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The Highland Dynasty: The Complete Series

Page 2

by Amy Jarecki

  Gazing to the courtyard below, Margaret’s heart skipped a beat. It wasn’t often the king’s men paid the stronghold of Dunalasdair a visit. No mistaking it, these men wore red tunics with the bright yellow lion rampant over their armor. Something important was afoot.

  She craned her neck and leaned further out the narrow window. Mounted on large warhorses, the soldiers appeared incredibly virile. Unfortunate their helms completely covered their faces from her viewpoint. She’d like to glimpse a handsome new face.

  Father marched down the courtyard steps and accepted a missive from the leader. Margaret prayed it contained good news.

  Perhaps Father would invite the soldiers in for refreshment before they made their return journey. Mayhap they would even stay the night. Surely there would be music in the great hall, and with so many men, it would be necessary to dance with each one to ensure no guest was omitted from the festivities. Margaret clapped with excitement.

  The one thing she enjoyed more than helping her father with the estate’s affairs was dancing. Would the king’s men prefer country or court dances? Most likely the slower court dances would be to their taste, though Margaret’s favorite was lively country dancing. She’d been to court not too long ago, where she learned the latest grand dances. They were very stately, of course—and somewhat seductive. She turned from the window and pictured an imaginary courtier—Lord Forbes, the man she’d met at court and with whom, she suspected, her father was secretly negotiating the terms of her betrothal. At two and twenty, the time for her to wed was nigh.

  When the dashing and most imaginary Lord Forbes asked her to dance, she fanned herself. “Me? Why yes.” Craning her neck to meet his gaze, she feigned an appropriate giggle. “I’d love to.”

  Margaret curtseyed and envisioned him leading her to the line of dancers. She performed the steps, swinging as if her partner had locked her elbow, her skirts swishing along his powerful calves, neatly wrapped with woolen hose. Margaret adored the new style of men’s doublets, so short, a fashionably dressed man’s hose provided much to be admired—right up to his well-muscled behind.

  Margaret chuckled at her errant thoughts and continued her dance, spinning across the solar. Oh how mortified her mother would be to know she so admired the opposite sex. Of course, she had very little experience with them, aside from constant needling by her older brothers, and the occasional morning spent watching the guard spar in the courtyard.

  Margaret’s brown locks swished against her back when she gaily skipped toward her imaginary Lord Forbes.

  The solar door opened.

  With a cringe, she stopped midstride. “Father.” The pitch of her voice shot up. “I didn’t expect…”

  He held up a folded piece of parchment. “I’ve a missive from the king.”

  Heat burned her cheeks. She didn’t care for her father to catch her in a pantomime daydream. “Aye. I saw his men. Are you required at court?”

  He cleared his throat and looked not to Margaret, but at the missive in his hand. “Of sorts. Please retire to your chamber. I’ve sent for your mother. I must speak to her at once.”

  Margaret stepped toward him. “Whatever is the matter?”

  “Do as I say.” He pointed to the door. “We shall attend you shortly.”

  Margaret bowed her head and offered a clipped curtsey. “Very well.”

  She hurried up the winding stairwell and down the passageway to her chamber. Once inside, she raced to the window. The soldiers below were accepting food from Cook. She slinked away, her shoulders drooped. Obviously they wouldn’t be staying.

  What had father meant by of sorts? Were they going to court or not? Where would the king be this time? Edinburgh Castle, Holyrood, Stirling Palace, Linlithgow?

  A stone dropped to the pit of Margaret’s stomach. Was Scotland at war? Surely Da hadn’t been called into service. At seven and fifty, Lord Struan had already carried the torch for Scotland, and on numerous occasions.

  Margaret paced, her mind rife with concern. The king must know Da was too old to wield a sword. A turn on the battlefield would kill him for certain. Surely her brothers would be able to stand in his place…but then perhaps the king needed Lord Struan as a dignitary. Perhaps Da was required abroad as an ambassador.

  By the time Margaret heard the rap on her door, she’d convinced herself Father would be Scotland’s Ambassador to France, and she’d find her husband in the wonderfully scandalous and delightfully stylish French court.

  She grinned broadly when her parents entered. They maintained their serious countenances, though Margaret refused to see it as a bad sign when they did not return her smile. Her parents often refrained from displaying their emotion—a tactic she’d practiced on her brothers without much success.

  “The news from the king concerned you, Margaret.” Da was unusually somber.

  Surprised King James would pay her two thoughts, Margaret’s breath caught. “Me?”

  Mother’s wimple billowed as she stepped in and took Margaret’s hand. “We must set to work at once.”

  Margaret gaped at her father over Ma’s shoulder. “My presence at court has been requested?”

  Da cleared his throat. “The king has asked for your hand in marriage.”

  “My hand?” Tears stung her eyes. “Is our queen dead?”

  Father held up his palms and shook them. “No, no. The king has requested you marry one of the noblemen.”

  “A nobleman?” She glanced between her parents. “’Tis not Lord Forbes, is it?”

  “No, my dear.” Ma frowned at Da. That couldn’t be a good sign. “Oh, just out with it, Robert.”

  “Very well.” Father cleared his throat. “You shall wed Colin Campbell, Lord of Glenorchy, and venerated Knight of the Order of St. John.”

  Margaret stared at her father. She forgot to blink, and her mouth must also have been hanging open, because her tongue went dry. “You mean to say I am betrothed to Black Colin? The Black Colin of Rome? Famed Black Colin who crushed the Douglases?”

  Da tugged on his beard like he did when attempting to come up with a suitable reply. “Aye, but you’re forgetting he fights the enemies of Christendom. Without men like he, our God would not reign supreme.”

  Margaret doubted the news of the Douglas demise had yet to reach any part of Scotland. “Without men like he, we’d be sleeping soundly at night.”

  Da held up a finger. “Lord Douglas threatened the king.”

  Margaret crossed her arms. “Lord Douglas was murdered by the king, and you know it.”

  “Stop.” Mother stepped in and grasped Margaret’s shoulders. “We cannot renege on a royal order. You will travel to Stirling Palace and marry Lord Campbell. He’s recently lost his wife and needs a mother for his infant son. You shall swallow your pride and perform your duty for Scotland and Christendom.”

  “I shall become a stepmother?” Of course, Margaret wanted to marry, but no young woman in her right mind wanted to marry a complete stranger who’d already—and recently—fathered a child.

  Da painted on one of his feigned smiles. “I’ve met Campbell. He’s not as bad as his reputation might suggest.”

  Margaret was in no way convinced. Black Colin? Would he beat her and keep her locked in a tower with iron branks holding her tongue?

  Mother gestured toward Margaret’s collection of trunks. “I’ve already sent for Master Tailor. There’s scarcely enough time. We leave in a sennight.”

  Margaret watched her parents take their leave. Questions swarmed in her head. Black Colin? Is he grey with age? Why on earth would the king choose me out of all the eligible women in Scotland? Does he despise me? But then, the king would see this as an honor. The king has been most kind to the Lord of Glenorchy.

  Margaret dropped onto the bed, completely numb. Her life was about to end.


  Kilchurn Building Site, 30th September, 1455.

  A half-day’s ride from Dunstaffnage, Colin walked beside his nephew, Lord Argyll. Both
men shared the same name, thus Lord Glenorchy preferred to use the younger man’s title. When his brother died, Colin had fostered Argyll until the lad attained his majority of one and twenty. He looked upon his nephew, only five years his younger, with pride. The lad’s impressive height matched his own. Inheriting his brother’s dark hair, he’d grown into a powerful and fearsome lord.

  Neither man had broken their fast as they stood shoulder to shoulder in their quilted doublets and watched the mist rise from the depths of Loch Awe.

  Colin inhaled the crisp autumn air. “I shall never tire of this site.”

  “’Tis peaceful.” Argyll glanced over his shoulder at the newly completed curtain wall. “Do you ever think you’ll be finished?”

  “Bloody oath, I will be. I’ve no business maintaining my household at Dunstaffnage.” Colin spread his arms wide. “Not when I am lord over these magnificent lands. Besides, every nobleman needs a castle.” A muscle above his eye twitched. “If matters would ever quiet down.” Since Jonet’s death, getting out of bed each morning had become a chore.

  “Honestly, I’m surprised your mason hasn’t moved along faster. How long has it been since you commissioned him?”

  “I was fighting for Rome—we both were when my father made the appointment.”

  “Four years, then?”

  Colin shrugged. “Near enough.”

  Argyll arched a single brow. “Four years and only the curtain wall finished? What are you paying him?”

  “Too much.” The mist now hung above the loch and refused to budge, just like the grey stone walls that surrounded…nothing. Colin growled. “’Tis time to reestablish Mr. Elliot’s priorities.”

  Speaking of the master mason, Tom Elliot marched their way, tools swinging from a sturdy leather belt. “Lord Glenorchy.” He bowed and nodded to Argyll. “M’lord. When did you arrive?”

  “Last eve, of course.” Colin fisted his hips. He never traveled without a contingent of men. Surely Elliot would have heard them arrive, the horses clomping into the wooden stable he used on his infrequent trips to Glen Orchy. “I must express my concern at your lack of progress on my tower house. How is a man to direct the affairs of his lands if he has no castle from which to do so?”

  Elliot flushed red above his scraggly brown beard. “Forgive me, m’lord. But the labor situation has been most disagreeable.”

  “Labor? With people starving in Scotland’s cities, you mean to tell me you cannot find a decent hand?”

  “No, m’lord. With every step forward, we take a step back—sometimes we arise in the morning to see our work vandalized.”

  The back of Colin’s neck burned. “Vandals? And why am I only hearing of this now?”

  “I’ve sent repeated missives, m’lord.”

  Colin grimaced. The situation became direr with Elliot’s every word. Not a single missive had reached him. “And who are these vandals?”

  Elliot’s eyes darted around the site. He stepped closer. “The MacGregors, m’lord.”

  Ballocks. Colin thought he’d appeased the squatting clan, paying them off years ago. For the love of God, they’d even sworn fealty to him. “Have you hanged anyone—made an example of a slippery cur?”

  “No, m’lord. No one has been caught in the act. I think they’re all conspiring between themselves.” Elliot shook his head. “Besides, they believe these lands belong to them.”

  Argyll crossed his arms. “The king would differ with that. These are chartered Campbell lands.”

  Colin held up a palm to silence his nephew. There would be no question of his rightful ownership. “All rebellious actions must cease immediately. Elliot, in appointing you master mason, you have my seal of approval to deal with any lawlessness with a firm hand.” Colin shook his finger under the mason’s nose. “I will increase the guard at once. However, if I do not see progress by my next visit, I’ll have no choice but to seek out another, more enterprising mason. I want my keep completed within the year.”

  “But sir, winter’s near upon us.”

  “And I expect you work through the winter.”

  “’Tis madness. Do you want the mortar to crack? I was just about to say we need to start mudding up the walls in preparation for the freeze. One cannot build with frozen ground and mortar. Your castle will crumble to the ground.”

  Colin ground his back molars. Must everything be difficult? “It is your responsibility to see the castle is completed within the year—two at most—without structural issues. I will see to it you have the men and materials you need to take the project to completion. You, sir, will work day and night come spring if necessary.”

  Mr. Elliot’s lips formed a thin line. If Colin had another option, he’d fire the mason on the spot, but skilled stonemasons were scarce in the Highlands.

  Horses approached at a rapid trot.

  “King’s men,” Argyll said.

  Colin didn’t miss the relief that crossed Tom Elliot’s face. Yes, the approach of soldiers was a distraction, but Colin would not forget his threats. He grasped Tom’s arm and squeezed. “You shall continue building until All Hallows Day. I will see marked progress, or you shall not return to Kilchurn come spring.”

  With a nod, Elliot tugged his arm away and headed toward his laborers.

  The king’s man-at-arms dismounted and marched up to Colin with purpose. “Lord Campbell?”

  “Aye?” Colin and Argyll said simultaneously.

  The soldier’s flustered gaze darted between them. “Black Colin of Rome?”

  It wasn’t always a bad thing to have an unsavory reputation. At the very least, it commanded respect. Colin dipped his head. “’Tis I.”

  The man reached inside his cloak. “I’ve a missive from the king.”

  Colin accepted the folded velum and ran his thumb under the seal.

  “What is it?” Argyll asked before Colin had a chance to read the first word.

  Colin shot him a sharp glare and focused on the scrolling penmanship. He thought he’d be relieved when he read the news a match had been made. But Colin’s palms perspired. He’d tried to push aside the fact he had asked for a flesh-and-blood woman to move in and share his home—mostly to raise his son. He arched his brow and met Argyll’s inquisitive stare. “Do you know of Lord Struan’s daughter, Margaret Robinson?”

  Argyll, at two and twenty, was still unmarried. Perhaps he’d seen the lass at court. But his nephew shook his head. “I cannot say I’ve met her, though Lord Struan is a good man.”

  “Aye, that he is.”

  “Has the king made a match, then?”

  Colin folded the missive and slipped it into the leather pouch on his belt. “Our sovereign has found a stepmother for Duncan. We must away to Stirling. I’ll need to spirit her back to Dunstaffnage before I leave for Rome.”

  Argyll didn’t budge. “Wait a moment. You’re planning to wed a woman you haven’t met because Duncan needs a mother? You’re not the type of man to accept simply anyone.”

  “How do you suggest I proceed, given the urgent message from the grand master? I’ve no desire to marry, but my son must be raised as a proper nobleman—and only another member of the nobility will suit.”

  Colin hated it when Argyll studied him with wide eyes, as if he hadn’t uttered a sensible word. “And what do you assume will be Miss Margaret’s reaction to your pragmatic solution for Duncan’s upbringing?”

  Colin shoved his nephew in the shoulder. “Love, cherish and obey. Remember that when you marry. Obey is the most important word in the whole ceremony.”

  “But it’s in Latin.”

  “Aye—however, it carries no less meaning.”

  Margaret had only been to Stirling Palace once, and that had been a joyous occasion. Only a year ago, she’d met Lord Forbes at the baptism of the king’s third child, Alexander Stewart. Though their introduction had been brief, she’d found Forbes handsome. But her hopes had been dashed for good. Before they departed Loch Rannoch, Father informed the backstabbing lord
was betrothed to an English woman.

  No white knight would come to her rescue.

  Along the two-day journey south, she became ill—that was what she told herself. First, she considered running away, racing her mare into the forest and hiding—amongst the outlaws? Not the most practical idea she’d come up with.

  She’d pleaded with her parents until they could hear no more. The further the procession rode from Loch Rannoch, the more she grew short of breath. At one point she actually swooned. The cadence of the hooves on the stony trail tolled the knell of doom. With nothing to do but sit her horse and stare boldly ahead as if she were Joan of Arc, she rode in a state of paralyzed abandon.

  Perhaps the Black Knight desired a stalwart woman who was willing to meet her fate head-on.

  Late afternoon on the second day of their journey, in the distance, the palace loomed atop a cliff, presiding over the countryside like a volcano ready to erupt. Margaret’s palms slipped on her reins. She hated being out of control of things that concerned her. I swear on everything that’s holy, I’ll never be used as a pawn again.

  Though her father led the procession at a steady walk, they arrived at the colossal palace far too quickly.

  Shod hooves clambered over the timber bridge. Approaching the central triplet gatehouse, Margaret’s mouth grew dry. Capped with crenelated wall-walks and tall, conical roofs with a drum tower at each corner, there would be no escape. The chains of the portcullis bellowed and creaked as the heavy gate rose to welcome them through the great arch emblazoned with the lion rampant of royalty.

  Trumpets announced their arrival in the courtyard. Before she could dismount, a swarm of servants surrounded them. A groom held her horse and another placed a mounting block beside her mare and offered his hand.


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