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Confess: A High School Bully Romance - Madison Falls High Book 3

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by K. Walker

  I was upset that he didn’t feel like he could confide in me about something that was potentially so serious.

  “Sophia, don’t get mad. It’s just that…I don’t want you mixed up in all that shit. Brody should have never done anything with Lin, to begin with. And I knew about the beach. He admitted it.”

  He was talking, but he wasn’t giving me the answers I had asked for. So, I remained tight-lipped.

  “You mad at me?” He asked, giving me a sideways glance.

  I tightened my lips some more and stared out of the window on my right.

  He sighed, and I could see him rubbing his head in my mind. He always did that when he was struggling with a decision.

  The car rolled into the school’s parking lot without him saying a word – his loyalty to his crew was greater than his love for me. I didn’t know how to process that, and I got out of the car and walked away.

  “Sophia!” he called out and chased after me. I kept walking. I was hurt, and I felt excluded from the important parts of his life. He caught up to me and grabbed my arm.

  I shook him off. “Chad, if you want to stick up for your boys, then fine. But don’t lie to me!”

  “Sophia,” he said and ground his teeth. “Why are you mad, or…what is this?”

  I squinted. “I’m not playing. I’m really upset because it’s clear that you’re lying.”

  He heaved an exasperated sigh and looked around the parking lot at nothing specific, and then at me. “I was hoping you would be the girl who could trust me,” he replied, clenched his jaws a couple of times, walked up to me and pecked me on the cheek, and then walked off.

  All of a sudden, I was the bad girlfriend. How did he spin that to make me look like the ass? I grunted and walked off after him. He had already jogged across the yard to the other guys who were leaning against the fence.

  “Trouble in paradise?” Callie asked, and I almost crashed into her again. Luckily, she didn’t have coffee.

  “Don’t you wish,” I hissed and walked past her.

  “I know that face,” she said as she tailed me. “Reminds me of the time Chad just got cold with me— wouldn’t talk to me.”

  The words were eating at me, but I wasn’t going to let her get to me. I kept walking, stiff-necked, to my locker.

  “I bet he’s probably seeing someone else. He was good at that. And his guys – they wouldn’t say shit,” she said as she rocked into the locker next to mine, her blue eyes sparkling and her glossy lips perky. I hated her! “Did he go off with one of the guys and you don’t know where he went?”

  She was spot-on in her assessment and it was getting creepy. Unless she knew something. My eyes widened as I slammed my locker door shut. “What do you know, Callie?”

  She grinned and popped her gum. “Nothing.” She held up her hands and examined her already perfect manicure. “You should ask your boyfriend,” she winked and walked off, her heels clicking against the floor.

  I could strangle her, but it only confirmed that Chad was lying about something. I didn’t want to think it was another girl and Brody was his cover. I didn’t get that vibe, but I’ve been wrong before. Wes came to mind – I had thought he was charming and sweet, but he had turned out to be a total douche.

  “What’s with the long face?” Amanda asked as she materialized in front of me like an apparition. “You look spaced out.”

  “Do you think Chad has another girl?”

  She scoffed and looked around nervously. “Why do you ask that?”

  “So, it’s a possibility,” I replied angrily.

  “It’s always a possibility with any guy, not just Chad. And why are you even thinking about that?”

  “I wasn’t,” I said and walked off. “Callie just put the idea in my head, and I know, it’s crazy, but Chad never told me where he and Brody went Friday night, even though I’ve asked like a million times.”

  Amanda’s brows furrowed. “Didn’t they go to get beers or something?”

  I stopped and she bumped into me. “Did you see them return with any beer? And the way Callie said it, she knows something. She wouldn’t say, but he went with Brody,” I whispered and pulled her over to the wall.

  “So? That’s not strange. He could have gone with anyone of the guys.”

  “I know, but its Brody and they have…a different thing going on.”

  Amanda folded her arms across her chest as her brown eyes seemed to swallow me. “Different? Like what?”

  I leaned in closer and scanned behind and around me to make sure I wasn’t being overheard. “Brody was mixed up with a drug dealer and Chad had to bail him out – paid off the guy. And then that day when I didn’t come to school, I went to the beach and I saw Brody with the same guy. I think something’s going on with Brody and Lin and Chad’s covering. That or he’s fucking someone else and Brody was covering for him.”

  Amanda gave me a blank stare. “That’s it?” She rolled her eyes and touched my shoulder as she made eye contact again. “First of all, Brody’s always been involved in shit, and Chad has been bailing out all these fools since the beginning of time. That’s not strange.”

  I was nodding profusely as I soaked up her words. I was beginning to feel a little better.

  “And secondly, Chad doesn’t need to cover up if he’s fucking someone else. You wouldn’t even know,” she laughed and winked.

  I shoved her and walked off. “Not helping!”

  “Come on,” she said as she caught up to me. “Chad’s crazy about you. No way is he fucking anyone else. Don’t let Callie get to you. He might have done that to her, but not you.”

  “You’re really being very reassuring now,” I said sarcastically. “But now I feel like an ass.”

  “Why?” she asked as we got to the door and I noticed the cheer goons eyeing me.

  “Because we had a fight this morning about this, and he was upset that I didn’t trust him,” I moaned as my shoulders slumped.

  “Don’t worry about it,” she said as we slipped into our seats.

  But how could I not? I should know better than to think he was hiding something from me because he wanted to. I didn’t want to give him the option of me or his boys – it was unfair and I really felt crappy as I slid down in my chair and tried to listen to the teacher.

  I hated that we had a fight and it ate at me right through until lunchtime. I had my tray, standing by the food station, and I couldn’t think of a damned thing I wanted to eat. My eyes kept shifting from the food, to Chad’s empty table, and back to the food. It didn’t help that Callie was winking at me and toying with my mind.

  “Ignore her,” Amanda whispered in my ear. “Come on.”

  “Where are they? I have a bad feeling,” I said to Amanda and picked up a tuna sandwich and a coke -I didn’t think I could eat more than that.

  “Sophia, calm down,” she said. “It’s not the first time they haven’t been here for lunch. You’re overthinking it.”

  “I’m freaking out,” I said as my chest swelled and my hands shook. My phone vibrated and I quickly flipped it over. “It’s him,” I said, my eyes wild and going from girl to girl around the table.

  “What does it say?” Amanda asked.

  “Why? What’s going on?” Alexi asked.

  “They had a fight and she’s freaking out,” Amanda explained as I opened the text.

  Chad: Meet me by the bleachers. Bring Alexi and Liz.

  I turned the phone to them. “What does this mean?”

  Liz stood right away. “We’re about to find out.”

  “What about us?” Amanda asked with disappointment.

  “Winners circle,” Stacey said coolly. “It’s okay. We’ll hear about it later.”

  “Okay,” I said and hopped over the bench, my heart fluttering and my brain swelling as the three of us hurried to the bleachers.

  All of the boys were there when we reached the stands. “What’s going on?” I asked nervously.

  They were all wearing solem
n expressions which did nothing for my already fragile heart and nerves.

  Chad was very serious, and my heartbeat hard against my chest as I waited for the hammer to drop. “So, I know you’ve been wondering, babe, but believe me, I didn’t want to have to share this, because I was trying to protect someone else.”

  “Who?’ Liz asked worriedly and looked at Cody. “What’s going on?”

  Chad glanced at Brody and he shook his head. “Friday night Brody and I didn’t go to get beer. We went to the police station.”

  “What?” I exclaimed. “Why?”

  “Getting there,” Chad replied and held up his hand. “So, Wes,” he said and grimaced, “mentioned to the cops that Brody was involved with Lin.”

  “Who the hell is Lin?” Alexi asked angrily as she stared Brody down. I reached over and pulled her to me.

  “Some guy Brody got mixed up with,” Chad replied. “Anyway, the cops claim they won’t pursue Brody if he helps them to catch Lin in the act of a buy or something.”

  “A sting? They want him to go on a sting op? Is that even legal?” Alexi fired back.

  Brody walked over to her and gripped her on both shoulders. “It’s either that or they book me for dealing or whatever,” he sighed.

  “So, you’ve already agreed to do it?” she asked softly and hung her head.

  “I have no choice. Wes already told them I was involved with Lin.”

  “But do they have proof of that?” I asked and looked around the group.

  “I don’t know,” Brody sighed and let go of Alexi’s shoulder. “But I was involved with Lin. What if they make a deal with him? What if they keep digging just to get me for not helping?”

  I sighed. “He’s right. But how are they going to do that?”

  “We don’t know yet, but I’m damned sure not going to let him do it alone so they can screw him over,” Chad snapped. Then he turned to me. “That’s what I couldn’t say because I had to get the okay from Brody. It’s his ass.”

  I was ashamed. “I’m sorry I overreacted, but do you blame me?” I pleaded.

  Slowly his lips curled to give me a half-smile. “I don’t, but now that it’s all out in the open, don’t say anything to anyone.”

  “Uh, I think Callie knows something,” I told Chad.

  He narrowed his eyes. “How?”

  “How does Callie know anything? She probably has nature on her payroll,” I said and rolled my eyes.

  Liz laughed. “I wouldn’t put it past her.”

  “I’ll deal with her,” Chad said. “Anyway, you can go back to lunch. I need to talk with the guys.”

  “Okay,” I said and pulled him aside for a brief moment. “I’m really sorry I doubted you.”

  “Nothing to apologize for, princess,” he said and kissed me. “Now, go on.”


  I was loads lighter after that. But of course, I had to tell Amanda and Stacey what was going on. I trusted them to keep their mouths shut. One word and Brody could end up expelled or in juvy.

  But I couldn’t get my mind off the fact that both he and Chad would be caught up in a sting operation with real criminals, where they both could get hurt.

  Or worse!

  Chapter 8


  “Hey, you coming to the practice match later?” Chad called as he walked away from our table after lunch the next day.

  “I might,” I shouted after him.

  “Cool.” He turned around and walked right into a table, emitting giggles from the group sitting at the table and dreamy eyes from the girl he had touched.

  “I tell you, you’re lucky,” Liz drawled. “There isn’t a single girl in this school who wouldn’t want Chad and he’s all yours.”

  “Uh, me?” Amanda asked and raised her hand. “I don’t want Minor.”

  “Yeah, right,” Liz giggled. “Maybe it's Minor who’s never wanted you,” she said and stuck out her tongue.

  I laughed. “Anyway, are we going?”

  “I am,” Alexi grinned and bit one of her fries.

  “Me, too,” Liz added. “Wonder who won’t be going…hmmm.”

  “I’m going,” Amanda glared at her. “So, I’m not sure who you’re talking about.”

  Stacey laughed. “Oh, look, its kindergarten all over again.”

  “Shut up!” Amanda laughed.

  “Guess we’re all going, then,” I summed up.

  It was one of the highlights of the school year – the practice game before the big showdown. We were seated close to the field and the tunnel, so we had a clear view of the players as they entered the field.

  And the cheerleaders. Ugh! Callie made sure to grin widely at us as she ran onto the field in her skimpy shorts and pom-poms.

  “Let’s go, Madison Dolphins! Whoo!” they screamed out and did somersaults and acrobatics along the sidelines, cheering the boys as they make their way onto the field. If there was a visitor in the stands, they wouldn’t know the game was not the real thing.

  I’d never seen anything like it, and I’d seen a lot. “Is everything at this school flashy?” I asked the girls.

  “Yep,” Liz replied.

  “Pretty much,” Alexi said too. “Why? Too much for your sensibilities?”

  I giggled. “My what?”

  “Ignore!” Liz said and waved her off. “But clearly, your last school didn’t know how to do it in style,” she gloated.

  And style it was. Every goal they made was fireworks. Every pass was a cheer-worthy one, and when they won – break out the champagne and confetti! It was a spectacular show for something that was supposed to be low key.

  “That did not just happen,” I laughed as the team fist and chest-bumped each other after scoring the last touchdown. It was over, and the Dolphins had won by four field goals.

  “Welcome to Madison Falls High, where everything we do is over the top,” Liz cheered and fist-pumped the air. “This calls for a celebration.”

  “Let’s go and congratulate our guys,” I suggested and received wide smiles from two faces, and stolid looks from the other two.

  “I think I’ll wait for all you lovebirds right here,” Amanda said nonchalantly.

  “Me, too. I don’t need to see kissy faces up close,” Stacey agreed and sank into her chair. “I’ll go check my IG or something.”

  Liz, Alexi, and I climbed over rows of benches until we reached the edge of the field where they were approaching. They had their helmets under their arms or in their hands and were talking animatedly about the game.

  “Congratulations,” I said and hugged Chad. “I might have to give you a prize.”

  “Me, too,” Alexi said as she hugged Brody around the middle. Cody pulled Liz to his side and planted a big, wet one on her lips.

  “Y’all make me sick,” one of the other players, Taylor, scoffed. “I’m outta here.”

  “Yeah,” another replied. “Great game, guys.”

  “Yeah,” Chad shouted over my head. “That’s how we’ll win this championship.”

  “Right on!” another team member said as he walked by us and high-fived Chad. That was Barry – tall, thick, muscular, and a catch for the girls as well.

  The entire football team had it made – they were royalty and had their pick of the litter at school. I watched as Barry entered the tunnel and a few girls followed after him.

  “Is this your last game Brody?” Callie asked as she stepped in the middle of the group.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I muttered and folded my arms.

  “What?” she asked and looked around like she had asked a perfectly reasonable and sensitive question. “It’s true, right? He might get locked up. Although I can’t say, I’m surprised. Scum is scum!”

  “What the fuck are you talking about, Callie?” Chad asked heatedly. His eyebrows were pinched together like he was about to tackle her.

  “Don’t act like you don’t know Brody planted those drugs in Wes’ car. Now the cops have caught up to him,
” she said proudly and glared at Chad like she was challenging him.

  “I don’t know where you got your information from, but you can crawl back into the shithole with it,” he sneered.

  Her eyes found Alexi. “Hmm,” she mused. “Brody and Alexi – makes sense. Bottom of the barrel meets another of his kind. You gonna visit him in prison, Alexi?”

  Alexi charged at her. She grabbed one of her ponytails and yanked it.

  “Ow!” Callie screamed at her and Alexi turned around in circles.

  Brody grabbed Alexi and tried to pull her back, but her hands were firmly grasping Callie’s hair as they tussled.

  “Let me go, Brody!” Alexi yelled. “She was asking for it.”

  Callie punched Alexi in the stomach, forcing her to let go, as she fell on the ground. Callie climbed over her and lifted her hand to punch her when I shoved her off. She fell to the ground and I crouched over Alexi to protect her as the guys held her back.

  “Should have just let them kick her ass!” Deven laughed.

  “Come on, Alexi,” I said and pulled her to her feet. Callie was dusting particles off her stockinged feet, and then she straightened her ponytails.

  “This isn’t over,” she said as she backed away. “Not by a long shot.”

  “Fuck!” Chad exclaimed after she had walked away. “If she starts spreading that, a setup won’t help Brody. We don’t even know if this setup will be on record.”

  “But what are the options? Huh?” I asked and looked at all of them. “It’s either the devil or the deep blue sea.”

  “Just have to make sure she doesn’t say shit to anyone,” Chad sneered.

  “How do we do that?” Jake asked.

  “We have information she doesn’t want anyone to know,” Chad replied.

  “Not that thing that we’re working on with our parents?” I asked and grabbed his arm. “Chad, we can’t let her know about that.”

  “Don’t worry; I won’t. You forget I was with her? I might not know enough to bring her whole family down, but I know things she doesn’t want anyone knowing about. I just need to remind her of that.”


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