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The Idle System (A LitRPG series Book 7): Family

Page 25

by Pegaz

  “Adversary?” Jason asked.

  “Yes,” John replied. “The person she’s going to meet is part of the Assassin Sect and will defeat her in a fight. But when she comes back, her motivation will be ignited. It’s the first step towards her being the strongest and also the first step towards the Assassin Sect’s destruction.

  “For this mission, you need to select a Rank 4, level 7 escort. You can’t select anyone higher or lower than that. That person will distract a third party while Sarah and her adversary fight.

  “The person you select will lose the battle, too, but not their life. Anyone weaker will lose too quickly for Sarah’s fight to play out how I saw it in the divination, and anyone stronger will stop Sarah from losing which will stop her from being the strongest.

  “Tell her that you’ve been handed some information about assassins, and while that escort is doing the real job, you’re sending her to tag along for experience and to see how the universe really is.”

  John then told Jason which planet he needed to send Sarah on.

  He used the light element to turn invisible after telling Jason what to do. He didn’t trust Jason at all, so he made sure to keep the Scan on to watch and lip read everything he said to Sarah.

  Jason did what he was told and Sarah was soon travelling with a Rank 4 level 7 escort Jason picked.

  I can’t do anything to help her at the moment; I need to wait until she comes back defeated.

  John used the time element to go forward in time until Sarah came back. He then paused time and flew towards a large building.

  Chris Han was sitting in a seat inside the large building. John picked him up, dragged him outside, and placed him in Sarah’s path.

  Unpausing time, he watched as Chris got confused about how he got there before he noticed Sarah. Chris couldn’t take his eyes off Sarah as soon as he saw her, and when she was out of view, Chris ran back to his house and looked for his father.

  John went to Jason’s office again and turned visible before speaking. “When Sarah gets back, she’s going to ask for some files about somebody. Give her everything you’ve got on that person.

  “At the same time, prepare a file about a prisoner on death row. You’ll need to convince her that killing that man will lead her to her adversary’s death.

  “Make sure you repeat these words as they’re the divination I’ve seen. The man she fought is the new and only disciple of the Assassin Sect’s leader. If he’s allowed to grow, billions of people will get killed by him.

  “When she offers to kill him, refuse her at first. Tell her that she’s too weak and you’ll send someone stronger who will guarantee that man’s death. She will ask you to train her after that.

  “Only train her for two months, though. After two months, go to the planet I tell you about so she could take a small break for a week. There, she’ll meet the mortal princess—which will give her a new perspective of being an immortal—and another adversary.

  “This second adversary is just as strong as the first one, but in a different way. When Sarah meets him, she’ll train in different areas which is the direct cause to her becoming the strongest in the universe.

  “Also, Chris Han, the son of Elder Han saw Sarah come back from this mission. They’re destined to be together, but ignore him for now. He’ll come beg you to arrange their marriage, but now’s not the time. In the future, not only will they get married, but you’ll end up much richer.”

  Jason listened to everything John said, and John could see he was trying his best to remember everything.

  John turned invisible again but followed Jason to make sure he didn’t make any mistakes. He watched Jason go to Sarah, tell her about the divination, and use a few tricks to get her to come up with the idea of being trained.

  This way, Sarah will believe it’s her idea and wouldn’t give up that easily, compared to if it was Jason’s idea and Sarah just agreed to try it. Even though I don’t like the guy, I’ve got to admit he’s smart. It’s no wonder he became the leader of a sect.

  At the end of the conversation, Sarah looked at the picture of the death row inmate and gathered the resolve to go against the Anti-assassin’s motto that every life was precious.

  John then watched a few months go by where Chris Han was harassing Sarah. It took everything John had not to blow Chris into a billion little pieces for trying something with his wife, but he knew this was supposed to happen in the past and he somehow managed to resist the urge.

  Chapter 45: The Truth About Chris

  When John skipped forward in time to the point where Sarah had to leave the sect, John turned visible in front of Jason once more.

  “It’s time to get Sarah and Chris engaged. You’ll need to speak to Elder Han and come up with a dowry of sorts for his son to marry your disciple.

  “When Sarah learns of it, she’ll reject the marriage, but before she tries to protest, you’ll need to tell her of my divination.

  “It’s about the man she fought against and lost. You need to tell her that I could bypass that man’s master which means his master has either let the divination go through or died.

  “The divination is almost the same and he’ll still kill billions of people, but tell her that the man will destroy his own sect now, too. That will be far in the future, though, so tell her that you don’t agree to the trade off.

  “That’s why you’re going to send her towards the Sword Sect where I’ve divinated that man is headed towards. She will meet him during his journey after six and a half months, and since she has a unique power, you want her to capture the man for you to interrogate.

  “When you’ve said all that, she’ll strike a deal with you. She’ll offer to capture the man in return for you to break off the engagement. You’re to accept the deal, but don’t worry, this deal will get out and Chris Han will chase after Sarah in the future.

  “Before that happens, though, you’re going to receive news of Sarah’s death. Again, don’t worry as this is the enemy’s trick. Sarah will be fine, she just won’t be able to contact you for a long time.

  “When Chris finds out that she’s alive, he’ll go chase after Sarah and find her at the Sword Sect during the tournament. He will get there just in time to save her life. That’s the point where Sarah falls for Chris and their marriage is set in stone.

  “This is the final part. After that marriage, her path will be set and she will become the strongest in the universe after a few years. Her adversary will destroy the Assassin Sect during this time and Sarah will kill the man a few months afterwards. You’ll win in every situation.”

  Jason nodded his head with a big grin on his face. He had seen everything John had said coming true before this, so he had no doubt about what John had just told him.

  He bowed to John before leaving the office to fetch Elder Han.

  John turned invisible once again and stayed inside the room to find out what price Jason sold Sarah’s marriage to Chris Han for.

  He listened to them going back and forth for a few hours until they reached an agreement.

  The agreed price for Sarah and Chris to get married in the end was a Rank 7 complete armour and weapons set, 2,000 Grade 8 Life Stones, 500 Grade 9 Life Stones, two villages the Han family governed and collected taxes from, and a mansion inside the capital city for Sarah and Chris to live in after the marriage.

  If I didn’t tell Jason to sell Sarah to the Han family, with Jason’s greed and ambitions, he’d eventually sell her anyway, especially at that price.

  After agreeing to the deal, Jason then summoned Sarah. Elder Han greeted Sarah before walking out of the room. Jason then told Sarah about the arranged marriage.

  Sarah acted just like John had said, eventually making the deal to capture the man for Jason before leaving.

  I had always wondered what the odds were of Sarah and I, two Siders in this vast universe, meeting like we did. Both of us always said it was fate that we met.

  Now I know it wasn’t fate at
work, but me. If I tell Sarah, would she be upset? She might think I took her options away from her.

  I think I’ll keep this bit to myself for now. When she transcends, then I’ll show her how hard I worked to make it happen instead.

  John teleported to the planet where his past self and Sarah would meet then used the time element to return to the point where he left to help Sarah’s past.

  Knowing that he couldn’t help with anything while both his and Sarah’s past selves trained and fell in love, John skipped time to the point where they went on their first date.

  He watched as they found the Sider king of this planet and as Sarah took the Puppet System.

  I thought I had to do something to make this happen, too, but this had nothing to do with me and it was just pure luck that we found another Sider.

  Their past selves then created the two fighter puppets while his past self used the killing intent on Sarah during the training.

  That’s still one of the hardest things I’ve had to do in life, even after everything that has happened to me since. It was for her own good, but going through with it left a nasty taste in my mouth that still lingers to this day.

  When their past selves arrived on the Sword Sect’s public planet, everything panned out how John remembered it. During the meeting with the sect master, the Rogue Sect’s spies were outed and killed without any incidents, making their past selves Honourable Elders.

  After the meeting, he watched his past self make two wedding rings and propose to Sarah while on one knee.

  Sect Master Frank and his father, Fred, came to visit his past self’s new house, only to get a dagger at their throats before leaving.

  John decided to follow them since his curiosity got the better of him again. He listened to Fred and Frank’s conversation and thought Frank was lucky he didn’t try to get rid of John and Sarah like he said.

  He decided that he had to repay Fred for convincing Frank to honour the agreement that was made when their past selves joined the sect.

  John knew their past selves were going to the sect’s library to gain all the knowledge possible for the next few years, so he used the time element to skip it.

  Next would be the tournament of the decade, but John knew he couldn’t do anything to help their past selves here or inside the pressure tunnel, so he skipped that, too.

  John watched as their past selves were summoned to the elder’s meeting room and convinced to kill the black gryphon to save lives.

  He watched it all play out, then Elder Han and his son Chris ambushed them.

  Since he started helping Sarah’s past at the Anti-assassin Sect, John had been watching Chris because of this moment in time. There was always something bothering him about the situation that was about to happen.

  However, even after all this time, John had never seen Chris use even one of the five basic elements, which confused him.

  There’s no way Chris can control lightning like Sarah and I can. At best, he’s got to use the four elements together to create lightning like we used to before eating the beastmen’s cores, but I don’t think he can even use an element at all.

  There’s no way this egomaniac who uses his father’s power, money, and influence to get whatever he wants wouldn’t show off his control over an element.

  I’ve seen other people inside the sect challenge Chris, but if Chris could control even one element, the sect would consider him a once-in-a-millennium genius and wouldn’t let it happen.

  What am I missing, then?

  John watched his past self and Elder Han fight, but there was nothing his future self could do there.

  Turning his head, he watched Sarah and Chris’ shouting match before they fought. Afterwards, Chris used the capturing rope which expanded after being thrown. When it touched Sarah, it wrapped around her tightly, rendering her unable to move.

  Sarah then used her teleporting skill to get behind Chris.

  I got it!

  John used the time element to pause time during this crucial moment. He then flew to Chris, lifted his palm, and created some lighting which danced around his hand.

  Using the space element, he captured the lightning inside a bubble floating above his palm before he used the lightning element again to reduce the power of the trapped lightning.

  He took out all the destructive force of the lightning, leaving only the electricity.

  Looking at the frightened Chris that was about to get killed, he moved the space pocket with the trapped lightning to Chris’ forehead which then disappeared inside his body.

  Now I get what was wrong in this situation!

  Chris couldn’t control any element at all and that “battle cry” he shouted just before Sarah killed him wasn’t his last desperate act to strike her with the lightning, it was his terrified cry for help! He knew that he was about the die, so he tried to call for his daddy to save him.

  Sorry, Sarah, it was actually me that put you in a coma! But, it has to be done or else the Anti-assassin Sect wouldn’t have gotten destroyed and I would have never gained two ranks as fast as I did. If I didn’t gain them that fast, I wouldn’t be able to protect you in the future.

  At least I became a Transcendent while doing this; that means I’ve got full control over the lightning I used and know there’d be no damage done to Sarah.

  John then flew in the sky and unpaused time.

  Chris screamed and the lightning John placed inside him shot out and hit Sarah in the forehead.

  His past self then held the unconscious Sarah in his arms while screaming for revenge.

  Next were the events which gave birth to the Demon.

  Chapter 46: Relocating the Population

  John used the universal map to teleport back to the Anti-assassin Sect’s planet.

  He was about to use the time element to skip to the point of the planet’s destruction, but decided against it when he came up with an idea.

  Even though she’s never said it, I think Sarah was disappointed in me for what I did to get my revenge. She was definitely heartbroken when she found out that the villagers she spent over six years with had died due to the result of my actions, so maybe I can change that.

  He flew to the small village and then used the time element to stop time.

  Turning on his Scan, he made sure there were no villagers hunting in the forest, out on a stroll, or kids playing outside the area.

  Using the earth element, he separated the village, the surrounding crops and animal farms, nearby trees that bore fruit, and a little bit of the forest from the planet. When he was finished, the area he separated was almost five square miles in size.

  He then used the space and water elements to create a large soap bubble seal around the area he had just separated.

  Using the force element, he lifted the entire thing into the air.

  Opening the universal map, John searched for a specific planet he had in mind, but even after a long time had passed, he couldn’t find it.

  I don’t know where this planet is inside the universe. I’ve got to do the roundabout way of finding it.

  He scrolled through the universal map, found the Nobody Sect’s planet, and teleported there. Using the time element, he reversed time to before his past self stole the teleport rune off the floor and then stepped on it.

  After he arrived on their private planet, he opened the universal map again which showed the planet he was on and where it was inside the universe.

  Teleporting back to the Anti-assassin Sect’s planet, he used the time element again to return to the point he disappeared. He grabbed the floating village then teleported back to their private planet.

  Flying across the large world, he decided to place the village in a spot which was on the other side of the world from where the small house with the teleport rune was located.

  Using his space element, he removed the sealed space around the village before he used the earth element to merge the earth the village was on and the earth of the planet

  When the village was settled, he went around the surrounding ten thousand miles and killed all immortal creatures that could threaten them.

  He then used the space element to seal a unit of Chaos Power and placed it inside the earth. Repeating this action a few more times, he surrounded the village with the sealed Chaos Power.

  Now that the village is surrounded by a small amount of Chaos Power, all immortal creatures will feel the threat and stop them from getting close, guaranteeing the village’s safety.

  John teleported back to the Anti-assassin Sect’s planet and repeated this process for all the villages and towns on the planet. He killed any immortals that were members of the sect, ensuring only the innocent mortals survived the future calamity.

  There were hundreds of villages and tens of towns he did this for, and when he was done, their private planet had a clearing of millions of miles from any immortal creatures.

  He also wrote a letter on a leather parchment and hung it on a sign in the middle of every village and town, explaining that they no longer had to pay taxes to the sect. It also explained that a powerful immortal moved their village to a safer area and asked them to get along with the other villages and towns who were in the same situation.

  Sarah will be thrilled when I tell her all those villagers that helped her as a mortal are still alive, and she can come and visit them any time she wishes. She might even be happy enough to forgive me for a few things I’ve done the last decade or two.

  After all this was done, John teleported back to the Anti-assassin Sect’s planet, flew to the capital city, and used the time element to reach the point where his past self came here for revenge. He then unpaused the time.

  If I remember right, my past self stalked Chris in the capital for around three days. After that, Chris left the city.

  John listened in on the conversation between Jason, Elder Han, and Chris Han inside a large room.

  His past self was flying high in the air and couldn’t listen at that time, but curiosity got the better of John once more.


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