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Hidden Lover: Regency Men In Love 1

Page 5

by C. A. Mortimer


  Toby raised his eyes heavenwards. “Please do not continue to take me for a fool. A reputation such as that is earned and cannot be fabricated.”

  Sheffield’s mouth twisted. “It can if none of those ladies wish to be the first to own up to the fact the legendary lover, the Duke of Sheffield, did not so much as touch them, let alone fuck them.”

  Toby stared at him for several more seconds before shaking his head. “I have no idea why you feel the need to tell me such a lie, but by doing so, I believe you to be a bastard of the worst kind,” he stated coldly. “Nor do I care that my father’s will has named you as my guardian. I shall not reside under your roof for another minute longer.”


  “Get out,” he snapped coldly.

  “I am telling you the truth—”

  “And I have said I do not believe you. Now please leave so that I might pack my belongings and be on my way back to Bishop House.” His voice shook with the effort of trying to contain his emotions. Part of him wished to cry at this further humiliation, and another part of him wished to pummel the duke’s chest in order to hurt him as he was hurting Toby.

  “You will pack your belongings?” The duke sounded puzzled. “I noticed yesterday you did not bring a valet with you.”

  “Because I do not have one,” he dismissed. “There was no need for one when I was at university,” he explained when the duke’s brows rose questioningly. “And I dismissed my father’s valet several months ago, when it became apparent my father would not be rising from his bed again. Besides, I am perfectly capable of dressing and undressing myself.”

  The duke’s eyes darkened. “It is irrelevant who packs your things, in any case, when you are not leaving here, today or any other.”

  Toby snorted. “I believe I am.”

  Lucius closed his eyes, knowing he had completely fumbled this attempt of belated honesty. But how else could one make such an announcement as this other than with the complete truth? A truth Toby now refused to believe.

  He drew in a deep calming breath before once again looking at a flushed and angry Toby. “How might I convince you I am telling you the truth?”

  Toby’s gaze raked over him contemptuously. “By getting down on your knees right now and sucking my cock?”

  Lucius stilled. “I beg your pardon?”

  “Get. Down. On. Your. Knees. And. Suck. My. Cock,” Toby repeated in a hard voice. “Right now. Right here.” He pointed to the carpeted floor at his feet. “Give me pleasure while denying yourself,” he challenged.

  Lucius’s hardened cock, having already developed a will of its own these past few days, now leaked copious amounts of pre-cum inside his drawers. “Are you sure that is what you want?” he said softly.

  The younger man gave a haughty nod. “Yes, if you wish me to take your words as being true.” The disdain in his tone said he already knew they were not.

  Lucius’s mouth had gone dry merely at the thought of having Toby’s cock inside it. It took several seconds for a return of the saliva necessary for lubrication so that he might comfortably perform such an act so the younger man might enjoy it to its fullest.

  Toby gave a snort at the duke’s delay. “As I suspected—” He broke off his scornful remark as Sheffield stepped forward before dropping to his knees in front of him.

  It happened as if in slow motion. Like watching a large and majestic tree falling to the ground.

  Toby was totally stunned at seeing this haughty and arrogant man on his knees before him. For him. Because Toby had asked that he do so to prove his sincerity.

  No, not because Toby had asked, but because he had ordered the older man to do so if he wished Toby to believe he was telling the truth.

  But Toby had not truly believed the duke would ever do such a thing, had said those words only because he wanted to put an end to this game. For this torment to stop.

  Instead, he now faced torture of a different kind as the duke easily held Toby’s gaze while reaching out to unfasten the buttons on the front of his pantaloons.

  Still, Toby could not quite believe that the man he had been fantasizing about since he was sixteen years old, and even more so these past few days and nights, truly intended to perform the act Toby had instructed him to. “If this is your idea of a joke— Good God!” he groaned when Lucius pushed down Toby’s drawers and pantaloons to his thighs, then took his bare and engorged cock in hand.

  The duke’s palm stroked assuredly along that silken length. “Beautiful,” he murmured throatily. “Your cock is as lovely as the rest of you.”

  After that comment, Toby could not have spoken if his life had depended upon it. He was having difficulty breathing, let alone forming words.

  Lucius thought he was beautiful and lovely?

  Could any of this possibly be real?

  The other man grasped hold of one of Toby’s hips as he lowered his head and parted his lips before completely engulfing the bulbous top of Toby’s cock inside the heat of his mouth.

  “Lucius…?” Toby quickly reached out to grasp on to the duke’s muscular shoulders as he instantly became lost to the pleasure of that hot and sucking mouth.

  Hearing his name on Toby’s lips for the first time only increased Lucius’s desire to pleasure the younger man before bringing him to release. For him to want to own Toby. Every delicious and rebellious inch of him. From those unruly blond curls to the elegant feet that kept walking away from him.

  In that moment of truth, Lucius determined he would own Toby. Maybe not completely today, out of deference to the younger man’s inexperience. But Lucius had every intention of claiming Toby slowly, over time, as if he were unwrapping a much-anticipated gift.

  Because Toby would be his gift to himself. Pure and untarnished. With an innocence that reached to his very soul.

  Toby obviously had no idea of the effect such innocence had on someone as jaded as Lucius, but to him, Toby was like an untouched landscape of virgin snow, begging for Lucius to explore and claim it—claim him—as his own.

  Lucius now groaned as the taste of Toby’s leaking pre-cum exploded on his tongue, slick and yet creamy, and wholly delicious. He continued stroke Toby’s throbbing length as he sucked, and then his tongue laved that mushroom top, feeling Toby tremble as Lucius’s tongue dipped into the sensitive slit at the top. Lucius tasted him again and again before parting his lips farther and sliding the whole of Toby’s length to the back of his throat and then deeper still as he relaxed the muscles there.

  “Dear God!” The young man’s fingers dug into the flesh of Lucius’s shoulders. “I shall… I am going to…”

  Lucius eased back a little, the stroking of his tongue slowing as he moved his hand from Toby’s hip to cup his balls and roll them gently in his palm.

  “It is too much,” Toby gasped, pushing ineffectually at Lucius’s shoulders as he tried to both put a distance between them and hold on to the other man at the same time. “I shall come in your mouth if you continue.”

  Lucius wanted Toby to come in his mouth. Wanted to swallow down each and every pulse of his creamy essence. To continue to milk Toby’s shaft until he had consumed every last drop.

  But not yet.

  Not yet…

  He drew back even farther, his tongue licking along the veined length as he slowly allowed Toby’s shaft to slide from his mouth. That beautiful cock was now moist and shiny with Lucius’s saliva. It was seven or possibly eight inches in length, and surrounded at its base with silky blond curls. Lucius felt his own member throb as the sight combined with a feeling of such possessiveness, it was like a physical blow to his chest.

  He had always demanded fidelity for the brief time any of his previous relationships lasted, but that had been for the health and safety of both men involved, not out of any feelings of jealousy or ownership on his part.

  But Lucius knew, if anyone else, any man, were to so much as touch Toby, intimately or otherwise, he was capable of murd

  Toby was his, damn it.

  Both his hands now grasped Toby’s hips so tightly, they were sure to leave bruises. “Are you telling me the truth about not having had any previous lovers?”

  Toby felt the embarrassed color stain his cheeks. “It is hardly something I would boast about if it was not true. No other hand but my own has touched me since I last experimented at school. Nor has anyone seen me naked, except when I bathed at school,” he insisted as Lucius continued to look at him with hard and demanding eyes.

  The tension left the duke’s shoulders. “Then I wish you to spill in my mouth,” he assured huskily. “I want to taste you and lick you until you release down my throat and I might drink down every drop of your sweetness.”

  Toby swayed slightly, the intensity of this encounter making him feel almost faint. “But… Even if you really are… If you have done this before…”

  “I am and I have,” Lucius confirmed softly. “But never before on my knees,” he admitted gruffly.

  “You are doing that for me?”



  “Because you asked me to.”

  “I— But you cannot really want me,” Toby protested.

  The duke’s eyes darkened. “I want you more than I want my next breath.”

  It was all too much for Toby to take in, his own breath coming in jerky gasps as hot tears blurred his vision. “I am no one. Nothing. No more than an inexperienced child in comparison with the men you must have been with in the past. A man such as you cannot possibly—”

  “A man such as me knows a rare and precious diamond when he sees one.” Sheffield sat back on his haunches before exerting pressure on Toby’s hips, pulling him down until the younger man found himself straddling the other man’s thighs, his bared cock jutting up toward his navel. “You are that diamond, Toby.” His lips moved lightly across Toby’s lids, licking up the tears balanced on his lashes. “You are the purest diamond I ever beheld.” His arms tightened about Toby’s waist. “And, God help me, I have wanted you since the moment I saw you again four days ago!” Soft and gentle lips brushed lightly over Toby’s slightly parted ones.

  This had to be a dream, Toby decided as those firm lips continued to explore his. Lips he had so often imagined kissing him or possessively about his cock. If it was not a dream, then he must have fallen over and bumped his head on the way up to his bedchamber, and this was nothing more than a hallucination as a result of that.

  Lucius Percival Grenville Cranfield, the illustrious Duke of Sheffield, could not only be confessing to preferring men sexually but also stating, fiercely, possessively, that he had wanted Toby for days. In the same way Toby had wanted him for years.

  But in none of Toby’s fantasies in regard to this particular gentleman had he even dared to imagine the older man on his knees and sucking Toby’s cock.

  The duke now tipped Toby’s head back so that those warm and sensuous lips could explore the length of Toby’s exposed throat. “I am now going to lay you down on the carpet before removing your boots, pantaloons, and drawers.” The duke deftly suited his actions to his words. “Then I am going to move here.” He nudged Toby’s legs apart before kneeling between them. “Before taking your cock into my mouth again. Once I have you fully inside, you are going to lift your hips rhythmically, thrusting your cock repeatedly to the back of my throat until you come.”

  “I…I am?”

  “Oh yes.” The duke breathed the words, sounding completely unlike his imperious self. “Use me to take your pleasure, Toby,” he encouraged gruffly before Toby’s shaft once again disappeared deep inside the heat of his mouth.

  It was impossible for Toby to do anything but enjoy the sensations as Lucius licked and sucked on his cock. One moment, he would take Toby’s shaft to the back of his throat, the next, pull back almost to the tip, when one of his large hands would stroke along that veined length.

  “You are not thrusting as I instructed you to, Toby,” he chided gruffly.

  Because the thought of losing all sense of control, of using Lucius in that way, seemed too—too—

  “Turn onto your stomach and get onto your hands and knees,” Lucius ordered.

  Once he had rolled over, Toby received a light slap to the rounded globes of his bare arse, the stinging of his flesh causing his cock to harden to a painful degree.

  Lucius then shocked Toby completely by lying down on his back before lifting Toby so that his parted knees rested either side of the older man’s head. He held Toby in place with those powerful hands on his hips as he took Toby’s shaft to the back of his throat, followed by powerful hands lifting him up before repeating the action.

  The sensation, the knowledge he was literally fucking Lucius’s mouth, was incredibly erotic. Too much so for Toby not to quickly take over the thrusting of his hips for himself. Each of those thrusts to the back of Lucius’s throat became deeper and longer than the last, the sensations so intense Toby groaned repeatedly, until he knew he was on the point of exploding in release.

  The touch of Lucius’s hands gripping his bottom, pulling his cheeks apart to press a finger against Toby’s virginal rosette, tipped him over the edge of that control, and he cried out as he began to pump copious amounts of cum down the older man’s throat.

  “So good, Toby.” Lucius had licked the length of Toby’s shaft until he had consumed all of that release. “So very good.”

  Toby collapsed sideways until he lay on the carpet next to the other man. Lucius’s eyes were dark and unreadable, his cheeks flushed, and his lips slightly red and puffy from the pounding of Toby’s cock between them. “Did I hurt you?” He reached out tentatively to touch those swollen lips.

  Lucius chuckled. “If you did, it is exactly what I told you to do.”

  Toby chewed on his bottom lip. “And is that what you…what you like? To…to have a lover obey you?”

  Lucius ran the soft pad of his thumb over one of Toby’s heated cheeks. “I believe I should enjoy having you obey me some of the time. Does that bother you?” He looked at Toby searchingly. “Because I have every intention, with your agreement, of initiating you into all the pleasures there can be between two men. Between the two of us.”

  Did it bother Toby to be guided and told how best to please this aristocratic gentleman in particular? To be able to give that control over to Lucius in the knowledge that he would know what to do to please them both? To have Lucius know and pleasure him until nothing else existed but the two of them?

  It was so much more than Toby could ever have imagined possible.

  He swallowed. “Knowing you are in control allows me to relax and know that whatever we do together is pleasing you as much as it pleasures me.”

  “And do you believe me now?” Lucius teased. “Did I service your cock as well as you instructed me to while denying myself release?”

  Toby’s cheeks burned, and he winced, ashamed of ever having uttered such an outrageous instruction. “I admit to still being a little unsure this is not some cruel ruse on your part. Something you might chuckle about privately or laugh about with your friends over a glass of brandy at your club one evening.”

  Lucius frowned. “You think me capable of performing that intimate act with you and then laughing about it with friends?”

  He swallowed. “I admit I do not know you well enough to know what you are capable of doing.”

  He was right, of course, Lucius accepted. For Toby to know him better would only happen over time. But the younger man’s past experience in being bulled at school because his preference was for cock rather than pussy now made it difficult for Toby to trust anyone with his pleasure.

  Lucius gently touched Toby’s full and pouting lips. “Then you shall get to know me. We shall get to know each other. That does not mean I do not intend, again with your agreement, to explore every inch of you and make love to you again.” He knew that was not a promise he could ever make and keep.

  Toby might belie
ve that Lucius was in charge, but in actual fact, it was the younger man who had all the control now that Lucius had accepted, inwardly, at least, his attraction to Toby went beyond anything he had ever felt for any other man.

  For all that Lucius had been sexually active these past twenty years or more, he had never knelt before any man before today. Never serviced any man in the single-minded and unselfish manner he had Toby just now.

  That young man now eyed him shyly. “And will I be given opportunity to do the same to you?”

  “Would you like to do so?”

  Toby gave a breathy laugh. “Very much.”

  Lucius nodded. “Then you shall.”

  “Now?” Those catlike eyes lit up with anticipation.

  Lucius’s cock ached so badly for release, he would have liked nothing more than to have those pouting lips wrapped about his girth and taking his length to the back of his throat, to watch as Toby sucked and stroked his cock to completion. But he could wait. They could both wait.

  “Not yet,” he soothed. “I am going to leave you now so that you might rest. I also want you to think long and deeply about the things we talked about just now. I do not want to rush you into a relationship, nor pressure you. If you decide intimacy between the two of us is not what you want, then you must tell me so. There will be no anger or recriminations from me if that is your decision.” The latter was a promise Lucius hoped he would be able to keep. But his desire for Toby, this singular desire he felt for this young man, went beyond what he had experienced before.

  Toby scowled. “You mean to begin this relationship by ordering me to bed to rest, as if I am no older than a child?”

  “My intention is to give my lover the opportunity to gather his energy while he can,” Lucius corrected evenly.

  Toby visibly swallowed. “Your…your lover?”

  Lucius nodded. “If you decide it is what you wish, and until you decide otherwise, then yes, within the privacy of this house, that is exactly what we can be to each other for the foreseeable future.”

  Toby felt a thrill run down the length of his spine, the excitement causing his cock to fill and swell again with that same anticipation.


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