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Scandalous Box Set

Page 71

by Layla Valentine

  Delicate goosebumps worked up her body from the tips of her toes to her head. She wasn’t sure whether she wanted the big moment to hurry up and happen already or whether she wanted everything to slow down so she could cherish each second.

  Makenzie stepped back from the window, her smile wide. “It’s just the way you wanted it.”

  Emma grinned, just as her wedding planner bustled into the room clapping her hands.

  “All right, ladies, it’s time. Emma, you look stunning. Are you ready?”

  Emma nodded, her stomach lurching down to her feet as she took a shaky breath and tried to swallow, promising herself that regardless of how nervous she was, in the end it would all be worth it.

  A moment later and they were hustling down the back staircase that led out to the patio and then the beach where their guests were waiting. Each step forward she became more and more confident, even as her heart nearly beat out of her chest. She had never been so certain, so sure of anything.

  As Allison and Makenzie walked in front of her, down the aisle of sand littered with bright white flower petals, Emma looked out at the guests in their cane-backed chairs. Every face that met hers was filled with excitement, joy and love. A flood of acceptance, rather than a leering pack of people who were only caring about her dress and what appetizers they put on the table. Truly, her fears had been for nothing.

  The light violin music swelled into a crescendo, which was her cue to start the long walk toward Sean. Her simple white-lace gown floated around her as she walked toward the one man who would hold her heart for all time.

  Sean stood with his groomsmen under an arch decorated with purple drapery, white roses, and sea glass picked from the beach during the week they had stayed at the resort leading up to the wedding.

  Each step toward her future she took a breath of the refreshing, salty air mixed with the perfume of her flowers. Her eyes locked on Sean and there was nothing else. This was simple. Easy.

  Seconds later, and she was in his arms.

  “Ahem, no touching,” the officiant whispered under his breath as Emma moved from her soon-to-be husband’s warm embrace. “I know it’s tempting, but not until the end, eh?”

  Emma blushed and looked at the officiant with a nod as she met Sean’s eyes.

  “You look incredible,” she said softly. “Nice tux.”

  “I would hope you liked it, you picked it out, remember?” Sean grinned and winked.

  The officiant cleared his throat and they were off.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of this man and this woman as they join their hands together in matrimony…”

  The rest of the introduction was a blur. All Emma could concentrate on was Sean’s smiling face, glowing as if he had won the lottery. He kissed the tops of her hands that were clasped in his as Emma looked out into the front row to see her grandmother holding Mia. She was squirming and fussing, trying to get to her parents. Her little face was practically purple with the effort and it made Emma’s chest ache to fix it.

  She looked back at Sean, who nodded softly in approval—their parenting game was clearly on point today. Quickly, she held up one finger, and the officiant waited as she went out into the crowd and scooped up their daughter, holding her at her hip.

  Mia immediately started playing with Emma’s veil, and there were coos and laughter from the guests.

  Emma looked down at her giggling child and her ribcage expanded with a joy so physical, her knees got wobbly from the intensity. Her little girl laughed and chattered as Sean played a short game of peekaboo, their favorite together. Until the officiant cleared his throat and they were both jerked back to the moment—their wedding.

  “Now, we have come to the part where the couple will read their vows and both Emma and Sean choose to write their own. You may read them now.”

  Sean went first, unfolding a piece of paper from his breast pocket and looking down at it briefly before his gaze met hers.

  “I love you,” he mouthed, before clearing his throat, clearly fighting back tears.

  “Emma, I struggled my whole life to find a greater purpose, but when I found you, I found my true calling. It was only further cemented by the birth of our amazing, brilliant daughter and my convictions grow stronger every day that you will remain my loving partner, best friend, and a wonderful mother to our child for the rest of my days.

  “In return, I swear to get you swimming lessons, always allow you to take the lead when planning things, and to always let you have the last say in an argument. I promise to remain devoted, faithful, and steadfast in our honesty to each other, always striving for the best communication, rather than being afraid I’ll hurt your feelings at the risk of bringing about more conflict.

  “I know the next few years are going to be an adventure and I’m more than down to take that ride with you. Every step of the way. If you’ll agree to have me by your side today. I’ll even give you a piggyback ride when you get tired.”

  The crowd laughed and Emma smiled, unable to hold back her tears anymore. Mia wiggled in her arms and buried her head into Emma’s neck, wiping drool along the neckline of her gown as she burbled and giggled, having a grand ol’ time. But Sean wasn’t finished yet.

  “Emma Mahoney, you are everything I ever wanted in a partner and the woman I have to thank for everything that’s good in my life. I’m so grateful to get to raise our baby together and see what the next fifty years together bring us.”

  Sean wiped away a tear and held out his hands, and Emma placed their little girl in her daddy’s arms. She cooed happily and bopped him on the nose with her tiny fist, blowing spit bubbles as Sean hoisted her up in the air before settling her into his arms.

  Emma grounded herself with a deep breath and turned to grab a notebook from Allison. She opened to the page with her vows and looked at her family as they played and looked back at her with love and affection written all across their faces.

  “Sean, you are the father of my child, the man I never knew I needed, but the one I want in my life for the rest of my days. From the moment you pulled me out of that water that day I’ve been amazed by your kindness, your positivity in a bad situation, and your ability to protect me at all costs.

  “Though we’ve had our differences, I’ve always known there would be no one other than you, Sean. I’m happy today to finally take you off the market, to make you mine. Forever. In return, I vow to always have your back when times are hard, to protect your heart as deeply as you’ve protected mine, and to never walk away from a fight again. I choose you, Sean. Today, tomorrow, and always.”

  Emma sniffled and wiped under her eyes, handing back the notebook as she grappled for Sean’s hand and held it steadfast within her own two hands. It was hard not to notice they were both trembling and she took comfort from the fact that she wasn’t the only one. She would never be alone again. In a less than two years, she had gone from a workaholic, jaded by men and unconvinced that she would ever be fulfilled in life, to a woman with a full heart, a brilliant man, and a family with a clear purpose shining through it all.

  As the sun set, she knew tomorrow when it rose, everything would be different.

  “…and do you, Sean, take Emma to be your wife?”

  “I do, absolutely.” He grinned so hard it must have hurt and he squeezed her hands.

  “Do you, Emma, take Sean to be your husband?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  Sean had Mia hold the ring as they both guided it onto Emma’s finger and she broke into quiet sobs.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Emma didn’t wait for Sean to wrap his free arm around her—she went to her family and kissed Sean sweetly before kissing their daughter too as the roar of clapping and cheering mingled in her ears with the dulcet tones of the violin. A swell of mixed emotions made her lightheaded as she took her husband’s hand and they both walked down the aisle together as the nigh
t surrounded them.

  “You look utterly amazing,” Sean muttered close to her ear, nipping her earlobe.

  He popped Mia on his hip and grinned. “Mommy and Daddy are official now, my little munchkin. We’re going to have so much fun spoiling you and loving you and taking care of you.”

  “And what do we have to teach her right now, Sean?” Emma laughed as they and all their guests walked toward their reception space.

  “We’re going to teach our baby girl a little about her Daddy’s favorite pastime, isn’t that right, Mia?”

  “Which is what? Exactly?”

  “We’re going to teach her how to party!”

  He lifted their daughter up in the air and blew a raspberry on her little stomach as she gurgled and wiggled in approval, Emma unable to do anything but laugh at their hijinks. They were going to be the dynamic duo when their daughter grew up and she couldn’t wait to witness the little daddy’s girl Mia would become.

  “Sure, we’ll start her off with a shot of apple juice and work our way up from there to the hard stuff, sound good?”

  “Sounds very reasonable. Your mommy’s very smart, you know that? That’s why she chose me in the first place, isn’t that right, baby girl?”

  Mia giggled and smiled at them, oblivious to whatever her parents were talking about as Emma glanced at the entrance to the tent where the reception was being held. Everyone else in the wedding party had already been formally announced by the DJ and now they were the only ones left outside having their quiet time together as a family while the moonlight clung onto the edges of ocean tide shifting in and out across the sand.

  “Kiss me, Mr. Fisher. I’ve been waiting a long time for this moment and I want it to be memorable.”

  Her husband switched their daughter to his other hip and cradled Emma’s face with his free hand, touching their noses as he looked into her eyes.

  “The first kiss of so many more, Mrs. Fisher.”

  Sean eased into the kiss before he took her breath away with a seductive dance of lips and tongue that left Emma dizzy with butterflies in her stomach. When he pulled back, she held onto her husband’s free arm for support as she grinned up at him and her daughter.

  “Are you ready for the next chapter, Mrs. Fisher? We have a party waiting for us.”

  “Let them wait for a little bit longer. Right now I’m enjoying the view.”

  She watched her husband as he turned to look over his shoulder at the moonlit beach, caught off guard when she wasn’t looking the same way. She was looking at her family.

  Tonight, she only had eyes for them.

  The End

  Twins For Christmas

  Layla Valentine

  Copyright 2019 by Layla Valentine

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part by any means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the explicit written permission of the author.

  All characters depicted in this fictional work are consenting adults, of at least eighteen years of age. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased, particular businesses, events, or exact locations are entirely coincidental.

  Chapter 1


  December 23rd

  I realized the moment I stepped through the grand front doors of Corliss Enterprises that I was wearing mismatched shoes.

  For a second or two, I simply stared at them, like they were a puzzle that I needed to solve before I could enter my workplace. The crowds of people moving in through the doors spread out around me as I stood, my mouth slacked open just enough to make me look totally clueless.

  Sure enough, they were mismatched. Each was from a separate pair of flats, one a deep, dark red, the other a cheery emerald green.

  Perfect for the holidays.

  “Isla!” called out a voice passing by me.

  I glanced up to see that it was Marta, a fellow admin assistant on my floor. She flashed me one of her usual bright, sunny smiles as she glanced back over her shoulder, one red-tipped fingernail pointing down to my shoes.

  “For the holidays, right?” she asked. “I love it!”

  Then she melted into the crowd and was gone. I looked up slowly at the massive Christmas tree in the center of the lobby, the branches of the giant green pine loaded down with all kinds of ornaments, a circle of presents around the base. And with my shoes looking the way they did, I fit right in with the decorations dangling from the tree.

  I was mortified. I looked like a little girl who’d decided to experiment with that day’s kindergarten outfit.

  Not sure what to do next, I stepped out of the way of the beginning-of-the-workday procession and took a glance at my reflection in one of the nearby mirrored columns of the lobby—just to make sure I looked as ridiculous as I thought I did.

  And yeah, I did. The whole effect was made even worse by the fact that, aside from the shoes, I was dressed in my usual sharp business style, my dark skirt suit looking great, my auburn hair pulled back in a professional ponytail.

  Of course, the contrast only made my little wardrobe malfunction even more noticeable. It would have been one thing if I’d really committed to the bit, maybe along with a pair of red pants and a nice, ugly Christmas sweater like the dozens I saw last night at the company Christmas party. But nope—I just looked totally clueless.

  Well, Isla, I thought. You either go home and change and come in two hours late, or you suck it up and deal.

  I’d always been the “suck it up and deal” type and not the “show up for work late” type. Heck, I hadn’t been late once or missed a day of work since I’d started at Corliss three years ago.

  Sure, I looked like a goofball, but I wasn’t about to break my streak.

  Feeling silly but determined, I continued on through the lobby. I swiped my keycard at the entrance gates, saying my hellos to the security staff and trying not to notice as each one of them took a quick glance down at my shoe situation. Thankfully, they were too polite to say anything.

  It’ll be fine, I thought as I headed toward the big bank of elevators beyond the entrance gate. Soon you’ll be at your desk where no one can see your feet, and before you know it the day will be over. And then the only thing you’ll have to worry about is how you’re going to spend your Christmas break.

  Christmas break. Truth be told, I didn’t have the foggiest idea how I was going to spend it. Since I’d moved to San Francisco from Portland, where I’d attended college, I hadn’t really made a ton of friends. Or even one, really. Sure, I had a few girls at the office I’d occasionally get drinks with after work. But that was the extent of my social life.

  Work had been priority number one, and while it had paid off in promotions and increased responsibilities over the years, it didn’t exactly keep my social calendar full.

  But I’d make do—I always did. If anything, I’d have a chance to finally catch up on the sleep I’d been sorely neglecting over the holiday crunch time. Sure, I might not have a ton of friends, but the idea of getting comfy and cozy in some PJs and spending the next few days watching some TV and eating junky food—even a glass of wine or two to go along with them—sounded pretty darn nice.

  As soon as I’d psyched myself up with this mental image, however, my brain decided to make a very unwanted change to it. In my little scene of me curled up on the couch, I imagined someone next to me, some as-yet-unidentified man who I knew was handsome and charming and loving, someone who even…

  I couldn’t even bring myself to say the “L” word. That was too much.

  I put the shoes and the break and everything else out of my head as I stepped into the crowded elevator, ready to focus on the day ahead. Just because it was the last day before Christmas break didn’t mean that it was time for slacking. No—I was going to kick butt and give it my all, just like I did every other day.

  I sidled
my way into the elevator and did my best to ignore the fact that I was totally packed in. Once I did, of course, my eyes tracked down to the floor, moving from one pair of shoes to another. All matched, of course, making my apparently Christmas-themed mismatching even more silly looking in comparison.

  The elevator rose, stopping at each floor as fellow employees of the massive corporation I worked for stepped out to begin their days. I was up high on the thirtieth floor, almost near the top. The elevator started and stopped, started and stopped, and before too long there was only me and a few other people.

  My eyes stayed on their matching shoes, watching them as they stepped out of the elevator, the door shutting behind them.

  Finally, it was only me and one other person. My eyes were still on his shoes, but for a different reason; they were really, really, nice. I wasn’t exactly an aficionado of men’s footwear, but even I could tell that this pair—dark brown leather and polished to a gorgeous shine—were something special.

  So focused was I on the shoes, that I hardly noticed when the man spoke.

  My eyes tracked up, and I finally regarded the man’s face.

  And my heart nearly jumped into my throat.

  Not only was he impossibly handsome, but he wasn’t just any man.

  No, the gorgeous guy I was sharing the elevator with, the one looking at me with possibly the most gorgeous pair of green eyes I’d ever seen in my life, was none other than Adam Forde.

  Or I should say Mr. Forde. After all, that’s how I would address the CEO of the company.

  Chapter 2


  “Good morning.”

  The man was handsome as hell, and his low, rich, honeyed voice only increased the effect.

  Seriously, I couldn’t get over how good-looking he was. Tall, with chocolate-colored hair slicked back behind his ears, his eyes piercing and green, his nose slender but strong, his mouth sensual and red.


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