Book Read Free

Bondage Ranch

Page 13

by Roland Graeme

  “Yes, it’s relaxing.”

  “We’ve known each other for a while now.”

  “Yeah.” Vaughn restricted himself to the monosyllabic reply. There was an intensity in Aaron’s expression and a warmth in his voice which took Vaughn by surprise.

  “I wouldn’t mind getting to know you a little better.”

  “Me, either. I guess we’re working on that right now, aren’t we?”

  “We are. Although this place is kind of noisy. It’s hard to do any serious talking.”

  “Is there some place else we can go?” Vaughn asked.

  “There’s always my place. It’s not much, but it has one advantage. The drinks are free. Want to go there and hang out for a while?”

  “Sounds good to me. Let’s go.”

  They left the bar together. Vaughn followed Aaron’s car. It was a short drive. Aaron lived in a two-story apartment building. He occupied one of the units on the ground floor.

  “Welcome to my very humble abode,” he announced, as he unlocked the front door, opened it, and turned on a light.

  Judging by the living room, which was all Vaughn could see at the moment, it was a typical single man’s apartment. The mismatched furniture had obviously been chosen for comfort rather than style. There were signs of untidiness, including a stack of newspapers on the floor and an empty container which had held some sort of takeout food on one of the end tables.

  “This actually looks quite comfortable,” Vaughn remarked.

  “It is. Grab a seat.” Aaron indicated a long couch with overstuffed and scuffed brown leather upholstery. It was flanked by two matching armchairs, with a coffee table in front of it. “Make yourself at home. What can I get you to drink?”

  “I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

  “I’m sticking to beer.”

  “Perfect.” Vaughn seated himself on the couch.

  “Two cold beers, then, coming right up. Hey, is booze your only vice?”

  “No, I’ve got a whole slew of them. One in particular. Namely, sex. Any chance of indulging in it tonight?”


  Aaron had moved toward a doorway which Vaughn presumed led to the kitchen. Now, though, the deputy was standing there motionless, looking at him. Vaughn returned his gaze. The two men’s eye contact spoke more eloquently than words.

  Then Aaron spoke again. “Are you telling me you like to play around?”

  “Yeah. There’s nothing wrong with that, is there?”

  “Wrong? Hell, no. Out here in the sticks it’s practically a survival necessity. There never seems to be enough pussy to go around. But there’re always plenty of horny men.” Aaron smiled. “Well, now that we’ve finally gotten that out into the open, I’ll fetch that beer.”

  He went into the kitchen.

  Vaughn felt a surge of excitement pass through him. They were going to have sex. He had hoped that the evening was headed in that direction, but he hadn’t been certain until then. His anxiety yielded to anticipation.

  Aaron returned with two open bottles of beer. He sat down on the couch beside Vaughn and handed him one.

  “You didn’t want a glass, did you?” he asked.

  “No thanks. It’s more masculine to swig it right from the bottle, isn’t it?” Vaughn joked.

  His host chuckled. “I don’t think your masculinity is in question. And I sure hope mine isn’t, either. Cheers.”

  They touched their bottles and drank.

  “Drink up,” Aaron urged. “My fridge is well stocked. A few of these ought to relax us and get us in the mood.”

  Vaughn was tempted to say that he was already in the mood. But he saw the point. There was no need to rush things. Dutifully, he sipped his brew.

  “And I’ve got something else here that might go well with the beer,” the deputy said. “Do you want to smoke some grass?”

  Vaughn was taken aback by the question.

  “Uh, before I answer, I have to say that sounds like the kind of question that can lead to self-incrimination,” he suggested. “Especially coming from you. You’re a sheriff’s deputy, for God’s sake.”

  Aaron shrugged. “I’m only human. I like a toke every now and then.”

  “Aren’t you afraid of a drug test?”

  “Out here? Who’s going to administer it?”

  “I guess you’ve got a point.”

  “I’ve got some great weed here that a guy grows in his basement under artificial lights. Do you want some or don’t you?”

  “I’ll give it a try. I’ll make you a deal, officer. I won’t turn you in if you won’t bust me.”


  Vaughn remembered the pot smoking sessions he had enjoyed with Will. He was willing to experience such a high again.

  Aaron kept his stash handy. The coffee table, Vaughn saw, had a sliding drawer in it. Opening it, Aaron pulled out a flat metal lock box, the kind in which people kept money or other valuables. Unlocking the box with a key on his ring, Aaron extracted from it a transparent zip lock bag containing loose marijuana, a package of rolling papers, and a disposable plastic cigarette lighter.

  “Party favors,” Aaron remarked.

  He took a hefty swig of his beer, then he set the bottle down and proceeded to give a demonstration of his skill at hand-rolling a joint. Vaughn found the sight of Aaron’s wet pink tongue licking the paper before he closed it into a cylinder around the neatly packed weed rather erotic. Aaron lit the cigarette, took a drag, then he handed it to Vaughn.

  Perhaps because he wasn’t all that used to it, the pot seemed unusually potent to Vaughn. As they drank and passed the joint back and forth, he quickly felt himself mellowing out.

  “Fuck, yeah,” Aaron exclaimed contentedly, sitting back against the couch. “This is the way to spend a Saturday night. Cold beer, strong weed, and a hot man.” As he spoke, he placed his hand on Vaughn’s knee. “How’re you feeling, cowboy?”

  “Couldn’t be better.”

  “Oh, I bet I can think of something that’d make you feel even better.” Aaron’s fingers tightened, giving Vaughn’s knee a squeeze through his jeans. Restlessly, the deputy’s hand slid up along the inside of Vaughn’s thigh, rubbing his leg through the denim. “Yeah, you got nice strong legs,” Aaron murmured.

  “Thanks. That comes from all that horseback riding.”

  “I bet you’re hard and strong all over.” Aaron’s fingertips were pressing against the bottom of the lump which Vaughn’s genitals made in his pants.

  Vaughn squirmed a bit in response to the contact, but he made no effort to pull away.

  “I can tell you’ve got a great body, too,” he replied. His voice sounded slightly breathless. He realized that he was getting aroused. “You must do some serious iron pumping.”

  “Yeah. But that’s not all I like to pump.” Aaron was rubbing Vaughn’s crotch directly through his jeans, using the flat of his hand. “How’s that feel, cowboy?”

  Vaughn caught his lower lip between his teeth and bit it lightly. His cock was responding to the pressure of Aaron’s hand. Stiffening, but trapped inside Vaughn’s tight jeans, his penis was poking its head free of Vaughn’s underpants and jabbing down one trouser leg.

  “Good,” Vaughn finally managed to gasp.

  “Take it easy. We’ve got all night. Don’t pop your wad too soon. But how about giving me a little down payment?”

  “Huh? What do you mean?”

  “A kiss.”

  “Oh. Sure.”

  “Some guys won’t kiss. They’ll do just about anything else with another man, but for some reason they hold out when it comes to necking. Maybe they think it’s not manly.”

  “Well, I happen to think it’s extremely manly. Come here.”

  Aaron moved in closer to Vaughn on the couch. They kissed. At first, the contact of their lips was tentative and exploratory. Then, Aaron became more aggressive. He caught Vaughn’s lower lip betwe
en both of his and sucked on it. Soon the two men were nuzzling each other like a pair of wild animals during mating season, sucking face, swapping spit, and darting their tongues deep inside each other’s mouths.

  “Damn,” Aaron murmured, after they’d reluctantly given themselves a pause for breath. “You’re one hell of a nice kisser. I bet you’re popular there on The Burning Spur.”

  “Well, I’m not exactly the bunkhouse whore, if that’s what you’re implying,” Vaughn protested. “But I’ve seen some action since I started working there.”

  “Anybody in particular? You got a special boyfriend.”


  Aaron laughed. “I thought so. Stepping out on him tonight, are you?”

  “It’s not like that. Flint and I aren’t exclusive. We just both like to have a good time in bed.”

  “Oh, that Flint’s a good-looking dude. I can’t say I know him all that well. What’s he like?”

  “He’s funny. Smart. And very sexy. In those ways, in fact, he reminds me of you. And I’m not just saying that. It’s true.”

  “Thanks. I’ll try to live up to that. But what’s he like in the sack, if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “The sex gets pretty hot,” Vaughn said. “He can get kind of rough sometimes. But I like it that way.”

  “Oh, you do, do you?”

  “Sometimes I’m just in the mood to have the other guy work me over a little. Nothing extreme. Just playing around.”

  “Sounds interesting. If you and Flint get along so well, then why don’t you give him a chance? I mean, to be more than just your fuck buddy.”

  “I don’t know. There’s no good reason why I shouldn’t, I guess. I have a feeling he’d like it.”

  “Suit yourself. It’s your business. All I’m saying is I don’t like to be one corner of a love triangle.”

  “Well, it’s not as though Flint and I have picked out our wedding rings.”

  Aaron smiled. “Still, Flint might not like it. Another dude horning in on his territory.”

  “He might not dislike it, once he had a chance to get to know you.”

  “Maybe—if he’s not the jealous or possessive type—he’d be willing to share you with me,” Aaron suggested. “And I’m not talking about just on alternate nights. I’m talking about a threesome. Too bad he wasn’t in the bar with you tonight. We could’ve given it a try.”

  “Jesus! The two of you in bed with me, both at once—fuck! It’s getting me hard, just thinking about it.”

  Aaron sucked on the joint, held the smoke down in his lungs, and exhaled it slowly before he responded. “Well, hold that thought, buddy. We’ll start taking care of your hard-on in a minute.”

  “I guess you’re a lot more experienced than I am, Aaron. Have you had sex with a lot of guys?”

  “Enough, I guess. There’s nothing wrong with these occasional hookups, as far as they go. But I’m still looking for a reasonably stable relationship with one guy. And that’s what you should be working on, too.”

  “Should I? Why?”

  “Because you don’t know what you’re missing.”

  “Maybe I don’t.”

  By then, they were on their second round of beers, and their second joint. Their conversation flagged, but their erections didn’t. By the time the stub of the second joint ended up in the ashtray, they were both definitely in the mood.

  “Why don’t we go into the bedroom and get comfortable?” Aaron suggested.

  Moving slowly in their relaxed state, the two men got to their feet. Aaron led Vaughn down a hallway and into his bedroom.

  The unmade bed was waiting for them, and it looked extremely inviting. A reading light above the bed was switched on, casting a warm soft glow over waiting bedclothes. Extra pillows were heaped up at the head of the bed, and dented from where Aaron had obviously sat up in bed. The sheets and pillowcases were heavy cotton in a pattern of wide blue-and-white stripes. Aaron had thrown a blanket and a quilt over the foot of the bed—from there they trailed down to the floor.

  “This is the one room I haven’t bothered to straight-proof, if you know what I mean,” Aaron remarked. “Nobody ever comes in here unless he’s ready to put out.”

  Glancing around the room, Vaughn saw what he meant.

  Aaron had a collection of framed photos of nude men displayed on the walls. Most of them were bodybuilders, and most of the poses were sexually provocative. The models tended to look directly into the camera while they flexed their muscles and touched themselves. Erections abounded, and a couple of the subjects actually had their hard dicks clasped in their fists and were photographed in the act of masturbating. Others had their backs turned to the camera to provide an enticing variety of bare-butt shots.

  Opposite the foot of the bed was a widescreen television, set on top of a chest of drawers along with a compact stereo system and a DVD player. A bookcase next to the chest of drawers did contain mostly books, but its top shelf was devoted to a row of DVDs in their cases. Even in the dim light, Vaughn could make out enough detail on the cases’ spines to realize that most of the DVDs were porn videos. There were little photos the size of postage stamps of smiling naked men, and the titles tended to be explicit enough to hint strongly at the videos’ content.

  On the nightstand beside the bed, Aaron had set out in plain view a box of condoms, a bottle of silicone-based gel sex lubricant, and a freshly laundered and neatly folded trick towel. Obviously, he was well prepared for any visitors, expected or otherwise.

  In addition to the many smaller photos on display, there was a framed poster on one wall which Vaughn found not only decorative but decidedly inspirational. It was a black-and-white photo of two handsome, hard-bodied men. Both of them were naked except for what appeared to be identical pairs of thick-soled, laced-up black leather boots on their feet. One guy was standing upright, leaning over a bit, and the other guy knelt at his feet. Both men sported enormous-looking erections.

  The guy who was down on his knees, with his face positioned only a few inches from the other guy’s cock, had his hands behind his back. His wrists were bound tightly together with a long strip of rawhide, the ends of which dangled down over his bare buttocks. He also had one end of a leather belt buckled tightly around his neck, like a dog collar. The man who was standing held the other end of the belt in his fist, drawing it taut.

  A caption read: Play Rough—But Play Safe!

  “That’s some photo,” Vaughn remarked as he admired the poster.

  Aaron chuckled. “It’s a poster advocating safe sex. There’s a story behind it, if you’re interested.”

  “Tell me.”

  “Let’s get undressed first.” Aaron indicated a chair near the bed. “You can just put your clothes there, if you like. Or I can hang up anything you want in the closet.”

  “I don’t plan to spend any time in the closet tonight,” Vaughn joked.

  “Good for you. A man after my own heart. But as I was saying.” Aaron unbuttoned his uniform shirt and pulled it off. Underneath he wore a snug-fitting plain white T-shirt which showed off his muscular torso. “Last year I went to a gay rodeo in North Dakota. Man, was that a lot of fun! They had some celebrities there, including those two in the picture. They’re Brian Corsair and Chad Prescott. You know who they are, of course.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t. Are they cowboys? Rodeo stars?”

  Aaron snickered. “They’re porn stars! I can’t believe you don’t recognize them. You must have seen some of their videos.”

  “I don’t think so. I haven’t seen all that much porn, as a matter of fact.”

  “Jesus, you are still a little innocent,” Aaron said, although not in an unkindly tone of voice. “I can see I’m going to have to take you in hand, boy, and help you get educated. Well, you take my word for it. Brian and Chad are two of the biggest porn stars in the game. And they don’t just work together. They live together. They’re lovers.”
r />   “Wow. They do make a hot couple.”

  “So as I was saying, they were making a personal appearance together at the rodeo, signing copies of their videos and photos of themselves. They had those posters for sale too, so I bought one and they both autographed it for me.”

  For the first time, Vaughn noticed the signatures. “I’m impressed. That’s quite a nice souvenir.”

  “That ain’t the only souvenir I ended up with. The three of us got to talking. I could tell they liked me, and when they invited me to go back to their motel room for a three-way, I sure as hell didn’t say no. We had a really wild time.”

  “I bet you did. What were they like in bed?”

  “Just like they are in their videos. Which I realize doesn’t tell you much. But they were a couple of fucking animals. We went at each other in just about every way possible. There was one point where we made a sandwich.” Aaron paused. “Maybe you need that explained to you?”

  Vaughn did have a puzzled look on his face. “I can make an educated guess.”

  “A sandwich is when three guys line up and the one in the middle fucks one guy and gets fucked by the other one at the same time. I was the lucky bastard in the middle. I can’t speak for them, but I was sure worn out afterward. I thought I’d never be able to get it up again. And I must say Brian and Chad were nice guys. Friendly, real down to earth, not at all stuck up. They took me out to dinner afterward and they wouldn’t let me pay. Of course, I guess they’d already had more than their money’s worth. Man, I behaved like a real whore. But I don’t regret it.”

  As Aaron concluded his story, he and Vaughn finished getting undressed. It didn’t take long before they were in the same state as the two men in the poster—nude and visibly aroused. Like the two porn stars, they were going to play rough, but they were also going to play safe.

  Aaron stretched out comfortably on the bed, so that his hard-on rose from his groin and pointed at the ceiling. He beckoned to Vaughn.

  “I’m good and stoned,” he declared. “I’m lucky, though. Being stoned never seems to prevent me from getting my dick hard, keeping it hard, or coming. Which is more than I can say for some guys. How about you? You look like you’re holding up okay, so far.”


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