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Sinclair and Raven Series: Books 1-3

Page 25

by Wendy Vella

  “Promise,” Eden said, kissing his cheek.

  “Why do I not believe you?” James shook his head as he followed her from the room.

  He sent her in to the ballroom first, and followed several minutes later. The first person James encountered was Louis.

  “That is a very convincing costume, James. I could almost see you holding up a coach.”

  “Stand and deliver,” James muttered, looking around for Eden.

  “Your sea nymph is currently dancing with her surly elder brother.” Louis studied him. “By the look on your face, Raven, I would say the rift between you and Miss Eden Sinclair is repaired.”

  “I could wipe that smile from your face, Laurent.”

  “You could, however my debonair looks are what attracts women to me and to damage them would harm my prospects irreparably.”

  James snorted, then muttered a few unflattering words in French.

  “Tsk tsk, such language, and from a Duke no less.”

  “I thought you had already set your sights on someone, Laurent, and believe that someone has the surname Sinclair also?”

  “Perhaps,” was all he said before he went to find his next partner.

  Shaking his head, James threw a last lingering look at Eden before doing the same. It was going to be a long evening.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  “Eden, the Duke has arrived and you are to come to Uncle’s office as soon as you are dressed.”

  “Go away,” Eden groaned, burying her head beneath the pillow. “I have barely been asleep.”

  “Did you not hear me!” her sister shrieked. Wrenching the curtains open and flooding the room with light, Essie then stormed to the bed and pulled off the bedcovers. “The Duke is downstairs talking to Dev and you are to join them soon.”

  “What!” Eden screeched, leaping out of bed. “Here, now? So soon? I had thought he would wait until—never mind, quick, help me wash and dress.”

  “Has he offered marriage, Eden?” Essie had gone very still, her hands clutching one of Eden’s shifts to her chest.

  “Yes, and I have accepted.” Eden hugged her close.

  “But you said he was the last person you would marry just days ago and now—”

  “I love him, Essie, so very much.”


  Eden nodded.

  They both burst into tears, remembering the talks they had shared long into the night at Oak’s Knoll—talks of marrying for love and nothing less. They had promised Dev this, and Eden would honor that promise by marrying James, the man she loved.

  “Come, you must wash and hurry downstairs then, as I am sure Dev will not be as happy about the Duke’s request as you are.”

  “I can hear the murmur of Dev’s voice, but not James’s.” Eden tried to pick out her fiancé’s words. “It is quite strange, Essie, but since I realized my feelings for him, I do not seem able to hear him like I do others.”

  “Really? That is unusual, don’t you think?”

  “Very, but now is not the time to think about that.”

  Eden was soon dressed with the help of Essie and her maid. She then ran from the room and down the stairs.

  Standing outside her uncle’s office, Eden placed a hand over her heart to ease the thudding in her chest. She knocked on the door and then entered.

  James sat on one side of the desk, looking handsome in a dove-gray jacket and darker gray trousers. Dev sat on the other; they were scowling at each other. They stood as she walked forward.

  “Good morning, James, Devon,” she said, offering a tentative smile.

  “The Duke has asked for your hand in marriage, Eden. I have neither accepted nor declined the offer, wishing to speak with you first.”

  “James, may I speak to my brother alone for a few minutes, please,” she said. He looked at her for a few seconds then smiled, a soft tender smile that was for her alone and made her toes curl inside her slippers.

  “Call for me when you are finished,” he said, taking one of her hands and kissing the back, and then ignoring the loud growl from Devon, he walked from the room, closing it softly behind him.

  “I know I told you I respected him, and that you were to be nice to him last night as he has had a trying time, Eden, but I also remember our discussion of a few days ago. He hurt you, and you said he was incapable of love. What has changed to make me think seriously about his proposal?”

  Eden walked around the desk to stand beside her brother’s chair. Taking his hand in hers, she gripped it tight.

  “The problem for me has always been that no man can match or better you in my eyes. None had your honor or loyalty; none made me feel safe like you did. I didn’t expect devotion, Dev, but I wanted to be someone’s princess, which is how you always made me feel.”

  He didn’t speak, just watched her as she continued, his green eyes intent.

  “It took me until last night to see that James could be that man. Like me, he harbors deep secrets that have scarred him. He portrays himself as a cold and aloof man who has hidden himself behind an emotionless façade, yet that is not the real James, Dev. He is a man capable of seeing me as his princess, and I love him very much.”

  “God! Eden, really?” Dev groaned. “The man has a reputation to fear and is cold as an iced-over lake most days.”

  “A bit like you, Dev?”

  His smile was wry.

  “He is a protector, also like you. He loves Samantha and in time I believe he will love me.”

  “If he doesn’t I’ll rip his head from his shoulders.”

  Laughing, Eden kissed his cheek and hugged him hard. “You, however, I have always loved and will do so till I draw my last breath. My savior, my friend and companion, the man I have always adored.”

  “I love you too, little sister, and I needed to know that you would be safe when you left my care. It seems you have found a man to provide that. It may take time for me to adjust, but if you believe he is the one, then I shall not stand in your way.”

  The siblings held each other for a while and then Eden said she would go and find James.

  “At least he has your colors,” Dev said as she reached the door. “Essie has made me promise not to look at Laurent’s, and that worries me.”

  “I am impressed you are obeying her.”

  “I have not seen the man anywhere but at a social event, or I would not be. You know how much changing into my other sight can hurt me when there is all that color about.”

  “Perhaps it is not as important as you believe it to be, Dev?”


  Eden smiled and blew her brother a kiss then left, quietly closing it behind her. She found James looking out a window, shoulders hunched as if he were contemplating something disagreeable.


  Turning, he held out a hand as Eden walked toward him.

  “You look beautiful this morning.” The words were gruff and sounded unromantic, and yet they made her heart sing.

  “Dev wants to talk with you.”

  “Are we to go another round then?”

  Eden moved in to his body as he faced her. Rising to her toes, she grabbed a handful of his hair and tugged his head down until their lips met. His arms circled her, holding her close, only releasing her when she had been thoroughly kissed.

  “All will be well now, I promise. My brother is just protective of me, and had not understood my feelings for you,” she whispered against his lips.

  “Tell me again.”

  “I love you.”

  “Thank God I had not imagined those words.”

  Eden stood back and lifted one of his hands. Opening it, she kissed his palm before closing it.

  “I will always love you.”

  Closing the distance between them once more, he kissed her hard before walking away.


  James could not turn around without falling over a Sinclair. It seemed that now he was to be one of them they were more determined than ever to pro
tect him. Cam sniffed every drink and piece of food he and Samantha ate. If he was uncertain, Essie would be called in to taste test. Dev insisted on looking his staff over, checking their colors to see if any of them displayed the darkness that he termed evil. James endured it and soon began to accept that if he wanted Eden then her family came with her. It was also obvious that they meant a great deal to her, and loath as he was to admit it to anyone, they were beginning to mean a great deal to him as well.

  “Eat your own food!”

  “Ah, the lord of the manor has arrived,” Dev said, waving his knife at James as he walked into his dining room. “Mr. Spriggot is due to arrive shortly, James,” he added around a mouthful of ham, “therefore I thought it important to be present.”

  “And is Mr. Spriggot due in the dining room?”

  Sarcasm was obviously too subtle for the Sinclairs as they both stared at James as if he were a trifle spare in the attic, and then looked carefully around the room.

  “I do not believe so, James. However, should you wish to discuss business in here, Dev and I will be more than agreeable,” Cam said.

  Of course they were deliberately baiting him. He knew it, they knew it, and still he took the lure with both feet, both hands, and anything else he had at the ready.

  “Of course we are not going to conduct the interview in here, you numbskull!”

  “Tut tut, Duke. I hope you will not display your temper in such a way in front of my sister. I will not have her tender sensibilities wounded.”

  “Go to hell!” James snarled, stalking to the sideboard. “And take your big brother with you.”

  “A trifle testy this afternoon, Sinclair?” Dev said. “And please remember that we are not easily offended by insults. In fact, my family cut their eye teeth insulting each other.”

  James was not a man who sulked, snarled, or insulted without serious provocation. Therefore he was instantly ashamed by his behavior. Filling his plate, he sat before the Sinclair men.

  “Please forgive my outburst, I am merely concerned by the pace at which this investigation is running. Before, when I was alone,” he waved his hand around vaguely, “I would not have cared either way—”

  “If you lived or died?” Cam queried softly.

  James loaded his fork and stuffed it into his mouth. The beef suddenly tasted like straw. He was not a man for confidences like these Sinclairs were, and was uncomfortable with two sets of green eyes focused on him with unwavering intensity. Swallowing, he took a mouthful of coffee.

  “Not everyone has a childhood filled with love and laughter, Cam.”

  “I understand that, James, and am sorry yours was not.”

  “But now you have a family in Samantha and Eden and us, for better or worse, and you have no wish to be dispatched and would like whoever is intent on just that to be found?” Dev added, filling the silence.


  Silence settled around them, and James was surprised how comfortable it felt.

  “I gather you know Lord Laurent well, James. Can you give me any information about the man, as it appears he has an interest in my other sister?”

  James thought about Dev’s words while he swallowed his mouthful.

  “I know he is a viscount, and has no family. I’m unsure what happened to them, but wondered if they were lost during the revolution.”

  Dev nodded, but remained silent.

  “He is a good man, and came to my aid when I was being attacked, as you know. He is a skilled fencer, and from what he tells me, is intent on settling in England.”

  “What of his financial situation?”

  “He seems comfortable. At present he is staying at the Grillion, but has had a trip to the country to view an estate he is thinking of purchasing.”

  “What I have seen of him I like,” Dev admitted. “But as you know I am protective of my sisters. Therefore, I want to be sure that he will be good to Essie should he offer for her.”

  “A Frenchman,” Cam said. “Not sure how I feel about one of them joining the family.

  Have you checked his colors?”

  “Essie made me promise I would not. She says she has no wish to know what color Laurent is.”

  “But this makes you uncomfortable?” James asked.

  Dev did not look happy. “Very, as it is no secret I believe my siblings should wed only their color match.”

  James knew he and Eden were a match.

  “I have given my word, so will stick to it, but only as long as I remain comfortable with what lies between them.”

  James had an understanding of this man now. He followed along with his family’s wishes until he felt it necessary to intervene, then he did so without hesitation.

  “I would be grateful if you hear anything further about Laurent, you let me know.”

  “Of course.”

  “I suggest you eat up, James. As your butler is about to open that door, and announce the arrival of one Mr. Spriggot,” Dev added.

  James didn’t turn. He knew the door was closed. Lifting an eyebrow, he stared at Dev.

  “Your butler is a very bright shade of orange, James; in fact,” Dev added, his face the picture of innocence, which told James what he was about to say was far from it, “he’d make a perfect match for Cam.”

  James gave a bark of laughter while Cam howled with rage and lobbed a forkful of carrots at his brother.

  “Miss Sinclair has arrived, your Grace, and Mr. Spriggot. Mr. Brown is serving him tea while Miss Sinclair is—”

  “Here!” Eden said, squeezing past his butler and into the room.

  James felt her smile through his entire body as he rose to his feet. It lit her face; her eyes sparkled and her cheeks were flushed, and he wanted to take her to bed and ravish every inch of her. Dressed in soft peppermint with fine rose and cream stripes, she looked angelic and far too disturbing for his peace of mind. His eyes settled on the little row of buttons marching up the front of her bodice. He could have those open in seconds.

  “Hello, James,” Eden said, standing on her toes and kissing his cheek. A hint of her floral scent drifted over him and then it was gone.

  “Brothers,” she said, nodding to her siblings.

  “Sister,” they said, doing the same yet not rising to their feet.

  “Such gentlemanly behavior,” James said.

  “If we stood every time one of our sisters came into the room we’d be exhausted by lunch,” Cam said, wiping the gravy from his plate with a piece of bread.

  “I met a very interesting man on the walk here.”

  “I have told you not to walk here, Eden, it is too dangerous.”

  She patted his arm. “It is only a few feet, and my maid was with me.”

  “It takes only one step for someone to harm you, and I am adamant in this. If you do not obey me then I will set a guard on your aunt’s door, and every time you leave the house he will follow you.”

  “We shall keep Mr. Spriggot company until you are free, James,” Cam said, quickly climbing to his feet and almost running out the door, closely followed by his brother.

  “Your brothers are cowards.”

  “Undoubtedly, however we digress.” She placed a hand on his chest to regain his attention. “It is not me they are after, James. Surely there is no need for me to take so many precautions.”

  “And if whoever wants me dead sees you walking down the road unescorted and gets the idea that in kidnapping you they would get to me, do you not think they would take that opportunity?”

  “But no one knows we are betrothed, James, so I fail to see the danger.”

  She thought she had him there; he could see the triumphant little smirk on her face.

  “Eden, someone would just have to see me within two feet of you to know what is between us,” James drawled, taking a step closer.



  His arms slipped around her waist.

  “Every time I look at you I want you,” he grow
led, kissing her neck.

  “Let’s marry then. Now.” Eden sighed.

  James undid a few buttons and parted her dress, then tugged down her chemise, exposing her breasts.

  “S-someone could come in.”

  Lifting her high, James buried his face between her breasts, then lowering her down his body he pushed her against the door. Pulling out one of her earplugs, he said, “You’ll hear them if they do.”

  “I-I can’t hear when I’m with you.”

  She shuddered as his tongue swiped a long hot lick down her breast.


  Nodding, she clenched her eyes shut. “Oh dear, I-I had not wanted to tell you that.”

  “No,”—his breath made her shiver as it blew over her damp flesh—”I’m glad you did.”

  “You seem to d-destroy my concentration when you touch me. I would have to really focus to hear anything.”

  James could do nothing to stop the slow smile spreading across his face.

  “Of course that may change with familiarity,” she added quickly.

  “No it won’t, because you love me. Therefore I will always destroy your concentration.” James once again focused on what he had uncovered, running his tongue down the sweet-scented valley between her breasts.

  “We—we should—Mr. Spriggot—”

  “Can wait,” James mumbled. He had never done anything like this, taken the risk of exposure, or behaved in such a reckless manner, but this was Eden, and she destroyed his control.


  “It’s impolite of me to talk with my mouth full, therefore, shut up,” he added before taking her nipple into his mouth. Wonderfully responsive, Eden arched toward him, her fingers biting in to his shoulders.

  “No, love, don’t undo my clothes, yours will take us long enough to fix,” James said, stopping her wandering hands. Clasping them in one of his, he lifted them above her head and continued his wicked torture.

  “Wh-what are you doing?” Eden gasped as he released her wrists and dropped to his knees before her.

  “Hold your skirts, Eden.” James bunched them and urged her to take them in her hands.

  “James!” Her furious whisper as he licked the soft petals between her thighs urged him on. Nudging her legs apart, he ran his tongue along the damp cleft and felt her shudder. She tasted wonderful, his woman.


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