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The Swordsman of Fae

Page 6

by A L Issett

  The peasants had been forcibly removed, this I was a little sad for but the goblins needed the land. We marched the goblin army past my brother’s estate and deeper into Fae where we were to meet up with the rest of the army. Also behind us was a sizable number of Fae troops who left their post one the goblin border to fight on the front lines too. It was during this march I gained the respect of the goblins. I bartered with gold for pork or beef, meat many goblins had never tasted before. I got better armor to protect themselves and even showed some of them the horse. We kept a hard pace, we were always four or five hours ahead of the humans and had to wait for them to catch up. Since we really did not have many horses and carried all supplies on our back there were no hitching of wagons. Add to the fact that despite being smaller and somewhat slower, goblins had superior stamina. Field Marshall Gallant who was personally overseeing this march was always angry they could not keep pace with us. The fell beast inside me never got tired, only angrier and stronger. It was doing these stops though that rivalries sprang up. They had sparring sessions with each other for bragging rights. The humans being faster, taller bigger and stronger won the majority of these. The goblins had no sword skills, they just grabbed an axe or anything else that is pointy and hack into someone with it. The humans had been drilling with the sword and at least knew some moves. We had just stopped for the night despite the sun being in the sky when I overheard goblins talking.

  “Humans to big and strong, how are we going to fight humans for real if we cannot win with wood?”

  “I don’t know Grok, but I am tired of humans always winning, make goblin look weak”.

  I had heard enough and went to find master who was talking with Vlora and Brix.

  “Master, have you heard about the fighting with wood weapons” I asked as I could feel he had heard of it. “We have lost a lot and morale is dropping, I want to enter these matches and I want Brix with me”.

  “Me?” Brix said somewhat shocked.

  “I represent goblins but I am not a goblin” I replied. “The human have their advantages, I say we take them down a little. They fight until one can’t go on or doesn’t want to go on, let them see us fight and know who should be avoided”.

  “We do need great warriors to look up to. If they see in in practice then they will follow you in war” Master replied.

  I spent the rest of the day with Vlora, who decided she wanted to compete also. She knew which end of the sword was pointy but she was primarily an archer. She could however play a match out in her mind hundreds of time before the actual fight making hitting her a tough thing to do. The day soon began to turn dark as the humans showed up and after setting up their tents, went to immediately set up a practice ring. I goblin climbed inside to face a human, this one tall will long stringy red hair. I climbed in the ring also and to the goblin to beat it. Before I knew it many goblins had gathered to watch this fight, they were chattering nervously as two wooden swords were handed to us.

  “Look at this boys, I got the human who thinks he’s a goblin” the red head said and laughed.

  “Careful Frowley, that is a big one, he is bigger than you anyway” someone from the crowd called out.

  I readied myself as the goblins started to chant my name, I waited for my opponent and let him attack. The man had decent sword work but was moving way too slow. I had time to dodge him blows and follow up with a punch to the side of the rib cage. I did not put my all into it but still the man dropped and wanted no more. The next person who climbed inside the ring had a staff.

  The staff was difficult to beat if you didn’t have steel, since all the weapons were wooden, some staff users were impossible to take down in these situations. The staff user started went into a form I was familiar with and I feinted to the left just as the staff passed over me. I grabbed the staff and yanked hard as the user went sprawling into the yard. He rolled back up on his feet quickly as I tossed the weapon away. We were both unarmed now but I was a lot bigger something my opponent noticed to as he knelt, a sign for giving up. I could hear the goblins shout out my name now, “Crux! Crux! Crux!” they shouted long and hard as many more goblins joined the goblin half of the circle and climbed over each other to get a better view. I raised my arms and drank in their support as a roar went up from the human side. I turned around as another competitor walked into the circle.

  He looked the part of a soldier, he was broad but trim. He looked to match me in height and size despite my magical gifts. He was older, than me maybe 35 summers and walked with a grace that spoke of both lethality and quickness. The man eyed me down, as he held a wooden sword in his hand, his gray eyes bore into like he was taking all of my worth. He would find nothing he could exploit, although I am young the trials I had faced over the last year hardened me. I could feel the master’s presence now, he was watching and nervous. I picked up my sword and bowed my head a little, a signal of respect and that I was ready. The attack happened fast, a low strike to my left side, this soldier was faster than the others but I was faster still. I blocked that strike when my opponent adjusted his grip and went upward, a move I was not expecting as a barely got out of the way. My opponent was crafty, every move he made had multiple attacks connected to it. When I attacked he seemingly would know where the attack would hit then countered quickly. We both took a step back and accessed each other, I was faster and had quicker reflexes. He had a slight edge in length and was infinitely more knowledgeable than I was. After a moment I attacked again coming in hard to his left as he we went for a block, I put my shoulder into him as he dropped his sword and grabbed my body weight and tossed me over him as he rolled on his back, I got up quickly and charged just as he picked his sword back up and met my attack and showed three different counters which made me back up and give him some space. He came at me this time, his sword high which I easily blocked, what I didn’t see was his fist connecting with my midsection. I felt the blow, it landed solidly but the pain I ignored as I reached out and grabbed his sword arm with my free arm. The soldier once again dropped his sword and di some type of move which sent me soaring over his head. I twisted in midair and landed on my feet, my sword ready to attack when my opponent backed up.

  “You have some skill but not the knowledge that comes with it” my opponent said as he dropped his sword. “You are fast, faster than any I have ever faced by far, strikes that should have landed you avoided. My punch is enough to bring down any man, you ignored it. You are perhaps the best warrior I have faced, the goblins are lucky to count you amongst their number”.

  “Thank you master swordsman” I replied as I let my sword drop. Both sides claimed victory, the goblins patted me on the back as I left the circle. I looked forward and could see Brix, he looked so small and normal I thought as he walked into the ring. I turned to follow him and motioned for Vlora to follow before I noticed she was already there, no doubt using her power. The human side looked confused at first as Brix took the center me and Vlora flanking him. I waited for the noise to die down and spoke again.

  “We are three of the finest warriors from our side” I said as I spoke loudly and looked around at the human side. “I ask for three of your best to accept this challenge, be they warrior or mage”. I could hear a murmur go through the crowd, no one walked forward at first but after several moments the crowd parted and I could see Field Marshall Gallant along with my brother Jan and another more seasoned mage. The warrior I had fought stayed on the sidelines as two warriors armed with shields stepped forward. None of these three were seasoned although I had already known their tactic. Jan would lob spells at us from the safety of the heavy shields, if we got closer they would push us back. The technique was basic but highly effective vs goblins. The crowd was silent now as I only heard Vlora speak.

  “Place the wooden sword over your heart then roll to the left and change to iron when you are attacked Brix”. I saw Brix bring the sword up just as a bolt of lightning meant to stun but not injure impacted with the wooden sword harmlessly. I bo
lted forward, far faster than the shield man on the right though possible and came in wide forcing him to change his stance. He swung at me as I dissipated myself, the sword passing through me harmlessly as I solidified myself and yanked his shield away. He looked confused as I dissipated again ignoring his strikes but landing my own. If I did it quickly enough and did not move to far I could fill back up my clothes to avoid being naked. Jan his pointed staff towards me as Brix, now looking like solid steel burst through the line easily and knocked the shield man on his arse. We all paired up now, Vlora took my brother who was trying his best to defend himself with his staff as a weapon since she had gotten so close he had no time to use any spells. I disabled my opponent easily then stepped to the side to let the battle play out. Brix was being struck multiple times and hard, the sound of the sword hitting his body rang out throughout the camp, but he looked like he barely noticed as he continued forward, his opponent retreating all over the field. He was showing off I knew, he could have ended the fight at any time. Likewise my brother should have already been down, all of his strikes were off by a large bit as Vlora finally held her sword to his throat. Brix saw we were done and quickly ran down and pinned his opponent which forced the man to give up.

  “What did they do to you brother?” Jan said as he stared at me.

  “They made me stronger” I replied as I looked at him. “Why did you do it Jan?”

  “I couldn’t let you kill our brother, I would have done the same thing to him” Jan replied. “I missed you Josh, I thought they had killed you”.

  “Let’s catch up another time, the Field Marshall is on his way along with that swordsman I fought earlier”.

  “You fought Harris the Hound?” Jan said shocked as the group came up to us.

  “How many of yours can do this?” Gallant said as he eyed Brix.

  “It is not our place to say” I replied as master came walking up.

  “If I had four hundred men like you this war could be ended tomorrow” Gallant said as he eyed us differently. “How did you gain this power, do the goblins have some type of unknown magic?”

  “Our magic is known human” master said as I went to his side along with the others. “These are just special cases”.

  “We know nothing of goblin mages, only that you normally come to fight with brutes” Gallant said as he looked around. “We need to have this conversation someplace more private, you could meet me in my tent or I can go wherever you are”.

  “You are welcomed around our fire, we do not sleep in tents while on the move” master said as he led the Field Marshall away. I followed the group but kept my eye on Harris, he was a legend among the Faelin troops. He had fought and killed many goblin and human enemies. In the war against the Durbians in the far north, it is said that he led a charge through their ranks that he alone survived after killing the Durbian leader. He taught advanced swordsmanship and was the only person living who was granted the title, The Sword of Fae. We walked further in the goblin side of the camp, I could hear cheering wherever we went. We found master’s fire easily, to outsiders it had to look like we set up camp haphazardly but we knew what was what.

  “You are welcomed to our food and drink” Master said as he sat down, the older mage and Harris sitting with him. I motioned Jan to come away so we can talk better, Vlora saw the silent message and got up as well and went over to my side.

  “I will not let you hurt him human” Vlora said as she stood in front of me.

  “I wasn’t planning on it, I only want to talk to my brother” Jan replied as he stared down at my Vlora.

  “Jan once again this is Vlora” I said as I put an arm around her.

  “She is protective of you” Jan observed. “It is good you found someone”.

  “She has been there for me at my worst” I replied as went walked a little ways then sat down at a fire.

  “I thought you had died” Jan said as I could see his eyes misted a little.

  “I thought I was going to die too” I said with a laugh. “Vlora convinced them to spare me and now here I am. I think I have finally found me a place I belong”.

  “You fit in well little brother. My wife said she spoke with you for a bit, she is a far better woman than I deserve. She also cried for you when we returned, you have a headstone next to father’s crypt”.

  “Well I don’t plan on filling it anytime soon” I said as I could still feel the tenseness inside Vlora. “So what has been new to you?”

  “I got married” Jan said as he rubbed his chin. “It was far quicker than I would have liked but Jakob had gotten Irina pregnant so their wedding was rushed. Duke Rutland demanded I also get married to avoid any future embarrassment. Jakob has not been faithful and talks down to her at every opportunity”.

  “She only cared about the money, your fat brother will take care of her and the child handsomely”.

  “You never got the chance to meet your niece Jasmine” Jan said as a smiled crossed his face. “She is the lone bright spot in that pairing, whenever you are around again you have to meet her”.

  “I am sure Jakob would object” I said with a grin. “It felt good standing up to that twit finally. I always died a little on the inside when he talked about my mother and called me an idiot”.

  “It felt good to see you stand up to him” Jan said as he too laughed. “Brother is just a bully who needs grounding in reality. I have been his conscious for longer than you have been alive”.

  “What made you come to this war Jan? You do not have to be here”.

  “My little brother is fighting in this war, he saved me once when I was too scared to fight an oncoming enemy” Jan said as I saw the tears start to fall. “I know I should have turned back and helped you but the part of me that is a coward told me you would be okay so I kept running. When we finally got enough men together to go back, we saw nothing but dead and figured you couldn’t have survived. Jakob was more worried about assuming power after father’s death. Only Gertrude pulled me together, only she gave me a reason to go on. You were honored as a hero, I don’t know if you noticed it but a tapestry hangs depicting what we thought your final stand looked like”.

  “I would love to have seen it. Vlora here was the one who took me down. She won that battle but I think I made out okay in the end” I said as I hugged her closer and could feel she had relaxed.

  “Vlora, I saw what my brother could do” Jan said as he looked at my girl. “He is faster and stronger than any I had ever seen and that trick with the smoke was amazing. I can’t figure you out though, you are neither fast or strong. Something seemed odd about fighting you though, like I could have ended it at any time but somehow you barely avoided my hits”.

  “You beat me many times, but every time it was by having more strength” Vlora spoke as she stared into his puzzled face.

  “Vlora can see moments into the future brother, she fought you in her mind many times before the actual fight began” I filled in the blanks.

  “Then she is perhaps the strongest of you, she could predict enemy movements” Jan said excitedly.

  “Only on a much smaller scale and Brix is the best of us” I replied. “Whenever we meet the enemy he will kill many”. Our conversation was interrupted by Harris who came to sit down at the fire along with Brix.

  “You could have taken me with your gift” Harris said as she stared at me. I shrugged as Brix sat down.

  “The humans want to make Revan” Brix said plainly. “It is too dangerous and none of them has the skill. Master had already said no to making Chosen, the cost is too high”.

  “When I was taken, I saw others die during the process, how many of us survive?” I asked as I remembered being tied down on the ground.

  “Before we made you 3000 goblins had died during the process” Vlora spoke as held me a little tighter.

  “3000 is a big number, but there are many you would want to try” Harris said nodding his head. “How fast is this process?”

  “Longer than
what can be done on a march” I replied. “We can speak no more of it”.

  “There is only one way I have seen that made Revan without killing, the way that made me” Vlora said as she looked at our group.

  “So Joshua, I hear you struck the Earl” Harris said with a grin.

  “I did and it felt great” I replied.

  “No offense to present company but as a common man who have no idea how many times I had wanted to strike some pompous noble” Harris said as he blew out a long breath.

  “Well I did enough for both of us then” I laughed reliving the memory and how his fat cheek felt when I brought my rough hand across it. “How far out are we?”

  “Well we have been on the march for two weeks, we have at least two more to go before we have contact” Jan said as he cleared out a rough patch of dirt and used his wand to draw a shape that looked like Fae. “We are here and the fighting is here” Jan pointed. “They are mostly mounted and have many archers. They dart in and fire off a volley then ride away quickly. In the open field we cannot take them, they are too skilled. Currently we are holed up in small towns and have dug ditches and set barricades but the enemy is too numerous. They have been pushing us further back into our homeland using numbers when tactics are not useful. With the other half of our army available we can begin to fight again although I do not know how effective we will be after such a hard march. The only thing really holding them at bay is that they have no mages on their side”.


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