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War of the Gods

Page 6

by Erich von Daniken

  Next it was German explorer Rudolf Gantenbrink's turn. He is an engineer by profession and designed a small robot. The aluminum machine weighed 6 kilograms and was 37 inches long. The technical miracle was powered by seven independent electric motors. Starting from the south side of the Queen's chamber, Gantenbrink discovered a 62-meter-long shaft that ran diagonally upward and ended in front of a small door with two metal fittings. The robot's laser went under the door. There could be a room behind it. Although the discovery was verified on March 22, 1993, it was refuted with lies. First, the German Archaeological Institute in Cairo (DAI) rejected the news: “This is complete nonsense,” said the spokeswoman for the institute, Christel Egorov, to Reuters.38 And: “The discovered tunnel was merely an air duct, and the mini-robot had only been used to measure the humidity in it. It is known that the Great Pyramid contains no more chambers.”

  But the archaeologists of the DAI knew that their statements were wrong. Gantenbrink's robot had no device for measuring humidity. Professor Rainer Stadelmann, director of the DAI, flatly denied the possibility that there was a chamber behind the small door. “It is common knowledge that every treasure in the pyramid has long since been stolen.”39 His colleague, Egyptologist Dr. Günter Dreyer, confirmed: “There is nothing behind the door. It's all imagination.” In the meantime, a small room was photographed behind the door of the Gantenbrink shaft. An endoscope that was passed under the door took several pictures. I reported about it in 2012.

  And now the latest news. On November 2, 2017, the scientific journal Nature reported: “Cosmic-ray particles reveal secret chamber in Egypt's Great Pyramid.”40 The response from the noble archeology institute of Cairo? “A cavity does not make a chamber,” says Zahi Hawass.41 He added that the Great Pyramid was full of cavities.42 What a change in the statements compared to earlier ones! And Professor of Egyptology at the University of Basel, Dr. Susanne Bickel, said that if the measurements were correct, the cavity was probably designed to relieve the Great Gallery of the weight of the overlying stone masses.43 She does not believe that it “had to do with anything mysterious or special burial rites.”

  Egyptologists hate secrets. They believe everything is scientifically secured and clarified, even if, on closer inspection, nothing is clear. If there are no mysteries in the Great Pyramid, why then are these envied Egyptologists not drilling into the already well-known rooms? And why not do it while TV cameras are watching, sending live footage to the public?

  The situation surrounding the Great Pyramid began with Cheops, who doesn't necessarily have to be the builder of this huge stone structure. All the ancient historians who visited Egypt about 2,000 years ago asked the priests about the builder. As I already mentioned, nobody knew the answer. The ancient Egyptian sages did not know who had built the pyramid because this had happened before the Great Flood. Where does the connection between the Great Pyramid and Cheops come from? We owe it to Herodotus. In the second book of his Historien (Histories), he noted that he had been told that a tyrant named Chufu (the ancient Egyptian name for Cheops) had the pyramid built over twenty years. Now, finally, there was the master who presided over this gigantic project—and everyone would believe it for all eternity, despite the fact that other historians contradicted their colleague Herodotus 2,000 years ago. Even if one were to trust Herodotus, one important question remains. Let's recap: from discussions with Egyptians at the tea table, Herodotus had gathered that Chufu (a.k.a., Cheops) was a tyrant, and over 100,000 slaves had worked on the Great Pyramid for a period of twenty years. It is in the nature of the role: all tyrants are vain. If this tyrant Cheops actually had the pyramid built, it would have to be full of name-cartouches and praises of him. But the Great Pyramid is a monument of total anonymity. Neither in the Great Hall nor in any other room or corridor is there even the smallest inscription. How could a pharaoh build the mightiest structure on Earth without perpetuating his name? The lack of inscriptions is striking. It does not fit the character of the builder.

  But hold on a second! Located above the royal chamber were the so-called relieving chambers. These are five superimposed cavities above the ceiling of the royal chamber. And there, in the Campbell's Chamber, the word “Chufu” was painted in red. A clear proof that this belonged to Cheops? Not at all. This can be explained by starting with a self-centered deceiver named Howard Vyse. He was a colonel, a perpetual grunt, and a grandson of the Earl of Stafford. Vyse (1784–1853) came to Egypt on December 29, 1835. He had received his excavation license from the British consul. At that time the Italian captain Giovanni Battista Caviglia (1770–1845) was also digging on the pyramid plateau. Initially, they teamed up, but they were so different that they had a falling out, and on February 13, 1837, they ended their friendship. Colonel Vyse chased the Italian from the excavation field.

  Seventy-two years before Howard Vyse, the English diplomat Nathaniel Davison (1736–1809) had already discovered a hole in the ceiling at the end of the Great Gallery, which he crawled into on July 8, 1765. He reached an interspace directly above the so-called King's Chamber. Of course, Howard Vyse knew about this “Davison Chamber,” because he wrote in his diary that he suspected more voids were above it. On January 27, 1837, he confided to his diary that he must discover something before returning to England. Vyse and his engineer John S. Perring got some gunpowder. At the side of the Davison chamber, the men blew a shaft into the strata of rock. On March 30, April 27, May 6, and May 27, 1837, they actually discovered four more cavities above the Davison Chamber. In order of appearance, they were named “Wellington,” “Nelson,” “Arbuthnot,” and “Campbell's Chamber.” On the ceiling, Vyse, allegedly by his own admission, discovered some cartouches that might have been smeared on by someone during the construction period. Someone had written, with red brush strokes, the word Chufu, but not without errors. This seemed to prove the originator of the structure because Chufu is the Greek version of the Egyptian Cheops. Nobody questioned why a builder was able to write millennia ago, had brush and paint at hand, and painted the Egyptian word Chufu in (false) hieroglyphs.

  Now, we know better. British researcher Scott Creighton was able to prove unequivocably that Colonel Howard Vyse, who claimed to have discovered the red inscription, had applied it himself. It was written in 1835 with hieroglyphs that did not exist at Chufu's (Cheops) times. Scott Creighton formulated it in the journal Nexus: “There's clear evidence—it's from Vyse himself and undoubtedly confirms he lied about the Cheops Pyramid.”44

  Just a moment. Didn't Dr Bickel, the professor of Egyptology at the University of Basel, say that the newly discovered space in the pyramid serves to “relieve the Great Gallery of the weight of the overlying stones”? So was there a very simple explanation for the cavities in the building?

  Sixty years ago, Egyptologist Dr. Hermann Kees already pointed to the nonsense of the relieving chambers by saying: “very original those relieving chambers albeit statically purposeless . . .”45 I do not know who was first to come up with the unfortunate idea of relieving chambers and why hosts of authors and Egyptologists pass this nonsense on. The relieving chambers are not at all under the top of the pyramid, and they relieve nothing at all. Furthermore, a more than 30-meter-long relieving chamber above the already known Great Gallery would make every structural engineer despair. Across from such a relieving chamber, there would have to be a second chamber, just as large, so that the balance is restored and the whole structure is kept stable. In addition, it is thought that the engineers working millennia ago had, while investigating the relieving chambers allegedly planned by the builders, also calculated the total weight of the pyramid. Incomprehensible! What purpose would that have served? The experts do not realize that with every discovery inside the pyramid, the structure looks less and less as as if it had been built by Cheops. After all, every room, every corridor, and every shaft had to be planned before the first stone layer was carted to the site. This means calculations, drawings, the knowledge of the respective material thickness
of the different stones, the organization and supply of rose granite from Aswan, and, and, and. Each relieving chamber had to be planned like any other cavity in the pyramid before construction began. After the pyramid had been erected, no 62-meter-long Gantenbrink shaft could be drilled diagonally upward from the Queen's Chamber. Why not? Because the side of the shaft is no longer than 14 centimeters. You cannot even fit a toddler through it armed with hammer and chisel. The construction of the Great Pyramid does not fit with Egyptian society of the Fourth Dynasty. In addition, as Egyptologist Dr. Eva Eggebrecht calculated, the Fourth Dynasty would have had to process a stone volume totaling 8,974,000 cubic meters within the approximately 80 years of reign of the following pharaohs.46 This for the pyramids of Snefru (2575–2551 BC), Cheops (2551–2528 BC), Djedefre (2528–2520 BC) and Chefren (2520–2494 BC). These four pharoahs form the major figures of the Fourth Dynasty. The daily output would have been 413 blocks. Forget it!

  It is time to mention Arab historian Ahmed Al-Makrizi (a.k.a., Ahmed ibn Ali al-Maqrizi, 1364–1442), who, in his book Hitat (also written as Chitat), reports that the Great Pyramid was built by a ruler named Saurid, and that Saurid was “whom the Hebrews called Enoch.”47 I reported about this Enoch at length in my book History Is Wrong [German title: Falsch Informiert!]48 For background, in the Bible, Enoch is the seventh patriarch before the Great Flood, and he is the first man to leave Earth in a fiery chariot. Also, the fourteenth-century Arab explorer Ibn Battuta asserted that Enoch had built the Great Pyramid and the other pyramids before the Flood, “to keep in them books of science and knowledge and other precious objects.”49 Hitat reports on treasure chambers lying in the Great Pyramid filled with jewels, implements, “metal that does not rust,” glass that folds, “books about the stars,” and “treasures of the stars.” All of this, along with the complicated design of the pyramid, could well have come from Enoch, who eventually learned the language of the “Guardians of the Sky,” spent years in their spaceship, and was taught by them in all areas of science, including astronomy and engineering. According to his own statements, Enoch wrote over one hundred books about his expertise. He is the only one of the ancient authors who even mentions the names of his teachers. Finally, before leaving the Earth in a flying cart, he gave all his works to his son Methuselah with the explicit command to keep them for the “future generations after the flood.”50

  One could actually be satisfied by these statements. The question remains, though, whether Al-Makrizi, the author of the Hitat, referred to the right Enoch. Was this the same one who was the first human to leave Earth in a fiery chariot? Or were there other Enochs found in ancient literature? It's about the real Enoch:

  it is the one whom the Hebrews call Enoch, the son of Jared, the son of Mahalalel, the son of Kenan, the son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam . . . He had the pyramids built and treasures stored in them “learned scriptures and everything he worried about that it might be lost and disappear, in order to protect and preserve things.51

  What treasures are these? What should be kept in the pyramids? The Hitat states:

  All the secret sciences were recorded on the pyramids and their ceilings, walls and columns . . . and the pictures of all the stars painted on them. The names of medical remedies and their uses and harms, as well as the sciences of arithmetic and geometry, and all sciences in general, have been made intelligible to those who know their writing and their language.

  What Al-Makrizi wrote was confirmed more than one thousand years ago by philosopher, geographer, and historian Abu al-Hasan Ali ibn-Husain al-Mas'udi (896–956) in his work Bis zu den Grenzen der Erde (To the Ends of the Earth).52 Al-Mas'udi reports that the then-ruling pharaohs were convinced of a coming flood that would destroy their entire civilization. In order to preserve the knowledge of mankind, King Surid Ben Shaluk ordered the construction of an indestructible pyramid. But Surid Ben Shaluk is identical to Saurid from the Hitat and to Enoch from the apocryphal texts. Surid Ben Shaluk had all the valuable books of that time brought to the pyramid, but also seeds of all kinds and the mummified bodies of his ancestors.

  All of this suddenly makes sense. The building blocks fit together.

  At some point tens of thousands of years ago, people experienced a shift in the Earth's axis. Herodotus, Plato, and the Maya reported just as much about it as did ancient Tibetan scriptures. The entire knowledge was lost. Then the “gods,” the masters from outside our solar system, descended. The myths and ancient literature speak a clear language. These “gods” instructed isolated individuals in various sciences. Including a guy named Enoch in astronomy and engineering. They also made it very clear to him that a terrible flood would destroy all of mankind again. Please read more in the book of Enoch.53

  Enoch is—according to Arabic tradition in the Hitat—the same that the Greeks called Hermes. He was their messenger to the gods and was their favorite. Enoch/Hermes felt a great responsibility for the future of the human race. The society of his time revered and admired him. His authority made it possible to gather all the strength and to enforce the construction of the Great Pyramid. The knowledge of humanity, but also the knowledge of the contacts with the “celestials”—the aliens—and their return in the distant future, could never be lost. The “Guardians of the Sky,” as he called the teachers, had dictated to him one hundred scientific works. To deal with this flood of information, the aliens had even handed Enoch “a quick-writing device.” Enoch's knowledge was intended for mankind of the future—for us. It was never to be lost. I have good reason to believe that the Great Pyramid is a time capsule, created for millennia and indestructible by natural forces. That explains its anonymity. A pharaoh hadn't ordered the building of the pyramid; the gods did. The builder remained Saurid/Enoch/Hermes. Of course, the actual builders were the people of that time. The “gods” never got their hands dirty. The Great Pyramid is a message from the deep past for future generations.

  There exist about one hundred theories about how the pyramids were built. Most of them have been thought through by engineers and actually sound quite reasonable. But every theory has contradictions, None can conclusively explain the construction process. (I presented ten of the common ideas thirty years ago in my book Die Augen der Sphinx [The Eyes of the Sphinx].54) The fact is, the planning for the myriad manholes, corridors, and spaces within the pyramid is so sophisticated that they can in no way be attributed to Cheops's time. The planning reflects the knowledge of a high-tech society of the past and it seems to have been designed for a high-tech society of the future. The 62-meter-long shaft with its small door at the end, named after Rudolf Gantenbrink, was only discovered due to modern technology. Measuring the new spaces within the pyramid would not have been possible without the capabilities of modern physics. Without our modern technology, no dictator of the past would have had the slightest chance of locating the rooms and corridors in the Great Pyramid, let alone entering them.

  In that unknown time before the flood, the next pole shift promptly took place. Enoch had announced it, and Herodotus wrote about it much later. Remember: “During this time the sun did not rise four times in the usual place. Twice it rose from where it would presently set, and twice it would set in east, where it would presently rise.”

  Herodotus's testimony was confirmed in the ancient Mexican Codex Chimalpopoca, and the Greek philosopher Plato reiterates his testimony of a terrible catastrophe in several of his works. In the book Politikos, wise men of ancient Greece discuss the causes of that annihilation, and Plato diagnoses the cause: “No, but instead the miracle of the reversal of the setting and rising of the sun and the other stars. Where they now rise, they used to set and they rose from the opposite direction . . .”55

  Hesiod lived before Plato and wrote his Theogonie (Theogony) around 700 BC. Over several pages, it tells of the battles of the gods, which of course were fought in space.

  the Titans also readied their squadrons . . ., the Earth thundered loudly, the arching sky roared and, i
mmediately, lightning and thunder raced from the sky, holy flames whirled continuously with boulders and flickering lights . . ., the food-sprouting soil burned with loud crashing noise high in the sky, and the mighty forests rattled in embers . . . then the sacred air blazed so that even the eyes of the fittest, stared blinded at the shimmering splendor of thunder and lightning . . . as if the arched sky approached the Earth . . .56

  In his famous book Welten im Zusammenstoβ (Worlds in Collision), Immanuel Velikovsky quotes several ancient historians writing about a sun that suddenly rose in the west.57 (More about that in the next chapter.) And in the tomb of Senenmut (also spelled Senmut, who was one of the architects of the temple of Queen Hatshepsut, 1507–1458 BC), a ceiling painting shows the reversed sky. There, the constellation of Orion suddenly appears west of Sirius rather than east of it. And this with the very exact knowledge of Orion and Sirius that the Ancient Egyptians possessed!

  Thus, Egypt was once again under water, unknown thousands of years ago. All libraries were lost and with them all the knowledge. Therefore, the Ancient Egyptians did not know the name of the pyramid builder. He had ruled “before the flood.”

  The same applies to all temples and pyramids of the supposed Fourth Dynasty. The total construction volume of 8,974,000 cubic meters (with a daily output of 413 blocks) was not a creation of the Fourth Dynasty. Everything was already in that location when Cheops entered the stage. It's strange: Snefru, Cheops, Djedefre, and Chefren from the Fourth Dynasty are thought to have processed the 8,974,000 cubic meters of rock during their reign—but none of the builders, architects, engineers, or workers mentioned even one word about the gigantic construction sites—not the smallest inscription anywhere. Why not? Because the Fourth Dynasty had nothing to do with this construction volume. It occurred during the time of Herodotus's 330 kings that the priests read to him from a book.


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