Falling For Fin (Falling Book 5)

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Falling For Fin (Falling Book 5) Page 1

by Tracy Lorraine

  Falling For Fin

  Falling Series #5

  Tracy Lorraine

  Copyright © 2017 by Tracy Lorraine

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Proofread by Pinpoint Editing

  Formatted by Dandelion Cover Designs

  Cover design by Dandelion Cover Designs

  Pam, thank you so much for all the time you put in to help me bring my stories to life.

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9



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  About the Author

  Also by Tracy Lorraine


  I would advise starting the Falling series from the beginning to fully understand the characters in this book, as well as the events that have led up to what you will read in Falling For Fin. But at a minimum, Falling For Ruben needs to have been read first, as this book directly follows on from its cliffhanger.

  Chapter One


  Emma grabs hold of me and pulls me back before I get to Ruben, who is still laying into Fin.

  “RUBEN, STOP IT,” I scream at the top of my voice, but he doesn’t react. He just continues punching Fin. “FIN, DO SOMETHING,” I shout, trying a different tactic. Fin is strong enough to hold his own against my brother, but for some reason he’s just stood there as if he’s accepting his fate.

  I vaguely register Emma also shouting next to me to try to stop Ruben, but it’s like he’s in some sort of trance.

  We both watch in horror as Fin drops to the floor. I hope that means it’ll be over, but unfortunately Ruben just starts kicking him in the stomach instead. Fin tries to curl himself into a ball to stop the onslaught, but he doesn’t do a very good job.

  Thankfully, all our shouting and screaming distracts the party that is going on in Emma’s garden for her and Ruben’s engagement and her book release, because both my parents and Emma’s come flying into the room, along with Ryan.

  I get pulled back and I’m not aware I’m falling until I feel something soft hit my arse. It’s like I’m watching a film as I watch Ryan and my dad run across the room and start pulling Ruben away from Fin. I’ve always known that Ruben has a bit of a temper. I’ve seen him lose it before now but I’ve never seen him completely lose himself like this.

  When they eventually manage to pull him to the other side of the room, I glance at his face. I actually shiver at the look in his eyes. He looks murderous. His eyes are wide and dark, he’s baring his teeth, his neck is pulsing, and all his muscles are pulled tight as he stares down at Fin.

  What the fuck have I done?

  I knew this was going to happen. It should have been enough to stop me, but it wasn’t. Nothing is, when it comes to Finlay Willis. Damn him with his sexy arse, cheeky smile and tongue that...now’s not the time!

  A shriek that comes from my mum brings be back to the here and now. I drag my eyes away from the monster version of my big brother. He is heaving out his breaths while staring down at Fin as my dad and Ryan try their best to keep him contained. My heart is in my throat when I take in the bloody mess that is not only Ruben’s childhood best friend, but also the man I love, and always have.

  Before I know I’m even moving, I’m on my hands and knees, leaning over him next to my mum. I run my eyes over the side of his bleeding and swollen face that I can see, taking in what I presume is a broken nose and split lip and eyebrows. He’s laid on his side, curled into the foetal position, completely still. If it wasn’t for being able to see his chest moving up and down, I would be extremely worried. Ruben didn’t go easy on him. I’m just grateful that Dad and Ryan pulled him away when they did, because he didn’t look like he was going to stop anytime soon. I shoot a look over my shoulder at him and see that Ruben’s still just as worked up as the last time I looked at him. If they were to let go of him, I have no doubt that he would carry on where he left off.

  I look him up and down before saying quietly, “What have you done with my brother, you monster? Get him out of here.” My voice is eerily calm. Fuck knows why, because calm is the last thing I’m feeling right now.

  I watch as Dad and Ryan drag a growling Ruben out of the room, then, thankfully, out of the house. I don’t care where they take him, as long as it’s as far away from me as possible.

  Emma catches my attention. She looks between me and the doorway where Ruben just disappeared through.

  “Go if you want,” I spit at her. I know I sound angry, and I know she can’t help feeling torn between staying with me and going with him. I can tell by the look on her face that she’s just as disgusted with his actions as I am.

  “No. He doesn’t deserve for me to follow him. I’m with you, Con.”

  Her words, along with looking back down at Fin, are the final straw. Tears instantly drop down onto my cheeks and sobs take over my body. I fold forwards over Fin’s almost lifeless body, and wail embarrassingly loudly.

  This is all my fault. I knew Ruben would fly off the handle when he found out, and I knew he would find out eventually. I just kinda hoped I’d grow a pair and tell him before it came to this.

  Ha, yeah, like that was ever going to happen.

  Anyway, I don’t think it matters how he would have found out. He would have gone after Fin regardless. My brother is nothing if he isn’t protective of me, and he has warned Fin enough times over the years to stay away from me. After all, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. If only I had more control of myself around Fin, I would have been able to save us all a world of pain.

  What we all just witnessed isn’t my brother. Yes, he can be hot headed, but he’s not vicious, really. I – we – just pushed him to that. I know that when he realises what he just did, he’s going to hate himself for it. Having said that, though, it doesn’t mean I’m going to forgive him anytime soon.

  I have no idea how long I’m curled over Fin’s body when I feel hands on me pulling me up, and I hear voices I don’t recognise. I’m moved so I’m sat back on the sofa, and I feel arms wrap around me. When I look up, I see that the voices belong to two paramedics that someone must have rang.

  I watch in a complete daze as they tend to Fin. We are all silent the whole time and it’s not until they have him on the trolley that my mum speaks up.

  “I’m going to go with Fin, love. Emma, will you bring Connie to the hospital when she has calmed down, please?”

  Emma says something, but I don’t hear her response because a whooshing noise suddenly fills my ears and my whole body goes weak and starts shaking uncontrollably at the same time. I put my head in my hands while taking deep breaths and willing the strange feeling to subside.

  When I finally look up, Fin, the paramedics and my mum are all gone. I didn’t even get to argue that I should be the one to go with him. My tears come back full force at that thought. I should be with him. This is all my fault. I should be with him.

  It’s not until I hear her voice that I realise I’m still wrapped in Emma’
s arms. “I wish you had told me, Con.” I turn to look at her, expecting to see an angry face looking back at me for keeping this from her, but all I see is compassion.

  She reaches up and wipes my cheeks when a few more tears fall.

  “Oh, Con,” she says, pulling me back into a hug. “Everything’s going to be okay.”

  How can she say that? She just watched the same horror show that I did. My mind replays the whole thing again in slow motion, from Ruben demanding to know if I was pregnant, to Fin being unconscious on the floor.

  What a mess.

  I feel Emma get up as I think about how I could have handled this all so much more effectively. To be fair, though, any way would have been better than this. All I’ve managed to achieve is hurt everyone I care about.

  “Here you go,” Emma says when she comes back in. I look up to see her placing a huge mug of hot chocolate on the table that is topped with whipped cream and marshmallows. I look back up at her in question. “Well, I presume you’re off caffeine, and I thought the sugar might do you some good.”

  I just shrug at her and pick up the steaming mug. I glance around the room, then out to the garden, and realise that everyone has left. I suddenly feel awful for ruining what should be a really happy day for Emma. I’m too lost to say that out loud, though. I hold the hot mug in my hands, letting the heat warm me. It might be a lovely summer’s day outside, but I’m cold to the bone.

  Emma sits silently next to me while I sip at the chocolaty, sugary goodness. She’s right, it does make me feel marginally better.

  I put the mug back on the coffee table before standing and demanding that Emma takes me to the hospital. I need to be with him. I’d hate for him to wake up and for me not to be there.

  “I promised your mum that I would make sure you’re stable enough before I took you anywhere. And apparently, it’s not just you that I’ve got to look after now, is it?” she says sarcastically, while glancing at my belly. “I want to know why you thought it would be a good idea to take a pregnancy test in my bathroom and leave the evidence there for anyone to see, but that isn’t the most pressing issue here. So come on, you’ve put it off for long enough. What is the story with Fin? I want to know everything and from the beginning. And I should warn you that if you say ‘nothing’ or try to get out of this, then there’s going to be trouble, Connie Foster.”

  I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the fact that sweet little Emma just threatened me. My brother must be rubbing off on her!

  * * *

  Ten years ago…

  I scoop up my towel, grab my glass and iPod and head inside. I’d spent the day laid out on a sun lounger in the garden. I was meant to be doing school work, ready to start sixth form in a few weeks, but I mostly slept and listened to music. Mum would kill me if she knew. I promised her that I didn’t need to be sat at the dining room table whilst working. She told me I’d get too distracted anywhere else, and guess what? She was right!

  I dump my glass in the sink and head towards my bedroom so I can shower before dinner. I just turn to go up the stairs when a note on the side table in the hallway catches my eye.

  Connie, we’ve popped to the shop, be back soon.

  Mum xx

  Smiling about the fact I’ve got the house all to myself for a little while, I head up to my room. I kick the door open and drop my towel on the bed before walking over to my speakers and plugging my iPod in. The sound of The Pussycat Dolls quietly plays, but I crank the volume up, knowing I’m not going to get moaned at for the noise.

  When the bass hits, I raise my arms above my head and do my best sexy dance along to the tune. I grind my hips and try to wiggle my bum Beyoncé style while watching myself in my full-length mirror. I look at my new curves and smile that I’m developing my womanly shape at last. Over the last few months, my hips and boobs have really popped out, which I’m unbelievably happy about. I thought I was going to be the only woman to still have a girl’s body; all my friends have been embracing their new figures for ages. I was feeling like their little sister when we all went out.

  I reach up behind me and pull the bow holding my bikini top together and throw it on top of the towel on my bed while still shaking my bootie around my room.

  I turn and go to change the song when something slow comes on, but a figure stood in my doorway makes me scream and immediately I bring my hands up to cover my boobs.

  “Shit,” I say, willing my heart to stop pounding from fright. “I thought you’d all gone out.”

  “Your mum and Ruben went to the shop, but it was my turn on the Playstation so I stayed behind.” He runs his eyes up and down my almost naked body and mutters, “And I’m so glad I did.”

  My mouth falls open and I watch him checking me out.

  What the fuck?

  Fin is my big brother’s best friend. They’ve been best friends since they were in nappies. Our mums had been friends since they were kids as well. I’ve pretty much grown up with Fin as an adopted brother. He’s always here and tagging along with our family outings. His mum sadly passed away when he was little, and his dad isn’t very good at doing family things, so we’re the best he’s got.

  The only problem with this whole set up is that I don’t love Fin like a brother, like I should. I love Fin in a ‘he is the hottest guy in the world and I want to marry him and have his babies’ kind of way. And this has always been the case. Well, for as long as I can remember.

  Ruben and Fin are two years older than me and are both now doing their apprenticeships with my dad. They both think I’m this annoying little girl. Neither of them really have much time for me. As much as I’d love to join them playing the Playstation or even out playing football, I’m not invited or welcome because I’m just a little girl. Yes, I’m pretty bitter about it. I also hate myself for fancying the pants off Fin, because I know he’ll never feel the same way. I wish I could just forget him and find someone who is interested in me.

  Fin taking a step forward so that he’s in my room snaps me back to the present. My heart suddenly starts racing for a very different reason the closer he gets.

  “I’ve been watching you sun bathing in that little bikini all afternoon. You’ve been driving me insane.”

  My heart skips a beat at his words, but then my brain makes itself known.

  He’s joking, right?

  This must be a huge joke that he thinks is hilarious, but unfortunately will have me crying into my pillow for days, if not weeks.

  I square my shoulders in an attempt to cover my hurt. “Whatever. Can you get out so I can shower, please?” I’m actually proud of how strong I sound saying it.

  “I’m serious, Con. You look smoking, baby,” he says, as he reaches up to tuck a loose bit of my hair behind my ear.


  “You think I don’t notice you? Well, you’re wrong. I see you. I see all of you.”

  I’m too stunned by his words to do anything, and when he wraps his hands around my wrists and gently pulls my hands away from my boobs, I let him. He breaks eye contact with me and stares down at my exposed chest. I watch with fascination as he runs his tongue along his bottom lip before biting down on it. Most girls would be shy about being stared at like this, but I’ve always been overly confident about my body, even with my prior lack of curves. I’m even happier about showing it off now, though.

  Between my legs starts pounding like I’ve never experienced before, and I have the sudden urge to grab hold of his hand and shove it down my bikini bottoms.

  “Fuck it,” Fin suddenly says, like he’s made some big decision, before taking the final step towards me. He reaches back and pulls his t-shirt over his head at the last minute, and not a second later, the hot, soft skin of his chest presses against my boobs. The feeling of skin on skin is amazing and only makes me want this more.

  “You want me to stop, then just say stop. Okay?”

  I can’t speak. I just lean farther into him.

  “Connie,” he warns.
“I need to know you’re with me here and that you’ll stop me if I go too far for you.”

  I know he’s saying this because I only turned sixteen a few weeks ago. I am so ready for this, though.

  I know Fin has been with girls before because I’ve heard him and Ruben comparing notes. I, however, have dreamed about Fin being my first, I never in a million years thought it would happen though.

  My brain eventually starts working enough for me to respond. “I promise, but I won’t be stopping you.”

  I watch as he runs his eyes all over my face, I guess to make sure I’m being serious, before he leans in and brushes his lips gently against mine. My whole body ignites with just the simple touch and when he runs his hands over my waist and up my back, goosebumps break out and it feels like my skin tingles from head to toe.

  We kiss for ages and it seals my belief of what a first kiss should be. It’s soft to start with, but before long, our desire gets the better of us and it gets rough, like we can’t get enough of each other. I run my hands over as much of Fin’s exposed skin as I can get my hands on. I love how he feels, so smooth and soft but hard at the same time.

  Eventually, Fin must decide that it’s time to move on, because he slowly starts to walk me backwards and it’s not long before I feel the backs of my knees hit the bed. He must feel it, because he breaks away from me, runs his eyes down my body and he reaches out to untie my bikini bottoms. He watches as they fall to the floor before running his eyes back up my body. The look in those blues when they meet mine again solidifies my confidence with my body. I’d walk around naked for him every day if it put that look on his face.


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