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Secret Bay High Issues (Secret Bay High - Book #5)

Page 8

by Blair Young

  “What are they fighting about now anyway?” Sutton asked.

  “Beats me. Anything? Nothing?” I asked. She sighed, and I turned up the volume on the tv. The argument had started right after dinner, and now Dean and Susan were upstairs yelling at each other. Neither Sutton or myself knew what they were actually fighting about, but I got the impression it had to do with Sutton’s choice of college.

  “So, you chose a school?” I asked, trying to lighten up the conversation.

  “Harvard,” she said with a smile. “I would love to get into Harvard, but with the way it’s been going with the parents, I’m not sure that’s going to be an option. Susan wants to help me pay for it, but Dean, well, he doesn’t.”

  “Dean can be a real asshole sometimes,” I said with a shake of my head. I knew it couldn’t be doing much to help Sutton come around to liking him, but at the same time, I didn’t think much could be done in that realm. “But Harvard! That’s amazing.”

  “Yeah, I’ll just die if I can manage it. I mean, can you think about it? Harvard,” Sutton grinned, and I put my hand on her knee.

  “I can see you there,” I said with a smirk. “Right at the top of the class, too, just like you are here.”

  She smiled a weak smile. “I just want to get some sort of degree there. Think of where I could go if I did.”

  “Straight to the top!” I grinned. “I’m happy for you.”

  “Thanks,” Sutton put her hand over mine on top of her knee. “I thought you would be.”

  I kissed her, and she sighed. “Do you think they’re about done? How long can a single argument that they’ve already fought about keep going on and on like this?”

  “I think the alcohol makes them forget about some of the points they already brought up,” I said with a shrug. Dean often drank heavily when they got to this level of fighting, and I had a feeling Susan was joining in with his imbibing. They said that the alcohol made them think more clearly, but I got the greater impression that they just forgot what they had already said and continued to have the same conversation over and over.

  We both wanted to head up to our rooms, but neither of us wanted to be in the hall or on the stairs in the event Susan or Dean – or both – were to appear. They could head down to the kitchen at any second, and when they did, we would make our move to get up the stairs and to the safety of our own rooms.

  But for now, we had to just wait for the coast to be clear. There was a part of me that wanted to ask Sutton about the situation with Chad and going to the police, but I knew she was stressed over the fight that was taking place above our heads, and I didn’t want to make it any worse for her.

  She had made it clear when it happened what she wanted, and if she didn’t know Dean and Susan were on my back about it, there was no need to bring it up to her now. If it came down to it, I would be there to support her – even if I had to stand with her while we both told Dean and Susan to screw off – but I wasn’t going to be the one to make her worry about what they were going to do.

  After all, nothing had happened so far, and I had a feeling if they were really worried about Chad, they would have done something. Susan wasn’t about to let anything like that go with what Sutton had already been through. She couldn’t.

  Sutton laid her head on my shoulder, and I smiled. I kissed her on the temple as a thought formed in my mind, then I gave her a slight nudge.

  “What?” she asked.

  “Come on,” I said as I rose from the couch, taking her hand with me. “I’ve got an idea.”

  I headed for the door and pulled on my shoes, and though Sutton had a confused look on her face, she slid into her sandals.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “Come on,” I said again. “I’ll show you.”

  She hesitated, but the sound of something crashing upstairs shook her out of it. She didn’t want to hang out with the adults throwing things at each other upstairs anyway. So why not go on an adventure?

  It might not be too spectacular, but I knew she would appreciate getting out of the house. And, I wanted to do something for her. Something that would make her smile and get rid of some of the stress we were both dealing with.

  Something that only the bay could provide.

  Chapter 11


  It wasn’t hard for me to guess Damon was taking me down to the beach. I hadn’t been there since running into those three men, but with Damon, I felt safe. It was a good place to go and talk, and since I’d not really talked to him about Harvard yet, I had a feeling that’s what he wanted to do.

  The talk about the house had been more heated and surrounding the fact that it was going to be expensive. But, the part I worried about with Damon was the fact that I didn’t want to leave him, and Massachusetts was a long ways away.

  But, I’d thought for a while what I wanted to say to him when I got the chance, and now, I waited for him to open up about it. But, he didn’t say much on the way down to the beach. He didn’t seem to be lost in thought, and I didn’t get the impression anything was bothering him, either.

  He was just his happy-go-lucky self, enjoying the evening with me on the sandy shore. The moon was bright down at the bay, and though the water was black as it always was at night, we could see each other easily in the dim light. The town lit up behind us, but we had more than enough privacy on the beach.

  “Come on,” Damon said, as he continued to pull me toward the water.

  “What are you doing?” I asked. “I thought we were going for a walk.”

  “Who told you that?” he grinned and took off his shirt, then started to unzip his pants. Then, I realized what he was really doing, and I laughed.

  “Are you really going to get in the water naked?” I asked.

  “I’m not going to get in with clothes on,” he said with a smirk.

  “But it’s freezing!” I said. “It’s almost fall, that’s going to be cold!”

  “Who cares? The air is still warm, it’s not going to be too bad,” Damon grinned. “Come on, you know you want to. How many times in your life have you gone skinny dipping?”

  “Never?” I said.

  “There’s a first time for everything. I’m getting in, don’t be a chicken,” Damon didn’t give me the chance to argue any further, he turned and stepped into the water, not stopping until he was nearly as far in as his chest.

  “Isn’t it cold?” I asked.

  “I don’t know, you decide!” he called back. I hesitated another moment, then shrugged. He was right. Why not just give it a go? I threw off my clothes, leaving them in a heap next to his as I hurried to get in the water as well.

  It was cold, very cold, but not nearly what I thought it would be. The mist from the waves kissed my skin, and I couldn’t help but laugh at the shock I felt run through my system. I ran straight over to Damon, throwing myself in his arms and kissing him, naked in the ocean.

  I’d never told him so, but it was one of my dreams. I always wanted to kiss in the moonlight, out in the sea with the water lapping over us. The moment was magical, and for the few minutes we had each other, nothing else in the world mattered.

  It was just me and Damon against the world, nothing could come between us, no one would separate us. Just the two of us forever. And it made me so happy.

  Of course, I knew that it was a fleeting moment, and we were going to have to face reality soon enough, but the moment was so full of passion, I never wanted my lips to stop searching for his, enjoying his. I never wanted any of it to end. Being with Damon was the most perfect thing in the world, that was for sure.

  It was so easy to lose track of time being in the water with Damon, and it seemed it was all too soon before he started for the shore.

  “Done already?” I asked with a flirtatious smirk.

  “Oh, quite the opposite,” he said with a grin. “Come on.”

  Once again, I let him take my hand and lead me. I didn’t know where we were going, but I didn’t car
e, either. I just wanted to be with Damon, and I trusted wherever we were headed, it was going to be somewhere fun.

  We walked right up on the sand, leaving footprints along the way. We didn’t stop until we were in the shadows of the large boulders near the far east side of the bay. It was a favorite place for Damon and some of his friends to jump off the boulders and into the water, seeing who could make the biggest splash as they did.

  But now, the long, dark shadows from the rocks hid us as we disappeared within the shade, making the most of the fact no one could see us despite how bright the moon was over the water.

  There was a light sound of the town’s traffic coming from downtown, but those people were too far away to see what we were doing, and it was too dark for them to pay any attention to what was going on out on the beach anyway.

  As soon as we were covered by the shadow, Damon turned his attention to me, pulling my naked body close to his as he put his hand around the back of my head, pressing his lips to mine. We kissed once more, taking advantage of the moment and the fact that we were together.

  No one could see us as our kiss became heated, the passion growing between us with each passing moment. Our mouths hungered for each other, searching for each other in the darkness, our hands exploring each other’s bodies as we did so, making the most of the moment as we kissed and moaned.

  Being out near the ocean, we could be louder than we were at home, and the freedom was thrilling. The warmth of the air kissed my skin, causing goosebumps to rise along with the touch of Damon’s fingers.

  He continued to kiss me as I let myself fall back in his arms, together we lowered ourselves to the soft sand where we held each other, feeling each other as Damon ran his hand over my tight stomach and to my pussy.

  We were both still wet from the ocean, but the warmth of pussy with his fingers caused me to get wet in a different way, and I could already feel how aroused he was with his cock resting against my leg.

  “Can we?” I asked. “Out here?”

  “Who’s going to see?” he breathed against my neck. “We’re in the dark. No one knows we’re out here.”

  “I want you inside me,” I whispered. “I need you inside me.”

  I laid more on my back, spreading my legs as Damon eased himself over the top of me, pressing his cock to my pussy before he disappeared inside me. I let out a moan as loud as I dared in public, but I knew my pleasure was drowned out with the splashing of the waves on the shore.

  I looked up at the moon as Damon thrust himself in and out of me, moving with such confidence, it was enough to send shivers down my spine. In and out, in and out, over and over again. Each thrust was a new, welcome burst of pleasure running throughout my body, sending me to new heights.

  Sex with Damon was always mind blowing, but being outside, under the wide open sky, in the open air – it was more than I could imagine. He continued to push into me, drawing himself out before he thrust into me once more. The satisfied moans that emitted from his lips was enough to send a thrill through me, knowing that I was the only person on the planet who made him feel so good.

  With each thrust, he was getting closer and closer to cumming, and I felt the tension rising in my own body. It was hard not to cum immediately with Damon inside me, and when he did give me his load, I wasn’t far behind. We came at nearly the same time, both of us letting the moans of pleasure run freely from our lips.

  We let out voices mix with the sound of the sea as we both experienced one of life’s greatest pleasures. Then, we held each other. Few things were more beautiful in my life than when Damon held me close, our naked bodies together, his load running back out of my wet, satisfied pussy.

  Neither of us spoke for a moment, but it wasn’t long before I started thinking once more of the tension back at the house, and the whole reason we were out at the bay in the first place. I took a deep breath after a moment of silence, but it was hard for me to find the right words to say.

  Damon, knowing me as well as he did, noticed that I was hesitating. He couldn’t see my features in the dark, but he could sense in my body there was something I wanted to tell him.

  “What’s on your mind, Love?” he asked.

  I hesitated again. “Oh, I don’t know.”

  “Come on,” he said. “You can tell me anything. You know that.”

  “It’s hard for me to find the right words,” I told him.

  Just say what’s on your mind,” Damon encouraged. “I just want to hear what you’re thinking.”

  Finally, I let it all out. “It’s just that Harvard is so far away, and I don’t want to leave you. But, I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to give up my dream school, either. And with Dean and Susan fighting about it, and the fact that it’s such a long drive, I’m afraid that I’m making the wrong choice by choosing that one.”

  Damon let out a soft chuckle before pulling me close to him. “I know it’s far away, but I wasn’t really worried about the distance myself.”

  “You weren’t?” I asked in surprise.

  “No. I don’t have much of a life plan after high school. All I know is that I want to be with you. If that means that you’re going to go to Harvard all the way up in Massachusetts, then I guess that means I’m going to be moving to Massachusetts, too.”

  A thrill ran through my body at his words. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It had been so hard for me to decide where I wanted to go, knowing that Harvard was such a long way away. But, deep down inside, that was my dream school. It was going to be so hard trying to do long distance in addition to school, I wasn’t sure how we were going to make it work.

  But, to know that Damon would move with me – that he was right there to support me, it was the most important thing I could ask for. Without another word, I leaned my head back and kissed him again, harder than before. I could have made love to him all over again right there in the sand if it wasn’t getting so late, but we knew we had to get back to the house.

  Neither of us knew if Dean or Susan would come looking for us if they heard us leave, and we didn’t want them to find us out on the beach if they were both still in such tense moods.

  So, we gathered our clothes from where we’d left them and pulled them on, then headed back to the house. It was dark when we got back, even the light in the master bedroom was off. But, we both exchanged a glance and slipped in through the front door as quietly as possible.

  Damon had turned off the security alarm when we left, and it was clear neither Dean nor Susan had checked it. He keyed in the code to turn it back on, then we slipped up the stairs.

  I didn’t want to go to my room to spend the night alone, so I slipped into Damon’s room with him. With so much on my mind, I knew I wasn’t going to get any sleep if I was alone. But, as Damon easily drifted off once we were in bed, I soon learned that it didn’t matter where I was.

  There was far too much bouncing around in my brain for me to even hope to get a good night’s sleep. Sure, it might be better in bed with Damon, but I still wasn’t hoping for much. I stayed cuddled in his arms most of the night, but I stared up at the ceiling as I did so.

  If I was in my own bed, I would be tossing and turning. As it was, it was just the two of us lying together in the darkness. But, I couldn’t help but think of the night that we’d had, or what Damon had promised.

  And, even more than that, the fact that I really could go to Harvard. If I could have Damon and Harvard, I knew I would be the happiest girl in the world. Those were the two things I wanted in my life more than anything, and they were now right there – just within my reach.

  With Susan’s help and the hard work I’d put into school, I could get into that college if I wanted. And, with Damon right there to support me through it all, I knew I wasn’t going to have to sacrifice anything when I left Secret Bay behind.

  It was a lot to take in – a lot for my brain to try to process throughout the long night. It wasn’t going to be easy, that was for sure, but, it would be
worth it. I would work hard to make it happen, and I would push for what I wanted. I had fought through so much in my life, this was just something else I’d found that was worth fighting for.

  And I was determined not to let anything stand in my way.

  Chapter 12


  “You said you wanted to talk to me?” I asked as I appeared downstairs. Susan was in the living room watching one of her dramas on tv, but she had texted me as I was in my room and asked if I could come down to talk to her for a few minutes.

  Susan really hated yelling in the house, and she had taken to texting me or Damon when she wanted us rather than calling out our names. I figured it had something to do with Dean, but I didn’t address it. So many things that had changed in the house I openly blamed on Dean, even if I didn’t have any proof.

  It wasn’t like that before he moved in, and it seemed rules were changing constantly after he had. Still, he wasn’t home at the moment, and neither was Damon. Both were down at the board shop working a Saturday afternoon shift, so Susan took the chance to talk to me in private.

  “Yes,” she said with a grin. “I had a surprise for you, and I wanted to share it with you when we were alone.”

  “What is it?” I asked. She patted the couch beside her, so I walked over and sat down, looking at her with expectation in my eyes. Things had improved a bit since she told me the truth about being my biological mother, and they were getting even better after the support she showed me for college.

  I had to admit, I wanted to get to know her more, but it was hard with Dean in the house. I had no interest in having him in my life at all. He wasn’t my father in any sense of the word. I didn’t even care if he was Susan’s partner. He wasn’t my foster father, my real father, or my adopted father. He was just a guy I really didn’t like, but I had to put up with because he was sleeping with Susan and lived in the house with us.

  Now, I was going to take the chance to talk to Susan without him interrupting, and I got the impression she had been waiting for the same thing herself.


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