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Stalk You Later

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by Amanda Lawrence Auverigne

  Stalk You Later: A Collection of Horror Fiction

  Amanda Lawrence Auverigne

  Published by Amanda Lawrence Auverigne, 2015.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. April 23, 2015.

  Copyright © 2015 Amanda Lawrence Auverigne.

  ISBN: 978-1513058153

  Written by Amanda Lawrence Auverigne.

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  Turn on the Light

  Tara and Melanie Love Snacks

  The Scratching Under the Floor

  Stalk You Later

  The Lonesome Teddy Bear

  The Creep Across the Street

  Never Leave Me Again

  Turn on the Light

  “That movie was tons of scary,” Mary said. She rose from the couch with a loud yawn and an exaggerated stretch.

  “Yeah it was scary,” I said. I was sitting on the couch with my knees folded up against my chest. I was hugging my legs and watching the credits roll across the black TV screen while rocking my body back and forth.

  Mary looked at me. She moved to the couch and sat beside me. “Lacey. Um. You’re not still scared are you? I mean you do know that the whole serial killer thing in the movie was like totally made up make believe right?”

  I dropped my hands from my legs and turned to Mary. “Of course I know it was make believe.”

  “Good! Cause for a minute there I thought you were going to go all mental on me. Just like you did when we saw Chainsaw Brothers 5 when we had that sleepover in fifth grade. That was so funny when you almost called the cops when you heard some noises downstairs and it was just the TV! Ha! Ha!” Mary laughed.

  “That was like forever ago Mary and I totally knew that it was the TV making all of that noise. Well I found out that it was the TV after I went downstairs and checked it out,” I said.

  Mary laughed harder and said, “Yeah after you took my baseball bat and went downstairs!”

  “Okay okay can we drop this topic now? You know I’m not good with scary movies,” I said. I grabbed the remote and turned off the DVD.

  The TV screen turned blue. I pressed the remote and stopped when I saw a pair of dancing puppets on the screen.

  “I hate puppets,” Mary said with a shiver.

  “Me too,” I said.

  “I really hate it when they come to life when you sleep and run around the house!” Mary yelled. She pinched my belly. “Don’t you hate that too?”

  “Stop talking about that kind of stuff,” I said. I changed the channel and stopped when I saw an old cartoon of a dancing old man with a long beard.

  “I’m just teasing you. I love horror movies and we’re besties should you should like love them too,” Mary said.

  “I don’t like horror movies. And I don’t know why I agreed to watch that movie with you. That crazy serial killer doctor guy. And all of that blood and screaming. Ugh! I’m going to have nightmares for sure.”

  “No you can’t sleep with my bat,” Mary said.

  “Shut up Mary,” I said.

  Mary giggled and her laugh ended with a yawn.

  “I’m so tired,” Mary said.

  “I’m not, “ I said. “Because a certain person wanted to watch a certain slash fest I’m like wide awake right now. I know I won’t be able to sleep. I’m just going to keep seeing that killer doctor and his bloody labcoat all night.”

  “That movie was just make believe. All of the doctors in this city are nicey,” Mary said.

  I looked at Mary and said, “Have you met all of them?”

  Mary turned to me and she pinched the fat on my side.

  “Ow!” I shouted. I pinched her cheek and eased away from her on the couch a few inches.

  Mary rubbed her cheek and said, “I’m too tired to fight back. I’m going to go to bed. I’m going to check the doors and set the alarm okay? Alright.”

  “What? You’re not going to bed yet are you?” I asked.


  “Why its still like early and stuff.”

  “Lacey its like...1:30 in the morning and I totally need to get some sleep if we’re hitting the mall tomorrow morning for that sale that we’ve been waiting all summer for.”

  “Oh yeah that sale but hey don’t go to bed yet. Let’s just stay up for a little while and have some stuff to eat.”

  “I’ve had enough snacks thanks and come on. I promised my Mom and Dad before they left for their trip that we’d at least try to be in bed before 2:00. And they’re not here and I’m like trying to be responsible.”

  “Fine you go to bed and be all responsible. I’m just going to stay up for a little while longer,” I said.

  I looked at the TV and flipped the channels. “I’m going to watch the Animal Channel and look at some puppies or something before I got to bed.”

  “Alright well I’m turning in. Don’t worry Lacey. If you’re too scared I’ll keep the night light on in my room,” Mary laughed.

  “I don’t need your freaking night light,” I said.

  “I dunno. My room gets pretty dark. Ha! Ha! Ha!” Mary laughed.

  “Ha ha that isn’t funny, I don’t need your baby night light and just go to bed,” I said.

  “Okay night,” Mary said. She left the living room. I heard the click of the front door locks right before I heard Mary run up the stairs and run to her room.

  “Who needs a baby night light anyway?” I asked.

  I got comfortable on the couch and watched a few programs about baby animals.

  After awhile, I started to forget all of the murder and mayhem in that slasher film that Mary and I had watched before.

  Soon, I started to get sleepy.

  I turned off the TV and left the living room. I checked the lock on the front door.

  The door was unlocked.

  “That’s funny. I thought I heard Mary lock it,” I said. “Oh well.”

  I locked the door and peeked outside.

  The street was dark and empty.

  “Okay then,” I said. I turned from the door and went into the kitchen. I turned on the light and went to the fridge. I got a bottled soda and an apple and closed the door. I ate my snack in front of the counter. I cleaned up and left the kitchen but before I turned off the light I stopped and looked at the knife rack.

  I remembered several gory kills from the slasher movie I had just watched.

  “Great memories, “ I said. I turned off the light and I heard a thump from upstairs.

  I looked up the ceiling.

  The noise sounded like it came from Mary’s room.

  “Mary?” I said. I left the kitchen and walked through the house.

  I heard a door slam upstairs.

  I went to the stairs and ran up the steps. I walked through the hall and stopped in front of Mary’s room.

  The door to her bedroom was shut.

  I knocked on the door.

  “Mary?” I said.

  I didn’t hear anything.

  I opened the door and looked inside of her room.

  I couldn’t see a thing because the room was pitch black.

  I felt along the wall and slapped at the lightswitch.

  The lights came on and the bright light nearly blinded me.

  I heard a scream.r />
  I took a few steps forward. I stopped. I blinked a few times and looked across the room.

  Mary was sitting up on her bed and she was covering her face with her hands while she bawled like a kid.

  “Turn that light off its too bright!” Mary shouted.

  “Oh sorry,” I said. “I’ll turn it off.”

  I turned around and looked at the door.

  A tall man was standing in front of the door. He was wearing a white doctor’s lab coat and a green surgical mask.

  A stethoscope with barbed wire was around his neck. He was holding a bloody meat cleaver.

  “Don’t worry about the light Lacey. I’ll turn it out,” the man said.

  He turned off the light.

  The room became dark.

  Tara and Melanie Love Snacks

  Tara and Melanie both waved at the webcam that was attached to the laptop computer that had been placed on a rickety metal table a few feet away from them.

  "Hiyeeeeeeeee!" Tara and Melanie said in unison.

  "And welcome to our show!" they said.

  Tara leaned forward and she grinned, "I'm Tara!"

  Melanie clapped. She stopped and said, "I'm Melanie!"

  Tara and Melanie giggled and said, "And we both LOVE SNACKS!"

  "Thanks to all of our viewers for watching our show!" Tara said.

  "We love you all and we really appreciate your support!" Melanie said.

  "Yes. Now the last show we did we opened up and sampled some delish snacks from a company called..." Tara said.

  Melanie turned around and she snatched a box from the floor near her. She lifted the box and shook it in front of the camera.

  "Delicious Box Snax!" Melanie and Tara shouted.

  "And the snacks in that one were absolutely to die!" Melanie said.

  "Yes. I'm still fangirling over those sweet and sour sunflower seeds!" Tara said.

  "Yes," Melanie said. "And those Hot and Spicy Dried Pineapple slices were good too. And those chocolate chip cookies..."

  Tara and Melanie both gasped.

  "They were just freaking awesome!" Tara and Melanie both said.

  The two young ladies laughed.

  "We'd like to give a special thanks to the Delicious Box Snax company for letting us sample your treats so like..." Tara said.

  Tara and Melanie moved closer together. They waved at the camera and said, "Thank You!"

  "Now this week a new subscriber snack company has sent us some treats," Melanie said. "And they sent us a really big box too. Its right behind us!" Tara said.

  Melanie and Tara moved to the side and she pointed at a long table that had been placed behind them.

  Two white cardboard boxes rested on the table.

  Both of the boxes were rectangular in shape.

  One of the containers was large and the other was small.

  Tara raised a sheet of paper in her grasp and she looked at it.

  "Now this company is called the Undead Company Limited," Tara said. She and Melanie looked at each other before they focused on the camera.

  "Ooooooooooooh," Tara and Melanie said.

  "I've never heard of this company," Melanie said.

  "Me neither but I'm sure their treats will be really yummy," Tara said. She looked at the paper. "It says here that they specialize in the undead. It says we provide treats for the diehard zombie enthusiast. And look at some of this stuff they're offering. Undead cake. Undead fingers. Wow."

  Tara looked at Melanie. "Its like a zombie thing."

  Melanie looked at Tara. She nodded and said, "Yeah with all of the zombie movies and that popular zombie show I can see why this would be like really popular."

  "Me too!" Tara said.

  "Well. Let's see what's in the box. I mean whoops. Boxes!" Melanie said.

  "Yeah let's see!" Tara said.

  Melanie jumped up from her chair and she grabbed the laptop and webcam.

  Tara rose from her seat and she moved to the table.

  Melanie stopped at a small wooden table near the long one. She placed the laptop and camera on the wooden furnishing. She looked at the screen and made the okay signal with her hand before she joined Tara.

  Tara was still holding the paper.

  "Now it says that we should open the smaller box first," Tara said.

  "Okay, Melanie said.

  Tara placed the paper on the table. She grabbed the smaller box and she opened it.

  Two items wrapped in plastic lay inside of the box.

  "Oh there's two things in here," Tara said. She grabbed one and unwrapped it.

  "One for each of us," Melanie said. She grabbed the other plastic wrapped item and pulled the covering.

  "What is this?" Tara asked.

  "Huh? Is this? Is this real?" Melanie asked.

  Tara looked at the shiny silver meat cleaver in her hand. She raised her sight from the metal tool and she looked at Melanie.

  Melanie was holding a small black handgun.

  Tara and Melanie looked at each other.

  They laughed nervously.

  "Its just a toy. Obviously," Melanie said.

  "Yeah obviously," Tara said.

  Melanie and Tara looked at the webcam.

  "Its just a joke," Tara said.

  "Yeah. It's all part of the fun," Melanie said.

  Melanie and Tara looked at each other.

  "So should we open the big box?" Tara asked.

  Melanie looked at the box. "I don't think I want to."

  The large box shook.

  Tara and Melanie cried out at the same time. They both took a simultaneous step back away from the table.

  The box shook again just before the thing exploded outwards.

  A tall half rotted zombie leaped from the interior of the box.

  The top part of the zombie's body was wrapped in a tight sheathe of plastic.

  One of its legs was gone and it stood unsteadily on its remaining leg.

  Its skin was green and oozing with foul slime.

  It looked at Tara and hissed.

  Tara and Melanie were speechless.

  The zombie's left arm burst from the confines of the plastic and it growled before it leaped off of the table and leaped to Tara.

  Tara screamed as the creature slammed into her.

  Tara lost her balance and she fell to the floor. She landed on the floor atop her back.

  The zombie fell on top of her.

  The undead thing grabbed Tara's neck and it bit her left shoulder.

  Tara screamed and she hacked at the thing's neck with her cleaver.

  The zombie rose up and it pulled a thick chunk of flesh from Tara's shoulder.

  The deafening pop of a gunshot echoed in the room.

  A small hole appeared in the zombie's forehead.

  Black fluid gushed from the hole.

  The zombie fell to the floor and it landed on the floor at Tara's side.

  Melanie held the gun in her shaking hand. She looked at Tara.

  "Tara," Melanie said.

  Tara held her bleeding shoulder. She dropped her cleaver and sat up. She coughed up a flood of blood.

  "Tara are you okay?" Melanie asked. She rushed to Tara.

  Tara's eyes turned white. She growled and leaped to her feet.

  Melanie screamed. She raised the gun in her hand and fired.

  A hole appeared in the middle of Tara's forehead.

  Tara stood still for a brief moment before she fell lifeless to the ground.

  Melanie wept.

  After a few moments she turned to the webcam. She raised her gun and fired.

  The laptop exploded in a sea of sparks and smoke.

  The Scratching Under the Floor

  Riley Warren adjusted the poster on her wall and she took a step back.

  "Perfect," she said as she looked around her bedroom.

  There was a knock at her door just before it opened and her mother popped her head inside the room.

  Abigail Warren looked at her
daughter. "Riley have you finished straightening up in here?"

  Riley clapped her hands and said, "Yes! Come inside and look at it."

  Abigail entered the room and she looked around. "It looks good. But get rid of these boxes by the end of the night alright? You don't want to be tripping over them in the middle of the night. Bring them down to the basement when you're done. And dinner will be ready in ten minutes."

  "Alright Mom," Riley said.

  Abigail hugged her daughter. She released her and looked around. "This room is a lot bigger than your old room." She looked at Riley. "Do you like it sweetheart?"

  Riley looked at her Mother. "Mom this house is so cool!"

  "Good. Your father and I are glad you like it," Abigail said.

  The sound of loud stomping and laughter echoed from the hallway.

  Riley and Abigail looked at the opened door.

  Dennis Warren, Riley's eight year old brother, was running down the hall with two cardboard boxes on his head.

  He passed the room with a stumbling gait just before the sound of a loud thump and a crash poured from the hall.

  "What an idiot," Riley said.

  "Hey don't talk that way about your brother," Abigail said. She rushed from Riley's room and entered the hall. "Dennis are you okay?"

  "Sure Mom. I didn't' make the holes in my box man masks big enough so I couldn't see anything," Dennis said.

  "Well go put your masks away and get ready for dinner," Abigail said.

  "Okay Mom," Dennis said.

  The sound of Abigail's and Dennis's footsteps echoed in the hall and the noise quickly diminished.

  "My weird little brother," Riley said. She looked at the boxes on the floor. "Time to get to work." She moved to the boxes and picked them up. She placed the boxes in a neat row in the center of the bedroom. She sat on the floor. She opened the boxes and emptied their contents. And just as she began sorting the unboxed items, her mother called her to dinner.

  "Riley come downstairs and eat dinner!" Abigail shouted.

  "Coming Mom!" Riley said.

  Riley grabbed the items off of the floor. She tossed a few of the things on her bed and placed the rest on the bedside table. She moved to the empty boxes. She kneeled and grabbed them. She stood up and she stopped when she heard a strange scratching sound from the floor.


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