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Broken: Enemies to Lovers Romance (City Slickers Book 1)

Page 20

by P Mulholland

  “I want someone to pay for what happened to her,” I finally said. “And if someone did pay, then I want to know where his body is, so I can shit on it.”

  “Alright. You’re giving me permission to dig into this?”

  “Yes I am. But do it carefully and cautiously. I’m the only one you speak to about this. Got it?”

  “Yeah, I got it.”

  “Don’t even speak to Nadia.”

  “Scouts honor.”

  “Alright. Tell me what you’ve got so far.”

  He glanced about the office suspiciously. “This place ain’t bugged is it?”

  “By Malones? Better not be.”

  “I’m just starting to get a little twitchy,” he said, looking under my desk. “Anyway, this all started when a classmate at law school went to one of those massage places, you know those ones where the women are topless and tweak your cherry at the same time.”


  “He was sitting in the waiting room for his favorite masseuse, when this big guy, like he’s fucking huge, walks in and takes a seat next to him. He’s wearing Elite Security Services uniform with the name Sledge across his man tit. His phone goes off and he walks out into the hallway to take the call. So, my classmate is still waiting for his turn in the back rooms, but he can hear the conversation going on in the hall.” He stalled to read my expression. “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  “Dude, is this a fictitious classmate?”


  “It’s not really you who frequents this massage parlor?”


  “Do they use whips and handcuffs as well?”

  “I wouldn’t know, ’cos I haven’t been there. I have a hot, sexy girlfriend. I have no need for places like that.”

  “Whatever. Carry on.”

  “Anyway, this Sledge guy is talking about someone lying on the bottom of Lake Michigan, and I quote, “Won’t be hurting Malone’s sister no more.”

  “Did you hear anything else?”

  “That’s all my classmate told me. But I decided to track down this Sledge character and find out where he lived. I then went to Elite’s main competitor here in Chicago, Luciano Security to ask if they had the capacity to bug someone’s house, and they told me to “get lost.” Then later on, this real shady guy from Luciano’s approached me when I was lining up in a café to buy a coffee. He must’ve followed me. Anyway he gave me his card on the sly and warned that if I go to the police, he’ll skin me alive.”

  He took the card out from his pocket and slid it across my desk. It had the name Peacock on it with a cell number. That was it. “Would we be stepping on dangerous ground by hiring some douche of Malone’s competitors?”

  “If you want the advice of a lawyer-in-training, I say don’t do it. But if you really want to know what happened, and Leon is keeping quiet then you’ve got no other choice.”

  “I’ll think about it. But what are we going to do to keep your classmate quiet?”

  “He won’t say anything.”


  Chapter Thirty Six

  Day Twelve Without Her


  I thought about what Mac had said for several days, even came close to dialing the number on Peacock’s card. Then I decided to take the sensible route and contacted Leon to have a meeting with him regarding security for my office and apartment. Which, to be fair, was true. I wanted to know who the snitch was and if my office and apartment were bugged.

  It was a professional meeting that I wanted conducted in a professional capacity, either at his office or mine. I got off the phone with Elite’s receptionist after stating that I wanted the meeting with Leon Malone only, then I checked my emails to discover one titled, Child’s Play.

  Fuck. My heart pounded against my chest and I took a deep breath to clear my head. I’d been trying hard to brush her to the back of my mind, which was easy to do during the weekdays at work. But in the evenings and the weekends when I was home alone, my body swirled in emotion, anger, sadness, regret and worse of all, loneliness. That long, tanned body and golden hair filled my life up to the brim, like I had never experienced ever with anyone. The laughter that echoed through the rooms and her quick footsteps upon the wooden floor were missing. The subtle scent of chlorine after she’d been for a swim, the plunger coffee waiting for me most mornings, her smile. Most of all, her smile.

  Gone. Finished. Over. Done. The past is dust.

  “Should I open this?” I asked Newman. He had become quite a mascot on this floor and a chick magnet, until they got nearer to him to find that he’s not that cute close up. His ears were cut to two different lengths, his face was heavily scarred and one of his back legs dragged slightly. Now and again when he’s feeling brave, he’ll go and visit Corey in his office to receive a good head scratch, then promptly come back to me. When I leave him alone in my office, he’ll hide under my chair until I return. Poor little dude.

  Unfortunately, in this case Newman couldn’t tell me what to do. This was the first correspondence I’d received from her since she left excluding the text I received soon after, which I deleted.

  Sophia waltzed into my office, shooting Newman a glare when he growled at her. She seemed upbeat, happy. I remembered those days.

  “This ended up in my files,” she said, placing a folder on my desk, then took a seat. “You know it’s funny how close we work together, yet we hardly ever chat. So tell me little brother, how have you been lately?”

  I frowned. “What are you up to?”

  “Nothing. You seem a little down since O’Neal left, so I’m just checking up on you.”

  “Did Red send you in here?”

  “No, it’s mom actually. She said you haven’t returned her calls.”

  “I’ve been busy.”

  “Getting drunk, I hear.”

  “Word travels fast in these parts.”

  “Anyway, if you need to talk, I’m here for you.”

  “Thanks, Soph, that means a lot.” I looked at her properly, which was something I rarely did with my sister. She was looking radiant and sassy thanks to her new sharp bob hairdo which was finally growing on me after all this time.

  “And if you need deeper more professional help, I have the number of a good shrink. Just sayin’.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  She tilted her head curiously at me. “P S, you’ve grown up.” Soph had this annoying habit of saying P S as in postscript, instead of saying, by the way or something similar. “Turned into a man. The unshaven chin works for you, too. Must be because you’ve been dating an older woman.”

  I was eager to get off that subject so I fired a question back at her. “You still hot on Malone?”

  “No. I decided to toss that cad away since he ghosted me.” She pursed her red lips and raised up her chin. “I have a new beau now.”

  “You’re dating someone?”

  “Yes. A real catch he is, too.”

  “That’s great to hear, Soph. I hope he treats you well. Anyone I know?”

  “Nope. I’ll bring him home to mother one day when I’m ready. But for now, I rather enjoy keeping him a little secret.”

  “Right.” The latest dude was likely married or a resident of MCC. Some things never change.

  “So, have you heard from Brydie? She’d be in Antarctica by now, I’m sure.” She wrinkled her nose. “So exciting!”

  “Umm she sent an email this morning, but I haven’t opened it.”

  “Oh my God! Open it! I’m so jealous. I wish I was more like her.”

  “In what way?”

  “She’s so adventurous. A risk taker.” She sighed. “My life is so boring compared to hers.”

  “Why don’t you start traveling more then?”

  “I’m too frightened to travel on my own like Brydie does. She’s so brave and good at meeting new people. Whereas I’m a little shy.”

  “That’s how you un-shy yourself. By taking risks, forcing yourself out
of your own bubble.” I was trying to steer the conversation away from the email that I wished now I’d never mentioned.

  “Forcing myself out of the protective Austin cotton ball, you mean?”


  “Hmmm, maybe. Anyway open the email. I’d love to see what Brydie’s doing.”

  “I wasn’t planning on opening it.”


  “I want to move on.”

  “Oh don’t be ridiculous, Jakey.” She jumped up from the chair, sidled herself next to me, then clicked my email box on my laptop. “Look away if you don’t want to read it.”

  I got up and gave Newman a head scratch while she sat in my chair, reading my personal email. I’m not even sure what just happened. And why was I even letting my sister read an email from my ex? There could be anything on there. Nude pics? Hopefully. No. Wait. Not hopefully.

  “That’s so cute,” she muttered, “makes me want to cry. P S. Pics attached.”

  It was obviously a short email, as she was only seated for a couple of minutes.

  “I strongly suggest you read that email. But at the end of the day, it’s your choice,” she said, floating her way to my door. She blew me a kiss, then shot me a wink and disappeared from sight.

  “Should I read it, Newman?”

  Newman said nothing, once again.

  As it turned out the email was still open and in plain view when I sat down at my desk. Soph could’ve had the decency to shut it back down, but no.

  Dear Jake,

  Fancy being the pen pal of a hardened criminal? You never know it might be fun. I could teach you how to jimmie locks and hot wire cars.

  But seriously, I just wanted to write to you to express how grateful I am for everything you did for me. You were my rock, my clown and my best friend.

  I’ve had a lot of time on my hands and your gorgeous face and mischievous smile often enter my thoughts. I have so many warm memories of you and us.

  I miss you terribly. More than I thought I would. I know you wanted to cold turkey me, so I don’t know if this letter will be read. I only hope that you reconsidered.

  We’re currently docked in Brisbane harbor, probably going to keep sailing the southern seas a little longer.

  Love B xxx

  P.S. Pics attached of Antarctic Icebergs. Those black spots on the ice are Emperor Penguins.

  I sat there for half an hour re-reading the email in case I missed something and stared at the attached pics, none of which were of her. They were all scenic shots of one iceberg after another sprouting out from a deep blue sea.

  Soph was right. Brydie was brave. The bravest person I’d ever met. She was also the loneliest person I’d ever met. I recognized the signs of loneliness, because I knew them well. I saw myself in her. We were a pair of loners who filled each other’s cup. But reading the email brought up hurts that I was doing a good job suppressing with alcohol and work. Yes, alcohol.

  I’d been having great difficulty crawling my way through the mud of anger, sadness, love, rejection, without the support of Old Rip. It’s my little secret. I haven’t told a soul that I started buying bottles of Old Rip Van Winkle straight from Kentucky via mail order. Yep, mail order.

  I don’t drink ol’ Rip haphazardly like I’m in a hurry to die, but slowly, a couple of tumblers every night to savor the taste, and to help me to study.

  I’d been doing this for a week and so far no one had confronted me about it. Which answered two of my burning questions. 1. Is my apartment bugged? Answer: I suspect not. Which brought me to the second question. 2. Who’s the nark? Answer: Sadly it had to be either Croy or Mac or someone associated with them.

  I was staring at the email while my mind went off on a tangent. Her words danced across the screen doing flips and cartwheels, then the timesaver screen snapped up and I almost jumped out of my skin.

  I’d read the email and I didn’t die. Should I answer it?

  Dear Chucky,

  What’s ginger, walks with a limp and has only one and half ears?

  Love Jake xxx

  PS. I miss you too. Pics attached.

  Chapter Thirty Seven

  Day Sixteen Without Her


  I accidently sent the email without attaching the pics of Newman, so naturally she answered me back desperately wanting to see the little guy. I sent a second email with an update on how he’s doing and over the next couple of days we emailed back and forth until she had to go back out to sea.

  Once again I didn’t die, in fact something else happened. I felt warm and cozy all over like I was sitting next to an open fire on a cold Winter’s evening. I think some people may call it strange; feeling happiness. It was true. I was happy being back in contact with her. But it didn’t change the fact that we had no future together. I suspect we’ll drift apart eventually. We’re unlikely to see each other anytime soon, unless I grow some balls and take action. Except, I had no idea where she’d be at any given moment.

  My secretary tapped on my door to let me know that Malone had arrived. For some reason he didn’t want the meeting to be held at his office, so we made the plan for him come to mine. It made more sense considering I wanted him to check for ghost bugs.

  Without a word he walked in, didn’t shake my hand or even acknowledge me, just sat down. “What is this about?” he asked, cutting to the chase.

  “A couple of things. I want you to check my office and apartment for listening devises and cameras.”

  “You think someone’s tracking you?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Based on what?”

  “Based on the fact I keep getting caught drinking.”

  A tiny smirk appeared in his brooding face. “You’re not too smart, are you?”


  “I told you who the snitch was.”

  “You did? Was I drunk when you did that ’cos I honestly can’t remember?”

  “Think about it. What’s the second thing?”

  “I want to know who hurt Brydie.”

  He shook his head. “That’s over and done with.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “What do you think I mean?”

  “You killed him?”

  He clicked his knuckles. “It’s not him, it’s they.”

  “Okay. Where are they now?”

  “It’s none of your concern.”

  “I just want to know what happened that night.”

  “Drop it.”

  “Fuck you! You knock on my door in the middle of the night to tell me to “clean her up.” I want to know what fucking happened.”

  He just stared at me with those empty black eyes, showing an ounce of amusement around his mouth. This dude was as shady as Satan/Cupid himself.

  “Just tell me one thing. Did they suffer?”


  “C’mon, Leon! I’ll pay you to fill me in on what happened that night.”

  Nothing, not even a flinch. If he wasn’t motivated by money, what was he motivated by?

  “Look, I’ll sign a gag contract reassuring you that I won’t go to the police, or anyone else.”

  “Gag contracts have little bearing in a court of law.”

  Damn, he’s smart.

  “You said you did a deal so the fucker wouldn’t touch Brydes while she was unconscious.”


  “What was the deal?”


  “So, it’s not something that will come to smack her in the face?”


  One little nuance on his dark face told me all I needed to know. He’d obviously killed the thugs and that’s why action won’t be taken from their end. Except…

  “What if one of their friends sought revenge and Brydie was the easier target?”

  “It’s a good thing she lives on the other side of the country then, isn’t it.”

  “They could fly there. She has no protection.”

  “You wanted me to check yo
ur office and apartment for listening devices. That’s what I’ll do. This other stuff is horse shit.” He stood up. “We’re done here.”

  “What’s the name of the nark?”

  “Did you lose some brain cells while fucking my aunt?” That sounded gross, like I had having sex with an old person with saggy skin.

  “Jealous? I bet you’d like to bend her over and…”

  He walked out as I spoke to him, leaving the door open. Soph happened to walk by coincidently, or not so coincidently, and she flashed a Sophia Austin killer smile at him. His back was turned to me so I couldn’t see if he cracked a smile in return. It would be rude not to. However, I’d hate for those two to start getting friendly with each other.

  Me: Go ahead with the plan.

  Mac: Done.

  Me: Don’t tell anyone.

  Mac: Done.

  I walked into Corey’s office while he was talking a phone call. He scowled at me, which I ignored, then covered the mouthpiece of his phone. “What?”

  “How much are you paying her?”


  “The nark, Nadia Le Fevre.”

  He rolled his eyes and told the person on the other end that something just came up and he had to go.

  “How did you find out?”

  I laughed. “I wasn’t completely sure until now. Thanks for that little slip, Corey. I thought you were the smart one.” It just occurred to me that Leon actually helped me. Maybe he’s got a heart, after all.

  “So, what’s the deal? Are you sleeping with her? Paying her in angel’s blood?”

  “Angel’s blood? Is that what you kids are calling smack these days?”

  “I would laugh except you’re a fuckwit who takes great pleasure in screwing over your own brother. Jeez, man, I’d never sell you out. How do you even know Nadia?”

  “She was sitting outside your hospital room waiting for Mac who was in seeing you. The family had already decided at that point that you were going back to rehab and that we had to have a clear plan for when you came back out.”


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