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The Fateless: Errata

Page 26

by Seri Anne Lynn

  “He’s saying that she’s in some kind of magickal coma like Amma is.” Rowen sighed.

  “How did this happen?” Aidan gripped her hand tighter, hoping she’d respond.

  “We’s dun know,” Tybor sighed. “When Croix brought me back, Seth had a vision. He said he knew somethin’ was goin’ ta happen with you three an’ yer lives were in danger, but dat’s all he knew. So’s we’s went back to da temples, dat’s when Seth found da vortex.”

  “By the time we’d gotten there, it was too late,” Seth finished explaining seeing that they still didn’t understand. “It was decimated by some spiritual force. I noticed you three in the vortex, and we’d been working on it ever since.”

  “And Sister Amara and the other acolytes?” Rowen asked.

  “There was no sign of anyone or anything else. The entire place was gone.” Tobias added.

  Aidan gritted his teeth. “Did Amara do this to Tat?”

  “I don’t think so,” Seth answered. “The psychic signature actually seems to have originated from Tatyana.”

  “What the hell are you saying?” Aidan looked as if he were about to fight Seth.

  “Aidan! Calm down,” Tybor ordered.

  “All I know is that is where the energy seemed to come from. I don’t know why,” Seth felt Tat’s head, seeing that she was burning up with fever. “She’s in distress. Now that she’s out and her body separated from her mind and soul like this, her body could die. I need room to work on her.”

  “Take her and do what you’s gotta do,” Tybor ordered, and Seth scooped her up and headed toward a door. Aidan turned to follow, but Jeriah stopped him.

  “No, he needs to do this alone. It will take some time, but Seth is the best hope she’s got, and he’s good at what he does. There’s no need to worry.”

  “And what are we supposed to do?” Rowen asked.

  “You’n wait.”

  Neither of them was happy with that response, but what else could they do? They didn’t even know where they were, just that they were in some sort of an enclosed cave they were calling the den. Aidan wondered, did that mean they were out of the city?

  Tybor dismissed the minions then told the boys to follow him. Aidan visually searched his surroundings, looking for clues about their location. He could have just asked but figured Tybor wouldn’t give a straight answer.

  There was no sign of anything, just a cave that led into another area with rooms that served different purposes that was cut out from the rock. The first room they passed had bunks and the next was setup like a dining hall with a big kitchen in back.

  It was extremely large, and for being a cave it was well lit with bio-lamps. The place was big enough to hold at least a hundred soldiers, but it was obvious it hadn’t been used for that purpose in a while.

  Tybor led the boys into the dining area. Rowen sat down at a nearby table, still visibly quite angry at Tybor.

  “A’ight, le’s get it o’er wid. Ain’t nothin’ goin’ ta work if youn’s don’t have yer say, so say it. But I’s warnin’ you Rowen, I’ll not put up wid no disrespect.”

  “Whatever! You–”

  “Just,” Aidan cut in, “maybe tell us what the heck is going on?”

  “You’s were tol’. When I gots back, Seth had a vision and–”

  “Yeah, but where did the vortex come from? What happened to the temple?”

  “Like Seth done said, best we can tell Tatyana did it. She blew the whole place up.”

  Rowen stood up. “How the fuck?”

  “Boy, I’s not warnin’ you again.”

  He rolled his eyes and sighed, “well how did Tat blow up a temple?”

  “We don’t know dat. You’n been tol’ everythin’ we know.”

  “Not everything,” Rowen huffed, “Tat told Aidan right before all this that you said the Fates said we all three had to be there.”

  “Dat so? An’ why she go an’ say all dat?”

  “Well,” Aidan began explaining, “I was telling her that something was off about the temple and all and we needed to leave and she insisted we needed to stay. So, she said it, but then said she wouldn’t tell us more.”

  “None of that matters,” Rowen snapped. “What matters is… is it true man? Did the Fates tell you that? And if so why did you run off and leave us like that?”

  Tybor let out a long sigh and then propped himself on a table. “A’ight, guess dere’s nothin’ ta do now but tell ya, yeah, my mission to keep you’n safe an’ get you’s to da temple came from da Fates.

  “I’s had to tell Tatyana bout it ‘cause it was da only way to get her to un’nerstan’ why she was needed to be dere. She was all set to turn herself into da doves! I couldn’t let her do dat. An’ I’s also tol’ ta leave you’n at da temples alone, an’ dat’s one of da reasons I’s left. Not ta mention, I do gotta get back to da Ceil–”

  “Not that crap again!” Rowen objected. “That’s complete bull! You were just sick of us, so you left. Admit it!”

  “Rowen, boy, you’s know me better ‘en dat. You’s know I wouldn’a left if I’s didn’t have to. An’ I didn’t want to, an’ I’s had a feelin’ something else was gonna happen, but I don’t have da power ta challenge a god. I gotta do as I’s tol’ too ya know? As soon as Seth gave me word ‘bout somethin’ not bein’ right, I headed back.”

  “If all that’s true, then why didn’t you just tell us about it in the first place!” Rowen kicked the table.

  “Because I’s ordered not to unless it was necessary!”

  “So, what now?” Aidan calmly asked, getting used to the outbursts between those two.

  “Now’s we let Seth fix her. An’ den we wait ta see what da Fates want you’n doin’ next. Dere’s way more goin’ on here den jus’ you an’ Tat bein’ Errata. Da Fates been orchestratin’ all dis from de beginning. Bein’ Errata is prolly what got you’s two here, but it was jus’ a way to get you’n here.

  “Dat’s prolly why Emelda went in dat coma too, it got Rowen o’er here. And den da storm, dat pushed you’n in my direction at da village. Den dere was da dragons stampedin’ de ship. I’s figured dat was cause de Annokai were gettin’ too close.”

  “The Children of Khaos. Sister Amara called us that. Is that what all of this is about?” Aidan asked.

  “Coul’ be,” Tybor shrugged, “ta be honest, I jus’ dun know.”

  “What the heck is that?” Rowen asked.

  “A fairytale, an’ ol’ one. A story dey used ta tell kids ta scare ‘em into behavin’. ‘Bout how dese unruly Chil’ren’ woul’ end up bringin’ Khaos back to da worlds.”

  “So you mean that some of the Fates don’t want us eradicated. Some of them think that we are the children of Khaos?” Aidan stammered, piecing it together. “And they chose us to work together to bring the god Khaos back? But… back from where? And… why? What made them decide that we are the one’s that’s supposed to do that?”

  “Like I’s say, I dunno. Dose are good questions, but I jus’ don’t have de answer. All I know is Seth is given visions an I’s get my orders, den I’s carry da mission out.”

  Aidan was about to ask another question, but Cirklan entered the room.


  “What ya need soldier?”

  “Croix is on the com; they’ve made it back to base.”

  “A’ight. Boys I got stuff ta atten’ to. I knows you’n still got questions but it’s gonna have ta wait. You’s can look aroun’ an’ get settled in. I’s figurin’ you’ll be stayin’ a while. Jus’ dun go out of de den.” Tybor instructed then left with Cirklan.

  What were they supposed to do now? They looked at one another and then Rowen sat back down at the table. “So, I guess we’re going to be stuck here for a while now too” he acknowledged and Aidan sighed in response.

  Rowen picked up his pack. At least he had his books. Maybe that would give him something to do to keep his mind busy.

  Aidan realized he still had the letter that Tat wrot
e and took it out of his pocket. It got wadded up a bit in all the commotion, so he tried smoothing it out. He opened it and skimmed the letter as temptation got the best of him. Right now, maybe reading her words would offer him some comfort.

  There wasn’t much to it. She just touched on a few places they’d stopped along the way, stating that they were all fine and that they’d met Rowen and Tybor. She didn’t offer much detail about anything else. What bothered him was how much she’d apologized about losing the keystone and repeated often how all of this was her fault.

  True, some of it was her fault but not all of it. He thought about how if he’d refused to let her come with him, she’d be fine now. But we all have to be here. He gritted his teeth. If it were anyone’s fault, it was the gods. Annoyed, he grabbed his pack and tossed the letter in.

  Chapter Twenty

  Time Loop

  A idan paced back and forth. He’d never been good with being patient or dealing with boredom. He decided to explore the place just to have something to do. It turned out to be way bigger than he thought it was. Tobias stayed near him, following him everywhere he went.

  “You know, that’s really annoying. It’s not like I’m going to make a run for it or anything, I don’t even know where I am.”

  “Orders are orders. And it’s no day at the park for me either kid,” Tobias bantered back at him from across the room, flipping a small throwing dagger through his fingers again.

  “So how long does he want you shadowing me like this?”

  “He didn’t say, who knows, could be for the rest of your short life.”

  Aidan shot him a crossed look. “I guess he still doesn’t trust us to be alone,” he sighed.

  “Can you blame him? The last time he did a temple blew up. But don’t worry about it. The thing is, Tybor told us to be watching over you kids before we even went to the temples, ‘cause he was planning on skipping off to try to fix things with the elf queenie, then he planned on going back to Cara.

  “I probably shouldn’t be telling you any of this, but he did say you kids already knew that part,” Tobias stopped and thought for a moment, deciding the info was innocuous enough. “And he would’ve went too if Seth hadn’t had that vision. So he sent some of the squad off to do some stuff instead.

  “The Ceil was none too happy about having to wait when he gave her the news that the mission wasn’t over though. And she’s insisting he get back to her as quick as he can if he wants her to call off the goons.

  “He told her she had his word that he would, then told us he’d be gone for at least a year when he does. So I’m guessing we’ll be watching over you kids until he leaves, and then I guess until he gets back.”

  They’d been ordered to watch over us even before the vortex, Aidan let that sink in. “What does that mean? He expects us to be here for a freakin’ year or more?”

  “I guess so. As far as we know, that was the plan. Don’t worry, he’s never gone as long as he says he will be. And if I know him, and I have for a few centuries now, he’ll get fed up with Cara before too long. I’d even be surprised if he didn’t cut her throat first.”

  “I can’t believe he’s still saying he’s going back to that bitch.”

  “He’s got his reasons, you just got to trust him. He won’t always tell you why he’s doing what he’s doing, but it is usually for the best. ‘Sides, I learned a long time ago not to question him, but that could be because the last time I did I ended up with three broke ribs and still was made to do as he ordered. But like I said, that was a long time ago.”

  “That sounds pretty violent.”

  “Yeah, the Prince is pretty old school when it comes to discipline, which means he can be a bit violent at times, but I guess he’s got to be when he’s dealing with stubborn jackasses like me. Most of the time he’s pretty level-headed though.”

  “If you say so,” Aidan added, not really sure he agreed considering what he’d witnessed so far.

  “I know what he does and says doesn’t always make sense, but I also know that he always has his reasons, and he always keeps his word. You can trust that if you got him on your side, you’re infinitely better off.

  “Half of us wouldn’t be around to complain about it if it weren’t for him and his sister saving our sorry asses. He sees us as a family and treats us as such. To him that means damn near everything. I’m guessing he sees it the same with you three too.”

  “So, why us?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re one of his soldiers. I’m guessing he’s developed a bond with you over time. You follow his orders, so he’s got an obligation to you; like you do to him. But what’s the deal with us? I mean he barely knows us. I get he had a mission to get us to Breah Dorn, but that was it. He told us so, that his part of the mission was over. He didn’t say anything about a new mission, so why did he come back with you guys to get us? Why even bother with us anymore?”

  Tobias shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess seeing that Rowen was Emelda’s grandson had something to do with it. I guess he felt an obligation there... plus, even if he is a bit rough around the edges sometimes, he’s still got a heart. There’s no way he’s just going to up and turn his back on three kids. It’s just not his style.”

  Aidan let it drop. There were just too many things that didn’t seem to add up, and he had enough to try and figure out as it was. It wasn’t lost on him that after all that, the whole temple thing had been a bust. And what was the point now anyway? He wasn’t even sure that he wanted to go back to his home world. Especially not with Tat dying.

  But that’s stupid. Of course I have to go back. He didn’t fit here, but he couldn’t go back, he was still Errata. Why are the Annokai so damned set on having us eradicated if we’re trapped in this world anyway? And can we really be the children of Khaos? Are there really gods using us like pawns in some kind of sick game?

  “Sir, Tybor wants you two back in the common room,” Cirklan announced addressing Tobias. “Looks like Seth’s got some bad news.”

  Aidan didn’t hesitate getting back to the room where everyone had reconvened for an update. “What’s wrong?” he demanded to know the moment he entered the room.

  “Tell ‘em,”

  “I can’t get in. Something’s blocking me. If I didn’t know any better, I would say it was divine interference.”

  “What does that mean? I don’t get all this divine magick crap. What does it mean for Tat?”

  “It means she’s most likely going to die,” Seth answered bluntly.

  “No! Dammit this isn’t happening,” Aidan screamed. “You’ve got to be able to do something.”

  “I am sworn to protect her with my life, but it’s not going to be easy. Chances are we’ll both die in the process. And it’s going to take a while for me to create a gate to get in.”

  “A gate? You mean a portal?” The word awoke Rowen’s curiosity.

  “Not a portal or god gate like you three came through to get to this world, but a time gate. It’s not what I’m usually familiar with, and I don’t really even know if I can do it, but I’ll do the best I can.”

  “How much time does da girl have?” Tybor asked.

  “If we’re lucky, about a day.”

  “How long will it take for you to create a gate?” An idea formed in Rowen’s mind.

  “I have no idea, I’ve never done it before but if I had to guess, possibly about the same.”

  Rowen ran from the room, returning momentarily with his pack. He dumped its contents on the floor, fishing through it to find the grimoire he’d stashed. “Will this help?” he shoved it in Seth’s direction.

  Seth took the book and examined it. Recognizing what it was he was holding he looked as if he were in shock. “This is the Time Titan’s lost grimoire. Where in Shadderah did you get it?”

  “I kinda stole it from the library on the Ceil’s zypher,” he looked over at Tybor who looked as though he could kill, and thought he’d better explain. �
��She was going to have it burned, I mean what was I supposed to do? I couldn’t just leave it,” he rambled. “The only thing I could figure out though is that it had something to do with time, so I’m thinking maybe it will help right now...”

  “We’ll discuss dis later,” Tybor scowled at Rowen. “Can you use it Seth?”

  “I’ll have to unlock it, but sure. If there’s not a time gate spell in here, then one doesn’t exist. I’ll get started on the knock spell immediately Sir.”

  “Can I watch?” Rowen asked both Tybor and Seth. “I promise to stay out of the way. It’s just… I’m concerned about Tat... and of course; well... this stuff just fascinates me.”

  Seth looked for a response from Jeriah, seeing that Rowen was his charge now – then with a nod of approval he looked to Tybor.

  “A’ight, jus’ do what you’s gotta do an’ Rowen you’s better do more helpin’ den anythin’ else.”

  Rowen nodded.

  Seth told Rowen to follow him, adding he could probably use the help anyway.

  “She’s going to be alright. I know she’s going to be alright,” Aidan kept repeating to himself, as if by saying it would make it so. He had to leave the room, he needed space to process his thoughts. Tobias followed and Cirklan tagged along.

  “Relax kid. Seth knows what he’s doing.” Tobias tried calming him.

  “You don’t understand. This is my fault. She was safe with the Pookas. I should have insisted she stay with them. All of this crap. It’s my damn fault! It’s my fault she’s laying in that room like that!”

  “Maybe, but I think the Fates have a fair hand in it too.”

  “Fuck the Fates! She’s going to die and it’s ALL my fault!”

  “Kid. Let’s go into the training room. When my heads all screwed up like that, I find a good workout helps sort it out.”

  “I can’t work out right now!” Aidan couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Tat’s dying!”

  “No, Seth said she could die, not that she would die.”


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