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War of the Gods

Page 8

by Erich von Daniken

  We find the same scenario worldwide. Peoples, none of which knew that there were other people living far away from them, recorded the same memories. The book Matsya Purana, written in Sanskrit, is part of Indian mythology. But although there were no connections between the ancient Indians and the North American tribes, the essence of their historical narratives in this regard is the same:

  Then a ring of fire rose up to destroy the heavens, like a set of tongues of the god of death, shining so brightly as if twelve suns would be rising. When the world was scorched by a number of terrible suns, all parts of the world, moving and static, were immediately reduced to ashes. Hereupon a mass of coal-black clouds appeared, reminiscent of the scorched world. Then the weight of violent downpours continued to pound the Earth. As if the regions of the worlds wanted to shed a stream of tears of pain over the destruction of the universe.11

  In the Vatican Library of Rome is a manuscript that the Spanish conquerors brought back from the New World. It must have been created over 400 years ago in the highlands of Mexico and was originally written by Mayan priests. The text is labeled Codex Vatican A 3738. In it—as in many documents of other peoples—is the account of a destruction of the world by heat, fire, and wind. The sky had glowed, the fire had rained from the sky, and the people had burned. Hot ashes were present everywhere like blistering lava.

  Siberia is located far from Central America. A connection between the two cultures did not exist millennia ago. But even the northern Siberian tribes report “a terrible flood of fire that once destroyed all life on Earth.”12 The same applies to the Tungusic people of Transbaikalia. According to their tradition, a heavenly conflagration once raged for seven years and destroyed everything. All but one boy and one girl are said to have died, and they only survived, “because they flew towards the sky on an eagle.” The aforementioned Mansi (formerly known as Voguls) in Western Siberia also report that the supreme heavenly god caused the flood of fire in order to destroy the devil that ruled Earth. While the whole Earth drowned in fiery water, the gods had succeeded in saving some people in an iron ship. The inhabitants of Tahiti also report something similar. And as is well-known, Tahiti is located in the Pacific Ocean, tens of thousands of miles away from the Mansi. “Glowing rocks” had fallen from the sky. After the catastrophic fire, “there was no hut, no coconut palms, no fruit, not even more grass.”13 And how do the Ipurina, Pamary, and Abedery tribes that live on the Purus River know the same? The Purus River flows east of the Andes (Brazil), and the jungle tribes of the Amazon could not know about the Mansi in Western Siberia. However, they all know the millennia-old accounts of fire and glowing rocks that crashed from the sky.

  And it is always the gods who played the decisive role. Either they had fought a battle in space that led to the destruction of a celestial body, or they had emerged to save at least some people from destruction.

  Even in the national epic of the Finns, Kalevala, hot rocks are reported to have once fallen from the sky.14

  Where would rocks fom the sky have come from? The occasional errant small meteorite may crash into the ground, unless it first burns up in the atmosphere, but hundreds of them at the same time? Even the Book of Books, the Bible, describes it: “And when they were at the foot of Beth-Horon, fleeing from Israel, the Lord had large rocks fall from heaven as far as Azekah, and they died. Those who died from the hailstones were more than those who Israel slew with the sword . . .” See Chapter 10, Verse 11, of the book of Joshua.15

  Anyone who delves into the history of earthquakes quickly learns that hundreds of narratives exist. The topic captivated astronomers, ethnologists, and theologians across human history. What happened unknown millennia ago? How could a worldwide flood occur as reported by all cultures on Earth? How was it possible that the sky was burning and glowing rocks were falling? Nothing comes from nothing—there is a cause behind every event. In the more than one hundred books that I studied about global “floods” and “fires from the skies,” the authors always assume that the cause is a “divine judgment.” Some heavenly being had been angry, either at men or other gods. But in reality, there is no god, neither in the past nor today, who constantly rages against his own creatures because they do not do what he wants. For the destruction of Earth, whether its caused by a great flood or a catastrophe in the solar system, there must be another cause than a constantly raging deity. What is this anyway—god? The philosophical question has a lot to do with the gods and the annihilation of one planet in our solar system.

  The universe began at some point in time. Religion explains this origin with god. But where did this god come from? Who or what created god? Science sees it differently: in the beginning was the Big Bang. But even a “primordial atom” has an origin. Nothing comes of nothing, even in astrophysics. Whether it's religion or science, if we leave speculation aside, we have zero knowledge with regard to the origin of the universe. And whoever answers this question with a “divine being” swiftly drowns in a sea of impossibilities.

  With a (supposedly) divine being that created the universe, man thinks as illogically as with regard to the Big Bang. In the realm of faith, a divine being is possible—but a Big Bang out of nothingness isn't. In this case, a “divine being” would have to possess some minimal qualities without which creation is unthinkable—at least for us humans. One of these minimal properties would be timelessness. A real god—a spiritual being who creates something out of nothing, whatever he wants—would not have to wait and see how his experiments turn out. He would know this beforehand, and thus the experiments would be superfluous. But now tens of millions of people believe that an angry god has conjured up the deluge and annihilation of the world through heat. That's how it is told in the holy books. Those satisfied with such answers no longer need research, and those who do not do research cannot find the cause of a deluge or the emergence of the asteroid belt. In this ignorance, man does not know that the catastrophes of the past can be repeated in the future. And the person without that knowledge has no ability to avert a future destruction of the Earth. So, is a god responsible for the annihilations of the past? To focus on this question, let me go back a bit.

  In the beginning—as the astrophysicists write—it was nothingness, endless emptiness, or “black radiation.” This radiation is said to have existed in a state of “non-time” or “expectation.” Whoever asks what existed before this state will never find an answer. Then out of the black radiation is said to have emerged a first particle of matter: the electron. This electron combined with a proton—where did that come from?—and a hydrogen atom was formed. Matter was born. Millions of years after the Big Bang, cosmic dust swept through the universe. The particles swirled around and found each other, eventually forming a sphere that attracted more and more matter. Where did this matter come from? The growing density caused a friction between the particles. The matter became warmer and finally hot. A red-hot star was born. It condensed even more and attracted more and more cosmic dust. Light atomic nuclei merged into heavier ones. Hydrogen became helium, and later other elements developed.

  There is a reason for my excursion into astrophysics. I am tracking this “divine being.” The “thing” that is said to be responsible for the catastrophes of the past. That's why I have to follow the creation of the universe a bit further. During the fusion process within a sun, energy is produced and released, and nuclear fusion takes place, which is provable with our Sun. But as soon as the lighter elements are used up, this nuclear fusion ends because there is nothing more to fuse. The star inflates, explodes, and becomes a supernova; thereby a lot of the star's mass is thrown into space. In the final phase of extinction, the greater part of the star mass falls back into the star and compresses. The result is a white dwarf. The diameter of this white dwarf shrinks to just a few kilometers. The star is at the end and collapses. After it collapses, not one ray of light speaks to its former existence. What remains is a black hole. Astrophysicist Reinhard Breuer describes it as follows: “A bla
ck hole is a star that has become so heavy through contraction that no particle, not even light, can escape its surface.”16

  Comparable to a bubble in the water, the black hole forms space within space. What was once trapped in the space of the black hole never comes out again. The scary behemoth doesn't even let light escape, so it is invisible. It reveals its existence only through the curvature of space, which can be demonstrated in astrophysics. In this alien world—and all this has to do with the (assumed) god—the physical laws are completely different from our environment.

  Time runs in reverse in the black hole.

  Space is of temporal nature and time of spatial nature.

  Within the black hole, all happens with decreasing entropy. This means that the “order” is becoming higher and higher. (In plain English: if you pour a jug of hot water into a bathtub of cold water, the hot and cold water mix, creating “disorder.” The hot water does not remain separate, and neither does the cold water.)

  Time runs cyclically in a black hole. All past states are repeated again and again. Every piece of information always returns to its starting point.

  It all sounds confusing. And now imagine a “friendly god” who created all this and, for tens of billions of years, has watched how this whole process—the birth and destruction of stars, the emergence of white dwarfs and black holes—repeats itself over and over again. If this god had a personality, he would have been bored out of his mind for ages. And if this friendly god would be immaterial, and purely spiritual, then he would have to be even more bored. Because to know everything about what is happening and what will happen results in an even bleaker existence.

  Furthermore, one would realize that the universe consists of an infinite number of suns and planets, including trillions of worlds with life forms, including human-like forms. Thus, according to an extrapolation by NASA, there are 4.5 billion Earth-like planets in our galaxy alone. And somewhere out there would be a friendly god who created all this. This god picks a blue world among the trillions of planets and creates intelligent beings—humans—and lets them develop. And among them, he prefers a special people. He gives his commandments, and because they do not do what he wants, he rages, rants, and threatens—all as recorded in the Bible. Yet, as a timeless being, he must have known from the outset that his creatures are stubborn donkeys, so there is no reason for the anger. But the Bible teaches the opposite. Would you care for some examples?

  “They should die from epidemics, they should not be mourned and not be buried. They are to become manure in the fields, perished by the sword and by starvation, and their bodies should become food for the birds . . .” (Jeremiah, Chapter 16, Verse 4)

  “The Lord said, ‘The dogs shall devour Jezebel. . . . Those who die by Ahab in the city shall be eaten by the dogs . . .’” (1 Kings, Chapter 21, Verse 24)

  “If you turn away and ignore my statutes and commandments, I will destroy you . . .” (2 Chronicles, Chapter 7, Verse 19)

  “They are locked up in the pit, locked up as prisoners, and they are locked in a cell and, after many days, will be punished . . .” (Isaiah Chapter 24, Verse 22)

  “Behold, my servants will eat, you will starve. See, my servants will drink, you will be thirsty! Behold, my servants will rejoice, ye shall cry out in heartbreak . . . may the Lord God kill you . . .” (Isaiah Chapter 65, Verse 13)

  “But I will chastise you all . . . I will pour out my wrath over them like water . . . I am like a moth and like a worm-eater . . .” (Hosea, Chapter 5, Verse 3 ff.)

  “You shall be damned in the city and cursed in the field . . . The Lord will release the curse onto you, the consternation and the threat . . ., the Lord will attach the plague to you until he exterminates you . . ., the Lord will beat you down with consumption, with hot fever, with drought, with the burning of crops and yellowing . . ., the Lord will turn the rain of your land into dust, from heaven it will come down over you, until you are consumed. If you do not faithfully fulfill all the words of this law . . . the Lord will torment you and your descendants with selected plagues, with great, ongoing plagues . . . the Lord will take pleasure in annihilating you and destroying you so that you will be torn away . . .” (5th Book of Moses, Chapter 28, Verse 16 ff.)

  This goes on from one Biblical author to the next. Even the absurd becomes possible: “The king desires no other bride's price than a hundred foreskins of Philistines to avenge the king's enemies . . .” (1 Samuel, Chapter 18, Verse 25)

  Why these quotes? What do they have to do with the emergence of the asteroid belt or the Flood? The quotes suggest a god who can never be a “grandiose spirit of creation.” An angry, vicious god crying for revenge would be an insult to a spiritual being. Like all other gods of mythology, the one of the Old Testament was nothing else but an extraterrestrial. This statement is provable. And in this way of thinking, the real God, that “thing” incomprehensible to man, whom I call the “grandiose spirit of creation,” is not lost. For my part, I have long since unmasked the gods of religions and mythologies, and have, nevertheless, certainly never lost faith in a real god. But one cannot attribute the tantrums, threats, and punishments to the true God.

  The very last doubt about the alleged god of the ancient scriptures is definitively removed by the so-called prophet Enoch. See his book of the same name.17 Enoch reports how he was brought beyond the Earth and further to the “sanctuary” (the command center of the spaceship): “Then the Majesty rose, came to me and greeted me with her voice”; this is embarrassing for theological scholars because this event cannot be rationalized as a friendly god. Enoch tells us how he was picked up by two aliens (“as I've never seen any on Earth”), disinfected (“rubbed with a heavenly ointment”), put into a spacesuit (“See, I looked as one of them”), and was brought to the mother spaceship and to the commander. He welcomes him “with his voice.” He gives instructions to hand Enoch a “rapid-writing-tube,” and a subordinate named Vrevoel dictates scientific works to Enoch for months. Before his “ascension,” Enoch passes these works to his son Methuselah with the words: “And now my son Methuselah, keep the books of your father's hand, and hand them over to the coming generations after the Flood . . .” (Enoch, Chapter 82 ff.) By the way: Enoch's books are kept in the Great Pyramid of Egypt.

  So if an almighty God cannot be held responsible for the explosion in the asteroid belt and the Flood, if it was not “the grandiose spirit of creation,” who is left? Were these all natural events or cosmic catastrophes? As for the Flood, the proof is easy: it was not about a natural event. Why not? Here is a thought from my most recent book:

  Flood stories are a global fact within religions and myths. Whether in the Bible, in the Sumerian Gilgamesh epic, in the “Song of Creation,” the Enuma Elish of the Babylonians, whether in the Book of Mormon, the Kogi in Colombia, the Hopi in Arizona, the Maya in Central America, or the Dogon in Africa—it is always a “god” warning people about the flood. They all knew about the impending water masses; and not just two weeks in advance, as in today's weather forecasts. The time of the Flood was determined much earlier, the countdown was on, and all the pupils, without exception, were instructed to build a specific watertight ship. Logically, none of the gods seemed “almighty,” no one just gave the people a boat. None of the “celestial beings” who had come down had the omnipotence of conjuring up a ship, so to speak, by winking or snapping their fingers. Technology was used in building every ship. Shipbuilding is a technology. And each of the pseudo-gods called the coming Flood a punishment. Mankind of that time was to be destroyed. Obviously, a genetic program went awry. At least that's how it has been handed down to us several times.18

  “A great disaster will engulf the whole Earth, a deluge . . . the complete weight of judgment will come upon the Earth and the Earth will be cleansed of all filthiness . . . That is why I bring a flood upon the Earth.” (Book of Enoch, Chapter 106, Verse 13 ff.)19

  And the asteroid belt? Was there a war in outer space? Did some pseudo-gods rage in ou
r own solar system and want to destroy each other? The biblical prophet Daniel writes of a heavenly army that was thrown from the stars down to the Earth. (Daniel, Chapter 8, Verse 10) And John the apocalypticist tells us of stars falling from the sky and a war in space. But his visions never make it clear whether he means the past or the future.

  “And the third angel sounded his trumpet; Then a great star fell from the sky, burning like a torch, and it fell on the third part of the rivers and on the springs of water . . . “(Revelation, Chapter 8, Verse 10)

  “. . . . And the fifth angel sounded his trumpet when I saw a star that fell from heaven to Earth.” (Revelation, Chapter 9, Verse 1)

  “. . . . And there was war in heaven, so that Michael and his angels fought a war with the dragon. And the dragon waged war, and his angels; and they could not withstand, and there was no more place for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown, the old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, who seduced the whole world, he was thrown down to Earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” (Revelation Chapter 12, Verses 7–9)

  Where do these texts come from? The apocalypse is in every Bible in the New Testament appendix. It was said to have been written by the apostle John. But several theological experts believe that the text came from an editorial team from the 90s to the 100s (AD) of our time.20 But even this editorial team has not invented the content—it used older sources that are no longer available to us.


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