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Page 43

by Norty Schwartz

SOS—Squadron Officers School

  SOW—Special Operations Wing

  Spectre—AC-130 aircraft

  SrA—Senior Airman

  SSgt—Staff Sergeant (Air Force)

  SSG—Staff Sergeant (Army)

  STARS—Fulton surface-to-air recovery system

  STRATCOM—U.S. Strategic Command

  T-37—Tweet jet trainer aircraft

  T-38—Talon jet trainer aircraft

  T-41—Mescalero propeller trainer aircraft

  TAC—Tactical Air Command

  TACON—Tactical Control

  TF—Task Force

  TLAM—Tomahawk land-attack missile (cruise missile)

  TOC—Tactical operations center

  TOT—Time on target

  TOW—Tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided antitank missile

  TRANSCOM—United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM)

  TSgt—Technical Sergeant

  UAE—United Arab Emirates

  UAV—Unmanned aerial vehicle; remotely piloted aircraft (RPA)

  UBL—Usama bin Laden (spelling used by most U.S. government organizations)

  UDT—Underwater demolition team

  UK—United Kingdom

  UN—United Nations

  UPT—Undergraduate pilot training

  USAF—United States Air Force

  USAFA—United States Air Force Academy

  USAFE—United States Air Force Europe

  USAFR—United States Air Force Reserves

  USSOCOM—United States Special Operations Command

  USTRANSCOM—United States Transportation Command

  VADM—Vice Admiral


  VFR—Visual flight rules

  VTC—Video teleconference

  WMD—Weapon(s) of mass destruction

  WO—Warrant Officer

  WWMCCS—Worldwide Military Command and Control System

  XO—Executive Officer

  XO—Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Operations


  General Schwartz served as the nineteenth chief of staff of the U.S. Air Force, retiring from military service in October 2012. As Chief, he served as the senior uniformed Air Force officer responsible for the organization, training, and equipping of 680,000 active duty, Guard, Reserve, and civilian forces. As a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the general functioned as military advisor to the secretary of defense, National Security Council, and the president.

  General Schwartz has served as Commander of the Special Operations Command-Pacific, as well as Alaskan Command, Alaskan North American Aerospace Defense Command Region, and the 11th Air Force. He was also commander, U.S. Transportation Command, where he served as the single manager for global air, land, and sea transportation for the Department of Defense.

  He is a command pilot with more than 4,400 flying hours in a variety of aircraft. He participated as a crewmember in the 1975 airlift evacuation of Saigon, and in 1991 served as chief of staff of the Joint Special Operations Task Force for Northern Iraq in Operations DESERT SHIELD and DESERT STORM. In 1997, he led the joint task force that prepared for the noncombatant evacuation of U.S. citizens in Cambodia.

  General Schwartz graduated from the U.S. Air Force Academy with a bachelor’s degree in political science and international affairs, and from Central Michigan University with a master’s degree in Business Administration. He is an alumnus of the Armed Forces Staff College and the National War College, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a 1994 Fellow of MIT’s Seminar XXI.

  He and his wife Suzie reside in McLean, Virginia.


  A veteran film and television producer, director, writer, and studio executive, Ron coauthored Without Hesitation: The Odyssey of an American Warrior, the autobiography of General Hugh Shelton, fourteenth chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which was published by St. Martin’s Press in hardcover, paperback, e-book, and audio versions. A past board member of the U.S. Air Force Public Advisory Council, Ron is a graduate of the University of Southern California, member of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, Blue Ribbon Emmy Awards judge, and member of the Writers Guild of Canada (recognized by the Writers Guild of America).



  A-10 (Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Deterrence and Nuclear Integration), 255

  A6A Intruder, 163

  A-10 mission, failure of, 209–210

  AAA (antiaircraft artillery) batteries, 39–40, 130–132, 163

  Abizaid, Gen. John, 191, 268

  Abrams, Brig. Gen. John Nelson, 141, 143–144

  Abrams, Gen. Creighton, Jr., 141

  Abu Sayyaf, 223

  ABUs (camouflage airman battle uniforms), 345

  AC-130 Spectre gunship, 39–40, 51

  AC-130H, 107–108

  Acquisition, 276

  Adams, Pres. John, 237

  Afghanistan. see also VALIANT STRIKE

  AF missions, xv, xx

  al-Qaeda gunmen shoot US Marines at Kuwait's Falaika Island, 192–193

  battle casualties during The Surge, 259–260

  battle casualties of, 241

  CAOC provides command control of airpower in, 303

  CENTCOM on Iraq mission, 202–205

  Operation VALIANT STRIKE, 207

  reduction of US military footprint in, 293–294

  roadside bomb, 265

  secretary of defense on US commitment, 255

  and Staff Sgt. Zachary Rhyner, 342–343

  support for troop movements and supplies in, 231–235

  the surge, 321

  Suzie Schwartz flies into, 288–290

  UBL sighting in Kunar province, 188–189

  AFSOC (Air Force Special Operations Command), 76–77, 80–81, 138

  AF/XO (A3) (Chief of Staff for Plans and Operations)

  Lt. Gen. Gabriel as, 61–69

  Lt. Gen. O'Malley as, 69–74

  operations of, 181

  AGM-129 cruise missiles, xvii

  "Agreed Framework," U.S.-North Korea, 198–199

  AH-64D Apache helicopters, 207–208

  Air Force Academy

  admission to, 7–8

  boxing at, 14–17

  classes, volunteering and life lessons, 26–30

  flight training, 20–26

  military organization of, 17–19

  Schwartz at, xix

  staff, 19–20

  training and skills taught at, 8–14

  Air Force Cross, 342–343

  Air Force culture, 115–120

  Air Force Forces Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force Atlantic (AFFORJUWTFA), 108

  Air Force Global Strike Command, 254

  Air Force Magazine, 341–342

  Air Force Plans Directorate, 112–114

  Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, 319

  Air Force Research Laboratory, 317

  Air Mobility Command (AMC), 50

  Air Officers Commanding (AOCs), 17–18

  Air Park, Hurlburt, 161

  Air Staff Training program (ASTRA), 61–62

  Air Warfare Symposium, 259

  aircraft names, 31

  Airlift Tanker Association, 45

  Air-Sea Battle, 294–295, 314

  air-to-air refueling (AAR), 51

  Alaskan Command, 176–179

  Alaskan North American Aerospace Defence Command Region, 176–179

  Alexander, Keith, 236

  Allen, Gen. Lew, 118–120

  Almanzar, Bob, 89

  al-Qaeda, xvi, 185, 192, 207. see also Iraq

  al-Zawahiri, Ayman, 192. see also al-Qaeda

  Ambinder, Marc, 300

  America’s Air Force Vision 2020, 165–168

  Anderson, CMSgt. Chick, 38

  Anderson AFB, 42–44

  Annapolis, 6–7

  Anti-G Straining Maneuver technique, 24–25

oon, Capt. Dave, 38–43

  Arghandab River Valley, 259–260

  Arghandab River Valley, Afghanistan, 260–261

  Aristide, Pres. Jean-Bertrand, 222–223

  Arledge, Roone, 63

  Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk VA, 110–112

  Armed Services Committee classified room, SR-222, 249

  Armed Services YMCA, 346

  Armstrong, Chris, 98

  Army National Training Center, 141–142

  Army Rangers, 120, 138, 142–143

  Army Special Forces, 50–51

  Army TRADOC (Training and Doctrine Command), 143–144

  ASDS (Advanced SEAL Delivery System), 173–174

  ASROC (antisubmarine rocket) motors, 85

  Atlas V rockets, 319

  Ayatollah Khomeini, 63

  Ayotte, Sen. Kelly, 266


  B-2 stealth bomber, 64, 257

  B-17, 160

  B-21, 259

  B-52H bomber, xvii, 257

  B61 nuclear bomb, 318

  B61-12, 318–319

  Baginski, Col. James "Bagger," 44–46, 51, 76–77

  Bailey, Lt. Gen. Maxwell C., 171–172

  Baker, James, 186

  Bancroft, Ken, 98

  Barksdale AFB, 254

  Basic Fighter Maneuvers (BFMs), 25

  Batman, Turkish AFB, 129–130

  Battle of Hamburger Hill, 9

  BBC China (German freighter), 220

  Beckwith, Col. Charlie, 50–51, 105

  Begich, Sen. Mark, 340–341

  Beres, Thom, 89

  Berryhill, Chief MSgt. Dale, 345

  Biden, V.P. Joe, 260, 291

  Bien Hoa, airlift base, 42

  bin Laden, Usama/Osama (UBL), 67, 185, 192, 205–212, 300

  Blackbird camouflage paint scheme, 345

  "Blue Light" counterterrorism certification, 50–51

  “Boldface/Ops Limits,” 31

  Book, the. See Secretary of Defense Operations Book (the book)

  Bowman, Tom, 320–321


  at the Academy, 14–17

  after the Academy, 46

  Boyd, Rep. Allen, Jr., 340

  Bradley, Gen. Omar, xix

  Bradley, Tom, 89

  Bremer, Paul, 215

  Brenci Lt. Col., Bob, 90–91, 93–97, 105, 107–108, 345

  Brennan, Col. Dr. Joseph, 243–246

  Bright Star 82, 107

  "Bring Me Men," 13–14

  Bronze Stars, 342

  Brown, Gen. Doug, 99, 169–170, 173

  Brunner, Capt. Gary, 11

  Burgess, Maj. Gen. Ron, 191

  Bush, Pres. George W., xvii, xx, 185, 210, 219–221, 236, 260–261, 331

  Business Executives for National Security (BENS), 322–328

  Butterfield, Lt. Col. John D., 49–50


  C-5 Galaxy, 37, 163

  C-17 Globemaster, 163

  C-130 flyover, change of command, 126–127

  C-130 "Hercules," 35–42, 52, 76, 84–86, 96, 160–161, 262. see also Schwartz, Gen. Norton A. "Norty"

  C-130B, 11

  C-130H, 84–86

  C-141, 37, 163

  Cahill, Rep.William, 7–8, 21

  Cambone, Stephen, 195, 206

  Camp As Sayliyah, 206

  Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, 177–178

  Caniano, Col. William, 211

  CAOC (Combined Air Operations Center), 303–304

  CAP (Combat Air Patrol), 301, 310, 314

  Cape Canaveral, 319

  career milestones, 120

  Carlton, Gen. Paul K. "P.K.," 45

  Carney, Maj. John "Coach," 336

  Carper, Sen. Tom, 340

  Carson, Johnny, 213

  Carter, Pres. Jimmy, 66, 88

  Cartwright, Gen. James "Hoss," 191, 261, 333

  Casey, Gen. George, 191, 197, 206, 260

  CCT (Combat Control Team), 336

  CENTCOM (Central Command), 129, 192–193, 202, 231, 305

  Center for Low Intensity Conflict (CLIC), 114

  Chairmen, working with, 332–333

  Chambliss, Sen. Saxby, 249–251

  Cheney, V.P. Dick, 19, 185

  Chicago Tribune, 12

  Chief of Staff for Plans and Operations (AF/XO)

  Lt. Gen. Gabriel as, 61–63

  Lt. Gen. O'Malley as, 69–74

  Chief of Standardization and Evaluation, 108–109

  Clark, Adm. Vern, 206

  Clark, Gen. Wesley, 16

  Clark, Lt. Gen. Albert Patton "A.P.," 12–13

  Clark AFB, Philippines, 36–42, 46, 59–60, 337

  Clarke, Victoria "Torie," 212–218

  Clinton, Pres. Bill, 187

  Coalition Provisional Authority, 215

  Cohen, Sen. William, 84

  Colvin, Maj. Greg, 120

  Combat Rubber Raiding Craft/Zodiac, 107

  Combat Talon 64-0567, 105

  Combat Talon II, 99

  Combat Talon Memorial, Hurlburt Field Air Park, 109

  Combat Talons/MC-130, 85, 88–94, 108–109, 111

  Combined Unconventional Warfare Task Force, 164

  "The Coming American," 13

  Congregation B’nai Israel, 3

  Congress, working with, 339–341

  Congressional Record, 182

  Conway, Anette, 72

  Conway, Lt. Gen. Jim, 72, 224

  Coons, Sen. Chris, 340

  CORONA, 284

  "Corvette 03," 131

  Craddock, Lt. Gen. John, 190, 195, 223

  Crawford, Capt. Barry, 343

  Creech AFB, 310

  Crocker, Amb. Ryan, 202, 211

  Cronkite, Walter, 9

  AN/CSQ-272 SENTINEL weapon system, 301

  CT-39 Saberliner, 65, 73


  Da Vinci, Leonardo, xi

  Daignault, Tom, 98

  Dailey, Dell, 169

  Dalai Lama, 36

  Daniel, Rep. Dan, 120

  DCGS (Distributed Common Ground System), 301–311

  Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 315, 317

  Defense Information Systems Agency team, 198

  Defense Writers Group, 269

  Dekok, Lt. Gen. Roger, 164–168, 305

  Delta Force, 50–51, 108–109, 120

  Democratic People's Republic of Korea. See Korea

  Dempsey, Marty, 307, 333

  Department of Defense (DoD), 179

  Department of Defense Strategic Capabilities Office, 317

  Department of Energy National Labs, 317

  DEPROD (deployment order), 193, 195

  Deptual, Lt. Gen. David, 301, 312

  Desert One, xx, 66–67, 84, 89, 109, 173


  "Det 1 MACOS" Special Tactics Unit, 336

  DGS-4 DART (Distributed Common Ground System Analysis and Reporting Team), 303–304

  DGSs (distributed ground stations), 302–311

  DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency), 236–237

  dinners at the White House, 236–237

  DiRita, Larry, 215–216

  Dirksen Senate Office Building, 266

  Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC), 143

  Distinguished Visitors (DVs), 45

  Distinguished Warfare Medal (DWM), 307–309

  Dobbins AFB, 97

  Dobias, Lt. Col. Otto, 124–125

  Doherty, Lt. Col. T. J., 118, 120

  Dolan, John, 200

  Donley, Mike (Secretary of the Air Force), xv, 257–259, 264–270, 339–342

  "doolies,' 13

  Doolittle Raiders, 86

  DOV (Chief of Standardization and Evaluation), 49

  Dover AFB Mortuary, 260, 264–270, 340

  Downing, Gen. Wayne A., 161, 169

  Doyle, Ray, 89

  Dragon 1/ Combat Talon 64-0565, 105

  Dredla, Mike, 98

  dress whites, 68–69<
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  DuBois, Ray, 184–185

  Dugan, Sen. Mike, 19

  Dugway Proving Ground, 142


  Eberhart, Ralph "Ed," 12, 177–178

  Eberly, Col. Dave, 130–132

  ECM (electronic countermeasures), 95

  Eddlemon, Col. Jack, 62

  Eglin Range Complex, 96

  8th Special Operations Squadron, 66–67

  8th C-141, 126

  8th SOS (Special Operations Squadron), 89–91, 109

  11th Air Force, Elmendorf AFB, 176–179

  Elmendorf AFB, 181

  Emanuel, Rahm, 260

  England, Gordon, 236

  EUCOM (United States European Command), 129

  evac missions, 41

  Executive Support Center, 205–212


  expectations, letter of, 153–154


  F-4 Phantom, 34

  F-4E, 37

  F-4F, 37

  F-4G, 37

  F-15 Eagle, 63, 340

  F-15Es hit by AAA, 130–131

  F-16, 63, 318

  F-16 shot down in Serbia, 143

  F-22 advanced fighter program, xvii, 117

  F-22 Raptor program, 256–258, 295, 340

  F-35A stealth fighter bombers, 318

  F-105 "Thuds," 12

  F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter, 64, 207

  F/A-18 Hornets, 207

  Falluja, car bomb, 224

  Feith, Col. Doug, 195, 202, 206

  Ferkes, George, 89

  5th Special Forces Group, 50–51

  55th Squadron, 142–143

  First Fighter Wing, 144

  first job, 1–2

  First Special Operations Wing, 144

  1st Battalion, 10th SFG (A) (Special Forces Group), 132–136

  1st Ranger Battalion, 111

  1st SOS (Special Operations Squadron), 85

  1st SOW (Special Operations Wing), 90–91, 107

  1st Special Operations Wing, Hurlburt Field, 66–67

  Fisher House Foundation, 346

  564th Civil Engineer Squadron (Ramstein, Germany), 135

  flight training, 20–22. see also Operation STARDUST

  FLIR (forward-looking infrared), 95, 97

  Fogelman, Gen. Ronald, 19, 159–161

  Forbes, Rep. Randy, 272, 340

  Ford, Pres. Gerald, 13

  Fort Bragg, 50–51

  Fort Campbell, 139

  Fort Campbell Range Complex, 55

  Fort Irwin, 141–142

  Foss, Sam Walter, 13

  4th C-141, 126

  Foxtrot 35, 111

  Franks, Gen. Tommy, 192–193, 202, 206

  Frazier, Joe, 47

  Freedman, Senior MSgt. Mort, 36, 336–339

  "Friday Night Parade," 68–73

  friendly fire, 209–210. see also IRAQI FREEDOM

  Frohlich, Bob, 30

  Fulton STARs Skyhook. See STARS (Fulton surface-to-air recovery systems)


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