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The Swordsman of Fae

Page 8

by A L Issett

  “The master told me to stay” Vlora replied.

  “During the fight you can, right now let us go” I replied as Vlora got up. The Field Marshall stood still as I left the tent with my mate, the soldiers were still down as I left. She calmed me down as I walked over towards our area and took a seat. I could tell the master was not happy as me and Vlora fell back into our routine. My brother had been sent off to meet the King who was on his way to the battlefield once a message had been sent when the fight was no longer in question. I felt good that he was out of danger and even better he would most likely stay that way with my uncle around. The rest of the day went by fast, Vlora told me how impressed they were at her skill and that they used flags to quickly tell their troops where to attack. We went to sleep holding each other, warm with full stomachs.

  I awoke the next morning refreshed, Vlora was still asleep but I had a feeling something was not right. Master was either under attack or in some kind of trouble, I stood up to my full height as I saw Brix and Vlora stir. We all looked at each other and followed our bond to the master, it led throughout the human camp to a big purple tent. I knew this was my uncle’s tent and that barging in there would not be wise. I could feel master clearly, he was conflicted about something and felt despair and sadness along with acceptance.

  “We will wait, if he does not come out safe then we will go get him” Brix said as I could tell Vlora was looking into the future. Vlora’s face went blank then she snapped back to reality as a tear stung her eye. I went to ask her what happened as she kissed me full on the lips and held me close like I would float away. I returned he kiss surprised at its ferocity until the tent flap opened and out came Cyrax, the Great Chieftain and the master followed by my uncle and the Field Marshall along with various other people including my brother Jan who looked nervous, like he was scared but ready to attack the people around him, especially the High Mage who was walking alongside the king and the older mage who was already with the field marshall.

  “Here she is now” Cyrax said as he looked at Vlora. “We thank you for your gift and will begin to move in immediately. You can take the woman”.

  I pushed Vlora behind me and eyed Cyrax.

  “Vlora will be staying with the humans now Crux” master said as I saw acceptance in his eyes. “Your uncle has heard of her gift since your sparring session weeks ago and let the rest of our warriors go back to a well-deserved rest. We were given even more land around Fae, more than enough to support our people”.

  “What do you mean master she is staying with the humans, she is my mate” I growled as I looked around.

  “Move out of the way now” Cyrax screamed as I fixed my eyes on him.

  “Crux the King wants her as Field Marshall Gallant’s advisers” master explained.

  “Why does she have to stay their permanently?” I asked as I got angrier.

  “Because she can save lives boy” the Field Marshall spoke. “She will be married to my oldest son as a show of unity and will bring great hope to both Goblins and our people. We will ride down all around us and expand our borders, the more land we get the more we will give the goblins”.

  “This will not happen” I said as the beast was out of me now, I could feel its presence deciding how to attack.

  “Calm down nephew” the King said. “You can pick one of my concubines to marry or any other noble girl, you are still the ambassador from both sides”.

  “I don’t want the title Your Majesty, I want Vlora” I said as I looked around me.

  “This will happen Crux now stand down” master said as I could feel his attitude was getting angrier. I suppressed it.

  “This will not happen, Vlora is mine!” I shouted as a pain shot throughout my body and dropped me to my knees. I could feel the master’s displeasure and wanted to attack him from hurting me which sent even more pain throughout my body. Something hard hit me and sent me into oblivion.

  I awoke inside some kind of room, it was human made and I shot out of the bed as my memory came back. I looked around at my surroundings and could see there was a bed in the room along with some kind of plush chair. I pushed myself out of the door despite being naked and felt for master, he had betrayed me and was underneath me. I walked down the stairs and could see I was in some type of pleasure house. I could see many human women in various stages of undress lying around, the master was sitting at a table drinking something from a cup.

  “Why did you betray me?” I said getting to the point.

  “I did not betray you Crux, I did what was necessary to save our people” the master replied as he drank his tea.

  “Where is Vlora?” I asked as I could not get a reading from the master.

  “She is with her new mate, you have been asleep here for some time” master said as his voice became wobbly.

  “What do you mean by I have been asleep for some time?” I asked as I got a slight feeling from the master, that of intense pain.

  “Vlora was involved in a wedding ceremony two months ago” master said as he drank more of the tea. The humans we were fighting were crushed; they were driven deep into their own homeland where it is expected they will give up in a month or so”.

  “I don’t care about the humans, you took her from me” I said as I got angrier.

  “Vlora did what was necessary to help out our people, she will be honored for ages”.

  “You are no master of mine, you are as evil as I thought you were” I replied.

  “Your King wanted you to wake up in this place and forget about Vlora” the master said as he put down his cup. “I want you to find your happiness also”.

  “You stole my happiness from me” I replied with more grief than anger. “I will no longer follow you master”.

  “I know you won’t Crux, you feel as if I have let you down. Perhaps I have let you, Vlora and even Brix down. Right now he serves as the body guard to your uncle, forever locked away from goblin kind and unable to find his own mate. Brix understands the greater struggle though, he will do what is necessary”.

  It suddenly struck me why I couldn’t feel the master clearly, he was dying. I sniffed the air and smelled something foul coming from his cup. It was poison I was sure as the goblin fell over. I picked him up as he croaked his last words that he was sorry and motioned for a note on the table. I picked it up and read it, amazed that he had such good handwriting.


  I cannot live with myself knowing I have done wrong by the ones who stood by me. Know that I have freed all the humans currently being held in our lands and that you were the last of the chosen that will ever be born. You will have Vlora back in the future sometime maybe, she will outlive her human mate and you will live longer still. The fell beast is thought to be immortal, I have never seen one die of old age. I have told Vlora this also, she was heartbroken but went along with the ceremony for my benefit with the thought of being with you again, do not think ill of her or do anything that would jeopardize this fragile peace. Although he saw the merit, the great chieftain did not like the way everything had happened to you, especially after all the help you brought our people. He has sat much of the yellow rock aside for you, he knows humans value it and your brother has assured me it would make you a wealthy man. He also deemed any unmated Goblin female is yours for the taking if you desire it.

  Your uncle, the King still wants you as his ambassador and so does the great chieftain. You are someone both sides could trust and could still be a help uniting our people. Your brother the shaman attacked us all after you fell and could only be stopped when he was hit over the head. He is doing well and did not get in any trouble for his part. Inside the room I kept here while I saw that you would sleep, is something I made for you directly after you heard what was to come of Vlora. I hope you would wear it and remember me fondly.

  Your friend Balrog.

  I picked the master up after reading it, the women around thought he was sleeping and propositioned me which I refused. Even the beast inside
me was heartbroken as I brought the master up to the room next to where I woke up. I could see his bone that tormented me for so long lying next to the bed I laid him down in. On the table had to be his gift, it was a simple animal hide jacket complete with shirt, boots, pants and a small compartment that held a bone knife. I closed my eyes and could still feel him as I turned myself to smoke, the clothing turned with me.


  I had been the ambassador for a year now and met with both my uncle and the great chieftain often. I saw Jan whenever I could but avoided any events I knew Vlora would be at. I ended my anger with Jakob, for my own sake as I tried to be a better person. I even talked to Irina on occasion but only in the presence of Jakob and never about anything personal. As the year dragged on I had been beset by various nobles trying to marry their daughters off but I ignored them all. Today though would be hard to ignore anyone of them, The great chieftain had died. His funeral would be held today in the human lands where he would be laid to rest along other great rulers in Fae history. My former country for their part had honored the deal with the goblins but was currently under attack from two fronts by more than one nation who was scared of their alliance with the goblins. I sighed as Cyrax, now the great chieftain finished his speech. The former leader was carried to the crypt and interned as everyone was expected to go back to the palace for a celebration of some type.

  “You look like you would rather be anywhere but here” a voice said from behind me, one I knew belonged to my aunt, the Queen.

  “Then you would be correct Your Majesty” I said as I turned to face her.

  “You know I have been absolutely besieged by audiences wishing to know your status”.

  “Tell them save your daughters, I am single and definitely not looking” I let out a small laugh. “My luck with women should serve as a warning against falling in love”.

  “It seems your luck is worse than most” my Aunt agreed. “Vlora has been here staring at you, are you going to say hi?”

  “I doubt it” I replied as I took a drink from a passing servant.

  “So what do you plan on doing with all that money you have, along with what you get from serving as ambassador you are one of the top five riches people in this room, and that’s including me and your uncle. You should start a family”.

  “You would have a better time trying to convince me to wear feathers and pretend I am a chicken” I laughed dryly.

  “Nephew, I was not sure if you make it with all the people who normally show up to these things” my uncle the king said as I heard his voice from behind me.

  “Balrog would have wanted me to be here Your Majesty and despite his short comings the Chieftain always put his people first, they have prospered under his rule”.

  “So are you ready to court some lass yet?” the king asked.

  “I was asking him the same thing, but he is not” the Queen replied.

  “I can see sadness in you nephew, what is done is done” the King began. “In order to grow you have to move forward, there are plenty of women around and more than one is interested, see them all against the wall there? They speak to others but whisper amongst themselves when you pass by, you meet one of them and go out and have some fun. With two wars going on who knows the next time any of us in this room can sit and just enjoy each other’s company”.

  I watched the king and queen go on to greet other guest and figured I had enough, I came and socialized for a while but now I was done. I turned around to find Irina smiling at me, Jakob must have been about the room trying to find himself something warm to sneak off with.

  “Hello Josh” Irina said in a bright smile. She still looked beautiful but I did not feel for her the way I once had.

  “Hello Irina” I said as I brushed past her.

  “You don’t have time to talk to an old friend?” she said in mock indigence. “There was I time you would have ran to have a conversation with me”.

  “I am busy Irina, I do not wish to be rude” I sighed as I turned to face her. “Perhaps we can all get together later and talk”.

  “I wanted to talk to you, Josh. We have not spoken alone with each other for ages, I just want to find out how you are feeling and what you have been up too”.

  I wanted out of the conversation but was unsure how to extract myself when Jan came along and saved me. I smiled and hugged my brother, he genuinely was the only person I could say I looked forward to seeing. Unfortunately he had Field Marshall Gallant with him who looked as angry as always.

  “Josh I am happy to see you here, it is about time you got out. Do you want to have a drink and talk? Gertrude couldn’t make it being pregnant and all” Jan said with a smile.

  “Maybe some other time brother, I do not like the company you keep” I replied and fixed the Field Marshall with a stare.

  “You should be out on the front lines helping out the war effort, many good people are dying out there” the Field Marshal replied.

  “And yet you are here with me, how brave of you” I replied and yawned. “Get out of my face peasant I have no time for your crying”.

  “Your Chieftain has only made us four Revan, that is not enough to win a war” the Field Marshal said as he stood his ground.

  “That is for you and your military to work out, now leave me before I lose my temper. Balrog isn’t here to save you” I replied and turned to face Jan.

  “Brother I really was just leaving, Irina here though was looking for someone to talk too, perhaps you her and the Field Marshal could get together” I walked away from the group and out the door. I meant to travel by carriage away from this gathering when I spotted Brix along with the new Chieftain.

  “Crux, when buried your master, are you for certain he never said anything about how you were created?” Cyrax asked as he turned my way.

  “He did not Great Chieftain” I replied tired of having the same conversation.

  “I have tried but failed every time” Cyrax said as he sighed. “My Revan abilities do not work well like his did and I have been unable to make this link I heard you all had. The humans and their wars are stretching us thin, I volunteer more of us because we get more land, that and the yellow rock is drying up to buy more land with”.

  “We have more than enough land great chieftain complete with the knowledge of how to grow food and raise meat” I replied.

  “We need even more Crux” the Great Chieftain fumed. “I have been asked by powerful humans to appoint another Ambassador so you can go to the fight. Your uncle has shot down the idea again and again, you should be with Brix and the Revan”.

  “Great Chieftain I am happy where I am at, if for some reason I am replaced I would just leave my money”.

  “What does that supposed to mean?” Cyrax asked impatiently.

  “Great Chieftain it means if you don’t want me I will leave and retire, I have more than enough money to live comfortably”.

  “That brings me to another thing, it is time you take your mate” Cyrax said with a sigh. “Brix will choose his soon at the great gathering. If you don’t want one of your own kind there are many there to pick from, some of them are even Revans made with human hearts like Vlora”.

  “I don’t see that happening Great Chieftain” I said with a sigh. “It seems everyone today is on some crusade to find me someone”.




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