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The Swordsman of Fae

Page 3

by A L Issett

  “It is almost time Crux, I have never seen such promise before from anyone, let alone a human” the goblin said in an accent that was hard to listen to unless you had grown accustomed to it.

  I cried out again as the goblin continued his chanting, continued with his torture. There had been two other men and a goblin tied up in the hut with him, all staked spread eagled to the ground. The men died after the first week, the goblin a little later. I envied them for their death and wished for my own. The goblin came over and poured more of his foul concoction down my throat. I swallowed it readily, if I didn’t he would make the pain the come even harder. Somehow I knew what the goblin wanted, I can’t say how it was like he was in my head. It was soft at first but I could feel him more and more as the days passed by. He was the only living being I saw after the others died, well him and sometimes there was a female. She would come in and throw out my waste as well as clean me from time to time since I was never allowed to move. The shaman didn’t seem too interested in her though but seeing her broke my heart. Here I was getting tortured in order to save Jakob, if I ever saw him again I would let him know exactly how I felt about him, especially since he had stolen the only girl I had ever had feelings about. Not that Irina was any better, she left me for the first person with more wealth that came along. I cried as I thought about this, as I often did under the goblin’s care, I was past trying to be manly under this torment.

  “I think you have passed this part Crux” the goblin said using the name he had given me. “I will send you in a reward for the hard months you have put in here. Just think I thought you wouldn’t be able to become a Revan when I first saw you, you might be so much more”.

  The goblin had said months, the thought of it made me cry harder. How long had I been there because I protected Jakob. I should have let the fat bastard die. If I ever got loose I ould kill the goblin and-. I never got a chance to finish the thought as the pain was unbearable. My whole body seized as it normally did when I had any thoughts of killing the goblin. Lately they had been all consuming, even worse than when he shook his little bone at me. I gritted my teeth as the goblin female who I knew was named Vlora crouched down over me and began to pat my head with some type of wet cloth.

  “You mustn’t think of harming the master” she said soothingly, her accent not as harsh as the shamans. “He told me tomorrow you will be ready, for the rest of the night you will have a time not as harsh as what you have endured”.

  I looked up a Vlora as the pain subsided, the eyes I once thought were beady since they were all black looked caring. What happened next was hard to explain, I remembered her wiping the sweat off of my face, then I was inside of her. I did not even feel myself stiffen but these days I only really cared about the most intense of pain. She looked into my eyes as she went up and down on my sex, her hips alternating between going straight down and wiggling some as she did. I was addled brained, exhausted and any number of feelings but I was definitely in this moment. I erupted fiercely as she continued to ride me, her breast in danger of popping out of whatever animal hide she wore for a covering. After I finished she got off of me as I felt exhausted, I had not done any exercises since I had gotten here.

  “How long” I rasped, my voice long gone from all of the screaming I did day after day.

  “Six months” Vlora said as she left. Six months I had been gone from my family, six months I had been here tortured, lying on a dirt floor in a drafty hut. I would have thought more about it but I was tired, I normally took any reprieve I could to go to sleep, after what had happened between me and Vlora I definitely did not have any fight left in me. I drifted off to sleep, dreading the next day as normal and the tortures it would bring.

  The next morning I heard snarling, I often did and thought the shaman kept some type of dog around. Today though the snarling was more pronounced, closer than it usually was. I heard the shaman sing some type of curse followed by the dog crying out, then snarling again. This went on for a long time, the dog had apparently displeased the shaman and was being punished although it seemed like the punishment did not work as well on the dog as it did me. The dog cut out suddenly as I could hear someone had entered the hut I was kept in. Two goblins cut my ties around my neck, feet and hands and dragged me outside. I could see the sun shining, a sight I had not seen in all the time since I remembered waking up inside of that hut. I turned my head and saw the dog, well if it could be called a dog, it was large and had bright red fur. The animal lay down on its back next to Vlora who was also lying down although she looked to be unconscious. The goblins laid me down next to her and the huge red dog then began tying me up again, just like inside the hut.

  “Crux” the shaman said nervously. “You cannot be in sleep for this, it has never worked before so you will be awake for it”.

  The next thing that happened my mind couldn’t comprehend because the pain was greater than anything I had ever felt before. The shaman pulled a knife and cut open my chest, all the while pouring some type of liquid all over my insides and chanting. I screamed loud as I heard him cutting into something else followed by the splashing sound of liquid. My brain wanted to fall into oblivion but my body wouldn’t let it, the pain tolerance I had built up kept me aware as he somehow tore my beating heart from my chest and placed another inside of me, this one larger and darker in coloring. I could feel the heart start connecting to my body as another scream shot its way out of my mouth. It burned horribly as the heart was beating inside me. I do not know how long I was tied down for as I was all out of screams despite the pain. I could see somewhat that Vlora had been carried away, and could hear the shaman was disappointed the dog died. The shaman stood over me for a while before picking up his bone and chanting, the next moment I was unconscious.

  When I awoke I could feel that I was not tied down any longer, I was on some type of furs that were elevated by some unknown means. I opened my eyes and could see my surroundings were nicer, it wasn’t cold in the air, I could hear a fire crackling but more important than that I had some type of blanket over me. I turned my head and to my amazement it didn’t hurt the way it normally did from having stiff muscles. I moved my arms and couldn’t feel any pain either. I looked at them carefully, they were covered with some kind of red hair, I touched it and screamed out. My hands were different, they were rougher looking and in place of my finger nails I had small claws. I shot out of the makeshift bed I was in as my memories came back. The shaman had cut out my heart and if I guess correctly had replaced it with the heart from that big dog. I looked over my body, I no longer had dark hair, all my hair was red, not a bright red, but the dark color of rust. I could hear someone coming and for some reason knew exactly how far away they were. I could also tell by the smell it was the shaman, my brain instantly told me not to think any dangerous thoughts, the goblin was powerful and could bring me back to the pain. The shaman entered the room and I shied away and curled up into a corner as he first laughed then ran over to me.

  “Crux you are finally well enough to awaken” the shaman said as he touched my arm which caused me to shy away even further. “You mustn't be scared of me Crux, the torment you went through was for your own safety. I had to plant the seed to make sure you would never disobey me, that torment helped mold your mind to mine. All that pain you went through made you strong enough to take the heart of the fell beast, and prepped you into becoming one of my Chosen. We only have one more journey before you can elevate yourself to that level”.

  I shied away from him even more although somehow I could tell that is not what he wanted. Inside of me there was a war waging, I knew my own thoughts, but also there was another which told me not to displease the shaman and how the shaman was feeling. The last part of me was feral, some kind of instinct which told me to beware the shaman, eat the shaman and escape all at the same time. I was lost in which I should listen to as I buried my head between my hands and curled up tighter into the corner as the shaman started stroking the reddish hair on my arm.

  “I forget you are a human and a young one at that Crux” the shaman said in what I thought was his soothing voice. “We have been together for almost nine months now, but I forget you were asleep for the last three. I will let Vlora explain it to you better although you will receive no reward from her, I am not sure you can take it. Now that you are up, tomorrow will be the last of your trials”.

  I stayed curled up until I heard the shaman leave the room. I was in some kind of rough hewn cabin, at least the floor was made of wood and not dirt. I started to uncurl as I heard the sound of steps coming towards me. These were lighter than the shaman’s, I sniffed the air and smelled a female. How did I know it was a female I thought as Vlora came into the room holding a bowl of some type. The feral part of me said take her, the other part warned me about disobeying the shaman while what I thought was the real me was a little wary.

  “You are up Crux” Vlora said as she sat down on the floor with me. She looked different somehow, her skin looked a lighter shade of green, her hair was also longer and darker. She looked almost human I thought until the realization hit me, she had taken my heart. The thought made me curl up again as she sought to soothe me. After an hour or so I guessed I began to calm down a little, that is when she spoke to me again.

  “Crux right now your brain is trying to make sense of what your body already knows” Vlora began as she pulled a little bit of some kind of meat out of a bowl and held it up to my mouth. I snapped hard at it and almost bit her fingers as I gobbled it up greedily. My stomach growled at this and she handed me another piece of meat. I slowly came out of my shell and sat on the floor with her, I was still wary but she had food. I couldn’t help but notice her hand looked more human, her claws had disappeared somewhat and she looked taller even though she was sitting on the ground. I ate as she fed me, the taste of the food wasn’t to my taste but it was meat, and meat was good.

  “Right now you have the beast inside of you Crux, it thinks and acts different” Vlora said after she handed me the bowl and I drained its contents. “I have human and me along with the magic Master put inside of me. You will get used to this feeling as time passes, I have already began to settle but I awoke two months ago. I know you will say nothing to me tonight, just come and settle in my arms”.

  Vlora wrapped her arms around me and I went back to sleep, if I had any dreams I couldn’t remember any of them. For the first time in a long time I felt safe. I could inhale her scent, the beast in me was pleased. The magic that told me about the shaman was also pleased and my own mind was pleased to sit somewhat uncomfortably because of her size in her arms.

  I had no idea how much time had passed when she woke me up, I was again under furs in the bed I woke up in. She bent down and kissed my forehead. She looked puzzled at first, then quickly dismissed whatever it was she was feeling. I got off the bed as part of me wondered why I wasn’t trying to cover myself up. Until it dawned on me I had been naked for the better part of a year and Vlora was likely the one that had to clean up all my waste. The other instinct in me told me she was a friend and to like her, that she would keep me safe. The feral part wanted her body again. The real me was confused and I stayed silent.

  “Today is the last horrible day you will face Crux” Vlora said as she smiled a little. “I have went through everything you have, today is not the worst of it. Today you become one of the Chosen, we can save goblin kind from humans and humans from goblin kind. Master will be in soon, you mustn't fear him, we have it better than most other slaves. You have only seen one side of him, after today you will meet the other side of him as well”.

  I didn’t know what to think of that as a short while later the shaman entered the room. I went to run at first but Vlora’s hand gave me the courage I was lacking. The goblin looked weary, like the world was on his shoulders. Somehow I knew he was tired and anxious at the same time. It took everything I had not to flinch when he stroked my hair which fell over my eyes. My hair was red too! I needed to see a mirror to see what the damage was, to see what type of monster he turned me into. I felt scared again as the other part of me kept telling me my torturer was a friend. The shaman had a knife of some kind in his hand, the same one that opened up my chest. I was frozen in fear as he handed me what was in his other hand, a goblet of some kind. I drank from it and it was as disgusting as anything I had ever tasted. I went to wretch it up when I began to feel a little woozy, the room started to sway as I could see the goblin bring his knife down and bury it in my chest, it did not matter though as I felt no pain and blacked out.

  I awoke and felt claustrophobic; I needed to get out of wherever I was. I tried to move but was weighed down by something wet and heavy. I struggled and thought I could throw whatever it was off me as I could feel weak spots in whatever was holding me down. I wiggled a little and thought about getting it off me as I suddenly did not feel it any more. I felt weird like I was flying somehow. I floated above whatever it was that was holding me down and began to lose myself, like I was being stretched in many different places at once. I tried to open my eyes but couldn’t I did not have any eyes. I knew where I was, I could see a hut and a log cabin although I did not know how I could see. I tried to pull myself together and could feel or see nothing but smoke when I did. I could see Vlora through the haze, along with shaman. I focused my thoughts and could feel myself becoming more coherent as the haze got thicker. When it finally ended I was above ground staring at the shaman and Vlora. The shaman was the first to move towards me, I exploded into smoke as his touch passed right through me. I don’t how I turned into smoke, I just could. The shaman stepped back as I could feel he wanted me back into my shape. He was angry or excited, which I couldn’t tell. I only remembered the pain and did as he wanted, although he hadn’t said a word.

  “Crux I can see the bond we share is stronger with you than with the others” the shaman said as he looked up at me. “It could be because all of the time we have spent together. You have come along at the right time. We go to meet the great chieftain”.

  He handed me some type of loincloth, I put it on and it fit pretty well. It was cold outside somewhat I thought as I could feel goosebumps coming, then warmness. I looked at my body and could see it growing the red fur of what he called the fell beast. Vlora gasped at first but pulled herself together. She had two packs with her, apparently she and the shaman was getting ready to go somewhere when I woke up. I took them both from the small woman, the weight of both of them felt light. The shaman nodded and began walking with Vlora following him. Where we were at there were no other goblins around, we were surrounded by jagged rock. I walked with the pair as the shaman chatted nervously to himself. Between the shaman talking to himself and Vlora and from what I picked up through our link, he was on the verge of doing something special, at least that is what he thought. The day was new as we started to climb until I realized we were on the wrong side of the mountain. The shaman lived on the back half, the half I had never seen before. As we climbed my nose picked up something in the air. I paused as the beast took over, I dropped the packs and went down to all fours. There was food around here somewhere, I just could not tell where. A breeze kicked up as I turned my head to the left, a goat shot out of its hiding place with me right on its tail. The goat was agile and leapt for any hold its hooves could find, I was fast and had better jumping ability. The goat suddenly changed directions and went to make a move around me as a sprung and grabbed its back hoof. The goat struggle to get away as I pulled it in easily and raked my short claws across its exposed underbelly disemboweling it. I then snapped its neck and began to feed when I felt a hand on me. It was the shaman who was a little worried. I tore off a leg and offered it to him, but he declined.

  “Crux you are faster than the other Revan” the shaman said as he stuck out his hand. I accepted it and stood up but refused to let go of my kill. The shaman didn’t ask for it and instead wanted to keep moving. It took a full day to climb up to the top of the mountain, I was sure I coul
d have done it faster but something told me do not leave the shaman behind. As we got to the top I could see a collection of cabins and even some rough buildings together. The fires that were set all around made me warmer and I could feel my fur retreat into my skin like it was never there at all. I still had the normal hair though, I just wasn’t covered. The shaman walked into this city, for some reason I started thinking of him as master. Master was not challenged although many took a look at me and growled.

  “Do not hurt him, he is drunk” Vlora turned to me and said. I had no idea what she meant until a goblin grabbed for her arm. She turned away from him easily enough, she had some skill but the way she dodged the goblin made it seem unreal. The beast inside of me saw the act though as a show of dominance for who is the alpha and I grabbed the goblin and went to tear out his throat with my claws when I had the feeling it would make master unhappy. I tossed the goblin into the dirt and continued on throughout the town. I could see human men and women here, they were obviously slaves as two of the men I saw were being violated from behind by a group of laughing goblins. The men had vacant looks in their eyes as they saw me, then turned away. The city was bigger than what I first thought, master went over to a huge hut that I guessed was an inn of some sort. It made me realize the goblins were not much different than men. I walked inside with Vlora and master and could see a fire was set inside of it and there were sleeping furs laid out all over the ground. Over the fire was some kind of meat but I wasn’t hungry, having finished my kill during the walk up here. A fat goblin strode forward, one of only three people in the place.

  “You can have a room shaman, but you pet has to stay outside” the fat goblin said pointing at me then looking too long at Vlora. “That one almost looks like a human, you want to sell her?”


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