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Wild Magic

Page 10

by Sadie Jacks

  On a gasp, Atlas leaned over the table, chest heaving, breath billowing.

  “I believe the alpha is about to change,” Ten said through Saint’s mouth.

  “Alpha?” I asked, not taking my eyes off my friend and brother.

  Ransom repeated my words for Ten and Kiema.

  “Yes. Your friend has the smell of an alpha wolf. You do not want to be in those forms when he finally changes. His animal is angry, scared, and feeling disrespected. That is a bad combination for an alpha wolf.”

  Atlas growled low in his throat. It did sound oddly canine, even though he still retained his human form.

  “Um,” I swallowed loudly, “I’m not really sure how to transform back into human Asher.” If I could blush as a bear, I would have cotton-candy pink cheeks.

  “Lukas, touch Asher, please,” Ransom asked.

  “Aww, baby Asher needs help changing forms,” Taryk said as he changed seamlessly from panther to human. Buck naked human at that.

  I snapped my jaws at him as Lukas came over and laid a hand on my left shoulder.

  Agony undulated through my bones and muscle as I reshaped into a human. Changing back into human wasn’t nearly as fun as shifting to bear. But I’d endure the former to have the latter. I stood up, looked down at my nakedness. Shrugged.

  Bitches gonna be hating.

  Lukas made a sound from behind me. I turned to find his gaze glued to my ass. I blew him a kiss when he looked up at me. “Sorry, kitten.”

  “Asher, you look like you’ve gained at least twenty pounds of muscle,” Xander said. Flexing his own arm, he compared us.

  I flexed. You know, just to give him a good comparison.

  “Everyone over on this side of the table. The change will be violent. He has been suppressing the magic of the shift,” Saint/Ten said.

  “Why would he do that?” Kiema asked.

  “Probably to be of most help to all here, Mate. Have no fear. You have done nothing wrong. These bodies, save for a few, were not designed to hold this kind of magic. Your Learned One falls into the latter category.”

  Ransom looked over at the taller man. “Which of us were designed to hold magic?”

  “My host, Saint. The young human flexing his paltry muscles. And the large cat.”

  “So, Ransom, Atlas, and I are the tagalongs?” I asked, a little put out by the idea.

  Ten nodded Saint’s head. “Because of Kiema’s magic, you have ascended into these forms. The others simply needed a…” his voice trailed off as Saint’s eyes went a little unfocused. “jumpstart to access their magic.”

  “Good Leader,” Ten began.

  “Call me Ransom.” He smiled.

  Ten bowed his head. “Ransom, your Saint is cautious to tell you this. I feel you need the knowledge and can only be helped by knowing it. Since I’m currently in control of our combined form, I am going to breach his trust. Your magic is dark. Your body was not originally designed to carry magic. Certainly not to carry multiple animals. Because of this, you are constantly in danger of the magic consuming your mind. Be vigilant, Ransom. Be vigilant; you might not want to pay the cost of the consequences if you fail and become dark yourself.”

  Another shriek from Atlas burst through the room. I wanted to cover my ears, but since no one else was, I wasn’t going to be the one to bitch out. I winced as another one sliced through the air.

  A bright flash of white light and Atlas dissolved from human to upright white wolf. His green eyes hard as emeralds under the harsh lights of the conference room.

  “Who’s the bitch now, Ash?” he asked, his voice scratchy even through the mental connection.

  Chapter 21 – Atlas

  I pulled my paws from the table as I shook out my fur. My nails left long furrows in the tabletop. Damn it. I was going to have to replace that.

  “Atlas? You in there, buddy?” Asher called.

  My eyesight was so clear in this form I could count the individual strands that comprised his eyebrows. Immediately, I started formulating ideas on how I would be able to test the differences. What made the same set of eyes work differently in different forms? Would I be able to somehow apply the wolf’s vision to my human form?

  I inhaled. “Damn, boys.” I snorted. I needed to get that stench from my nose. “You stink.” I chuffed.

  “You’re the one who’s a big dog at the moment, Atty. Not us,” Asher smiled, crossed his arms.

  I snarled at him. The sound, and emotion behind it, startled me. I was a fucking wolf. If I could do happy dances without being seen or teased, I would have. But not with Asher in the room. The man could make a joke about the most serious of subjects. I wasn’t going to expose my belly to him, especially not after my first shift.

  My first shift. Elation settled on my shoulders. I’d begun to wonder if I would ever shift. According to Ten, I had been suppressing the urges. But I don’t remember having any urges. While these guys were my family, I certainly wasn’t going to miss out on shifting just because I needed to run some extra testing on them.

  The only person who needed to be physically healed had been Kiema. Done and done. I had mentally dusted my hands off. Once she regained consciousness, I’d been free to shift. Friend after friend, brother after brother, had gotten to experience the life-changing transformation. It had been down to Xander and me. I knew Kiema had healed him by the different readouts for his implant. But other than that, I didn’t know why he hadn’t shifted.

  Something more to think about.

  “Atlas?” Kiema asked, pulling herself from the shelter of Ransom’s chest.

  I felt my tail dip. I had been a fucking asshole to her. She’d done absolutely nothing wrong and I’d tried to take a bite out of her. “Tell her I’m sorry, Ransom,” I pleaded over the mental connection.

  Ransom repeated my words.

  Kiema smiled at me, tears in her eyes.

  I felt lower than lake dwelling algae. I’d done that. Put those tears in her eyes. Asher and Taryk were right. I should’ve had a bite taken out of my ass for treating her that way.

  She slid from Ransom’s lap, slithered under the table. She came up on her hands and knees, wrapped her arms around my neck.

  “You’re forgiven.” She squeezed my neck. “But be a douche again, and I’ll let the others beat the crap out of you.” She pulled back, a smile on her face. Her right eyelid fluttered.

  Did she have dust in there? Did I have dander? Could I even have dander this soon?

  She was still smiling so I just licked her face. One long swipe from chin to hairline.

  All the men groaned as Kiema giggled. The sound lifted my heart. She had done so much to save my family. From ourselves, from our pain, from our lives.

  Her berries and amber scent filled my nose. She felt like family, smelled like family.

  “Sister is all that she will be to me,” I told the other men.

  Both Ransom and Saint basically collapsed into puddles of goo.

  “Stop talking about me like I’m not here. It’s just plain rude, you know.” She grabbed a handful of my fur, yanked on it gently.

  I yelped, even though it didn’t hurt.

  She grabbed my ears, pulled my head to hers. “I’m glad you’re happy, Atlas. I’m glad you’re healed. I’m glad you’re one of mine.”

  Fuck, but I’m glad I’m in wolf form. Her words healed the broken pieces of my heart. No one outside of this room had ever worried about my happiness, my health, or where I belonged in a very long time.

  Damn, but I love this woman.

  Chapter 22 – Saint

  I looked over at Ransom. He was watching me, the corners of his eyes tight. I looked to Xander, back to Ransom.

  Ransom shook his head ever so slightly, bumped one shoulder into the air.

  Could I possibly share her with another of my brothers?

  I’d think not, Saint. She’s our True Mate. Not some trollop to be passed back and forth like a common tankard of ale on some random evening.

  I rolled my eyes at Ten’s language. He had some interesting sayings.

  All of you with your ‘fucks’ and ‘asses,’ that takes no brains to say. Merely verbal filler of an empty mind. At least when I speak, I have things of importance to say.

  Yeah, like telling Ransom about his magic. I’m still not happy about that part, Ten. I was going to do it.

  He snorted. Yes, but not with any amount of time for him to prepare himself. Forewarned is forearmed. Now he is aware of the situation, he will be able to guard his mind against the darkness. He can be on the lookout for the darkness, instead of being swept away by its siren song of destruction.

  “Guys, I think Kiema is done for,” Atlas said mentally.

  I lurched forward, pulling her into my arms.

  Ransom growled at me from across the table. I sent him a smirk. “You snooze, you lose, bro.”

  Kiema rubbed at her head. “I’m getting one of those damn implants. If you’re going to make my head itch and buzz, the least I can get out of it is to be able to listen to what you’re all talking about.” She nuzzled her nose into my neck as she looped her arms around my shoulders. “But right now, I’m tired.”

  She pulled away for a second, an odd look on her face.

  “What’s up, honey?” I asked softly.

  She shook her head. “I don’t know where I’m going to sleep. It’s the first time since the cabin that I might have even a sliver of a choice.”

  “You’re sleeping with me tonight.” Her eyes heated. As much as I wanted to bury myself inside her, become part of her, I wasn’t going to push that envelope tonight. “We’re just sleeping. You were severely dehydrated, ascended magically, you also have had enough excitement. When I take you the first time, all your focus is going to be on me. Full stop. The end.”

  She pouted at me, right before she yawned in my face.

  As much as I hate it, you’re right, Saint. Our Mate needs her rest. Her magic will be able to heal the damage of the day and any previous ailments that had her hooked up to those awful machines, Ten agreed.

  “Then she might need to sleep with one of us,” Asher spoke up from the far side of the table.

  I glared at him.

  Kiema popped her head up from my shoulder. “Does that mean you’re not going to be sleeping with me?” She paused. “As in sex, sleeping?” She shuttered her expression, blocking everyone out.

  “Ki-Ki.” Asher came around the table, got in her personal space. “You know at the cabin, when Ransom said we needed to talk to you separately?”

  She nodded, a look of confusion on her face.

  Asher smiled, took her hand. “I love you, baby. But more like that annoying little sister you can’t imagine your life without.” He leaned his head on her shoulder. “You mad? Angry? Upset? Sad? Want to hit me?”

  She turned her face into his neck. Kissed him gently. “No, Asher. I was struggling to find a way to tell you the same.” She looked up into his eyes. “Mad? Angry? Upset? Sad? Want to hit me?”

  I growled at the last one. “Doesn’t matter if he does want to hit you, it’s not happening.”

  Asher growled back at me. “I’d never hurt her. You’d better keep your nose clean, Saint. I’m watching you.” He moved back, began to turn.

  “You, too, Ten.” He turned back, shoved his finger in my face.

  “And you are right to do so, Asher. You are a fine guardian,” Ten said through my mouth. It was still fucking weird to share a body and headspace with an ancient, too formal dragon.

  Imagine it from my perspective: a brash, too irreverent human without any grasp of social niceties.

  I also kept forgetting he could hear my self-talk.

  Perhaps if you didn’t broadcast everything as if you were shouting from the mountain tops.

  Shut up, Ten. I shook my head, moved to leave the room.

  “Hang on, Saint.” I stopped, looked down at the woman in my arms.

  Kiema looked to Taryk and Atlas. A question on her face.

  I answered for Atlas, repeating his words from the implant network.

  Kiema blew him a kiss. He let his tongue loll out of the side of his mouth making her giggle.

  Taryk stepped forward. I tensed when he got into our personal space. He leaned down, whispered in her ear.

  When he raised his head, a single tear had formed at the corner of his eye. He bowed his head low, never taking his gaze off her.

  I looked down. Twin tears slid down her cheeks. “Love you, too, T.”

  He blinked quickly, the tear dissipating. He shot her a wink.

  I got a better grip on Kiema and headed for the conference room door. “See you all in the morning.”

  I didn’t bother looking back. I had my Mate in my arms and I was headed for my rooms.


  “Saint, are you sure?” Kiema asked as she slid herself under the top sheet and duvet on my bed.

  “Yes, honey. As much as I want to bury myself inside you, I’m a bit worn out from today’s events as well. You can sleep naked, or in just your panties. Whatever makes you most comfortable is fine with me.”

  I wasn’t going to lie: I had been hoping for panties. I’d been an ass man most of my life, and damn if hers wasn’t perfect. I wanted to see it encased in lace and silk, mesh and string. Cotton, polyester. I wanted to see her in everything until I could determine which made her skin glow the most.

  With the darkness of my own skin, the fairer the skin on the opposite sex the better. But with Kiema…her skin reminded me of honey. I wanted to lick it up, roll her taste over my tongue.

  But the fact that she had slid completely naked under the sheet and blanket definitely didn’t make me sad either. All of her skin took on a deeper radiance against the dark blue of my sheets. She looked fucking edible.

  My body stirred, but I hadn’t been lying. I was fucking bushed after turning into a huge ass dragon. I wanted to focus completely on her, and she on me when we came together for the first time.

  Was it selfish? Yes.

  Did I care? Not one fucking iota.

  I slid under the covers with her, a pair of black boxer briefs the only barrier between our bodies. Pulling her into my arms, I marveled again at the peace that flowed through me as our skin caressed each other. Bone deep, soul crushing serenity.

  I pushed my head into her hair, inhaled her scent, and tripped straight into sleep.

  Chapter 23 – Kiema

  Wherever I was, it felt like a freaking sweatbox. I kicked my feet free of the blankets. Ah, blessed coolness.

  At least for my legs. My upper body was still roasting in the heat.

  I pushed against the hard arm that kept me sweat sealed to the body behind me.

  The body behind me.

  I turned over, popped up on one elbow. A smile stretched my mouth until I felt like an idiot. Saint was here. He was with me. Touching me. Without pain. Without either of us being pulled to the spirit world.

  Honestly, I couldn’t remember feeling this instant pull, this almost magical bond with Ransom that I do with Saint. A hint of sadness filled me. Am I such an awful person? The smile fell from my mouth as I contemplated my life. I know these guys shared women, but how did their women deal with being shared? Did they love each man equally? Wasn’t that how this was supposed to go?

  “Keep looking at me, I’m going to assume you’re fully awake,” he mumbled.

  Saint’s voice pulled me from my thoughts. The dark heat in his voice like some kind of signal for my body to ready itself to take him deep inside me. I shuddered as lust swept through my system like a tsunami.

  “Oh, I’m awake.” I pushed the covers off him, revealing his spectacular body. “I’m definitely awake.”

  His dark brown eyes shone brightly in the morning sun. “Then get ready. We’re not stopping until we’re either dead or interrupted.”

  A slight buzz near the back of my head told me he was probably yelling at his brothers not to interrupt us on threat of

  The self-satisfied smile pulling at his sexy mouth was my answer.

  “I get you all to myself for as long as I want?” I felt like a little girl in a candy store.

  “Yes.” He leaned forward, flicked his tongue against the inside of my wrist.

  A low burn started in my belly. “Yay.” I leaned down and pressed my lips to his.

  He crushed me to him. Sliding me over him so I straddled his hips, he ground his hard cock up against me. Only the thin barrier of his boxer briefs keeping us separate.

  I pushed myself along his length.

  His low growl made my core slick with wet heat.

  I pushed against his chest. He chased me with his mouth. With a smile, I leaned down and pecked his lips quickly.

  He growled again. “Now is not the time for teasing, honey.”

  I raised a single brow. “Then take off your boxers, Saint. I want to feel you inside me.”

  He practically shoved me off his body.

  I landed in a cloud of blankets and giggles.

  His new longer, stronger, heavier body crawled across the oversized bed. I could see the predator in his eyes as he crept toward me.

  I could also see his love for me. My body went completely liquid.

  Starting at my toes, he tasted me with short flicks of his tongue. A new sensation of warmth enfolded me, but this time I wasn’t going to be throwing it off. No, I sank into this heat like stepping into a swirling hot tub.

  A bite near my knee had me popping up on my elbows. Staring down the length of my own naked body, I watched as Saint slid his tongue out and licked the spot he’d just abused. Keeping his gaze locked on mine, he traced a faint wet trail up my right leg.

  The scruff of his morning stubble a sharp and delicious contrast to the wet silkiness of his lips and tongue. I needed him higher. Just a touch of his tongue against my center and I would shoot off like a rocket. Lifting my hips to nudge him in the right direction, I held my breath as he slid his cheek against the thin skin between my upper thigh and lower body. Just as he was about to slide between my pussy lips, he took a detour.


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