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Mining Precious Gems

Page 3

by Vinod Sreedharan

  growth (compounding) in ​Profits and ​Sales over various periods - distant

  past and recently.

  Profit growth >10 AND

  Profit growth 3Years >10 AND

  Profit growth 5Years >10 AND

  Profit growth 7Years >10 AND

  Profit growth 10Years >10 AND

  YOY Quarterly profit growth >10 AND

  Sales growth >10 AND

  Sales growth 3Years >10 AND

  Sales growth 5Years >10 AND

  Sales growth 7Years >10 AND

  Sales growth 10Years >10 AND

  YOY Quarterly sales growth >10 AND

  QoQ Sales > 10 AND

  QoQ Profits > 10

  Highlights: This screen uses a minimum 10% quantification yardstick on

  Yearly and Quarterly Profits and Sales to screen for suitable stocks.

  4) ​Sales/Profit Growth compounding over a decade

  Summary: Identify companies that are serious and established Profit and

  Sales growth compounders over a longer term.

  Profit growth > Profit growth 3Years AND

  Profit growth 3Years > Profit growth 5Years AND

  Profit growth 5Years > Profit growth 7Years AND

  Profit growth 7Years > Profit growth 10Years AND

  Sales growth > Sales growth 3Years AND

  Sales growth 3Years > Sales growth 5Years AND

  Sales growth 5Years > Sales growth 7Years AND

  Sales growth 7Years > Sales growth 10Years


  Profit growth > Profit growth 3Years AND

  Profit growth 3Years > Profit growth 5Years AND

  Profit growth 5Years > Profit growth 7Years AND

  Profit growth 7Years > Profit growth 10Years AND

  Sales growth > Sales growth 3Years AND

  Sales growth 3Years > Sales growth 5Years AND

  Sales growth 5Years > Sales growth 7Years AND

  Sales growth 7Years > Sales growth 10Years AND

  QoQ Sales > 0 AND

  QoQ Profits > 0 AND

  YOY Quarterly sales growth > 0 AND

  YOY Quarterly profit growth > 0


  This screen uses a comparison logic with Sales and Profit

  growth to identify companies that are long term compounders historical y.

  5) ​Growth stocks in recent timeframe!

  Summary: Identify companies that have turned up eyebal s in recent

  time-frame. This attempts to exploit human ‘recency bias’ where we tend

  to remember or place more emphasis on near-term vs distant past for our


  Sales growth > Sales growth 3Years AND

  Sales growth > 20 AND

  Profit growth > Profit growth 3Years AND

  Profit growth > 20 AND

  YOY Quarterly sales growth > 20 AND

  YOY Quarterly profit growth > 20 AND

  QoQ Sales > 20 AND

  QoQ Profits > 20 AND

  current price < 1.15 * Low price


  This screen uses a comparison logic with Sales and Profit

  growth in very recent time-frame to identify companies that could have

  increased momentum focus in the market.

  6) ​Growth in EPS and Quarterly Sales/Profits in recent times

  Summary: Identify c

  ompanies t hat h

  ave t urned up g

  ood g

  rowth i n E


  Per Share (EPS) along with Profit/Sales numbers

  EPS latest quarter > 1.2 * EPS preceding year quarter AND

  EPS latest quarter > 0 AND

  EPS > EPS preceding year AND

  EPS > 1.2 * EPS last year AND

  YOY Quarterly profit growth > 25 AND

  YOY Quarterly sales growth > 25 AND

  QoQ Sales > 20 AND

  QoQ Profits > 20 AND

  Market Capitalization > 100

  Highlights: This screen uses a comparison logic adding EPS logic to the

  Sales and Profit g

  rowth i n v

  ery r

  ecent time-frame t o identify c

  ompanies t hat

  could have increased momentum focus in the market.

  7) ​EPS compounders

  Summary: Identify companies that have very good Earnings Per Share

  (EPS) growth (For many market participants and investors, EPS is the

  real bottom-line for the shareholders, that market values)

  EPS > 1.25 * EPS last year AND

  EPS > 1.25* EPS preceding year AND

  EPS latest quarter > 1.2 * EPS preceding quarter AND

  EPS latest quarter > 1.2 * EPS preceding year quarter AND

  Expected quarterly EPS > 1.2 * EPS latest quarter


  This screen uses a comparison logic with EPS numbers to

  identify companies that are growing wel on the EPS numbers they turn out.

  8)​ Profit growing at n% (ex: 15%)

  Summary: Identify steady profit growers in the market

  Profit growth >15 AND

  Profit growth 3Years >15 AND

  Profit growth 5Years >15 AND

  Profit growth 7Years > 15 AND

  Profit growth 10Years > 15 AND

  YOY Quarterly profit growth > 15 AND

  QoQ Profits > 15


  This screen uses a comparison logic to identify companies

  steadily growing and compounding their Profits at 15%

  9) ​Constant and Steady market growers

  Summary: Identify companies augmenting their OPM and NPM (ie Profit

  margins) steadily. These are margin growers which should benefit their

  bottom-lines for most part!

  OPM > OPM last year AND

  OPM > OPM preceding year AND

  OPM 5Year > OPM 10Year AND

  OPM latest quarter > OPM AND

  OPM latest quarter > OPM preceding quarter AND

  OPM latest quarter > OPM preceding year quarter AND

  NPM latest quarter > NPM last year AND

  NPM latest quarter > NPM preceding year AND

  NPM latest quarter > NPM preceding quarter AND

  NPM latest quarter > NPM preceding year quarter


  This screen uses a comparison logic to identify companies

  steadily growing and compounding their Margins over Years.

  10) ​Comprehensive Profit/Sales numbers

  Summary: Identify companies turning up very good raw numbers on Profit

  and Sales

  Net profit > Net Profit last year AND

  Net profit > Net Profit preceding year AND

  Net profit > Net profit preceding 12months AND

  Net Profit latest quarter > Net Profit preceding quarter AND

  Net Profit preceding quarter > Net profit 2quarters back AND

  Net profit 2quarters back > Net profit 3quarters back AND

  Net Profit latest quarter > Net Profit preceding year quarter AND

  sales > Sales last year AND

  Sales > Sales preceding year AND

  Sales > Sales preceding 12months AND

  Sales latest quarter > Sales preceding quarter AND


  Sales preceding quarter > Sales 2quarters back AND

  Sales 2quarters back > Sales 3quarters back AND

  Sales latest quarter > Sales preceding year quarter AND

  QoQ Profits > 1 AND

  QoQ Sales > 1 AND

  YOY Quarterly profit growth > 1 AND

  YOY Quarterly sales growth > 1


  This screen uses a comparison logic to identify companies

  that are doing wel on their Profit and Sales account.

  11) ​Focus on Quarterly result growers

  Summary: Identify companies that have very good YoY and QoQ

/Profit/EPS numbers

  QoQ Profits > 25 AND

  QoQ Sales > 25 AND

  YOY Quarterly profit growth > 25 AND

  YOY Quarterly sales growth > 25 AND

  EPS latest quarter / EPS preceding quarter > 1.25 AND

  EPS latest quarter / EPS preceding year quarter > 1.25


  This screen uses a comparison logic to identify companies

  that are doing wel on their Quarterly numbers

  12) ​ ​Comprehensive Revenue/Sales compounders

  Summary: Identify companies that have very comprehensive

  Revenue/Sales numbers and growth.

  Sales latest quarter > Sales preceding quarter AND

  Sales preceding quarter > Sales 2quarters back AND

  Sales 2quarters back > Sales 3quarters back AND

  Sales > Sales last year AND

  Sales preceding quarter > Sales preceding year quarter AND

  sales growth > Sales growth 3Years AND

  Sales growth 3Years > Sales growth 5Years AND

  Sales growth 5Years > Sales growth 7Years AND

  Sales growth 7Years > Sales growth 10Years

  Highlights: This s

  creen u

  ses a


  omparison logic t o i dentify c

  ompanies t hat

  are doing comprehensively wel on their Revenue growth and Sales


  13)​ ​Comprehensive Profit compounders

  Summary: Identify companies that have very comprehensive Profit numbers and


  Net profit > Net Profit last year AND

  Net profit last year > Net Profit preceding year AND

  Net Profit latest quarter > Net Profit preceding quarter AND

  Net Profit preceding quarter > Net profit 2quarters back AND

  Net profit 2quarters back > Net profit 3quarters back AND

  Net Profit latest quarter > Net Profit preceding year quarter AND

  Profit growth > Profit growth 3Years AND

  Profit growth 3Years > Profit growth 5Years AND

  Profit growth 5Years > Profit growth 7Years AND

  Profit growth 7Years > Profit growth 10Years

  Highlights: This s

  creen u

  ses a


  omparison logic t o i dentify c

  ompanies t hat

  are doing comprehensively wel on their Profit growth and Profit numbers


  Value and/or Ratio oriented screens

  These s

  creens p

  rimarily look f or ‘ value’ -

  t hat is s

  tocks quoting a

  t classical y

  reasonable to low valuations.

  The value could come in terms of

  parameters like Price-to-Earnings (PE) and/or PE to Growth ratio (PEG)

  and/or Price to Sales (P2S) or could come out of attractive combination of

  Fundamental ratios like Return On Earning (ROE) or Return on Capital

  Employed (ROCE) et al.

  Since markets are cyclical in nature - due to human emotions and market

  psychology, good stocks tend to get b

  eaten d

  own i nto a

  ttractive v


  With Price that discounts their potential in one or many directions and

  parameters. This could be used as an opportunity f or medium t o l ong t erm

  investing, buying stocks in discount and waiting for market to re-discover

  them and rising them back t o t heir glory. This c

  an b

  e t he v

  ery core t enet o


  the oft overused term - ‘​ Value Investing​’


  1) Classical Value based on key Fundamental Return Ratios

  Summary: Identify companies that stand out wel from a classic key

  fundamental return ratio perspective (ie. latest ROE/ROCE/ROIC/ROA


  Return on equity > 20 AND

  Return on assets > 20 AND

  Return on capital employed > 20 AND

  Return on invested capital > 20 AND

  CROIC > 20 AND


  Highlights: This s

  creen u

  ses a


  omparison logic t o i dentify c

  ompanies t hat

  are above 20 in their latest key Fundamental Return Ratios. Then uses

  EVEBITDA (Enterprise Value/ Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation,

  Amortization) to cut down the list to get those with deeper value.

  2) ​ROE gems

  Summary: Identify companies that stand out from latest and historical

  averages perspective for the key Fundamental parameter - Return On

  Equity (ROE)

  Average return on equity 10Years > 15 AND

  Average return on equity 7Years >15 AND

  Average return on equity 5Years >15 AND

  Return on equity 5years growth > 15 AND

  Average return on equity 3Years >20 AND

  Return on equity > 20

  Highlights: This s

  creen u

  ses a


  omparison logic t o i dentify c

  ompanies t hat

  above 15 on their ROE multi-year averages.

  3) ​ROCE gems

  Summary: Identify companies that stand out from latest and historical

  averages perspective for the key Fundamental parameter - Return On

  Capital Employed (ROCE)

  Average return on capital employed 10Years > 20 AND

  Average return on capital employed 7Years > 20 AND

  Average return on capital employed 5Years > 20 AND

  Average return on capital employed 3Years > 25 AND

  Return on capital employed >25

  Highlights: This s

  creen u

  ses a


  omparison logic t o i dentify c

  ompanies t hat

  above 20 on their ROCE multi-year averages.

  4)​ ​ROIC gems with good Earnings Yield value

  Summary: Identify companies that h

  ave m

  ore t han 2

  5 o

  n the F


  parameter - Return On Invested Capital (ROIC).

  Return on invested capital > 25 AND

  CROIC > 25 AND

  Earnings yield > 15

  Highlights: This s

  creen u

  ses a


  omparison logic t o i dentify c

  ompanies t hat

  above 25 on their ROIC and tones down the list by asking for an Earnings

  Yield of greater than 15.

  5) ​Classic Value Investing Ratio Picks

  Summary: Identify companies are within bounds of common accepted

  Value Investing Fundamental parameters

  Price to Earning < 15 AND

  Price to Sales < 1 AND

  Price to book value < 1.5 AND

  PEG Ratio < 1 AND


  Earnings yield > 15

  Highlights: This s

  creen u

  ses a


  omparison logic t o i dentify c

  ompanies t hat

  fit into Classic Value Investing criteria using P/E, P/S, P/BV, PEG,


  Growth At Reasonable Value /

  Growth With Attractive Ratios

  Thus far, we have looked at how to dig up growth s

  tocks a

  nd v

e stocks.

  But can there be a fusion of the two paradigms. Growth at reasonable

  price and value ?

  Wel , that’s what this section is al about.

  These screens look for ‘Growth at Reasonable P

  rice’ (GARP) or ‘ Growth a


  Reasonable Value’ (GARV) type stocks that could be a ‘win-win’ option in


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