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Reborn in Blue

Page 5

by M J Knight

  Ayida is on the wrap around porch signaling us in with a broad smile and waving arm before we have even parked. She doesn't look like a guest. She looks like she belongs here. She is relaxed with her makeup washed off and her hair up in a messy lopsided bun. She takes off back inside, leaving the door wide open for us. Music is pouring out of the open door and windows. It has a heavy 70s vibe with a good rhythm.

  I feel a weight lift off me as I walk up the steps and through the front door. Ayida is dancing around Clint, who is sitting on the couch watching ESPN. I don't know how he can concentrate when she is dancing circles around him swaying her hips and giggling like she is high. Hell, she might be. Clint uses weed to help with his PTSD. It couldn't hurt.

  I'm mesmerized when she comes skipping up to me. She is the happiest I've seen her all day. "You want to dance? Clint said he has two left feet. I need a partner." She is pouting in the cutest fucking way. I hate dancing, but I can't tell her no. I don't think I could ever tell her no. She could ask for my heart with those pouty lips and I would pull a “kali ma shakti de” right then and there. Damn I love Indiana Jones.

  "Sure… let's see what you got Baby Blue."

  Chapter Ten: Ayida

  I had a pretty fucked up day. It started off bad and then got worse. Now it is looking up. Clint took control and brought me to his heaven on earth. He said it wasn't much, but this place is gorgeous. I would be okay to never leave… He put on Fortnite, one of the few games I know and let me play around, laugh and just forget for a while. It was just what I needed. He is a special guy for sure. Then he let me know Cole and Fletch were coming over for dinner. I got a little antsy and nervous. To my utter amazement he pulled out a bong from his closet and passed it my way. Now I'm feeling pretty damn good. It's easier to be fun and carefree when you're stoned. Marijuana is not a real drug to me. It's a way to cope with my past. I think it should be legal to help everyone that needs it. My ex is a meth head. Totally different breed than a stoner. A hell of a lot meaner.

  Cole spins me and dips me. Makes me feel like a real princess. I didn't see this big tattooed up guy being this graceful and sweet. He flirted at the RV lot, but that's not unusual for me with tattooed guys. I figured he would be a little more standoffish or guarded, but right now he is open and smiling. Skipping around the huge living room and pulling me along with him like a big kid. He is not what I thought. I have to stop judging a book by its cover.

  "Dancing is fun, but I think I need to eat. What are we having?" What can I say? I love food.

  "We have catfish in the fridge that we just caught this week. Do you know how to make anything?" I know Clint means well, but that just hurt. You can't have my thick ass without knowing how to throw down in the kitchen.

  Looking in the fridge I find what I need. "I'll make the coleslaw and fries. Sound good to you, boys?" Cole and Fletch barely nod their heads while trying to kill each other in Mortal Kombat. Men and their toys.

  I don't know if I've ever been so turned on while chopping veggies before. Clint decided he needed to take his shirt off so not to get flour on it before he started battering his fish. I use the back of my hand to keep the drool in check. Trying not to cut off my fingers while sneaking peeks at his sculpted back and ass. Damn this man is FINE. I want to lick up his spine starting at the base where his wing tattoos start. I'm not sure if they are angel or demon wings, but they frame his muscular back well. The black ink is like a shadow accentuating the curves and plains. I catch his eyes glancing over his shoulder. Fuck he knows I was watching him like a horny stalker.

  I jump back to my task. I drop my cut potatoes in the hot oil and start on my cabbage when I feel a warm breath on my neck. My first response is to take my knife and slide it backwards into the soft meat between the ribs, but then his rough whisper reminds me I'm not in danger. "Baby Blue, I'm not going to hurt you. I'm just checking your skills out." I relax, but not completely. It's hard to focus when I can feel his hard body just behind me.

  "You sure it's my cutting skills you're watching or is it what’s down my shirt? ‘Because you seem a little close to really appreciate my knife work." I can feel the chuckle before I hear it.

  "You caught me. I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. They are just right there and it's hard to find a girl with curves like you." He murmurs in my ear before going back to his task.

  It takes a lot for me to get flustered, but something about this big man makes me red and hot all over. He doesn't need to know I want to ride him like a rollercoaster though. He knows he is sexy and that makes it even worse. I love a confident man. He isn't as tatted up as Cole, but he has some ink. The wings on his back, a few words on his ribs. What really catches my eye is a strange tribal style tattoo that starts on his hip and works its way down under his low-slung sweats. I wonder where else that tattoo might travel. My mind slips into dirty mode as I imagine what his hard cock would feel like pressed up against my ass as I stand against the counter. Wondering if it is long and curved or short and wide. I'm getting wet just imagining what he would do if I were to grab him through his pants right now.

  Swimming in my lust drunk mind I don't realize my fries are burning until I hear Clint curse. "Fuck, I'm so sorry!" I jump to move the pot off the stove and splash hot oil over my hand. The pain is instant searing heat that feels like the skin is bubbling off. "Shit-muthafucka-damn!" I'm not creative when I'm in pain.

  "Baby Blue, let me see." Clint is looming over me with worried eyes. Reaching out to cradle my hands in his huge calloused ones, he gently pulls my unmarred hand off of the burnt one. "Cole, Fletch? Go get my first aid kit!" I'm surprised how loud he can be after he had been so gentle all day.

  Leading me to the sink, he runs cold water over the burnt flesh. Instant relief. "I don't know if anyone has told you, but it's a good idea not to let your mind wander while cooking. Even if it's because you're surrounded by all this sexiness." I almost choke on my laugh.

  "Full of yourself, aren’t we?" He has one sexy smirk that's for sure. Looking up I notice his eyes are on my lips. I can't stop myself. It's like my body is overriding my brain. I step closer pushing my chest flush against his. I bury my nose in the dip at the bottom of his throat. Inhaling his cinnamon scent with a moan. I feel his free hand run up my arm slowly. I'm guessing he doesn't want another incident like earlier today.

  My tongue flicks out on its own accord. Tasting the warm salty skin of his throat. I want to taste every inch of him. Hearing the hitch in his breathing makes me smile. After years of being forced to do things, I like being the one leading… for now. I trail my nose up his throat, having to stretch on my tiptoes to reach the helix of his ear. I run the ball of my tongue ring over the sensitive skin. His whole body does a little shiver when I blow on the wetness I left behind. His hand has slid down my side and rests gently on my hip. His fingers kneading the skin softly. I want to touch all of him. Feel his hard body pressed against my soft one. I feel his hardness through his sweats brushing against my stomach. I'm happy to know I'm affecting him the same way he is me.

  If he reached down my pants right now, he would come back with a soaked hand. It's been quite a while since I've been this turned on and I have no intention of stopping now. I deserve this after all the bad. A woman should know what a real man feels like. Even if it's just one time. I run my fingers through his soft hair. Massaging his scalp as I pepper kisses over his stubbled jaw and chin. I work up to the corner of his mouth when I finally glance up. Looking at him through my lashes, I can see his stormy blue eyes. He looks hungry, but not for the food we have been working on. I can feel his body tense. I keep my eyes locked with his as I trail the tip of my tongue over his bottom lip. Daring him to take control. Just seeing how far I can push before he loses it.

  I'm surprised when he lets me do whatever I want. I nibble his bottom lip and rub my hand over his collarbone and down his chiseled chest and muscled stomach. Stopping at his pants. I glance back up to find he has his eyes closed tightly. He is letting
me have all the control and not pushing my boundaries. I think it's time for him to get to explore some. I kiss his lips lightly before taking his bottom lip between my teeth and sucking. When he opens his eyes, I tilt my head giving him access to my throat. Giving him my trust, but cautiously. His eyes light up and his hands climb up my back to press me even tighter to his chest. I feel his hot lips press to my pulse point and his tongue flicks out to taste. BAM! The first aid kit hits the counter beside us.

  "What the fuck, dude?" Fletcher and Cole are back from the basement. "You get her over here, are supposed to take care of her, and you take advantage of her while she's hurt?" Cole's face is red with rage. Honestly, I had completely forgotten the pain with the pleasure pulsing in my clit. Sex is a great pain killer… too bad I didn't get that far. So damn close… fucking cock blocking men!

  "I was not taking advantage of anyone! Baby Blue here took it upon herself to rub on me. Not that I minded one damn bit, but y'all should know me better than to think I would do anything she didn't want to do." Clint is fuming now… I guess I'll have to be the referee here.

  "Clint isn't lying. I did start everything. I'm sorry to him and to y'all. It's been a long day and my hormones are everywhere. Clint has been so sweet and gentle with me today. I was just enjoying this new kind of attention. I'm sorry for getting in the middle of all this. I'll just head back to Old Man's." I never wanted to get between them. I was just having fun for once. I hate that I messed up the few friends I was making. That's just what’s happening though.

  I'm about to walk out the kitchen door when Cole puts his hands out in front of him stopping me. "Ayida. We're not mad with you or him. It was just a shock. Please stay." He means it. Fletcher and Clint are nodding along in agreement.

  "Well, we were almost done with cooking. I guess I could stay for dinner. As long as y'all are okay with it?" Everyone nods again in unison.

  "Can we get your hand fixed up first?" Cole asks from the door. His cheeks stained pink. I'm surprised he is a blusher.

  "Thank you. It's starting to throb a little."

  Dinner was uneventful. The guys mostly ate in silence after patching up my hand with burn cream and a bandage. If anything, it was awkward. The exact thing I didn't want. "So… What is on the agenda tomorrow?" Did I mention I suck at small talk?

  "I guess teaching you more about the business. Maybe take you to the bank and get you put on Old Man's accounts. That's important for the days he decides not to show up to the office door." At least Cole is trying.

  "Is this really what we're going to talk about?" I look up to see Clint's narrowed blue eyes looking back and forth between all of us.

  "What would you like to talk about, brother?" Fletcher says flippantly. He is trying to aggravate Clint and not hiding it at all.

  "Hmmm, maybe how it's none of your business what Ayida does or with whom she does it with?" Tension is rolling off Clint in waves. I'm starting to get nerves building up in my stomach. I might be a badass bitch but arguing makes me anxious. Nothing good ever comes from verbal fighting either. I think Clint can sense my anxiety next to him. Taking a deep breath, he relaxes into his chair and lays his hand on top of mine. "I just mean she shouldn't feel ashamed for anything she does or doesn’t do."

  Clearing his throat, Cole turns in my direction. "Ayida, you can do whatever you want with whomever you want. We have just met you, and have no claim to you, and should not, and will not judge your decisions. If you like Clint, go for it… if not that's fine too. We are not some backwoods, hillbilly, rednecks that think a woman belongs to a man. We might be criminals, but we aren't sexist." I'm pretty shocked by the openness of his statement. I didn't think they were sexist… assholes maybe, but not sexist. Holder is a different issue all together.

  These guys are trying to protect me from something I don’t need protection from. If anything, they need protection from me. I have a dark spot on my soul, and I can feel it growing daily. It will suck in everyone around me eventually. "Well since we're being honest, and everyone is a feminist here. I like all of y'all. Clint was just the one in touching distance when ‘la chatte’ went all needy and drippy." Cole is bright pink while the other two are choking on laughter.

  "That's definitely a first for me. Glad to know I was just a body to rub on." Clint's eyes sparkle with mischief. Okay so not totally true. I do like all three of them, but Clint and I… we click. Who knows, I might click with all them if I get some alone time. They definitely are not lacking in the looks department.

  "Okay so you have a thing for all of us. What are we supposed to do with that information? Draw straws?" For being a party boy, Fletcher is sure killing the vibe.

  "I don't know, that's up to y'all. I'm not settling down to one person anytime soon. I just got my freedom back and I'm living life to the fullest. If you can't handle that, I'll just cross you off my list of must do's. Cole, you want me to cross you off also or are you cool?" I was expecting to be told “hell no” with all his cute blushing, but to my utter surprise he meets my eyes with confidence.

  "I don't mind sharing Blue. I know what I bring to the table." Leaving me with a panty melting smile before returning to his fish. Clint just squeezes my hand and digs into his food. I look up to Fletcher, whose mouth is hanging open, eyes darting back and forth to his friend’s heads. His green eyes land on mine.

  "Okay so they are cool with sharing apparently. I don't know how to feel about it. I guess I could give it a try. I just don’t know what Holder will say to all this." Like I could give two flying fucks what Holder thinks about anything.

  "Do y'all have to say anything? He is not my biggest fan if y'all haven't noticed." He is their best friend and I don't want to get between them, but I also don't want him to ruin the first bit of fun I've had in almost a decade.

  "He is basically our brother. We don't keep secrets. That doesn't mean he gets a say in what we do with our free time." Clint doesn't even look up. He is stuffing his face. I think we have an eager beaver on our hands. Now that he has the go ahead, I imagine he'll want to get back to our earlier position as quickly as possible.

  "So, how are we going to do this? Timetable of who gets you and when?" Fletcher needs a drink or three.

  "Dude, who says we can't share time also? I mean if Baby Blue is good with that too?" Cole is just full of surprises tonight. All heads turn in my direction. No pressure or anything.

  "Well, I've never thought much about it. I've never even been on a double date. Hell, you only live once. I can do anything I want, and I want to try everything." Smirks all around. That sounded dirtier than it was meant, and they definitely let their imaginations run with it. "Y'all know what I mean!" Their chuckles warm my heart. It's nice being around nice guys. I feel accepted and like part of the group.

  "If everyone is done with dinner, we could go to the movie room and proceed with our first group date?" Clint’s wink directed at me makes my belly flutter.

  I hope I can handle all this sexiness after all.

  Chapter Eleven: Fletcher

  I don't know how this even got started. I knew I liked Ayida as soon as she slammed into me at the office, but I was thinking just a little fun. Not a four-way date with my best friends. I'm not saying this isn't fun. Watching a movie and laughing with the neon haired goddess has been a blast. Me and the guys have taken turns seeing who could get her more flustered. So far Cole is a lot better than I thought he would be. He knows exactly what to say to make her squirm. I don't know if I'm ready for the feelings she is causing deep in my chest. Oh well, I'll enjoy the fun and worry about the rest later. It's my time to get Blue to turn pink and shifty. "Baby Blue, how about you come sit with me since these assholes want to tease you so much?"

  Her smile lights up her face as she sways her hips walking towards my side of the sectional. The room is dark and warm. The only light is the movie playing in the background. No one is paying it any attention. We have all eyes on her. Stunning. It's almost impossible to breathe when she gets
close to me. Her hair smells like chocolate and the heady red wine she was drinking at dinner. I wonder what she smells like between her legs. Other men lie and say women smell like peaches or something equally strange. Women smell like earth. Like dampness and heat. That's what women are when they want you though, hot and wet.

  Ayida goes to sit beside me and I snag her hips at the last second depositing her on my lap. Her soft round ass putting pressure on my already tightening pants. Her breath hitches in her chest. I hope I haven't crossed an unseen boundary. She starts to relax, slowly sinking back into my chest. Wrapping my arms around her I rest my hands on her thighs. I look over her shoulder and see my brothers watching every move she makes. Completely enthralled with her body.

  "You okay, Blue?" Whispering in her ear so she isn't put on the spot.

  "I'm okay. Just a little nervous." She turns her head slightly so I can see her full lips as she whispers back.

  "If you ever want to stop just say it. You're in complete control even when we're the ones it seems controlling you. No means no, and we won't cross that line." I kiss behind her ear and earn a shiver.

  "Okay just remember I'm still new to all this." She is giving us her trust and we will respect it no matter what.

  "We are too, Blue. We'll take care of you. Don't worry, Baby Girl. We'll make sure you have the fun you want."

  I use my legs under hers to spread her wide as my hands massage her thighs and hips. Kissing her throat as she lets little moans slip through her beautiful full lips. My hands migrate upwards rubbing under her shirt across the softly rounded plains of her stomach. I move my lips to the shell of her ear, nipping and licking while my hands roam further up. I'm giving her plenty of time to change her mind. So far, I think she is good with everything, if her sounds are any indication. I use one hand to turn her face toward me so I can kiss the corner of her delicious mouth.


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