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Reborn in Blue

Page 2

by M J Knight

  "Excuse the fuck out of me! I got told to hurry up and get out here. That ‘Holder’ was waiting to take me to work. I didn't realize ‘Holder’ was going to be some cocky cunt muffin. I would have sat down and enjoyed my shit on a shingle in peace. Now it's ruined. Guess we know who is stopping for donuts on the way." That “I dare you to defy me” look remaining. “Besides, even if I did slip, it was classy and graceful as shit.” I hear her grumble under her breath.

  For fuck’s sake, the mouth on that girl could make a grown man blush. She is more like her dad than I first thought, "What the hell was you eating? It doesn't sound like something to get upset over. I'm sure you'll be okay till lunch. We're on a schedule and don't have time for stops. Let's get going before we piss off daddy." I gave her a tight-lipped smile. That might have been a little excessive seeing as it earned me another death glare.

  "Look here, douchebag. I've spent too many years listening to assholes. I'm not about to listen to you. You're my damn chauffeur and nothing more."

  Damn, she is feisty. "Okay. Whatever you say, Princess. You can be the one to take it up with Old Man." I'm not about to get my day started in an argument with this brat. She's gonna drive me to hit the hard stuff and I haven't even had my coffee yet. Turning my back on the new mafia princess, I head back to my still idling car, not waiting to see if she follows.

  Sliding in, I turn the radio to whatever loud, sound drowning song I can find. I peer out the windshield and watch as she cusses up a storm while brushing off the remaining food and dirt. Thank goodness we don't have a bunch of Bible-thumpers around here or she’d be having a come to Jesus meeting with them ASAP. Finally, she starts her stomping trek to the car. Swinging open the door so hard, I'm surprised the hinges don't squeak in protest. "Easy on the ride! It didn't cause you to drop it low on the stairs." I'm on the receiving end of a glare so hot I'm almost sweating, but she doesn't need to know that. Play it cool Hold.

  "Drive the damn car before I throat punch you and drive it myself." I know when to just be quiet. I did grow up with a bitch of a mother and know sometimes quiet is best. I back out of the driveway and start the 20-minute drive to our destination.

  "So... Where ya been hiding the last few years? Somewhere tropical and fun? Burning up Daddy’s cash with the boyfriend?" I swear I see my life flash before my eyes when she grabs the wheel and snatches it. Stopping us in the open grass on the side of the road.

  "Let's get everything straight right now. You are here to drive me and make sure I get where I'm going safely. Don't ask questions, don't assume anything, don't even think about me. Just keep your mouth shut and drive the fucking car."

  Damn crazy bitch. I don't even glance in her direction as I take off back down the road before she changes her mind and does some other stupid shit. I stop by the donut shop, since I don't really want another battle with the hellion before getting to the lot. The quicker I can get her to work and away from me, the better my day will be.

  Old Man, sitting out front smoking menthol cigarettes, watches us pull in. He is looking his age. Wonder if she came back because she knows he won't be around much longer. He stands and greets his daughter at the front door. His starched pants are so sharp you could get a cut if you got too close.

  "Schatzi! How did Holder treat ya?" Old Man’s years in Germany with the Navy still show through occasionally. That's one nickname I remember him using years back.

  "Oh, just peachy! Ya know acted like a real fucking gentleman." She smiles a little too sweetly while digging Old Man a bear claw out of the donut box.

  "Aww, Schatzi, you remembered my favorite! You ready to get to work?" Old Man dabs out his cigarette and goes at the bear claw, like a starved man.

  "Whatever Old Man. Let's just get this over with so I can get back. I got other stuff to do." Big ass brat! Sitting in Cole's office, I close my eyes. I need some “me-time” if I have to drive back with her.

  I hear Cole come in and quietly shut the door. "She’s already getting under your skin?" Rolling my eyes back to look up at him.

  "She hasn't called you a ‘cunt muffin’ yet... Just wait. Here soon you’ll be ready to put a pillow over her head until the noise stops." The hot cup of coffee he pushes my way is just how I like it, two sugars and a cream. Cole, me, and the other Sons of Fortune have grown up together. We might as well be real brothers; we are the oldest sons of the Saupoudrer crime syndicate. We have to have a strong bond when it comes time for us to step up to lead.

  "Hold, we don't know her story. Just give her the benefit of the doubt. She might have had her reasons to run. She is easy on the eyes. So that's a plus." I can’t help but shake my head. “Leave it to you to get pulled in by a pretty face. Okay, I'll cut her some slack. Just watch and see if she cuts us any slack. I'm fairly sure she hates men in general." I can't help but wonder why that is. I'm also wondering where her boyfriend is. I'm sure he'll show himself sooner or later.

  "Let's make a good impression. Never know, she might stay and take Old Man’s seat at the table." Cole, always the optimist. That's laughable. She isn't cut out for the life that would come with that position. "We’ll worry about today first, okay? She might not even make it a week." It would be nice to have a woman at the table, but I don't see that happening.

  Chapter Three: Ayida

  Fuck my life! Hot guys are buzzing around like flies, and I swore to keep my legs together till I got my shit straightened out. Dad is talking, but it's so hard to concentrate when the blond Olympian is sitting in the office across from us. I can see through the window he is leaned back in the seat with his feet kicked up on a desk, eyes closed, but still talking to the tattooed bear of a man. How is that much big dick energy in the same room together? It's like the universe’s personal “fuck you” right in my face. I remember the blondes name... Holder.

  Doesn't matter, I will just call him “sex-on-a-stick”. Blond shaggy hair. Tallish, built like a runner. You can see long muscles under his tight jeans. Defined muscles, coming from under his shirt sleeves. A definite asshole but nothing I can't handle. He doesn't smile much. His honey colored eyes tell a lot though.

  I let my eyes wander next to the beast. I have no clue who he is, but I'll call him “Sir”! Like in- “Yes Sir, you can bend me over the desk.” Gottdamn this man is huge. He is easily 2 to 3 inches taller than Holder. His dark thick hair is cut short on the sides and long on top. Plenty left to hold his head down between my legs. He has tattoos covering both arms, and I can't help but wonder if he has anymore. He is all broad shoulders and thick thighs. Not body builder defined, more like he has seen a lot of hard work. He has a nice beard- dark and thick. I can imagine my cum dripping from it when I'm finally done riding his face.

  I completely missed what dad was saying. I guess I need to pay more attention. "Schatzi? Did you hear anything, or are you too busy dick dreaming?"

  Damn his scary good observation skills. "Yep, sure. Heard it all... So, what we gonna do now?"

  He sighs and levels a, “I know your bullshit,” look my way. "Well, if you wouldn't have been stuck staring at the boys, you would have heard me say, you'll be shadowing Cole. He is the only one that ‘works’ here. The other Sons have different business ventures they are in on." Hmmm, so Sir’s name is Cole. I can see that. He looks like a Cole. "Go ahead and head over to his office. He'll get you started on the computer." Fine by me. More time with the man-candy.

  Knocking on the door I hear a muffled, “Come in.” Two sets of eyes settle on me. It's a little unnerving. I considered myself a wee bit of a badass, but I also talk a big game as far as sex goes. I've been with a few guys, but my last relationship was anything but fun times. I've had dreams of being with more than one guy, but that fantasy was never gonna happen.

  Now, I feel like my future might just be changing right before my eyes. "Hey, I'm Cole! You must be Ayida. How's it going?" Damn, his voice is like whiskey. Shocking in the heat, but a smooth finish that makes you come back for more. He is giving me this di
sarming smile and it's fucking beautiful. He is what I imagine the definition of a real man is. All smoky sex appeal wrapped in tattoos and tan skin. I have a feeling, "Yes sir," is going to be a big part of my vocabulary very soon.

  "I'm fine. Need some coffee...all the coffee. Death before decaf!" I might be drooling, watching the cup moving to Holder’s mouth.

  "That I can do! You want cream or French vanilla?"

  "Black, please. I need the hot blackness to restore my graying soul." He looks at me skeptically but shrugs and leaves to get me a cup...or 3.

  I can feel Holder’s eyes on me. "I didn't realize you had tats and everything." He does a very vague hand wave to my face. Why do people always do that? Gesture to your whole person, like it's offensive. That's another reason I didn't fit in the little Tennessee town I ran from. There, little old ladies at the Lucky's Grocery would always turn their lips up sneering, look at me up and down and just shake their heads. Fucking Jurassic bitches.

  "Yep. You were probably too busy judging everything else about me." He is still studying my arms, neck, and face.

  "I was busy watching you do a stripper move on the front steps. Also, your creative cursing was a little distracting, as well as your charming personality. I do like the ink though. Does any of it mean anything?"

  I'm a little shocked he seems interested. Most guys don't like all the colorful images running down my arms and up my neck. "I mean, they all mean something to me. I have one in memory of my mom here." I point to the fairy holding a rose on my forearm. "I have some of my favorite things, things that remind me of the good and bad times. I have some covering my scars. Either way, I love them all." I take the time to admire my comic book symbols, hearts, flowers, food, characters, and just a plethora of colors. The story of my long 24 years.

  "They are beautiful. I don't have any myself, but you probably saw Cole has enough for both of us. What about the face jewelry? Is it all real?"

  "Do you really think I got all this ink just to puss out on the piercings?" I pull on my Medusa, above my lip, and stick my tongue out. "I have other ones also." Rubbing the bar around my lips, displaying my tongue ring, and giving him the side-eye.

  "I bet you do. You don't seem like the kind of girl that does stuff half ass." He is smiling this time. Damn, it's pretty like the rest of him.

  The door opens with a creak; Cole is pushing it with his firm round ass. Damn, I just want a little touch, lick, bite... Anything! Get a hold of yourself! You are a strong independent woman! You don't need a firm, tight tush. Ahhh, stop being a slut, brain. Cole is staring at me like I had a stroke. To his credit, I probably look like I did. Ya know inner monologue going wild.

  "Everything copacetic in here?" His eyes darting between Holder and me.

  "Yep, just talking ink and needles. Princess here has more piercings than what you can see with clothes on." He just has to ruin our vibe with his sexist nickname. I look over at Cole, he is looking at my tits like he can see through my shirt; maybe he can, mine are pierced after all. Nipples are always a mind fuck.

  "If you're going to start nicknames, I would much prefer bitch, slut, cunt, heifer... really anything other than princess or other girly names."

  He is smiling again, but this is a shit-eating grin. "Heifer? Care to explain?" I roll my eyes.

  "You know, stubborn, hard-headed, chunky girl. Will run you over if provoked or for food."

  Cole is actually laughing now. Holder is just looking at his lap, shaking his head, but I do see a small upturn of his lips. "Thick is what I would call you. Curvy... Luscious, but yeah, hard-headed fits too." I'm in complete shock, and that doesn't happen often.

  Holder is grinning, but not at me. His gaze is on Cole. Cole's eyes are on my jean-clad legs. Roaming up and down, examining the rips and tears. Finally, he passes me my huge thermos of piping hot coffee. “Mmmm!” I may have just moaned out loud as I feel the heat in my hands, and that first sip bringing new life to my body. It's almost like shaking the dust from my spirit. Yep, definitely moaned as I notice Holder staring at my lips, and Cole adjusting a not so inconspicuous bulge in his pants. Seriously, is that dude huge everywhere?

  Clearing his throat, Cole refocuses, "So let's get down to business. I'm guessing you have basic computer skills?"

  Two hours later, I'm stiff and ready to get up and move around. I already knew about title work from helping Old Man when I was a teenager over the summers. I have a good idea about the financial systems too. Cole showed me how to keep up with inventory, what was out for repairs, what was a trade-in, and what all his notes meant.

  The biggest thing about laundering money is that the cover business has to be authentic. Luckily, it is, and that was what we mostly went through. I think Old Man just wants to keep me as an office clerk and not show me the real dark side of everything. But that’s no longer my reality if I want my new life to work. He is still trying to shelter me like Momma wanted. Problem with that was, I had been so sheltered I didn't know the devil until he was standing over me with hate in his eyes and his hands in fists. It could have gone two ways. One, I could have stayed down and maybe ended up dead, or two let the real evil take a piece of me and my humanity. So, when I finally beat my ex bloody, I laughed about it and felt pure pleasure while the droplets hit my face, thus confirming I chose the latter way.

  Dad did what he thought was best for me growing up but sheltering me can only go so far when I’m destined for the dark side in this Family. It’s time to put up or shut up. Besides, now I like the black, dirty, shadows, and plan on staying there. Time to make friends with my inner monsters and have some fun.

  Standing up from the office chair and stretching. I've finished three thermoses of coffee and have to pee NOW. Pushing past the guys beside me, I head to the restroom.

  After washing my hands, I push through the door just to run face first into a hard chest. "What the fuck? My nose..." I trail off as my eyes take in the bright green set opposite from me. Green pastures after a spring rain. I just want to roll around in… with him. I back up and take in the rest of him. His smile is broad and framed by full lips. Hair the color of blood after it's started to dry. A deep rusty red, spiked up on top. He isn't overly tall. My nose is at his sternum. I could just lean up and lick the sensitive skin at the base of his throat. No! Stop it! Control your vajayjay! I step back a bit more. He is still smiling at me and it is fucking adorable. I swear to God I am smitten at first glance. This dude is certifiably lickable. Deep breaths Ayida, deep breaths.

  "Hi! I'm Fletcher, but you, precious, can call me Fletch." He steps forward into my personal space beaming at me.

  "I'm Ayida, Ayida Underhill. Sorry about breaking my nose on you." Why didn't I correct the nickname? Because he is damn squeezable and has dimples. Those damn gorgeous dimples could easily be the death of me, so he gets a pass this time. I mean, I did try to tackle him.

  "Oh, your Old Man's girl. What is it he calls you?" He looks me over like he is looking for a clue. You can see when it clicks. “Schatzi! It means sweetheart, right?"

  Here we go… "Yeah, we had an agreement he could call me a girl name if it were in a different language, so it didn't sound so girly."

  He takes another step closer, pushing me back towards the door. "I like that. Are you really sweet, though? I mean, I bet you taste sweet, but you look like you carry some attitude around." He licks his lips, and I squeeze my thighs together.

  Damn it. It's been a long time since I had someone make me wet, with or without touching. I'm fucking soaked now. This man doesn't know what he's starting. I will screw him six ways from Sunday. I made a promise to get my shit together and finish business before getting involved with anyone, but getting orgasms doesn't mean being involved, does it? I could do “no strings attached” after the history I've had. I shake my head and smile sweetly at him. I move my hand up his chest and quickly slide to the side, away from him and his panty soaking eyes, mouth, dimples, body. Damn. I walk back to the office without looking bac

  Chapter Four: Fletcher

  Struck. I don't know how else to put it. Her hair reminds me of lightning, and that's precisely what she has done—struck me with a force that has me standing in the hallway, with a still hardening dick, watching her walk away. Her ass is round and thick. I imagine it would bounce really good while she was bent over, with me pounding into her. I would totally eat her pussy from the back just so I could see her ass jiggle when she came on my face.

  Okay, I have to stop before I end up with a wet spot on my pants. I adjust myself and head in the direction she went. Not because I'm looking for her. I'm looking for my brother. I mean, I wouldn't be upset if she ran into me again. Holder is supposed to be here. I don't know why, but that's what his sister said when I went by his house. She had started living with him when she dropped out of school, and their parents were giving her a hard time. That's Holder for you, though. He loves his sister.

  I see the shaggy blond hair through the window of Cole’s office. I should have known he would be here hanging out, helping Cole. What I didn't expect was the wild-looking Ayida sitting between them when I walked in.

  She’s trying to talk her way out of more work. Girl after my own heart. "Please! I've done what you said. Can I please just get lunch? I have other stuff I'm working on." She is so beautiful and using her looks to get her way with the guys. Bottom lip stuck out, and her head tilted down so her eyes look more prominent and innocent. She is a wolf in sheep's clothing, and she is going to be the end of us. Looks like fun, though.


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