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Murdering Her Light

Page 7

by Michael Clement

  Fuck, I thought. She was considering their offer. Why did she want that book so much?

  Zebulon nodded in thought, as Tori reached out and took my hand.

  Her touch felt reassuring.

  And, pleasantly warm.

  A deep calm filled my body.

  “It will be alright,” she whispered.

  “The spiders who control the other Enclaves will leave with us,” Zebulon said. “There won’t be anyone with real power to overwhelm you. Texas will be yours.”

  “That is bullshit,” Tori insisted. “And, you know it.”

  “With Boaz’s manuscript in your possession,” Zebulon countered. “You won’t need to worry about anyone else.”

  “And, the Gray Walkers would finally have a home,” the black spider intoned.

  Tori shivered.

  I saw her willpower eroding around me.

  Slowly, she turned and looked at me. “I need your help, Truth,” she said.

  I didn’t want to become a Warlock.

  In my head, I had always seen myself as a hero, wielding Excalibur.

  Not once had I foreseen my future as the evil witch from Cinderella.

  “Tori,” I whispered. “I don’t want to become a Warlock.”

  She gripped my hand harder, and I could feel her trembling with excitement and fear.

  “What can you offer my ward to help me?” Tori asked the Spiders. “I can’t do this alone.”

  Zebulon chuckled. “Knowledge.”

  Fuck, I was pissed at Tori. How dare she try to make me become something evil and twisted.

  “Of her lost months of life,” Zebulon added. “And, the ability to world walk only when she wants to.”

  My mouth fell open, as I forgot my anger with Tori.

  How did they know?

  “You know about the times when I disappeared from my parents?” I asked.

  Zebulon nodded.

  “We know where you went and why you went there,” he answered. “And, we can give you the ability to control it.”

  “If you could do that,” I asked. “Why don’t you just go home?”

  “Knowing how to do something -- and having the ability to do it -- are two separate things,” the white spider replied.

  I could stay here and build a life.

  I wouldn’t be torn away again and forced to forget my memories.

  But, it would mean potentially becoming evil.

  “Stay with me,” Tori pleaded, gripping my fingers in a death grip. “Please, Truth.”

  I could hear the fear in her voice. She had asked me already to become her apprentice. This was one step farther down that path that led to her bed.

  Her hand felt very warm in my grasp. I hadn’t held another woman’s hand this long… ever.

  “Become a Warlock and my apprentice,” she insisted.

  “And, mine,” Zebulon interrupted. “You would need to learn more curses and hexes before you could call yourself a Sorceror.”

  His lips took on a blackish shadow, just for a second.

  Zebulon had lied about something.

  “I will take years of hard work before we can leave this world,” the white spider mentioned, distracting me. “During that time, we would work on transitioning the Gray Walkers into the new rulers of Texas.”

  “Why give up the power of ruling?” I asked, imagining what it must feel like to be in charge, to be the big cheese.

  Zebulon sighed. “Power is only desired by the young. We are tired and just wish to go home.”

  I looked at each of the spiders. All of them looked exhausted.

  Then, I looked at Tori.

  She was beaming with excitement while all I could feel was dread.

  Becoming a Warlock sounded awful.

  “What is the Book of Boaz?” I asked, redirecting my fears.

  Suddenly, Tori looked nervous.

  “ Gray Walkers travel the wastelands of Texas and America, protecting people from the monsters by blessing them,” she said. “We are an independent, stubborn breed who don’t like being told what to do. We trade with the Sorcerors in their cities, but we don’t cast their spells or rituals.”

  Looking at me, she took a deep breath, as she turned and took both of my hands.

  “Boaz was the first human who discovered how to become a Sorceror,” she told me.

  “Why do you want his book?” I asked again.

  Tori began to fidget. Finally, she said, “ Gray Walkers cannot have children.”

  I kept quiet, wondering if I couldn’t have children either.

  “Boaz had dozens of children after he became a Sorceror,” she admitted. “Using his magic, I might be able to have a baby as well.”

  “Why is that so important to you?” the black spider asked.

  “Can’t you just adopt a child?” the white spider interjected. “Why risk a death sentence and the hatred of your fellow Walkers?”

  Crap, I spat out in my head. Walkers didn’t like Warlocks.

  And, Zebulon had called me a Warlock.

  Tori reached up and pulled her long hair back, exposing her left ear.

  It was pointed, like a Vulcan’s from Star Trek.

  “Holy shit,” I whispered.

  The spiders began chittering loudly to one another in their own language.

  “Elf,” Zebulon cursed.

  The black spider grimaced and snarled, exposing his fangs. “Hated enemy of our Mothers.”

  The white spider pulled out his blowgun again. “Destroyer of webs and children,” he hissed. “Murderer.”

  The monsters above us began making such a racket that I had to cover my ears. It sounded like metal being sliced and cut by alien lips.

  “I am the last,” she whispered. “My true name is Charnaetha Tethys Shyaella Naeceron of House Faerdithas , thirteenth House in the Lineage of Taenaran Raloquinal , the Breaker of Worlds.”

  The noises above became even louder. The spiders thrashed about in anger, dislodging dust and webbing that fell upon us like snow.

  “If you kill her,” Zebulon pleaded with the others, “then we are trapped here for eternity.”

  “Better to be trapped here than to help… a filthy elf!” the black spider howled, drawing a dagger from his sash.

  “She is the daughter of the Cripple of Eldeem !” the white spider cursed. “Kill her!”

  Tori knelt, awaiting their verdict.

  I didn’t want her to die.

  But, helping her would mean becoming a Warlock.

  I turned and looked at Tori.

  Her hand was still clutching mine....

  It felt warm and safe.

  Suddenly, I realized that I would do anything to help her.

  Even, becoming a monster.

  Carefully, I moved forward, until I was standing in front of the manuscripts. Before anyone could stop me, I grabbed the top paper and began reading out loud.

  “My name is General Elijah Richardson,” I shouted. “I was the commanding officer of Fort Sam Houston, when we brought the others to our world, including the wretched spiders who destroyed everything.”

  The Shadar ignored me until I screamed. “And, I know the whereabouts of the Shadarstalk, the Door of Blight and Harm.”

  Complete silence.

  I had no idea what that meant, but damn, didn’t it sound cool ?

  I could hear the webs creaking, as the spiders’ weight continued to make them shake and quiver, but everyone was now listening to me.

  “I will read all of these pages to you,” I said, “in exchange making me the future Sorceror of Burning Tree and Tori the Maestro.”

  “But, she is an Elf -- in the line of the Butcher,” the black spider sputtered. “She needs to die!”

  I summoned fire to my left hand, letting it dance upon my fingertips near the manuscript in my other hand.

  Tori placed her hand on my shoulder, squeezing it in support, as I knowingly used a curse for the first time.

  I was going to become a Wa
rlock… for Tori.

  “If you kill her, I will destroy these papers,” I threatened. “It is time to decide, do you want a future on your long-lost homeworld , or here in Texas? You can’t have both.”

  Quiet again filled the room, as I repeated, “I know the whereabouts of the Shadarstalk, the Door of Blight and Harm.”

  The four spiders glared at me.

  Finally, the white spider knelt.

  The other three stared at him in surprise.

  “I want to see my wife again,” he explained. “If it means forgiving the Butcher’s child, then I will do that.”

  The other spiders began to chatter away again until he held up his hands.

  “This world is a hollow memory, not fit for a son of Abishikaashi,” he explained. “It is time to go home.”

  “Home,” the spiders above began to whisper in excitement.

  After hearing those words, the other three spiders knelt, each of them drew a blade and sliced their palms.

  As the blood splattered the floor, they each said, “I forgive you. Take us home.”

  From above, blood began to sprinkle down upon us, as the words were repeated.


  And, again…

  And again.

  - 14 -

  “I will begin your training tomorrow,” Zebulon told me, before he left Tori and I in the Room of Ribbons.

  Sitting down on a loveseat, in the expansive suite of rooms, I held myself, as the shakes began. I had always been good in the middle of a fight, but after it, my adrenaline crash almost made me want to die.

  I pulled my feet up onto the small sofa and leaned back into its plush expanse.

  Then, I leaned my head on my knees and just shook, trembling from the fear that was poisoning my blood.

  “Fuck,” I whispered, as I forced myself not to throw up.

  Hundreds of spiders had bayed for my blood deep beneath the earth only minutes ago. I was literally covered in webbing and dust.

  And, now, I was destined to become a Warlock.

  A Sorceror was going to give me magic lessons tomorrow.

  And, I had made a bargain to become a female Elf’s lover.

  “Crap,” I hissed. How the fuck was I going to do that?

  In a room, on my right, I heard water rushing into a tub.

  Bath soap lingered in the air, a bright cherry smell that reached out and began to calm my nerves.

  I wanted to scream and holler, ripping someone -- anyone -- a new asshole, so that I’d feel better.

  But, I knew that it wouldn’t really help.

  I heard a kerplunk.

  My curiosity suddenly overwhelmed my better judgment.

  Looking up, I saw a dark room filled with candlelight.

  In the shadows, I saw Tori stepping into the water. Like me, she was covered in dirt and goo from the spiders. I could barely see her tattoos beneath all the gunk.

  Her naked backside beckoned me, as her voice said, “Join me.”

  I would rather cut off one of my fingers, but, I had made a promise.

  I wasn’t quite sure why I made the promise to commit to becoming the Warlock. But, I had done it.

  Standing up, I walked towards the bathroom like a prisoner towards the execution chamber.

  Tori’s gray wraps were in a basket on my right.

  “I’m not going to rape you,” she sighed, watching my face. “You are covered in spider goo, dust, and dirt from the walk. Take off your clothes and climb in her e with me.”

  When I didn’t move, Tori said, “You might want to hurry. Slave girls are going to be showing up soon with food. If you don’t hurry, they will insist on helping you get out of your clothing.”

  Sighing, I tried to get the cloth to release... but failed again.

  The more I tried, the more frustrated I became. It just wouldn’t let go. It was similar to velcro, but it had a mind of its own, and it hated me.

  “Stop,” Tori said, as she stood up and reached out to the cloth on my shoulder. With a twist, she released its hold.

  Her body was covered in white bubbles that smelled nice.

  Swallowing hard, I tried to keep my eyes on her face.

  Looking deeply into my eyes, she said, “I know that you’re not ready for this yet.”

  Sinking back down into the water, Tori said. “You can either wait until I’m done, and then use my dirty water, or you can climb in and clean yourself off now. Water is too expensive in Texas to fill the tub twice.”

  Holding up her hands out to reassure me, she said, “I promise to stay on my side of the tub.”

  The bathtub was large enough to hold at least six people. It was the size and depth of a Jacuzzi.

  I didn’t like the idea of taking a bath later.

  My muscles hurt from walking, and I was beyond dirty.

  But, being naked in front of her now, kind of freaked me out. Earlier, I hadn’t thought that there was even the possibility of becoming her lover.

  Now, it felt more like a certainty.

  I had never thought about taking a female lover before. Girls didn’t excite me.

  But, deep down, something drew me to Tori.

  Maybe it was because she was an elf.

  Or, maybe it was because she was… Tori.

  Tori put her soap covered hands over her eyes. “Hurry up and get in here. I’ll keep my eyes covered.”

  I wanted to be clean, so I tore off all the cloth, leaving me in my bra and panties. Quickly, I climbed into the tub with them still on.

  The water was heavenly hot.

  “Can I look now?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I replied, as I sank down a little deeper and began trying to remove my bra and panties.

  Nope, not going to happen.

  “Fuck,” I cursed. “How do I get these off?”

  Tori chuckled and then snorted, which made me laugh.

  “Grab hold of the end of it and twist counter clockwise,” she instructed.

  Trying to stay under the water, I followed her directions.

  Finally, my bra strap let loose.

  Pulling it out of the water, I set it out to dry next to me, while I worked on my panties.

  Tori leaned back, not even trying to hide her breasts. She had washed her hair and body already. Her dark black hair spread out on either side of her shoulders in enticing waves.

  Trying to distract her, I said, “So, you’re an elf?”

  Tori nodded.

  Then, she said. “You’re beautiful.”

  I blushed, it started in my face and spread down to my chest.

  I sank down deeper into the bubbles.

  “You’re not used to women saying that to you, are you?” she asked.

  I shook my head.

  “On Shashoon , my homeworld , it wasn’t uncommon for same-sex lovers to be seen together,” she informed me.

  “Your hair is filthy,” she said. “May I wash it?”

  I prepared to bolt out of the tub.

  Fear radiated out of me. I had been raised to find lesbians unworthy of heaven. Sex with another woman was a sin.

  She held up her hands in a warding gesture.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I am not used to a woman being nervous about being naked in my arms.”

  “No one says no to you?” I asked.

  She shook her head. “I am the source of safety in this world,” she replied. “People who are afraid, become a lot less… bashful, when making love to me will save them.”

  That made a twisted sort of sense to me.

  “I like your piercings,” she said, pointing at the corners of my mouth.

  I smiled, “Thank you.”

  “Why are you so nervous about loving me?” she asked.

  Sighing, I said. “In my world, sexual relationships with other women are considered sinful and evil. In the past, and frankly even right now, men -- and other women -- still kill lesbians.”


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