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In Leopard' Love

Page 3

by Kimaya Mathew

  Turning again to face me, with slow stride he started circling me, “Take one free advice from me, Ms Edwards.” His eyes bored into mine as he pinned me with that gaze, “Don’t try to be the part of this community where you will never fit. People like us will never be your friends in reality. Do yourself a favour, pack your bags and return back to the state from where you are. Sikkim is not a place for a person like you. You are too self-obsessed. You are one selfish, shallow girl I have ever come across. Yesternight both of us saw the way Ariel and Sean clung to each other and I hate to say this that if ever you tried to come in between both my best buddies, I’ll make sure that you never see the sun again. In other words,” he grasped my shoulder so hard that I winced inwardly, “I will kill you with my bare hands. You still live in that world of fairies were, like rest of your gender population, a boy will come riding on a horse, sweep you away off your feet and make your life a paradise. Trust me, all that glitter’s is not gold. Come down to reality known as life and you will see the harshness of it. Now, before I see you in your pathetic tears, remove yourself from my sight or else,” he looked deep in my glasses covered eyes, “Try me,” gulping down the hard, choking, clogged set of tears from my throat. Giving him my hard anger filled stare again, with slow steps I made it out of the hall, came down the ladder and without even looking at Taki and Bong; with head held high came out of the auditorium. Every word, every sentence uttered by that voice was like nailed into my system. Wiping the silent tears from the core of the eye side, which had silently appeared there, gulping down more and more of them, I reached into my bag, took out the water bottle and gulped down enough of Adam’s Ale! Amun’s words have actually inflicted such daggers on my heart that in one instant I felt my confidence shattering and tattering to ground. Selfish…Shallow…do does not belong here! Was I that bad? Was Amun right? Where should I go then? In that one moment, I really missed mum so much. I barely had made any friend here but enemies have already started surfacing…



  “How is it?” I asked as I served another round of chapattis to three of the boys. “A…” Bong moaned in delight, “It’s delicious and crispy. Where do you learn these recipes from?” “Granny made it,” I smiled as Taki helped himself to more of them, “Feed that crazy bull staring at the stars outside,” Granny called out. Taking a plate out of the stand, decorating it with various dishes, coming out the front door, I made it to Amun’s side! The boy has lately been in this blue emotion and I wanted to know the exact reason behind it.”Dinner,” I announced and kept it on the broad wood slab on which Amun’s hand were grasping for support. “Amun!” I touched his shoulder and he turned to me, eyes silent and questioning. “Something’s eating you up, A?” he asked. Of course, the psychic friend of mine knew my internal emotions sometimes and could read them more clearly than everyone else. “When are you going to commence talking with Sean?” I asked, “It tears me apart to see both of you like this. You used to be his best friend, Dude.” “Not anymore, I am not,” he looked straight again. “Amun stop this!” I took him by chin and turned his face to me, “Heard about your confrontation with that girl today…” “Bong has a big mouth.” He shrugged carelessly, “Yes, he has.” I paused, “But I know you three don’t keep any secrets from me. Why bro? Why her? It’s not her fault that she has been opted by Sean’s dad for the marriage. You know Sean still loves me and acts like her friend, that’s it. Vena is a sweet one, Amun. A bit of a temper but the gem of a person! Introvert, shy…you know! Such rude words and from your mouth! I am shocked, I must say. She just came to apologise and you made it even worse. A poor one is already suffering, Amun…if not for Vena then some other girl would have been there, what is the difference? Apologise to her tomorrow alright…” “It’s not raining today, isn’t it?” “Don’t try to change the subject, ok. I have never heard such words from your mouth. what were you…” but just like that, another thought hit me. Can there be some reason behind this? “Amun!” I asked as something hit me, “is it…?” “I am late,” he looked at the sky once more and sighed, “I need to go. Tell those two idiots about my instruction.” Saying that he left me with my thoughts!


  Halloween nights are supposed to be the scariest according to the legends. Sean, Hyung and others have gone to college for the yearly party but me! I was busy praying in the temple. Being a Buddhist myself, it gave me a whole sort of peace whenever I came around to this place. I felt close to Mom at these times. God knows I have been reminiscing over her lately. Dad knew that apart from the wild animals, there was no such danger for girls in these hilly areas. To feel more at ease, bringing the lapels of the jacket together, I glanced up at the sky and could see mum’s face clearly in that shining moon! I would have liked to know more about my parent’s mysterious love story but of course, now, when mum was no longer alive that seemed so hard. I have grown lonelier in these days than in the beginning of the college. Hyung had wanted to come with me here but I so didn’t want him to lose his enjoyment with a boring person like me so I encouraged him to go and enjoy his party. Thinking on every gloomy thought, silently I made it to the path which led to the graveyard. The graveyard is scary at night, as people say but it was in these sort of places that I actually felt a certain kind of peace in me. What could be more embarrassing than the rumours of Sean and I being a couple! Poor guy was just helping me around and was a really kind person but on the cue, surfaced another face. Silver cold eyes…eyebrows touching hairline…”Selfish…Shallow…no friend here!” I closed my eyes and covered my ears with both hands. Who was he saying all these things to me? It depends on me whether I believe him or not! I should have replied him in a fiery manner but, somehow, words never came then. I was struck by a lightning as he kept on loading all those ‘qualities’ of my character. Since when was I mean to anyone? When did I make a person cry? I wanted from all my heart that Ariel and Sean to be together. Coming to them, I was sure my today’s scheme was working because Sean was all alone and he will get ample time to spend with Ariel! Why was it that Amun’s words were so hard for me to erase from my mind? Still thinking about him, my legs carried me to the inner depth of the forest and already the night above me was deepening. So lost was I in my thoughts that it completely escaped my notice that I had taken a wrong path and instead of coming out of the forest, I was going deeper inside it.


  Before I could think anything else I heard someone’s laughter, “Ha, got you/” it said. Curiosity got better of me and I couldn’t resist eavesdropping the entire conversation. Attaching myself to the tree trunk I heard the voice much raised then it previously was, “Are we ready then?” came that voice and my entire being came alive with a strange rejuvenating feeling in my chest. Amun! Frowning, I couldn’t avoid peeking from that position and saw the scene…Taki, Bong and last of all Amun! All three of them were bare-chested! My heart came to the throat and I have to keep a hand in my mouth so as to stifle any kind of scream or voice, in case it draws their attention! Then, before I could avoid my gaze, I saw something which I would have never believed had I heard it from anyone else! As the full moon lighted on three of them, with a shriek Bong and Taki came on their knees and their muscles of arms and thighs twisted and turned before I heard the snap and in no seconds, there stood two full grown yellow-black striped leopards with a Black one standing on their side!



  My breath came in intervals as Sean raised the tempo. “Sean,” I gasped, “please…please” covering my mouth with his own, I could feel the rocking of the entire car. “Can’t control…” his teeth gritted and then everything, after our cries of passion came down, went silent. For a time being, we remained like that. I wanted this, I thought. If only our situations could have been much better than this. The first time we made love, it was Valentine’s Day and Sean had taken me out for a dinner. Later, after the dance got over, he had wrapped
his hands around mine and led me to the hotel’s room where I have lost my innocence in his arms. Sean was a loyal lover, I was aware of this fact. After that, we stole some kisses but never spoke about sex! But today, it was as if the two of us were aching so much for this union that we lost control and like a horny couple, ended on the backseat of the car! Something vibrated! Sean’s cell phone and looking at the screen, loosening his grip on mine, he answered it. Don’t know who it was but clearly, the caller had erupted Sean’s erotic mood! After snapping the phone shut, he turned to me and those tears in his eyes shone like some bright pearls. Sniffing but smiling at the same time he said, “It’s late. We should get dressed up.” “Sean, what happen?” I raised my questioning stare at him. “Nothing,” he said as he put on his shirt and pants. Hesitantly I got dressed and when both of us were decent, I turned to him again. “Please, you are scaring me. Tell me what happen?” “I am getting engaged tomorrow to Vena, Love. Will you come to the gathering?” flying in his embrace, with my head on his chest, I sobbed my heartbreak and knew he was feeling the same thing. Each heart was bleeding for the other but, unfortunately, no one had the solution in his or her mind right now.



  Amun is a were-leopard! The scary thought kept on infiltrating my mind. Taki and Bong too were with him. Hyung’s voice came to my mind at that instant…”Amun started distancing himself from us…same with Taki and Bong!” Did anyone know about them? I thought. Of course, nobody did and I planned to tell no one about this. Thankfully, I have requested for the engagement party to be called off for one more month thereby making certain plans to get Sean and Ariel together and as soon as I can. Something had to be done quickly. While Sean and Hyung kept up their conversation my gaze inadvertently flew to the last table where four of them were seated. Like a snap, a plan took its shape in my mind. I need to talk to Ariel. Excusing myself, with frantic steps I made it to their table. “Ariel,” I smiled, “Hi, can I have a word with you? In private?” “With me?” she was confused and looked around the table. I was avoiding Amun’s gaze because somehow it came on me that if I even glanced at him he will come to know the truth. “How about after lunch?” she smiled back, “That’ll be cool,” I returned the gesture and was about to turn back when I heard her again, “Vena…how about you come to my house tonight? Have dinner and then we can talk?” The hopeful glare from her side made me smile and returning the emotion, I said, “Ok, Thanks.”


  Ariel’s house was like a dreamy cottage you imagine in the mid of the jungle! The steep hills and the stream flowing nearby just made it much more magical. But what came as a surprise was that Bong, Taki and Amun stayed here with her! Ariel was like a precious cosseted pearl protected by these three boys. She was more of their sister than a friend. That explains why they took her side and left Sean! As soon as the dinner got over, with a steamy hot coffee mug in both of our hands, I made it outside to the wooden railing with Ariel following my lead. As each of us sipped through our beverage, I turned around, “Thanks, Ariel. Dinner was really good. Your Granny is too sweet.” She smiled, “You are welcome. So what was it you wanted to have talked about?” “Ariel,” I hesitated a little before commencing the topic clearly, “first of all, bear this thing in mind that I am not interested in Sean at all. He is yours and he will always be yours.” Her mood fell flat and she turned her head to look ahead. “I know you hate me! Trust me, if I would have been at your place then I would have had felt the same emotion for anyone taking my place beside Sean. Please, listen to me once and then maybe you change your mind!” “Vena…” “No,” I cut her in the mid, “listen to me first. Tomorrow after college ends, do you mind coming with me to Sean’s house?” confused she gave me that weird stare, “Sean’s house? But why?” “I have informed his Dad that you are going to pay him a visit tomorrow?” “Why didn’t you asked me first?” her eyes were wide with horror as she turned to me in an instant. “I am sorry but you see, for bringing you and Sean together something had to be done soon or else his father will just go ahead with that stupid engagement of mine with him. Sean is my friend, A. That boy has a heart truer than any swear or oath was taken. He loves you like crazy and I know that you share the same emotion. If it hadn’t been for Hyung then I would have never come to know about my part of separating such best buddies in such short time, Ariel. The thought was enough to tear me apart that I was the biggest obstacle between two lovers. Don’t hate me, A. Already someone has told me that I am not welcome in Sikkim’s college community and trust me; it was not a very good thing to hear. It was very kind of you to invite me for the dinner. I want to see both of you together and I know that this is the right thing.”

  “I don’t hate you,” she said as I saw little moisture near the core of her eyes, “I never did. I am sorry for Amun’s behaviour that day. Three of those are so protective and possessive about me that they lost their mind when they came to know about you. I know what Sean is going through, Vena. I am experiencing the pain every day of my life. He is not bad, you know, Amun! He is got that temper thing running in his veins every time he see’s you. Though the reason is not clear enough to me why that happen…” “Leave that,” I changed the direction of the talk, “Will you come with me tomorrow or not?” Smiling she kept the cup on the sill of the wooden railing, turned to me and hugged me! “I am so grateful to you. You are the magical angel I have been waiting for. You are doing this so that Sean’s father may have a positive impression of me, isn’t it?” Wiping the corner of my eyes, I straightened both of us and replied, “You know everything, don’t you?” She chuckled and the smile made me clear why Sean had chosen this damsel! She was indeed so beautiful! What I never told her was that I had already talked with Sean’s dad about her!


  Night out was never on my agenda so when after the dinner, Ariel pressurised me into staying for the night, I couldn’t deny her that little request. Messaging Dad, clutched pillows and blankets in my hands I was climbing the stairs to the upper guest room when the adjacent room’s door flew open and Amun’s gaze clashed with mine! “You aren’t going home?” he asked, voice and face both expressionless. “ Ariel persisted me to stay here for the night so…excuse me,” shrugging I started when his hand shot forward and blocked my way, “ What if I tell you that you are not welcome here?” “Amun!” Ariel’s voice shrieked from downstairs and in another second she was standing right next to me, “What’s wrong with you? Vena is our guest for the night! For heaven’s sake, once behave properly and mind that moronic tongue of yours. Do you have to insult her every time? I am so sorry,” she turned to me and took the blanket in my arms, “Come, Vena, I‘ll prepare your bed.” Throwing her angry look in his way, taking my by the wrist, she led me inside the guest room!


  Somewhere around midnight, I heard the creak of the door as a pair of footsteps came creeping inside the room! My eyes flew open and turning my side, I was about to sit upright when a hand closed around my mouth. My eyes went wide with horror when I saw moonlight reflected on Amun’s face! “Don’t shout!” he whispered, “Or else, everyone will wake up. Alright?” I nodded. “Good girl,” saying that he removed his hand and seated himself on the bed. “Get up now, will you? I need to talk” they came that daredevil sort of voice again. Shaking with fear, I sat upright on the bed. “ You scared the hell out of me,” I coughed as I whispered, “ Here,” he handed me water, “ Have some,” all the time his stare never left me as I drank the liquid. My heart beat came under control. “This is your bracelet isn’t it?” he whispered. Glancing at my hand once and then looking back to the thing in his hand, like a crash, everything came to me. “Y-Yes,” I said and took it back. “I found it on the forest floor…the night I changed my form…” Words left my mouth. I don’t know whether he was angry, sad or what! “Come with me,” he stood up and offered his hand, “Why?” I gave him that look again; “Please…” he smiled the mock one h
ardly reaching his eyes. Getting up, wearing my shoes again I walked behind him with slow steps.


  Though I had no idea where he was taking me, as Amun kept up his stride I noticed for the first time that he was wearing a black jacket! And after some minutes, as I pulled the thick stole around me, the realisation hit me that I was being taken into the forest again. What were his intentions? My mind probed this question in my conscious again and again. After going to some distance, he halted in front of me and turned. “You know I am a lycan, right?” Scared and confused, I nodded in admittance, “Will you tell about it to anyone?” I shook my head all the time staring into those eyes which were gazing in mine. “Will you tell about Taki and Bong to anyone?” “No,” I murmured. That was true at least!” “Alright,” saying that he stripped out of his jacket and dropped it on the floor. “What are you doing?” I asked and my voice rose to another pitch, “Showing you my true self,” he opened his pant’s button and I turned my back button. “Shameless Boy!” I said, “Go change behind the tree or something. Don’t you have any decency? Changing in front of a girl?” “Are you uneasy?” he asked with just a hint of laughter in that tone. “of course, what do you expect?” “Good,” I heard the smile finally, “I want you to be uneasy. Are you scared or nervous of my changing and eating you?” “Stop it!” I said, “You know I am,” “Very good,” he was enjoying himself I am sure. “Why are you doing this?” I asked, “Because…I felt like doing it. Sure you won’t tell it, Ariel and Sean, too?” “ Of course not,” I said, “You are one strange boy I have ever met. Sometimes you insult me…sometimes you are so angry with me…and other times, you will ignore me. What do you want from me?” “I wanted answers now and I don’t care if he gets offended or not! “Amun.” I asked but there was no reply. There was a mere snap of a twig behind me and turning again to that said, I saw the big black leopard standing there instead of the boy!


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