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A Tail of Woah: A Reverse Harem Academy Tail (The Fox and the Hounds Book 1)

Page 14

by Jacquelyn Faye

  There was no point in lying. "I have little boobs," I said embarrassedly.

  He chuckled and lifted my elbows away, continuing to unbutton my shirt. "You could have no boobs and it wouldn't change how I feel about you, or how badly I want to see all of you."

  "Good. Because you're not getting much more than that…"

  "Much more than what?"

  "No boobs. Especially lying on my back."

  He just shook his head and smiled, pulling my shirt open to expose my plain white bra. "What are you talking about?"

  "School issued, padded bra." I reached underneath me, unclasping the back, not even remotely wanting to deal with the humiliation of having his face all up in my business while he tried to unhook it. For all I knew, he could have been an expert and got it undone faster than I did. Which I also didn't want to know. Either way, me undoing it was safest.

  With a sigh, I pulled it away from my chest and slid my arms out. Tilting my head, I bared myself to him. And shuddered as he kissed the tip of my nipple, smiling as he licked the other.

  "Perfect," was all he said, but I still couldn't look at him. I didn't want to see the disappointment on his face.



  "Look at me."


  He reached down and touched my cheek, turning my head to face him. "You're perfect. In every way."

  I blushed and started to shake my head, but he wouldn't let me. He stopped me with his lips, kissing me as he slid his cock into me and then crushed me beneath him. My arms wrapped around him as I melted into his kiss and felt the mind-numbing pleasure of him inside me.

  "Perfect," he whispered as he rolled me over on top of him, driving him deeper inside me. I pulled back and sat up, giving him a shy smile.

  "Fuck, that feels incredible."

  "So do you," he answered and cupped my breasts in his hands, giving them a firm squeeze. "I thought you said they were small."

  "They are."

  "You know the old saying."

  "Anything more than a handful is wasteful," I answered and rolled my eyes.

  "Nope. I think your breasts were made for my hands. At least that's what it is now, I'm changing it."

  Awwww. "Flattery will get you everywhere."

  "I'm already where I want to be. No need to go anywhere else."

  I blushed and rocked my hips, feeling him slide inside me and smiling as pleasure filled me. Even his eyes shuttered as he whispered my name. Wanting more, I got off my knees and got one foot on the bed, lifting myself up until the tip was just inside my entrance before dropping myself down on him. I did it again., and again, becoming comfortable in the rhythm and feeling him fill me over and over. I couldn't get enough.

  "I'm not going to last long."

  "Well, there's no such thing as school issue birth control. At least I don't think there is, so warn me."

  "Woah. Maybe we should wait? We can get some protection first."

  "We'll have it for next time. There's no way I'm stopping." I started to bounce against him, already feeling the beginnings of a second orgasm. "Are you close?"


  "So am I."

  I began moaning with each thrust. Just as I started to cry out for real, he made my name a warning. Quickly, I pulled him out and jerked him with one hand as I fervently worked my clit with my other. Together, we came.

  Hot ropes of his semen landed on my chest and belly as my eyes rolled up into my head and I dropped to the bed between his legs.


  I opened my eyes and he was practically convulsing as I was still jerking him as a smaller orgasm rolled through me. "Sorry," I said with a grin.

  "No, you're not." He laughed. Sitting up, he grabbed my sides and pulled me in for another sweet kiss, not caring in the least that we were smearing his come between our bodies.

  Chapter 16

  "You are sure you wish me to accompany you?"

  I nodded at Hiroki. "We're going into the village. You know damn well you'll be following us anyway, so you might as well be as close as possible and still have fun." I gave him a hug to let him know I wasn't just being practical, I wanted him there.

  He reached around me with one arm and actually hugged me back for a moment before letting go.

  "Come on. We're going to be late."

  "Hai," he answered.

  Opening the bedroom door, I stopped short when Rome walked out of his room right in front of me. He just nodded, not sighing, not rolling his eyes or giving me a disgusted look. I'd take that as a good sign any day of the week.

  "Rome," I said with a small smile.

  "Pain in the ass," he acknowledged. At least he smiled a little when he said it.

  "Bet your ass. You going, too?" I knew Remy was going, but David hadn't said anything about Rome.

  He shook his head. "I have a duty to keep people like you from places they shouldn't be."

  "Well, I hope you do a better job than that other girl."

  He frowned and cocked an eyebrow at me.

  "Kidding! Sheesh."

  He nodded and headed toward the stairs.

  "Bye to you, too! Have a lovely evening."

  He just raised his hand over his head and waved in my general direction.

  Hiroki chuckled behind me. "I think you're growing on him."

  "Did you just call me a fungus?"

  "I was going for parasite, but fungus works, as well."

  "You're just jealous cuz he's not into you."

  "Was that a butt joke?"

  I spun in shock. Roki made a dirty joke and I was totally unprepared for it. "I…I…" I punched him when he started a round of hissing laughter, dark eyes scrunched in mirth.

  "Your face…"

  "Let's go, Mr. Funnyman."

  He laughed all the way down into the common room. David and Remy were waiting on one of the couches. David's face lit up when he saw me and I blushed, giving him a shy smile back. Images of our afternoon tryst threatened to make my panties damp, which would have been mightily uncomfortable wandering the streets of the small Icelandic village.

  Are vagicles an actual thing here?

  Images of arctic explorers with frozen beards and snotcicles didn't reassure me in the slightest. I shuddered and crossed the room to the boys. "Did you miss me?"

  "Every second of every minute," David answered with a grin.

  Remy groaned and rolled his eyes.

  "Shut up. You know you missed me, too."

  "Perhaps," He answered cryptically and got up from the couch, straightening his blazer and nodding at Hiroki.

  "So, how are we getting there? Is it a long walk?"

  Remy stared at me for a moment and shook his head. "You do know there are cabs outside the school, right?"


  "Cabs. Little yellow cars that take you places? In this case to the village and they only run on the weekends. Unless you have special dispensation from the headmaster… You didn't pay attention at orientation, did you?"

  "Yeah. I just forgot," I said with a grin, lying through my little damn teeth.

  David patted my head. "She's special."

  "You better mean that in a good way."

  "Sure. Ready to go?"


  We made our way across campus and out the front door of the school, emerging on the lowest level of the platform where we had met on the first day of school.

  Ahhh. Memories. "So, what is there to do in this tiny little village?"

  Remy and David looked at each other and chuckled. "Figured we'd get some dinner and then figure something out," David answered cryptically.

  "Why do I feel like there's something you're not telling me?"

  "Don't know what you're talking about." He gave me a grin and motioned toward the line of cabs parked along the curb.

  Roki got in the front and the three of us squeezed into the back, Remy handing the driver a handful of gold coins.


  "Unless there is someplace else you can take us," Remy answered.

  "The underworld?"

  "We'll pass. The village is fine." He gulped and sat back.

  "You're a hellhound. Don't want to visit the motherland?" I grinned at him a little.

  "I'm from Italy…"


  He nodded.

  "But you don't have an accent?"

  He laughed. "Does David? He was born and has lived in Romania for nearly all of his life."

  "No. Why is that?" I looked at him.

  He looked around me at Remy, saying something in Romanian. Or, at least I assumed it was. It wasn't Italian. Then Remy responded in the same language.


  "We are trying to figure it out. In fact, none of us have an accent and we all speak English. Why don't you have a Japanese accent?"

  "Because I grew up in California."

  "Why doesn't Hiroki? Do your parents?"

  "No and no. Huh. Never thought about it before."

  "None of the instructors, the headmaster. Nobody speaks with an accent. It's just one of those things."

  The driver started to chuckle.

  Remy looked up, making eye contact in the mirror. "You know why?"

  "Because you are not human and did not try to build a tower that reached the heavens…"

  "Babylon?" I'd heard the story, again thanks to Uncle Tatsuo.

  The driver nodded. "Additionally, the English you are all so fond of speaking is a culmination of all languages, bastardizing Latin, French, German. You name it."

  "Huh. Learn something new every day. Just wasn't expecting to do it in the back of the cab."

  "You should see some of the things people do in the back of cabs," the driver said with another chuckle.

  I was officially grossed out and tried very hard not to think about what I might have been sitting on. Thankfully, we were close to the village. We rounded between two mountains and it spread out before us. I whistled as it came into view. "I thought it was a tiny village?"

  "It is a village, but none of us ever said the word tiny."

  I thought back to every conversation I'd had discussing the village. I'd just assumed it was tiny because of the village moniker. I was a horrible person. "What's it called?"


  "That's cute. What does it mean?"

  David looked at Remy. "Tongue," Remy answered.

  "Okay. Not so cute. Weird name for a village."

  "It is where the head of Jormungandr supposedly started… And where the tail was supposed to meet it."

  "That makes sense then…" I rolled my eyes.

  The cab slowed and pulled over to the side of the main road leading into the village. "Thank you," David said and opened the door, sliding out and offering me a hand. I shivered a little and stood a little closer to David while Remy got out and looked around.

  "Where should we go?" David asked him.

  "What do you feel like doing?" Remy looked at me.

  "Since I've never been here before, I'll leave the planning to you two. I'll just say it's after dinner and I didn't eat much lunch."

  "Food first, exploration after. Welcome to Oddi," he said and made a sweeping gesture into the heart of the village.

  "Uh…I don't have any Icelandic money. Or American money. Japanese money or any other type either." I lowered my eyes in guilt.

  "We have you covered. Both of you." Remy gave Roki a brotherly slap across the shoulder.

  "Arigato gozaimasu," Roki gave him a little bow.

  "You're welcome. Come on. I know a good public house that serves food."

  He led the way down the uncrowded street. It curved and opened to the central square and the place was practically bursting with people. "Holy crap."

  "Oddi might be a fishing village, but there is a large youth population and they know how to party," David whispered in my ear.

  "Why did you wait so long to bring me here?"

  He blinked at me in surprise and gave me a little smile. "Want the truth?"


  "Because it doesn't matter where I am with you, I just like being with you. And because Icelandic people are ridiculously good looking. I didn't want to bring you here and then have to fight to keep them off you."

  "Oh, yeah. Cuz everybody goes for the white-haired, Japanese girls."

  David stared at me. Remy and Roki, too.


  "Nothing," they said in unison and looked at each other.

  "She does not know," Hiroki answered, shaking his head.

  "Know what?"

  "You tell her," he said to David.

  "She'll believe you more than me."

  "I have been telling her since she was a little girl to no avail."

  "Tell me what?"

  "How beautiful you are," Remy answered.


  Remy just shook his head and started walking again, weaving his way through the crowd.

  "He thinks I'm pretty?" I gawked at David in shock.

  He patted me on the head. "Anybody with eyeballs does, sweetie."

  I wasn't cold anymore. In fact, I felt a little too warm. Especially in my cheeks. "Thank you." I hugged his arm.

  He just kissed the top of my head.

  Remy was standing outside a pub called something I had no chance in hell of pronouncing. It hurt my head trying to read it, but warmth, music, and the smell of delicious food wafted from the opening and closing door, beckoning us to go inside.

  "Something smells good."

  "It's probably the hákarl. If you order anything, you need to try that. We'll get some as an appetizer."

  "Sounds yummers."

  One of the waitresses saw our uniforms and pointed to the back. Remy waved us to follow and headed through the curtained-off doorway. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust, the lighting was less than sufficient, but booths lined all four walls and tables filled the room. The occupied ones were filled with students from Aesir Academy. "Why teach us to blend in if everyone separates us anyway?"

  David chuckled beside me. "Because us, humans, and booze will probably never mix. This pub has been around longer than the school. They learned that lesson the hard way. In fact, everyone in the village knows we're not human. It's kind of a symbiotic relationship. The students come here and spend money, have a good time, and in return, the isolated village has a steady flow of income."

  "Huh." I nodded appreciatively. It was kind of like Yoshida. Not everybody who lived there was supernatural, and every human knew what lived around them.

  Remy slid into one of the worn, wooden booths, and Hiroki sat down beside him.

  David glanced down at me. "You want the outside or the inside?"

  "You sit inside. I'll probably have to pee a lot."

  As soon as our butts were in the booth, one of the statuesque blonde waitresses stopped by. Even Hiroki checked her out, as her skirt barely covered her Icelandic ass. "What can I get for you?" It was the first heavily accented voice I'd heard since I came to Aesir Academy.

  "A round of beer and we'll start with some hákarl." Remy smiled at her.

  "Um, you wouldn't happen to carry sake would you?" Her confused look was all the answer I needed. It looked like I was going to be a cheap date tonight. "Water, please."

  "Okay." She turned around and headed toward the exit.

  "You're not going to drink?" David seemed surprised.

  "Sake is the only thing I can drink," I answered sadly.

  "Oh. I'm sorry. I doubt even the liquor store would carry that."

  "It's okay. I can make… Wait. Do you think they have mead? I uh…tried that and it seemed to be okay."

  "Kaede?" Hiroki made my name a question and cocked an eyebrow. I reached across the floor with my foot and lightly kicked his shin.



  Good boy. I turned back to David. "Do you think they have mead?"

  "I'm sure they do."

nbsp; The waitress came back and set my water in front of me, beers in front of the boys, and a tray of something in the middle of the table. "What is that?"

  The tray of what looked like fish jerky practically oozed evil.

  "Hákarl!" The waitress sounded proud and gave me a grin, slapping me heartily on the back. My eyes slowly raised from the tray and stared at Remy. He was grinning from ear to ear and issued me a challenge with his eyes.

  "Everybody keeps using that word. What does it mean, precisely?"

  "Fermented shark." Remy wiggled his eyebrows.

  I looked over at Roki. "Funazushi?" Funazushi was a Japanese delicacy. Fermented carp. My parents were actually quite fond of it, but I'd never been a fan. But, if they thought a little fermented shark was going to turn my stomach, they were sorely mistaken. My parents ate weird shit for breakfast. Literally.

  "Do you have mead?" I asked the waitress.


  "Can I have some, please?"

  She nodded and headed back to the bar. "Are you going to try it?" Remy pointed at the shark niblets.

  "When I have something to wash it down with."


  The waitress returned quickly, setting down the mead in front of me. The subtle sweet smell of honey hit my nose and my mouth started watering. I knew I'd have no trouble keeping it, or the fermented fish, down. The boys were in for a rough night if they thought I was going to go down easy. No pun intended.

  The waitress made no motion to leave, and was staring at me rather intently, only shifting her gaze to the dish on the table. I guess she wanted to watch the show, too.

  "Fine," I said and grabbed a piece. "How do you eat it?"

  "Quickly," she said with a laugh.

  I brought the piece to my lips and could smell hair burning as every single follicle in my nasal cavity was instantly scorched by the acidic cloud of rotten evil. I fought hard not to drop the piece and run away, screaming. I had gone fishing with Hiroki as a youngster and brought a cooler full of trout back to the house. Unfortunately, my parents were there upon my return and I might have been a little drunk. They scolded me, and I left the cooler full of fish in the garage. My father discovered it weeks later and made me clean it out. The smell was oddly nostalgic, and horrendous, at the same time.

  "You want the first bite?" I begged David to save me with my eyes.


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