seems a terrible way to die.”

  She had two choices: make a run for it, and gallop home hard before whoever belonged to those voices saw her, or wait until they left. Could she leave, knowing the men were intent on murder? As the thought entered her head, Eden was suddenly gripped by an urgency that drove the breath from her body. It had her moving to the narrow, winding path that led down the cliff. Inhaling, she took a deep breath and nudged Atticus over the edge. She had ridden it before, but not at night.

  Don’t think about what’s below.

  Wincing as she heard a rock dislodge and tumble to the sea, Eden did not release a breath until she had reached the wide ledge at the base of the cliff.

  “Good boy.” The hand she brushed over the warm neck shook.

  “Our orders are to bind his hands and feet and throw him off the cliff. The man didn’t say anything about killing him before we do.”

  “Seems a terrible way to die though.”

  Nudging Atticus deeper into the shadows, Eden tried to make sense of what she had heard.

  “He’s unconscious anyways. Bloody big brute; there’s no way we could have handled him awake.”

  Eden’s heart started thumping hard in her chest as she slid from Atticus’s back. Was she about to see a man thrown to his death? What should she do? The men were drawing closer and would soon be above her.

  “He’ll wake when he hits the water for sure.”

  Eden looked at the sea as she listened to the men talk. Wind brushed the surface, producing whitecaps and swirls of frothy water. Did she dare try and save the man? Could she, or would it be too dangerous to attempt? Sea spray peppered her face as it collided with the rocks.

  “Bloody hell,” she whispered into Atticus’s warm neck as she tried to think rationally, which if she was honest had never been her strong suit. Dev would kill her for this.

  Removing her cloak, Eden then pulled off her boots. Forcing the buttons through the holes, she quickly pulled off her dress next. Her chemise would offer her more freedom in the water, which she knew would be bloody frigid.

  “Don’t feel right does it?”

  The men were directly above her now.

  “What don’t feel right?”

  “Tossing a man into the water like he was a lump of rotten meat when he’s still breathing. Especially this man.”

  “If we want to get paid, we do wh
at we were told.”

  “But how’s his lordship to know what we do? We could just leave him here bound like this.”

  Horrified at the discussion taking place above her, Eden prayed they did not kill the man first. Retrieving a dead body was not something she relished.

  “Of course he’ll know, you dunderhead! Especially when the man he thinks is dead suddenly appears before him unharmed. He knows everything; wouldn’t be surprised if he’s watching us now.”

  Was it brave or stupid to contemplate saving the man? Was he a good person or bad? Did it make a difference; surely no one deserved to die in such a horrific way? Taking the knife she had strapped to her calf, she clamped it between her teeth.


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