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War of the Gods

Page 14

by Erich von Daniken

  These diatoms can be found in both fresh and salt water. Today diatomaceous earth is used as a vermin powder. It has a biophysical effect. Here, knife-sharp edges tear open the chitin shell of crawling insects and arachnids. All pests are dehydrated by diatomaceous earth. It is used against mites, fleas, lice, ticks, cockroaches, ants, silverfish, and snails. It also spreads to the sleeping places of pets. The insects can't build up any resistance to it so, unlike chemical products, it can be used again and again. Therefore, it is also scattered without hesitation in stables or beehives.

  Whoever covered mummies with white powder knew its effect. Diatomaceous earth kills all pests and protects the body from decay.

  At the press conference on July 17, 2017, Jaime Maussan confirmed, “We have not altered the mummies in any way. If they were fakes, the fraudsters would have studied anthropology at America's Harvard University.”

  Then Dr. Raymundo Salas who holds a PhD from the University of San Marcos, Lima, and is a radiologist and computer tomography specialist, commented,

  We examined the mummies thoroughly. The most important thing is their hands and feet. We detected no manipulations. The carpus and metacarpus bones correlate in the hands and in the feet. There are no distortions. The hands have five phalange bones (= joints) and they are very long. The skull is extended backwards. All bones fit together perfectly. There are no manipulations. It is not a normal, human being. Definitely not. This is not an assessment. The diagnoses with CT scan are objective. It's nothing subjective—nothing interpretable. And the mummy is around 1700 years old.6

  These findings were confirmed by forensic expert Dr. José de Jesús Zalce Benítez. His team had examined the mummies for errors that counterfeiters might have made. “The tendons and ligaments are perfect. No bones have been glued together. Nothing about it is composed of foreign parts. The anatomy is right. The fingers are about five individual joints. These joints cannot be faked and then glued together. The anatomy on all three fingers is harmonious. Also biomechanically perfect, otherwise the creature would not have been able to make a fist. In addition, the ‘foramen magnum’ (the occipital hole, exit point of the spinal cord) had shifted. This makes a forgery impossible, because the skeleton consists of one piece, as we can prove on the mummy ‘Albert.’ All bone parts are normal and organic—but each body has grown in its own individual way. ‘Albert’ in his natural state of growth. The chin is too small, the ribs are arranged horizontally, the spaces between all bones are perfect. But because the bodies are not all exactly alike, we speak of individuals . . . So the mummy ‘Victoria’ is similar to that of ‘Maria.’ But they are not alike.”

  Dr. Konstantin Korotkov from the University of Saint Petersburg in Russia is also president of the International Union of Medical and Applied Bioelectrography. He personally participated in taking the various samples. These samples were examined by the Federal Research Organization Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Science named after Dr. Otto (Mendeleevskaya line 3, St. Petersburg). Dr. Korotkov explained,

  The first step was to prove that bones and skin are real, not made of plastic or anything else. Then we needed to determine the age. So we used the C-14 method. Then we analyzed the body structure using computed tomography and[by] X-ray examinations. So it was proved that they are real bodies. But why the three fingers? The three toes? I could take a sample of one of Maria's fingers and one of her toes. We examined the samples separately again. The most important thing: we were able to prove that the samples are of the same material. This also applies to the same chemical composition. It is the same DNA. Therefore, there is no longer any doubt that the three fingers and the three toes belong to the same body. It had already been proved with the first DNA analysis that it could not be a chimpanzee, but that the DNA was human-like DNA because today we know three types of human-like creatures: Neanderthal, Cro-Magnon, and Denisova hominins. The latter was determined as another type of human because of differences in its DNA. In addition, we know from the CT scan that all internal organs were intact . . . From my point of view, it cannot be a malformation of a normal person. It's an absolutely novel skeletal structure and it belongs to a strange species—another human type.7

  Results from the computer tomographical scans

  This was also confirmed by Peruvian radiologist Dr. Raymundo Salas: “We can clearly prove scientifically that these bodies are real bodies. They are not fakes.”

  Scientists from different institutes who had never met before and performed tests using different methods, confirmed the authenticity of the mummies. For example, the BioTecMol (Moleculares SA) of the Cuidad de Mexico performed DNA analyses. The report from June 24, 2017, signed by Dr. Rogelio Alonso, notes that the DNA is definitely different from human DNA. The DNA had also undergone a purification process at the University of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA. The report, signed by biotechnologist Dr. Doug Taylor, once again notes that the DNA is real and wasn't the same as human DNA. In addition, “Maria” is not a mummified, but a dried-up corpse—all internal organs are present. Dr. William Brown, molecular geneticist at New York University, adds: “I would say that the beings from which the samples were taken have no terrestrial origin known to us. They do not seem to agree with any species of this earth.”

  Three fingered humanoid mummy—with strange DNA

  Dr. Oleg Sergeevich Gotov, senior researcher of the University of St. Petersburg, Department of Molecular Genetics, added: “We were able to extract the ancient DNA . . . The fact that this ancient DNA has many variants of the common genome is quite startling. In other words, it means that we basically have unique and new data without having added anything.”

  Dr. José de Jesús Zalce Benitez of the National School of Forensic Medicine of Mexico City stated that it was not a human skeleton. The same was confirmed by Dr. Michael Asseev, head of Genetic Analysis of the Medical Institute, MIBS, of Mexico City.

  At the hospital of the University of Colorado, USA, the radiologist M. K. Jesse examined one of the mummies. “The upper and lower jaws show rows of teeth. Thoracic vertebra, thorax and femurs are symmetrical. The skull is slightly elongated, the creature has three fingers and three toes. There are no separate bones. Everything grew together.”

  Even in far-off Sri Lanka, a gene-tech laboratory, actually a special laboratory for genetic analysis for criminal cases, was involved in the research. Its representatives said that “Maria's” genes could lie between those of a gorilla and those of a chimpanzee. “That would make her a member of an unknown primate group.”

  Biologist Dr. José de la Cruz Rios, a microscopist at the University of Campeche, Mexico, put it finally as follows: “Since the mummy bears no resemblance to any of the species that we are related to, it is a species very different from us. Why are these beings on our planet if there are no paleontological finds of them? So our conclusion is that the origin of these creatures is not on this planet.”

  Striking about all mummies was the lack of hair. In addition, a skeleton under the cervical vertebra carried an implant in the form of a “metal strip” under the skin. Whenever the thing was implanted millennia ago, it had to be done at a young age of the life form in question, because the skin had grown seamlessly over it. In order to avoid permanent damage, the metal strip has not been removed to this day. The same mummy had three white eggs in her abdomen, which was even more perplexing. They were clearly visible, and mammals do not lay eggs, birds do—and reptiles.

  Some of the X-rayed bodies have some kind of eggs in their bodies.

  Let's take a short break. Small creatures with big heads should have come from outer space? Is this crazy? I remembered a report by the (former) Soviet geologist Dr. W. Saizev. He published an article in Sputnik magazine in 1968 where he wrote about little beings that had come “from the firmament.”8 The story was later confirmed to me by the Soviet writer Alexander Kasanzev in Moscow. I reported about it in Zurück zu den Sternen (Back to the Stars).9 Then my colleague Peter Krassa (19
38–2005) examined it, and again later, Hartwig Hausdorf and Jörg Dendl dealt with the matter.10, 11, 12, 13 Each researcher added a new mosaic to the controversial story or corrected a previous fallacy. Following are the details.

  In 1937, a Chinese archaeologist in a mountain cave near Baian-Kara-Ula, located in the Chinese-Tibetan border area, is said to have found 716 tombs with small skeletons.

  In the same cave were also stone plates with grooves, only much coarser than those on vinyl records. These grooves contained characters that could later be translated. One told of little beings that came from outer space who called themselves Dropa. Their sky-bound vehicles could not be repaired, so they tried to survive on Earth, but the natives chased them with their horses and killed them.

  Did some of these Dropa escape? Did they sail to the Pacific Bay of Pisco-Paracas and become the forefathers of the Chincha? Are the little mummies that were discovered in Nazca their descendants? Were there so many of them because their parents are descended from a reptile species and therefore laid eggs?

  I do not know the answers, but I do not want to leave this cross-connection unmentioned. Maybe it can help later researchers.

  So far, I have quoted eleven scientists, each a specialist in his field. Others have agreed with them as well, but do not want their names printed. Why? It has to do with chairs at state universities. They fear the mockery by their colleagues, the loss of credibility, or even the fact that the administration of the university knew nothing about their investigations. (“Please! What nonsense are you dealing with? This hurts our reputation . . .”) I respect the anonymity of researchers who do not want to expose themselves to the ridicule of their own colleagues. I am well acquainted with the way humans react.

  But is there only consent? Where are the contradictions? We know today that the mummies cannot be “normal” humans, but the proof that they actually came from outer space is missing. Although it is quite correct when Dr. Konstantin Korotkov stated that “the skeletal structure belongs to an alien species—another humankind.” And biologist José de la Cruz Rios's statement is equally correct, when he points to the lack of paleontological finds of these beings and therefore states that “the origin of these creatures is not on this planet.” But the so-called “smoking gun,” the solid proof of the alien evolution of this species, is missing. But it could be provided quickly. Come again?

  The mummies show completely different ages, varying from around 1700 years to 3600 years. So is it all a hoax?

  Dating of the bodies was performed using the so-called C-14 method. This C-14 is a carbon isotope and, according to popular belief, the same amount of it always exists in our atmosphere. The C-14 isotope is slightly radioactive. It comes from the radiation of the universe and is completely harmless. Now, every life form—whether plant, animal or human—absorbs this C-14 every day. Once a living thing dies, it stops absorbing C-14. That's when the time of decay begins—the half-life. The very weak radioactive radiation dissolves. For the carbon isotope C-14, this half-life is 5,568 years. After 5,568 years, only half of its quantity or of the original radiation activity is present, and after 11,200 years, only a fourth of it. The method was developed by Frank Libby (1908–1980), then professor of chemistry at Princeton University, New Jersey, USA. In 1960, he received the Nobel Prize for it. But there is a catch with this method. It is assumed that the same amount of C-14 isotopes is always present in our atmosphere, but that is not always true. Short fluctuations due to space radiation can corrupt the entire result. Because of such anomalies, a life form would only have to take up a little bit more C-14 than expected, and the dating would provide completely different data. Also, if the Peruvian mummies are extraterrestrial bodies, their metabolism could absorb different amounts of C-14 than we earthlings absorb. Our measurements are based on C-14 levels in the terrestrial environment. We have no idea which atmospheres those beings came into contact with. Perhaps they also worked with slightly radioactive objects or flew through the radioactive Van Allen Belt in our solar system. There are twenty possible explanations of why the C-14 method gave different results for the Peruvian mummies.

  In one of the sarcophagi in the dark tomb, there are many small, engraved stones, claimed one of the grave robbers. The collection of the late Dr. Janvier Cabrera (1924–2001) in Ica, Peru, shows exactly the same: masses of engraved smaller and larger stones. The town of Ica, which houses the Cabrera collection, is located right in the middle between Paracas and Nazca. Dr. Cabrera, whom I knew well, could distinguish between ancient and modern engravings. He had personally taken me to a forger who demonstrated how today's copies are made. It had also been Cabrera who had commissioned several scientific assessments of the stone carvings. I asked pressing questions as to where the masses of engraved stones came from, and he always responded with a secret locality—“the depot.” And we knew all this already 40 years ago. (I wrote about it repeatedly.14, 15) Hundreds of engraved stones contained in a sarcophagus in the same region cannot shake my convictions.

  Foils were also discovered in the tombs at Nazca that, when crumpled up, in other words after their shape had been altered, always returned back to their original shape as if straightened out by an invisible hand. Was this a miracle? Foils with the same characteristics have been secured as early as 1947 after the ominous UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico. The newspapers of that time talked about it, and today, the pictures can be admired at the UFO Museum of Roswell. In addition, stainless metals and thin foils were already described in the Hitat.16 This creates a connection with the treasures in the Great Pyramid thousands of years ago. How were these special foils, also called “intelligent metal,” at a subterranean site? And why were they always in connection with extraterrestrial mummies? It doesn't bother me; I have heard it many times before. But didn't the media a decade ago already report about a mummy discovered in the Chilean Atacama Desert? The body, which is just 15 centimeters long, has since been identified as human. This was confirmed by studies carried out at the University of California at San Francisco as well as at Stanford University in Palo Alto. It was a human deformity—nothing more. Could not the Peruvian mummies also be deformities? This explanation does not work: the “Peruvians” are not human, but originally reptilian. Remember the eggs in the body of one of the mummies. So, are we talking about some stupid creatures that the earth was teeming with? No, because the stupid creatures must have actually been intelligent, or otherwise they would not have rubbed their dead bodies with diatomaceous earth and erected tombs with doors and sarcophagi, let alone all their technological know-how.

  Something else bothers me: the indifference of the media and the total lack of interest of the authorities. It may take years before this exciting find is finally discussed in major magazines. Then they will come running—the journalists and the offended scientists—and it will be too late. Today one can already read on the Internet about a trade with the mummies of Nazca and with the artifacts found there.17 There are rumors of several subterranean spaces, objects being hijacked for 20,000 and more US dollars, and a black market price of over a million dollars for a mummy. And we read about “powerful and greedy forces, who are opposed to uncovering true history and human evolution.”

  Is this all just a new conspiracy theory? The facts are on the table. The mummies exist; after all, they were x-rayed and examined with the help of computed tomography. DNA analyses of several institutes are available. Denying the existence of the alien bodies is no longer possible. But by the summer of 2018, expert investigator Thierry Jamin from Cusco no longer knew who had the mummies. There are already films appearing on the internet that discredit the whole story about these mummies and ridicule them. It's exactly as I said in the beginning of this chapter: “Smart alecks will call the whole thing fake, others a targeted fraud.” It's no use. Gaia has done their job as professionally as possible.


  And Yet It Moves!

  HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE for any previously controversial opinio
n to become common knowledge? Will it last until the socalled zeitgeist changes? Science Online published a study on it.1 The question was: under what conditions does an opinion prevail that does not conform to the current conventions?

  The answer, in terms of quantity, is that just 25 percent of a group will be enough. Then the opinion will spread rapidly. After a few years, 70–100 percent of people will be convinced of the new view. On the question, “Did the Earth receive visitors from space millennia ago?” the overturning of the opinion has long been in progress. Counting my fellow writers and myself, the worldwide edition of books dealing with this very question is over 200 million copies strong. Add to that thousands of articles in newspapers and magazines and hundreds of TV shows. Above all, the History Channel in the US with its (so far) 180-episode strong series Ancient Aliens. And Gaia TV. It's no use if a religious group tries to block the new findings. Those ancient scriptures with the knowledge of our forefathers still exist. Thousands of years ago, they were hidden with the intention of opening the eyes of future generations. What was that again about the construction of the Great Pyramid before the Flood? Why was it built? “. . . All the secret sciences were recorded . . . and all other the sciences . . .” And why did Enoch hand over to his son Methuselah the books he had written and requested “to save them for future generations living after the Flood . . .”? For that reason. And they will be discovered again. And what if they are not?

  Meanwhile, we have photographed the lunar surface and the surfaces of Mars and the great asteroid Ceres. The images everywhere show clear traces of intelligence: rectangles and circles in the ground, straight lines like lanes on the moon and obelisklike towers on the Martian moon Phobos. Since we humans have visited no other celestial body except the moon, the traces can only come from an alien intelligence. Despite diligent censorship on the part of the diehards, the findings can't be stopped. Pandora's box can no longer be closed, and the information escaping from it will pass through the thickest monastery walls. The message of aliens is also in our genes and was passed down from generation to generation with the ineradicable pleasure of sexuality.


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