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Claimed as Revenge

Page 3

by Stone, Piper

  Miguel chuckled, his eyes dancing. “Perhaps your father is the pig and you are allowed to say anything around me. There is no love lost with your father in my eyes.”

  I shook my head, biting back several nasty words. “I’m even featured on a CD as a soloist, but he doesn’t care.”

  “You mean the CD Santiago was playing tonight? Perhaps he does care.”

  “Show and glow for all the guests he wines and dines. Nothing more.”

  The tension was palpable. What was I supposed to say to the man? We had nothing in common. He was a complete stranger I was supposed to entertain. I was sickened at the thought. I knew what the man wanted. It was the same as every other man I’d known my entire life.

  “Where would the lovely lady enjoy going?” he asked, his full lips accentuating every syllable. He allowed his gaze to fall to my cleavage, forcing another shiver to skate down the back of my legs.

  “Dancing,” I blurted out. A public place where I could likely slip out of his grasp. “I assume you actually know how to dance? I never know about you Americans. You seem to have no rhythm, let alone anything else decent.”

  Whether my nasty words bothered him or not was impossible to tell. In fact, even in the hint of moonlight, I was able to see the gleam in his eyes. He thought this was funny.

  “Dancing it is. I assume you know the right location.”

  I knew exactly where he was going to take me, the poshest nightclub in town. If I had to spend time with the pompous creep, he would spend lots of American dollars on me. While I wasn’t a club girl, only going out on rare occasion with my friends, I couldn’t think of a better spot to try to get through the night.

  I noticed the same set of headlights behind us, able to keep up. I’d seen the two men waiting like mindless soldiers in my father’s house. “Are you afraid of someone, Miguel? Do you always have bodyguards with you?”

  He merely shot me a look as he gripped the steering wheel. “There will always be enemies, Valencia, men who would enjoy ending my life. I see fit to stay amongst the living.”

  I chuckled to myself, folding my arms and staring out the passenger window. Who did this man think he was?

  The bright lights of Havana came into view, the sizzling night just beginning to come alive.

  When he came to a stop in the middle of the road, I was surprised. Even more so as he gave me a lust-filled gaze. “Where are we going, princess?”

  Another wave of anger rushed into my system, stilting the words as I issued an address. He merely nodded, giving me another intense sweep of his eyes before stepping on the accelerator. Within a few minutes, he’d pulled the car directly in front of the club, leaving it running as he jumped out. I noticed his swagger, as if he was some kind of an important man and huffed.

  How was I supposed to get through this night? There was no way my father knew what kind of man he was.

  While the valet opened the door, Miguel pushed the man aside until he had his fingers wrapped around mine. There was no question about whether we’d be allowed entrance. Miguel simply waved his hand at the bouncers as if he owned the joint, walking past the line of those hoping to gain entrance with flair.

  While my father rarely allowed me to date, those who’d taken me out certainly didn’t have the clout or the arrogance.

  “Would you like a drink?” he asked as he scanned the facility.

  “No. Not yet. And when I do, I only drink champagne. I need to dance.” I didn’t wait for him, taking the opportunity to break away and move onto the vibrantly hued dance floor. Neon light pulsed all around, including the expansive tiled floor. The music was electric, the Latin beat exactly what I needed.

  I was surprised to find that he hadn’t trailed behind me like a lap dog, instead taking a seat at a table closest to the dance floor. Within seconds, he was approached by a waiter and all the while, he kept his eyes pinned on me. Fine. I knew the man wouldn’t be able to dance. Assholes never did.

  I began moving to the beat, allowing my body to sway in time to the music as I closed my eyes. I could feel the heated bodies surrounding me, crowding my space. When I finally opened my eyes once again, there were several men watching, hungering.

  Including Miguel, his commanding presence drawing his own attention from admirers. He was formidable in every manner, his suave appearance completely separating him from other classes. While his expression was one of amusement, everything else screamed of domination.


  To him, I was nothing but a prize for the taking.

  I’d never been a tease, had been bred to be a sophisticated lady, but tonight all the rules needed to be broken. And so I danced in a provocative manner, throwing all precaution to the wind. I gave him my most seductive smile, inching closer and closer to the railing separating the dance floor from the seated area. As I grabbed onto the thick metal, using it as a prop and gyrating my hips, he seemed more intrigued, easing forward in the chair.

  I licked my lips in an exaggerated fashion as I brushed my palms down from my breasts to my hips, all the while keeping perfect rhythm. My bottom continued to throb but for some crazy reason, the discomfort only added to my seductive moves. There wasn’t a man in the room who wasn’t paying attention, all hoping for an opportunity for a dance. They would have to wait their turn. If the man wanted a show, I’d give him one.

  I allowed my dance moves to become even more enticing, finally beckoning with a single finger. His reaction? The same hard, cold stare as if looking straight through me, ready to unwrap the candy inside. I knew exactly what he was thinking.

  He would devour me.

  Over my dead body.

  When he refused to budge, I shifted deeper into the crowd, finally allowing two of the would-be suitors to dance close, their heated bodies wedged against mine. The beat of the music was powerful, the booming beats vibrating every inch of my body. As the men gestured their desires, hands and fingers skimming over portions of my body, I was thrown by the fact that I could only think about Miguel.


  Why did I find him attractive? Because he was an obvious bad boy trying to prove himself to my father, a dangerous man? I turned away from him entirely, concentrating on enjoying myself.

  Until a hand slipped around my neck, fingers squeezing in a possessive manner. The scent of him was incredible, unleashing a shower of goosebumps cascading across my naked skin.

  Miguel pulled me around to face him and the calculated stare he gave both men was telling. He was a man not to be fucked with, especially around a lady.

  There was no accurate way to describe how I felt in his muscular arms, his powerful hold as he moved to the beat, merely taking me with him. He was more than just an impressive dancer, he was incredible and practiced, his moves matching his sexy and dangerous persona. He was in full control, turning and twisting me.

  And leaving me breathless.

  Every part of me tingled as he pulled me close until our lips were almost touching. The weight of his fingers still grasped around my neck was warm and inviting, pulling me into a dark weave of desire that I’d never experienced before.

  When the song finally ended, the number of people giving their raucous approval was surprising. There was something about him that troubled me for reasons that had nothing to do with the deal he forced my father to make. Or my attraction. Or the fact he’d spanked me like some bad little girl. My instinct told me that this man could mean the demise of my family. Suddenly, I was filled with apprehension, my throat closing.

  “Te deseo. Te anhelo,” he whispered into my ear, his lips brushing back and forth across my cheek.

  I want you. I crave you.

  His words were said in such a way my breath caught, dazzling sensations erupting all over my body. My panties were soaked and there was no doubt he gathered a scent of me.

  He led me to the table, his actions just as commanding as before. The second drink positioned in front of the other chair pissed me off.

I took the liberty of ordering for you. I believe your drink of choice is Bombay and tonic.”

  How in the hell did he know what I liked to drink? I was floored, my pulse racing. “I told you I only drink champagne.”

  “Interesting but I believe you’re lying. I don’t like it when people lie to me,” he said in a commanding fashion.

  I dared glance into his eyes, able to see the darkness concealed just beneath the surface. He was a complicated man, one who was hiding behind his bravado. I’d seen his soldiers. I knew they were hovering in the background, just waiting to come to his aid. I was also aware of the weapon he carried, just another reminder of how truly dangerous he was. “That’s... perfect. If you don’t mind, I’m going to freshen up.”

  “Of course,” he said in a husky tone, gently pulling me toward him. “Just be a good girl, Valencia. I’d hate to have to punish you once again and in this fine establishment.”

  I gave him a waning smile before winking, my legs shaky as I headed for the restroom. I was suddenly claustrophobic, trying to catch my breath as stars floated in front of my eyes. By the time I reached the bathroom door, a new round of rage was swelling. How dare he think he could order a drink or act as if I was already his possession. He didn’t have the right. He didn’t deserve to spend another minute with me.

  After glancing at my reflection, I steeled my nerves. There had to be a way I could slip out sight unseen. I wasn’t going to spend another minute with the arrogant prick. The girl staring back at me was wide-eyed, anxious to get on with her life. I splashed water in my face, taking several deep breaths. My fingers fumbled as I attempted to find my lipstick, blotting the corners before smoothing down my hair. I held my head high as I walked to the door, counting to three before opening and darting my head outside.

  While there were a few people coming and going, none resembled Miguel. I took a quick glance in both directions and seeing an exit sign gave me a feeling of relief. I remained close to the wall as I made my way through several customers, two of which enjoyed the closeness far too much.

  My hand on the door, I knew I could get a ride from someone.

  “I don’t think you want to do that, sweet princess. Do you?”

  His raspy tone sizzled every nerve, his mere presence creating a wave of desire. I bit back a cry as he used his body to push mine against the wall, planting his hands on either side of me.

  “I made your father a promise that I would take care of you and I intend on honoring that no matter the circumstances. You are not safe,” Miguel stated matter-of-factly, as if I was supposed to believe him.

  “From you? I can imagine.” I could tell by the flash in his eyes that my statement had riled him once again.

  “You are indeed strong-willed just as your father suggests. You have no understanding of this lifestyle or the dangers you face every day.”

  “Dangers?” I laughed, shoving my hand against him. He was solid, my action doing nothing but irritating him again. “You’re the only dangerous creature I see, Miguel. You force my father to give me away for a night. What did you do, threaten his life? You’re a bastard.” This time, my actions were too quick for him, the hard slap across his face just enough that his head was thrown to the side.

  He took several deep breaths before tilting his head to face me, crowding my space even more. The feel of his throbbing cock against my stomach was far too stimulating, my damp panties now soaked. I hated myself, the utter betrayal of my body.

  “You believe that I forced your father into providing you as some sort of caveat for a business transaction?”

  I huffed, trying to maintain eye contact. “Absolutely. You are a monster. I am not for sale.”

  Rearing back, he issued a series of low-slung growls, the sound more frightening than the man. “I didn’t ask for your company tonight, princess. I wanted nothing more than a gesture of good will, not his daughter’s body to do with as I please. Your father offered you as reconciliation for his treachery and nothing more. However, you do need to keep in mind that when I want something, I take it.”

  “I don’t believe you.” I was shocked, sick to my stomach. Could this be the truth? Was my father so ruthless that he’d sell me off even for a single night to this kind of beast?

  “Believe what you want, but let’s make something very clear. He offered the deal. I accepted the deal. Your father gave me permission to satisfy my desires, doing anything necessary to keep you in line. In turn, I promised to keep you alive.”

  The words rang loud and clear. I wasn’t going to get away from him. Not tonight.

  Perhaps never.

  “You are a horrible man,” I spat, pushing hard against him again.

  “And you disobeyed me, something that I cannot and will not tolerate. I can see you didn’t learn your lesson the first time.”

  “I don’t need to learn another lesson from the likes of you.”

  Miguel shook his head before grabbing my hand, yanking me into the bathroom. “I’ve already told you for every misdeed there must be consequences. You simply don’t believe the rules apply to you.”

  I struggled, almost able to get out of his grasp. “Get off of me.”

  “That’s not going to happen, princess. You need to learn your lesson. While you may have the run of your father’s house, you do not rule me and never will. Tonight, I am your master.”

  He pushed me over the edge of the counter, immediately yanking my dress to my waist. He fingered the slender string nestled between my ass cheeks, a different and far more primal growl rushing past his lips.

  “No. No!” My whimper was barely audible and for some insane reason, I was excited. That just couldn’t be. “You are not going to spank me again. That’s crazy.”

  His look stern, he kept one hand pressed on the small of my back as he unfastened his belt. “I’m giving you another spanking, just like you deserve. Since we’re in a club, we’ll leave your panties on. Next time you will not only be bare-assed, you’ll be naked.”

  What? The bastard thought there’d be another time? I would kill him first.

  I was shocked, mortified, and unable to speak or even put two coherent words together. I couldn’t believe he thought this was acceptable here and now. This was crazy, sickening. “You just can’t.” I watched in horror as he maneuvered the buckle, finally able to pull the thick leather strap from his belt loops. Seeing the action in the light made my legs quiver. By then, two other women had come into the bathroom, their faces registering surprise as well as something else.


  My God, they were turned on by seeing this brute getting ready to spank me. Like some bad little girl. I didn’t deserve it! I didn’t. I kicked out, catching him in the shins and when he fisted my hair, yanking my head as he leaned over, I could only whimper.

  “You have no choice. None. I suggest you remain in position or your spanking will be much worse. This time isn’t about you acting like a bratty and mouthy girl. You could have gotten yourself kidnapped or killed. You have no idea what kind of person your father is, including his clientele. His enemies would enjoy snatching you from the street, shackling you in some abandoned location, doing vile, cruel things to your body while they wait for payment. If your father was not inclined to pay, you would never see the light of day again. That is the kind of people your father does business with.”

  “Then what does that make you?”

  Miguel laughed as he pulled the final few inches, freeing the strap. The sharp crack as the end hit the floor made me jump, but even worse, I was excited, my nipples swollen and aroused. Even the scent of my pussy juice trickling into my panties was far too shameful to think about. “That makes me your savior, little girl. Something for you to keep in mind.”

  My savior. I closed my eyes as he kicked my feet apart and the way his brushed his hand across my naked bottom created another tremor skating throughout my body. I couldn’t do this. I wasn’t that kind of girl.

  “Thirty strikes should h
elp you remain in line,” he stated casually. “If not, we’ll do it again.”

  Thirty? I wouldn’t be able to take it, not after the twenty from before. Moaning, I heard the door opening again, the noise of the club filtering all around us, the shocked voices of the customers humiliating as hell. I couldn’t believe he was doing this in a public place.

  When the first smack was placed across my bottom, I squealed more from the shock than any amount of pain. When he issued a second and third, every inch of skin was humming from electricity, creating wild pulses in my blood stream. I felt the heat just as before, my bottom already on fire.

  I would never forget the sound, the snapping noise of his wrist or the whooshing sound as the leather moved through the air. When he delivered the fourth and fifth, anguish reared its ugly head, sliding up from my toes and exploding all across my bottom. “Oh. God!” My scream was cut short by a round of laughter as another group of girls moved into the bathroom.

  “Delicious,” one of the girls said.

  “Wish I had a daddy dom,” another purred.

  I couldn’t bear to look at them or myself, terrified the girl looking back at me would have excitement on her face. I leaned forward, the round of agony passing, his light caress on my heated skin soothing.



  No. No! I couldn’t stand for this. I kicked out again, hitting nothing. I was surprised that his tone was gentle as he whispered into my ear.

  “This is exactly what you need and somewhere inside you already know that. You are doing very well, but if you attempt to move out of position again, we will start over.”

  I bit back another cry as he began again, one hard smack coming after the other. I tried to concentrate on the sounds as the agony blossomed, stimulating every muscle and cell. I was no longer in my body, merely floating in midair, a girl watching another being disciplined for such naughty behavior.


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