Begin Again: A Stay Novella
Page 13
“The cupcakes? My sexy charm? My riding skills?”
She studied him from under lowered lashes, savoring the delicious, musky scent of him. “It was the mix tape.”
Owen stared at her in shock. “You’re kidding. It’s a playlist. Not a mix tape.”
“Same thing. It touched me. Confirmed you remembered me.”
His face softened, his large hand cupping her breast. “Babe, I couldn’t forget you if I tried. I’m sorry if I ever made you believe that, but I’m here now.” He paused, a frown creasing his brow. “How do you want to move forward? I don’t know if I’d be able to handle pretending to be just friends when we’re back in the office.”
“I don’t want that either. I’m done fighting, Owen.” Though he’d already expressed he loved her, the words still got stuck in her throat. She wasn’t ready yet, but she didn’t want to go backwards. “We’re dating exclusively. We’re in a relationship. Let’s start there.”
He smiled with a gentleness that always touched her heart. “I can do that.”
“Good. Now let’s move on to more important things.” She crawled on top of him, staring down at his naked body with pure hunger. He was all lean muscle and golden hair spread out for her enjoyment. His immediate erection sent a surge of power through her, and she lowered herself down, her hair brushing his chest, savoring his sucked-in breath. “Catching up.”
She took her time with his body, tasting and touching, relishing every moan and needy arch. Kneeling between his legs, she took him deep in her mouth, sucking, tasting, her hands stroking his thighs until his control finally snapped, and he lifted her up, face frantic with need.
Chloe fit him with the condom and lowered herself down inch by slow inch until she’d taken him completely. The overwhelming feeling of being possessed completely washed over her, and she suddenly blinked back tears, moving on him and over him at a steady pace. He cupped her face, his thumb brushing back one of her tears, a guttural groan emitting from his throat.
But she didn’t stop. She rode him and he captured every tear on her cheek, his gaze trapping hers, refusing to let go even as they both orgasmed together.
Then they fell into a tangle of limbs and slept.
* * * *
Two weeks later, Owen settled with Gus-Gus on the couch, pulling at the ragged chew rope in an endless game of tug of war. The chubby pup grit his sharp teeth with motivation, confident he’d be the winner against the rope, seemingly having no clue Owen was the one who controlled it.
The pup’s teeth slid from the grip, and he tumbled onto his back, hind legs kicking as he tried to right himself like a turtle on its shell. Owen laughed and tickled his belly, and it dissolved into a complete love fest. The paw had completely healed and the pup was in full terror mode.
“I think we need to move, buddy,” he said with a sigh. “This place isn’t dog friendly, and I have a feeling you’re going to be the first of many.” Owen always knew he’d eventually need a place where he could have a few rescue pets comfortably. This had been a temporary place, but the fancy building was overly expensive, and he wanted simple. Of course, everything in New York was high-priced, and eventually he’d have to confront his salary and make a decision he didn’t want.
The interview with Mario’s firm had gone well. Too well. They’d offered him the job today. Besides being generously paid, he’d be involved in many high-profile cases. It seemed to be a no-brainer, even though it would be hard to leave the Animal Defense Fund, but something inside him made him hesitate and ask for time to think about it.
On paper, the job was perfect. He’d be able to afford more and offer more financial flexibility to Chloe, cementing a better future. Sure, it would be endless hours, and the clients were upper crust, with more money and connections than the not-for-profits population he regularly served.
But that shouldn’t matter. He needed to grow up and do what was right. Be the type of man Chloe could count on for the future.
His mind chewed at his doubts like Gus-Gus with his rope. Maybe he needed to seriously consider taking this job along with some other changes. Since the farm, they’d fallen into an easy routine, spending some nights together, visiting rescues, taking care of Gus-Gus. She was allowing him into not just her heart, but her daily life, and that meant everything.
Sure, she still refused to say she loved him, but he sensed her emotions every time he took her in his arms. She just wasn’t ready. Needed more time. More proof he wasn’t going to rip away the foundation again. Making some smart decisions might help Chloe realize he was here to stay and serious about their future.
He now had too much to lose.
The phone buzzed, interrupting him.
He texted back. Buzzing you in.
“Mama’s here, buddy. You’ll have new fingers to chew on.”
Gus-Gus bounced around, sensing a new arriver, and Owen laughed as he opened the door.
“How’s my baby?” she cooed, running right past Owen to the furball. Gus-Gus jumped around her, barking and rolling around in a fit of ecstasy.
Owen raised both hands in the air. “What about me?”
She blew him an air kiss from the floor, hugging and cuddling the puppy. “How’s my baby?” she asked him teasingly.
“Cute.” He closed the door and dropped beside her, claiming his kiss while Gus-Gus tried to climb between them with his wriggly body. “How was the meeting?”
“Good, I think I made an impression on the board to consider Advocates for Animals for part of their holiday funding program. Did you hear back from the court on your motion?”
“The trial is going forth—the judge denied their extension.”
Her gaze grew hard. “Good. Thank goodness, they’re not letting the Spagarellis play their games. Sometimes I really hate money. They get themselves some fancy-ass lawyers and drag us endlessly through motions, burying us in paperwork. I’m so happy we work for organizations that help people who really need it.”
He winced. Not the best segue way into his announcement of a new position, but he’d talk it through with her. “Chloe, I wanted to talk to you about—”
Her phone blared and she shot him an apologetic look. “I’m so sorry, it’s Vivian, I just need to take this.”
He nodded, playing with Gus-Gus while she chatted. Then her face suddenly went pale and her voice hissed over the phone. “He did what?”
Owen tilted his head, watching her.
“I can’t believe it—can he do that? Isn’t it illegal to promise funds and then go back on your word? Didn’t we have the paperwork filed and approved?”
He waited while she went back and forth, obviously upset, then finally clicked off. “What happened?” he asked.
“Drew pulled the funds from our organization,” she said bitterly. “Said the Foundation changed their minds after reviewing our application and decided on another rescue organization.”
“Son of a bitch,” he muttered. “I’m so sorry, Chloe. How bad will it affect you?”
“Bad. Vivian is in battle mode, trying to see if we can rally some donors. We’d earmarked the funds for a few legal cases we wanted to take on, along with purchasing those new kennels for some of our partners. Damnit, how could he do this to me?”
“He wants to hurt you because you didn’t choose him,” Owen said simply. “He never realized you could never love someone who cares more about himself than others.”
She fisted her hands and paced. Gus-Gus bounded over and followed in her footsteps. “I wish there was something I could do, but I have no networking ability with that board. Drew was the one who’s been promising the funds for the last few months.”
“We’ll figure something out. Maybe I can rally some troops to take on some pro-bono cases for you. We’ll meet with Vivian tomorrow and create a plan.”
She crossed over and hugged him, allowing comfort. He buried his face in her hair, breathing deep, and savored her. “Thanks for having my back.”
“Every time, babe.”
He kissed her, nipping at her lower lip, dipping his tongue in her sweet, wet heat and immediately went hard. He craved scooping her up and carrying her into bed, but he needed to have the dialogue with her now. “I have news to share.”
“Oh, I like news,” she murmured, dropping kisses on his jawline. “Tell me.”
“I got a new job offer. With Dooney and Finklestein Legal Associates.”
She stilled, then slowly drew back. A frown marred her brow. “What do you mean? I never knew you were interested in leaving the Animal Defense Fund.”
“I wasn’t. But I met Mario at the courthouse and they’ve been looking for a new associate. I’d be strictly animal law, of course, and the pay is double what I’m making. They have a good reputation.”
“Yes, they do. I don’t have an issue with that. I’m just surprised. Don’t they cater to the country club crowd?”
Frustration shot through him. “Rich people have a great deal of influence on changes in law.”
“I know. But I thought one of the things you were most passionate about is protecting and defending the ones who can’t pay. The ones who can’t afford the fancy-ass lawyers.”
His jaw clenched. He didn’t like the uneasy feelings her words brought up, or the challenge suddenly gleaming in her eyes. He spoke calmly. “I do, but I also need to be practical. This is a steady job where I can pick my clients, make money, and still make a difference. You know how not-for-profits run—one day the budget is cut and you’re out of a job.”
“Sure, but that’s another reason we’re so needed. There’s fewer and fewer people fighting for them. Look at the Spagarelli case. If it wasn’t for you and the Defense Fund pursuing, that couple would have never paid for their crime. Even worse, they’d keep doing it over and over again, because no one stops them.”
He blew out a breath. “I haven’t even tried the case yet, Chloe. I may not win.”
She tilted her head and studied him. “You already won, because you haven’t given up. If you lose this one, we’ll be keeping a close eye on them, and be ready to pounce. We’ll get justice eventually.”
He stared at her stubborn conviction, the gleam of determination in her blue eyes, the fierce energy that radiated from her figure, so like her father. God, she was such a warrior, refusing to surrender, but would living this life with him one day cause burnout? Would she crave stability and security more than the fight for justice?
“Owen, tell me what’s going on.” She took his hand and pressed it against her heart. “You can tell me anything.”
He hesitated, wanting to spill his fears to the woman he trusted more than anyone.
Instead, he shot her a smile and shook his head. “Nothing, babe. Let me think a bit and we can talk more later. For now, I think we need to deal with the process of getting Gus-Gus to bed. Can you help me?”
The disappointment in her gaze hurt more than he anticipated. As if she sensed he hid something important from her. But she forced her own smile. “Sure.”
After they settled Gus-Gus, he made love to her, wringing out her orgasms, claiming her with a fierce hunger and possession that almost broke him apart. And after, he whispered the only thing he could make sure he gave her.
“I love you.”
Once again, she held him close but didn’t answer.
Chapter Fifteen
Chloe squeezed her pink stress ball and wondered what was haunting Owen.
They’d been steadily building a new foundation between them separate from the past. For the first time, she sensed an even stronger connection with the people they’d grown into and was beginning to understand more about why he’d needed to leave.
She liked being with a man who walked his own path. Watching him in his element, pursuing his own passions on his own terms, was a heady aphrodisiac. He’d changed in all ways except one.
His heart. It was still loving, kind, and open.
And it was still hers.
She sighed and glanced over at his empty desk. She hadn’t given him the words yet, and she wasn’t sure why. She knew she loved him, but when she opened her mouth, a strange fear struck her mute. He never pushed, but there was an underlying tension beginning to grow between them. And when he shared the possibility of taking the law firm job, she couldn’t help being shocked. He’d always told her how happy he was with his job and the transfer; he bubbled over with ideas to recruit more lawyers for not-for-profit and compose new intern programs.
Transferring to a private firm where he’d be forced to prosecute a few handpicked cases from rich clients stole away his freedom. When she looked into his eyes, it was clear he had doubts and didn’t want to take it. Why did he keep talking about money? Neither of them had ever focused on money as a goal. Had something suddenly changed she couldn’t figure out?
Chloe grabbed her phone and dialed.
“Hi, sweetheart. You got me for five minutes before my next meeting. I’m walking there now.”
“Oh, it’s nothing, Dad. Just wanted to say hello.”
She heard a whooshing sound, then his voice low in the phone. “Bull. I can hear from your tone, you never call me in the middle of the day to just say hi. Is it Owen?”
She laughed, rubbing her temple. “Yes, but not how you think it is. We’re still deliriously happy. It’s just, something weird is going on with him and I thought I’d get your perspective.”
She explained the job offer, Owen’s reaction, and the mention of money. “He kept looking at me funny and repeating that the money was good, and the job was secure.”
“Nothing wrong with that. Maybe he’s trying to show you he’s serious about your relationship. That he can take care of you for the future.”
She practically gagged, then heard a loud yell from Alyssa. “Ouch, okay, sorry. Chloe? Alyssa said that was egotistical and chauvinistic and that you need no one to take care of yourself but you.”
A smile curved her lips. “Good. She’s right.”
“I know. But maybe Owen is stuck on a battle plan. You know instead of trying to woo you to date him, he’s trying to woo you to settle down and trust him in a committed relationship.”
She blew out a breath. “Dad, you’re not making sense to me.”
“Okay, let’s try again. See, men get caught up with this old-fashioned ideal of being worthy of the women we love. Maybe Owen is just trying to prove he’s a good risk for your heart. That he won’t leave you again. Money, to many, equals security. Maturity. Happiness. You may want to ask him if he wants to take this job for you.”
Her jaw dropped as the sudden realization slammed through her. “How do I get him to admit it?”
A door slammed. A few mutters drifted in the air. “Not sure. Maybe take a risk. Give him something you’re afraid of too, and then you’ll be even. You really love him, don’t you?”
Her voice softened. “Yeah, I really love him.”
“Good. I found out Drew is an asshole. Heard he pulled your funds from his Foundation.”
“How do you know that?”
“I’m the governor. I try to know everything in my state, especially when it affects your organization. You’ll be receiving a call from Carlos—he worked with Harper at the Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation. He’s putting your name in for a brand-new grant. Sorry, sweetheart, gotta go. Good luck—call me tonight.”
The phone clicked.
God, she loved her father. She was so lucky to have him in her life.
Chloe laid the phone carefully on her desk. Suddenly everything began to make sense. The pressure from their past combined with Jonathan’s demands for him to be worthy of her, of Drew’s questioning, of his grandfather’s legacy—too many voices had gotten into his head in his quest for perfection.
She needed to show him they’d never be perfect. That he didn’t have to be worthy of her.
They needed to be worthy of each other.
It wa
s time to take the risk.
* * * *
When Owen walked into his apartment, he thought there was a power outage.
He blinked in the darkness, then focused on the endless flicker of candlelight that seemed to burst from every corner. Gus-Gus bounded over in a frenzy, and Owen scooped him up, laughing as he wriggled against him in pure delight. “Hey, buddy, do you know what’s going on?”
“I’m cooking us dinner.”
He moved farther into the room and saw her. It took a few minutes for his big brain to kick in, because his little one had taken over.
Chloe stood in his kitchen dressed in a frilly black apron.
And nothing else.
He tried to speak, found he had no spit, and tried again. “Aren’t those pizza boxes?”
She tossed him a cheeky grin, her long, naked legs on full display. Full breasts strained against the black apron, ready to pop out any moment. He prayed really hard for her to turn around. “Yes, but I’m reheating them in the oven since you’re late.”
“Sorry, got stuck at court. Umm, have I told you lately you’re the hottest woman on the planet?”
“No, but I like that.”
She turned and he almost fell to his knees. Dear God, her ass was pure, curvy perfection. She swiveled back around way too soon. “Would you like to go to the bedroom first? Or after pizza?”
He stared at her, blinking.
“Oh, now, please.”
“First, let’s talk. Sit and drink your beer.”
“Okay.” He had no brain waves left anyway; they all had left his body with one glance at her naked body. “What do you want to talk about? Can it be fast?”
She gave a low laugh and handed him the beer. He gulped greedily, trying to saturate his parched throat, and wondered if he’d fallen asleep in the courthouse and this was just a dream. Hell, if it was, he didn’t want to wake up.
“I want to ask you a few questions. You just tell me the truth. Deal?”