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Page 7

by Shirleen Davies

  “Oh, Becca. Wrangler won’t take him away from you.”

  Rounding on her, she crossed her arms. “You really believe that? He left me without a seed of remorse. Quinn doesn’t care a damn about me, Cara. All he wants is his son, and if I get hurt in the process, so be it.”

  “I can’t believe he’d ever do that to you.”

  Becca snorted, lips twisting. “Don’t you understand? He’s already walked away once. There’s nothing stopping him from taking Jamie and disappearing.” Glancing behind Cara, she saw Wrangler looking out a back window at them before turning away. “If he ever loved me, he never would have left the way he did. Hurting me now wouldn’t cause him a minute of sleep.”

  “You haven’t been around him in years, Becca. He made a horrible mistake, never contacting you as he’d promised. Wrangler was young and stupid. The same as all men, there are days he can be a senseless jerk. But he isn’t cruel.”

  “Maybe not to you, Cara. You forget I’ve seen firsthand how selfish and pitiless Quinn can be.”

  Chapter Nine

  Wrangler stood back from the window, unable to stop watching Becca. The fear on her face, tears streaming down her cheeks, tore at him. He’d been a selfish prick all those years ago.

  As much as he didn’t want to accept it, Wrangler understood why Becca stopped trying to find him. He’d left her alone, never written or called, never gave her a way to contact him. That was all on him.

  If the situation were reversed, Wrangler knew he’d have given up trying to find her the same as Becca had. Worse, he’d caused the sweet, beautiful woman more pain than he’d ever intended.

  The bright, ready smile and mischief in her eyes had disappeared over the years, replaced with distrust and a wariness he hadn’t anticipated. His actions had broken her in a way he’d never imagined. No longer could he hide behind the excuse they’d been young and didn’t know what love was. He sure as hell knew what it was now, and it stood in his back yard. If only he’d realized it ten years ago.

  “You ready for a two-on-two soccer game?” Rock took a step closer, following Wrangler’s gaze. “What are you going to do?”

  Shaking off the guilt, he tore his attention away from Becca. “Get custody of my son.” He moved to walk pass Rock, stopping when the larger, more muscular man stepped into his path.

  “Don’t be stupid. It’s not Becca’s fault you walked all those years ago.”

  Nostrils flaring, he glared at his friend. “My son is none of your business, Rock. Move out of my way.”

  “Not until you get over your anger and take care of business the right way.”

  Crossing his arms, jaw tight, he huffed out a frustrated breath. “I suppose you know the right way?”

  Snickering, a grin tilted Rock’s mouth upward. “Damn straight I do. I don’t know much about Becca and Jamie. What I’m sure about is that lady did all she could to raise a good boy. And from what I’ve seen, she’s done a tremendous job without help from you or anyone else. You damn well better remember that when you’re deciding how to move forward.” Rock clasped his shoulder. “Becca loved you once and loves your kid. I don’t want to beat the shit out of you because you break her heart a second time.”

  Confusion flashed across Wrangler’s face.

  “An idiot can see you still love her. Find a way you and Becca can make this thing work without destroying each other.”

  Wrangler thought of Rock’s words as he watched Jamie kick the ball around with Tess and Wrath. Cara’s voice had him turning to see her and Becca returning to the kitchen. They took one look at him and their conversation stalled.

  “Great pasta salad, Wrangler. I didn’t know you could make anything besides barbequing steak.”

  Forcing a grin, he watched Becca as he replied to Cara. “It’s Mom’s recipe. Pretty hard to mess it up.”

  Glancing between the two, Cara moved to the door. “I think I’ll go see if they’ll let me join them. I used to be pretty good at soccer.”

  Neither spoke for several long moments. The tension built until Wrangler took a step toward her, wincing when Becca took a step back.

  Crossing his arms, he leaned against the counter. “How do you want to do this?”

  “Not at all.”

  Stifling a chuckle, he dropped his arms. “This is going to happen today, Becca. It’s time I was a part of Jamie’s life.”

  “It won’t be easy, Quinn.”

  “I don’t expect it to be.”

  Giving a slight shake of her head, she met his gaze. “You don’t understand.” She paced to the other side of the spacious kitchen, putting more space between them. “As Jamie got older, he asked about his father. A lot, Quinn. For so many years, I’d shoved aside his questions, giving him little information, other than his father was busy working.”

  Wrangler’s throat worked, but he didn’t respond.

  “By the time he turned seven, I found it impossible to keep the truth from him. Jamie has always been inquisitive, questioning everything. One evening after dinner, he asked again. Actually, he asked why you left us. It broke my heart to see the hurt on his face.” Shoving aside her concern over how Wrangler might react, she hurried on. “I told him the truth, Quinn.”

  His features hardened. “Which was?”

  “I told Jamie you left me before learning about him. He continued pressing, asking why I didn’t let you know. He was certain you’d come running back to us if you knew about him. Every child’s fantasy, I suppose. You know, that they’re truly wanted and loved by both parents. Anyway, I explained you didn’t want to be found, Quinn.” Clasping her hands in front of her, Becca let out a distressed sigh. “He never asked me about you again. Although I did overhear him talking with friends over the years.”


  “Jamie told his friends you didn’t want us. Didn’t care anything about us, and…” Her troubled gaze met his. “I’m sorry, Quinn. He told his friends he hates you.”

  Charging at Wrangler, Jamie shoved into him, beating his hands on his father’s chest. “I hate you. Hate you! You didn’t want me or Mom.” Tears began to stream down his face. He didn’t care, consumed with fury at a father who cared nothing about him. Didn’t want him.

  “Jamie, honey.” Becca came up behind him, placing her hands on his shoulders, drawing him back. “This isn’t going to help.” She looked up at Quinn, wincing at the pain on his face, yet he said nothing.

  Turning, Jamie wrapped his arms around Becca’s waist, laying his head against her stomach. “I hate him,” he choked out. Glancing over his shoulder, he glared at his father. Dropping his arms from around his mother, he ran, heading toward the lake, then veering right, continuing on a path along the water’s edge.

  “Jamie!” Becca started to follow, stopping when Quinn grabbed her arm.

  “I’ll go.”

  “You’re the last person he needs.”

  “I’m the only person my son needs right now. You stay here. I’ll bring him back when he’s ready.”

  “No!” She grabbed his arm, trying to stop his progress. Quinn was too big, too strong, shaking her off with little effort. Trying to catch up to him, she stopped when Wrath, Cara, Rock, and Tessa came up beside her.

  Wrath placed an arm over her shoulders. “Let him do this, Becca.”

  “He doesn’t know what to say.”

  Snorting out a laugh, he tightened his hold when she tried to get away. “Wrangler knows a lot about kids. Knows how their minds work. He might surprise you.”

  “Look, Becca.” Tessa moved in front of her. “There is nothing you can do right now to change the pain Jamie and Wrangler are feeling. They need to talk, even if Jamie screams at him. Until he vents his anger, they won’t be able to have a real conversation.”

  Crossing her arms, she glared at her friend. “And you know this how?”

  Rock placed a hand on the small of Tessa’s back, offering support. “I’m a pediatrician. Part of what I do is help families through t
ough times, such as this. I sit through sessions where children and parents talk through abandonment, adoption, foster care. Every issue you can imagine. Once the secret is out, there’s no way to draw it back. All you can do is immediate damage control, then move on in whatever way works for everyone.”

  Cara set a hand on Becca’s arm. “Wrangler is good at damage control. Give him a chance.”

  She glanced around her friends, trying to spot Jamie and his father. “How long do I give them?”

  “As long as it takes, Becca,” Tessa offered. “I doubt they’ll be gone for too long. Come on. It’ll be better if you keep busy. Let’s go break out the brownies you made.”

  “Jamie, wait!” Wrangler could’ve caught up with him at any time. He preferred his son stop on his own.

  “Leave me alone.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t do that, son.”

  Halting, Jamie turned around, swiping at tears. “Don’t call me that. I don’t need a father, especially not you.” Whirling back around, he continued along the path, shoulders slumping.

  It took several more minutes for Jamie to stop. Glancing behind him, he glared at Wrangler. “Stop following me.”

  “I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?” Jamie shot back.

  Approaching slowly, Wrangler stopped a few feet away, not wanting him to take off again. “No matter how much you hate me, you’re my son.”

  “I don’t want to be your son.”

  Arms hanging loose at his sides, he took another step closer. “I don’t blame you. I’d feel the same if my father had abandoned me.”

  Slowly, Jamie lifted his face. “Mom said you didn’t know about me.”

  “It’s true. I didn’t.”

  “She tried to find you.”

  Letting out a pained breath, Wrangler bent down, picking up a smooth, flat rock, skimming it across the water’s surface.

  “She did. I didn’t want to be found.”

  Grabbing another rock, he rubbed it between his fingers before sending it off to glide across the water.

  “Why didn’t you love my mom?”

  The question, asked in an almost grown-up tone, caused Wrangler’s chest to squeeze. “I’ve always loved your mother, Jamie.”

  “That’s a lie! You don’t leave someone you love.” Turning his back on him, Jamie started back along the trail, Wrangler right behind him.

  “You’re right. What I did was wrong. If I could go back, change my decision, I would.”

  Not responding, Jamie kept walking.

  “I’ve never stopped loving your mother. And I love you. I hope you’ll give me the chance to prove it.”

  Whirling on him, Jamie stormed forward, shoving Wrangler away. “Don’t say that. You don’t love me or Mom.” Anger gave way to tears as he pounded on his father’s chest. “I hate you.”

  Tears gave way to sobs before Wrangler wrapped his arms around Jamie, ignoring the moisture on his own face. “I hate myself, son.”

  Pacing back and forth beside the picnic table, Becca continued to send a worried look at the lake. “They’ve been gone so long. What if something happened?”

  Walking to her, Wrath settled an arm over her shoulders. “Wrangler will never let anything hurt Jamie.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Because I know my brother. He’d protect him with his life.”

  Moving away, she took several steps closer to the water. “We should’ve waited to tell him until it was just the three of us.”

  Tessa shook her head. “It wouldn’t have mattered where you were or what was said. As soon as Jamie learned Wrangler was his father, he would’ve reacted the same way.”

  Cara nodded. “He never expected to meet his father. This came as a complete surprise. He’ll need time to accept Wrangler into his life.”

  “What if Jamie never accepts him?”

  “All boys want to know their father. Want to be loved by both parents. Jamie’s no exception,” Tessa said.

  “Plus, he’s young, Becca. His anger will subside and curiosity will take over. He’ll want to know all he can about Wrangler and his life,” Cara added.

  “What if he hates both of us?”

  Before anyone could respond, the sound of muffled voices had them turning toward the lake. Wrangler and Jamie came into view a moment later, Wrangler’s hand on his son’s shoulder. Looking up, Jamie’s face brightened when he spotted Becca. Running toward her, a smile broke across his tear-stained face.

  “He’s going to take me for a ride on his motorcycle, Mom. It’s all right, isn’t it?”

  Wrapping her arms around him, she lifted her gaze to Wrangler’s, who nodded. “If you do exactly as your father asks, then yes, you can go on a ride with him. But not today. We need to get home. Remember, you have school tomorrow.”

  Whipping around, he stepped closer to Wrangler. “Can you pick me up from school?”

  Heart hammering at the question, he looked once more at Becca. “If it’s all right with your mother.”

  “I don’t—”

  “Please, Mom.”

  Stepping to within a couple feet of Becca, Wrangler stared down at their son. “If you’re not comfortable, I can pick him up another time.”

  “I’ll be fine, Mom.” Jamie looked at his father. “Right?”

  “You can count on it. I’ll bring a helmet your size. But it’s up to you to wear the right gear.”

  Jamie’s brows furrowed. “Gear?”

  “Long pants and a jacket.”

  “Great. So, can he come to school, Mom?”

  Becca watched the two, already jealous at the bond they’d begun to form. At least Jamie was giving his father a chance.

  “All right. I’ll let the school know tomorrow morning.”

  Jumping up and down, Jamie hugged her. “Thanks.”

  “Go get your backpack and ball. We need to head out.”

  Waiting until he’d disappeared into the house, she shifted toward Wrangler. “It went all right?”

  Shrugging, he ran a hand through his hair, noticing the others had drifted away, giving them space. “As well as you’d expect. He still hates me, but is willing to give me a shot at being his dad.”

  “All right.”

  Wrangler wanted to ask if she’d give him another chance, but knew it would be too much, and way too soon. “I’d like to spend time with him alone, Becca. Will you allow me to do that?”

  She took a minute to respond, coming to terms with the change in their lives. “How much time?”

  “As much as you’ll allow me. I could pick him up after school tomorrow and take him to the climbing wall, then to the Pizza Joint.”

  “He’s never been to a climbing wall.”

  Wrangler looked beyond her to Jamie, who exploded from the house. “It’s going to work out all right, Becca. You just need to trust me.”

  Chapter Ten

  Becca tossed her purse on the desk Monday morning, still trying to come to terms with the events of the day before. Jamie had been excited about the motorcycle ride later today, but less so when it came to spending time with Quinn.

  It had taken quite a bit of time for him to settle down and fall asleep, even asking her to read him a story. Something he hadn’t done in a couple years. Afterward, she’d sat in the living room while sipping a glass of wine. Something she never did, which resulted in her own sleepless night.

  Jamie’s announcement while preparing for bed had stunned Becca. Quinn told their son he’d always loved her. A complete lie, of course. He would’ve said anything to get Jamie to give him a chance. As long as he didn’t disappoint him, she didn’t care if he lied about having feelings for her. He’d done it in the past, so why not now?

  Shoving her purse into a drawer, Becca checked messages, made coffee, and looked over the files on her desk, her unease growing. Cara normally arrived in the office long before now. She knew her boss still fought morning sickness, although the bouts were coming less often.

  Shaking off the worry, Becca grabbed Cara’s messages. Opening the door to her office, she stepped inside, her stomach lurching.

  “Oh, my God.” Rushing forward, she turned in a circle, fear tightening her throat.

  Cara’s desk had been cleared, the contents, along with files from several open cabinets, strewn across the floor. Taking a hesitant step, she bent down, picking up a broken frame holding a picture of Cara and Wrath riding their Harleys.

  Breaths coming in gasps, she hurried to her desk, dialing Cara’s number. Getting voicemail, she clutched the phone to her ear.

  “Where are you? You need to get to the office right away.”

  Ending the call, she hesitated a moment before dialing Wrath’s number. He picked up on the second ring.

  “It’s Becca. I tried to reach Cara, but she didn’t answer.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Someone broke in and destroyed Cara’s office. I was going to call the police, but remembered none of you trusted Abernathy.”

  “You did the right thing, Becca. I’ll call Ethan and we’ll join you at the office.”

  “All right.”

  “I want you to go downstairs and wait for us. Don’t stay in the office alone.”

  She wanted to ask why, but he’d already hung up. Walking back to Cara’s office, she pulled out her phone, taking several pictures. Becca knew she should heed Wrath’s directive and leave, but something tugged at her.

  Shaking it off, Becca snatched her purse from the drawer and headed downstairs. She’d just set foot on the first floor when Quinn charged inside, followed by Wrath and Ethan.

  “Is Cara with you?” Becca asked.

  Wrath shook his head. “She had a flat tire down the road from our house. Road service is there now. She knows there’s a problem and will get here as soon as they’re finished.”

  “I left the office door open. All the damage is in Cara’s office.”

  Wrath bounded up the stairs while Ethan took a step closer to Becca.

  “It’s been a long time, Becca.”

  “I know. It’s good to see you again, Ethan. Will this cause problems with the police chief?”


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