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Page 10

by Shirleen Davies

  “It doesn’t matter because I’m not letting you pay for it.”

  Resting his arm across the back of the sofa, he leaned closer. “I’ve got the money, Bec, and I want to do this for you.”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  “Then let me pay for the upcoming session so you don’t have to worry about a loan.”

  Swallowing, she stared at the screen, focusing on the outlandish amount required for a law degree. “I can’t, Quinn.”

  “I’m not asking for anything from you, and this isn’t some kind of bribe to see Jamie more often. I plan to file for joint custody this week, so that’s not an issue.”

  Becca’s startled gaze met his, eyes changing from anger to…what? Sorrow? Standing, she crossed her arms, glaring down at him. “I’m not taking your money. Period. This is my dream, and I’m paying for it myself. Now, if you don’t mind, I’ve got stuff to do.” Ignoring the flash of pain on his face, she dropped her arms, stepping over his legs on her way to the front door.

  Shoving out of the sofa, he headed to the kitchen. “Gotta head out, bud.”

  “So soon? I thought maybe you and Mom, well…could spend time together like you did with me.”

  “That isn’t possible, Jamie. I have work to do, so he has to go.” Becca grimaced at the bitchy tone in her voice. “Look, how about Quinn picks you up from school again this week?” She turned to look at Wrangler. “If it’s all right with you.”

  The mission he’d be heading out for had him hopping a helo at five in the morning and didn’t know when he’d get back. “How about Friday?”

  “Yeah!” Jamie pumped his fist into the air.

  Her heart simultaneously swelled and broke at their son’s enthusiasm. Their son. The thought had her glancing away before finding the courage to look at Wrangler.

  “Friday it is. Do you need me to leave anything at the school for you?”

  Wrangler shot a vigilant look at Jamie. “How about we go fishing?”

  “Really! That would be great.”

  Becca looked between the two. “Old clothes it is.”

  “If it’s all right with Rock, we’ll use his boat. You’ll have to wear a PFD, buddy.”

  Brows scrunching together, Jamie cocked his head. “A what?”

  “Personal flotation device. You know. A life jacket. Pack a pair of board shorts for him, Bec.”

  She really wished he wouldn’t use the pet name he’d called her all those years ago. “Sure.”

  “Guess I’d better take off. See you Friday.”

  Jamie’s infectious smile kicked Wrangler in the gut. “See you Friday.”

  Heading to the door, he stopped and turned around. “Think about the money.” He held up a hand when she started to argue. “I know you hate me, Bec. Hate the fact I’m back in your life and Jamie’s, but the money comes without strings. If you need it, all you have to do is send me a message and it’s yours.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Quinn’s gaze moved over Becca’s naked body before deepening the kiss, one hand stroking over her stomach. “So soft. So perfect,” he breathed against her mouth, his fingers playing with the soft curls at the apex of her thighs.

  Leaning down, he took one peaked nipple into his mouth, suckling. Becca squirmed, arching into him, silently telling him what she wanted. A soft chuckle, the warm breath fanning her breast, was his reply.

  “Please, Quinn.”

  “I won’t be rushed tonight, Bec.” Stroking her damp folds, he continued to suckle, pushing two fingers inside her heat. Rocking against his intrusion, her deep moans shot through him, intensifying his own need.

  He kissed her fiercely until passion consumed him. Lowering his head, he caressed her breasts and the valley between, his control slipping. He moved lower, kissing every part of her with sweet tenderness and rampant need. Covering her with his body, he positioned himself above her and thrust inside.

  Wrapping her legs around him, she met each thrust, her pleasure wild and heated. Slipping a hand between them, he circled her clit, massaging fiercely until he felt her body stiffen. On a rush of ecstasy, she screamed his name, her breath coming in ragged gasps. Unable to hold back any longer, he found his own release.

  Moisture dripping from his face, Wrangler’s eyes opened to slits, sheets wrapped so tight they confined his legs. Reaching out, he felt the cold, empty touch of reality. What had felt so real, so achingly perfect, had been nothing but a dream.

  Swallowing the ache, he closed his eyes, swiping at one errant tear. The same dream, with minor variations, had plagued him for years. After finding her again, they became more frequent, intensifying with each passing night.

  He’d wake alone, feeling a deep sense of loss and regret. Wrangler had taken hundreds of women to his bed over the last ten years, none giving him the solace he needed. Only one woman could fill the cavernous ache, yet she wanted nothing to do with him.

  Covering his eyes with an arm, he thought of the dream, the incredible satisfaction of being in her arms again. Thoughts drifting, he once again wondered if Becca remembered their passion-filled nights, afternoons of lovemaking. Did she ever think about them?


  “Do you want to tell me how those fuckin’ idiots you sent to the office didn’t find the file?” Victor had been raging for the last five minutes over the lack of progress in Liberty Lake.

  He and Dorn had been so certain the file would be found, he’d left town for several days, comfortable in the knowledge their men would take care of the problem. Victor now wished he’d taken a few more antacids after breakfast.

  “Wish I had the answer,” Dorn said. “After searching her apartment and finding nothing, it seemed logical the bitch would stuff it among the files in the law office.”

  “But you didn’t go along on that one, did you, Dorn?” Victor tossed back his second whiskey before ten in the morning, swallowing a couple antacids. “Instead, you left it up to that sonofabitch Burn and his men.”

  “He assured me the best men would be sent.”

  “Fuck, Dorn. His best men didn’t even know to disable the security cameras.”

  Dorn had paid one of the security guards well for a chance to review the footage. The amount had increased when he’d sent the guard for coffee, giving Dorn time to erase the images of the men wearing Night Devil cuts.

  “They’re muscle-bound, slack-brained imbeciles,” Victor thundered. “Might as well have sent in a couple high schoolers. At least they’d have known to kill the cameras and take the computers. Burn’s men didn’t even have the intelligence to do that.” Stalking to one of the large windows, he pulled back the curtain, gazing out on his lush backyard garden. Sucking in a long breath, he attempted to calm himself before he’d be forced to swallow the bottle of pills before lunch.

  “I’ll take one of our men and try again.”

  Dropping the curtain, he whirled around. “No. They’ll be watching.”

  “They didn’t check Miss North’s desk last time.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Why the hell not?” Rubbing his forehead, Victor began pacing, a sure sign he was going to completely lose it if he didn’t regain control.

  “According to Burn, the drawers were locked and weren’t the size to hold files. Plus the barking of a couple coyotes who chose that exact time to run through the parking lot.” Dorn stifled a chuckle, knowing Victor would take his head off. His boss didn’t have a humorous gene in his body. “They scrambled out of there in case the guards came nosing around.”

  Shoving himself away from the edge of Victor’s desk, he moved a few more feet away from the man. If his boss had one of his infamous volcanic eruptions, Dorn didn’t want to be any closer than three yards.

  “That’s why I need to go back. The file isn’t in her apartment or in the lawyer’s office. Unless she’s got it stashed in a safe deposit box, it’s got to be in her desk. My guess is it’s sitting in one of the drawers, buried under several bags of corn chips.�

  Victor snorted at the reminder of Rebecca’s favorite snack. She had bags stuffed in her car, purse, the desk at her previous job. He’d even found a stash in his kitchen. To his knowledge, they were the only vice the green-eyed beauty had.

  “What a fuckin’ mess.” Pacing back to his desk, Victor sat down, massaging the growing ache at his temples. “I want you out of it for now.”

  “If not me, what’s your solution? We can’t sit around and do nothing. What she has could destroy all we’ve worked for…and get us killed if the wrong people learn of its existence.”

  “Everything inside the file is coded. The Night Devils never would’ve been able to decipher it. That’s why they were a good choice.”

  “Quintero does have the talent within his organization. If he finds out you kept the important shit in a file, our lives will be as worthless as your ex-girlfriend’s.”

  Victor’s gaze rose to meet Dorn’s, his eyes narrowed and menacing. “No one is to kill Becca. She took the file as protection so I wouldn’t come after her.”

  “So you’ve finally decided she did take it.” Dorn felt a slight measure of gratification.

  “You were right. No one else had the chance or would’ve been as bold. But I guarantee she won’t use it unless she feels her life or her son’s is in danger.”

  “Fine,” Dorn said. “We rough her up enough to confess where she hid it and leave her with a stern warning. I’ll go. You know I can scare the hell out of Satan himself if the job demands it.”

  Lifting his hands to smooth back his hair, Victor’s stoic features were as hard as granite. “I wouldn’t take that bet, my friend.”

  “Are you saying we shouldn’t frighten her enough to give it up?”

  Victor’s face softened a little. “Not at all. I’ve always wondered if the straight-laced beauty enjoyed it rough. Perhaps I should be the one to go.”

  “Not a chance, Victor. You need to stay as far away from Liberty Lake, and Miss North, as possible.”

  “Very well.” Leaning forward, he rested both arms on top of the desk. “Rough her up enough to get her to talk, but do not mar her face, break any bones, or cause permanent damage. Take one of our men to keep watch while you get the information, then have him stay with her while you retrieve the file. Afterward, she’ll never hear from us again.”

  Rubbing his jaw, Dorn nodded. “If that’s what you want.”

  “I do. Rebecca may be the only decent woman I’ve ever had in my life. A flower in a thick sea of weeds, Dorn. Do you understand?”

  His confidante nodded, even though he didn’t understand Victor’s infatuation with the woman. Yes, she was stunning. Unlike most women Victor chose, she was smart and dedicated to her son. Still, she was just another woman threatening to ruin their lives.

  “Understood.” Standing, he headed toward the door.



  “Heed my warning. You’re not to do more than scare Rebecca enough to give up the location of the file. Anything more and you’ll deal with me.”

  Liberty Lake

  Fighting another sleepless night, Becca couldn’t get Quinn’s parting words out of her head. If you need it, all you have to do is send me a message and it’s yours. Stubborn pride and hurt had once again colored her reaction to him. An extremely generous offer with nothing expected in return.

  She should’ve been gracious and accepted. Instead, Becca had been obstinate, wary about taking anything from him. If he wanted to use his money on Jamie, she’d accept it with genuine thanks. Using his money on her couldn’t happen. Becca may not hate him, but love and trust were no longer possible. Not after all the years he’d never made one attempt to find her.

  Kicking off the covers, she shrugged into a flannel shirt before plodding to the kitchen in a state she considered too tired to sleep. Making a cup of chamomile tea, she cradled it in the palms of both hands, staring out the kitchen window to the dark, star-studded night.

  When they’d been together, she and Wrangler used to lounge outside on similar nights, counting stars while making up stories of their future. At the time, a future which included them together. Over the years, Becca had never allowed herself to count stars again, telling herself it had been a silly, naïve activity. Fine for a young woman of nineteen. Foolish for a single mother of twenty-one with the responsibility of a small baby. Never again would she allow herself to be drawn into fantasies which held no place in the real world.

  Lowering herself onto the sofa, she set the cup down, dragging the laptop forward. An hour later, she was still sleepy and no closer to a loan with such a short timeframe. Closing the laptop in frustration, she picked up the now cold cup, finishing it in three swallows.

  “Take it a step at a time,” she whispered, knowing living the mantra wouldn’t happen. If she was accepted with no funds allowing her to register, she’d be no better off than right now. Letting out an irritated groan, she returned to the kitchen.

  “Mama.” Jamie’s sleepy voice came from around the corner. When tired, scared, or needing comfort, he always called her mama, the same as he’d done when he was little.

  “I’m here.”

  Rubbing his eyes, he walked into her open arms. “Why are you up so early?”

  Becca felt a smile tug at her lips. “Couldn’t sleep. Did I wake you?”

  “No.” Taking a small step back, Jamie looked up at her. “I like him.”

  She didn’t have to ask to know who he meant, wishing she could feel the same. “That’s good.”

  “Everyone at the clubhouse likes him. A lot, Mom.”

  “I’m not surprised. Quinn always made friends easily.” Both women and men, she didn’t add.

  “Why doesn’t he love us anymore?”

  Closing her eyes, Becca let the pain wash over her, wishing she had an answer. There was one thing she knew for certain.

  “He does loves you, Jamie. Very much.”

  “But not you?"

  Feeling her throat strain to work, she shook her head. “No. Not me.” The three short words pulsed with emotion.

  “I love you. Why can’t he?”

  This wasn’t what she wanted to face a few hours before sunrise. She needed sleep, as did Jamie. “Sometimes people fall out of love. Your father, well, he…”

  Becca had always done her best not to lie to her son. Right now, she wasn’t certain the truth would do anything except damage Quinn’s image in Jamie’s heart.

  “We were young. Your father had big dreams and wasn’t ready to get married. Instead of taking our love with him, he left it behind. I think he believed I’d meet someone else, fall in love, and forget him.”

  “You didn’t.”

  “No one I met ever measured up to him. Besides, I gave all my love to you when your father left.”

  “What if he changes his mind and wants to love you again?”

  She stifled her incredulous answer at such an absurd question. “He won’t. He has a new life now. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s seeing someone.”

  Jamie’s nose scrunched, mouth twisting in disgust. “You mean a girlfriend?”

  “Well, he is handsome and smart. Most women would love to be his girlfriend.”

  The hint of a smile crossed his face. “Maybe you could be his girlfriend, Mom.”

  Choking out a laugh, she once again shook her head. “I’m afraid that isn’t an option any longer.” Although a tiny part of Becca desperately wanted a second chance, she knew the thought had never crossed Quinn’s mind.

  “He loves you, Jamie, and that’s what’s important. He wants to be a dad and spend more time with you. Isn’t that great?” Becca forced a smile she didn’t feel.

  “Okay.” His resigned tone had her tensing.

  “Don’t you want to spend more time with him?”

  “Yeah, but I want you to be with us, too.”

  “Ah, Jamie. I wish snapping my fingers would bring you the family you deserve. I’m afraid you
’re stuck with me.”

  “And Wrangler.”

  “You’ll have a mother and a father. We just won’t be living in the same place. Besides, your dad has a big, beautiful home right by the lake. Did he show you his horses?”

  Eyes widening, Jamie shook his head. “He has real horses?”

  “Cara said he has two and is buying another. They were in the barn when we went there last Sunday. I’ll bet if you asked, he’d show them to you.” She could see the excitement grow on Jamie’s face.

  “Will he let me ride one?”

  “Maybe.” Reaching out, she stroked a hand over hair so much like his father’s it made her heart ache. “We should get back to bed. Morning will be coming real soon.”

  Grateful Jamie didn’t argue or ask more questions, she followed him down the hall and into his bedroom. “Can you get back to sleep?”

  His mouth opening in a wide yawn gave her the answer. “Night, Mom.”

  Leaning down, she brushed a kiss across his forehead. “Goodnight. Sleep fast.”

  The giggle at their shared joke raised her spirits. Heading across the hall, she burrowed herself under the sheets, hoping sleep would claim her.

  Instead, she thought over what Jamie had revealed. It didn’t surprise her that he wanted a relationship with his father. It was every boy’s dream. At nine, the two had lots of time ahead of them. Even if he didn’t have a girlfriend now, Becca knew someday he’d meet a woman and fall in love. Real love this time, not the kind so easily left behind.

  Chest squeezing at the pain she tried so hard to hide from Jamie, a tear rolled down her cheek, followed by another, then another. It was going to be so hard to share custody. At some point, she’d drop Jamie off or he’d pick him up and there’d be a woman with Quinn. A woman who would share his life.

  Burying her face into the pillow, she let the sobs come. Until moving to Liberty Lake, she hadn’t cried over Quinn in years. Now she couldn’t stop.

  A memory from the summer after her senior year of high school skittered across her mind. He’d completed his sophomore year in college, had a summer job, but came home for a few days to celebrate her eighteenth birthday.


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