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Page 16

by Shirleen Davies

  Clutching his shoulders, Becca arched into him, moaning at the intense pleasure. His hand moved lower, over the roundness of her stomach to the edge of her jeans. Continuing to suckle her breast, he hesitated a split second before quickly releasing the top button and drawing down the zipper.

  When his hand reached the juncture of her thighs, fingers playing with the silken curls, she squirmed against him. Rising to his knees, he slid off her shoes, drawing the jeans and panties down her legs and dropping them onto the floor.

  Placing a hand under her back, he lifted carefully, removing her shirt and bra before tossing them on top of the other clothes. Staring down at her naked body, his breath hitched, heart racing.

  “You’re more beautiful than I remember.”

  A slow smile curved her lips as she reached up, releasing his jeans, wrapping her fingers around his hard length. Throwing his head back, he groaned in pleasure as she stroked him. Her hand tightened on him, squeezing lightly, her pace increasing.

  Breath coming in gasps, his hand wrapped around her wrist. “You have to stop, sweetheart, or this well end much too soon.”

  “Only if you take off your clothes.”

  Smirking, he reached over his shoulders and pulled off his shirt, then removed his boots, shoving his pants down. Lifting a brow, she grinned.


  Not answering, he stretched out beside her, capturing her mouth in an intense, heated kiss. Aligning their naked bodies, his hand moved between her thighs, fingers caressing her moist folds before delving inside and stroking in and out.

  Moving his mouth to her breast, he drew it in, his tongue sweeping over the taut bud while his thumb stroked her clit. Clutching at him, she arched her hips into his hand, a mindless cry breaking from her lips as the orgasm tore through her.

  Giving her no time to come down, he moved to hover over her, spreading her legs wide. Positioning his swollen head at her entrance, he stroked her a few more times with his thumb before burying himself deep inside with a slow thrust.

  She gasped, arching beneath him. Her legs coiled around his hips, holding him close as he moved in and out, stretching and filling her.

  His mouth covered hers as his thrusts came faster, more frantic. He wanted to make this last, drawing out their pleasure. But the feel of her skin against his, the unique scent he’d never forgotten, and the desperate touch of her hands on his back and hips overwhelmed him.

  Her deep moans of pleasure broke his last shred of control. Reaching between them, he rubbed her already sensitive clit. Arching her back, she drew him deeper inside before crying out his name in uninhibited ecstasy. Surging forward, his body grew taut, a shout of pleasure erupting before he followed with his own mind-blowing release.

  Wrangler didn’t know how long they lay there, his arms banded around her as Becca slept. He already wanted her again. Giving her up after this wasn’t an option. If she awoke and regretted what they’d done, he’d convince her otherwise. It would be his mission in life to convince Becca that even after the suffering they’d caused each other, they were meant to grow old together.

  Feeling her stir, he stroked his hand up and down her naked hips and legs, trying to ignore his already hardening erection. Leaning down, he brushed a kiss across her swollen lips, seeing her eyes flutter open.

  Licking her lips, she reached up, cupping his cheek. “You really are here.”

  Stroking fingers along her jaw, down the column of her neck, he bent, touching his mouth to hers. “I’ll always be here, sweetheart.”

  “So this isn’t a dream? You won’t disappear if I close my eyes?”

  The slight quiver of doubt in her voice cut deep, his chest tightening at causing her any despair. Wrangler wondered how long it would take to remove every bit of uncertainty.

  “I’m afraid you’re stuck with me, Bec.”

  “But are you certain about being stuck with me?”

  Gripping her chin, he tilted her face up, placing another kiss on her lush lips. “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life.” When she opened her mouth, he pressed a finger against it. “Anything, Bec. I want you more than my next breath. If I hadn’t been such a—”

  She stopped his next words by capturing his mouth with hers, deepening it so he could say nothing more. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she moaned into his mouth before drawing back.

  “We can’t go back, Quinn. If we have any chance of making this work, we must look at the future.”

  His mouth slid upward, triggering a deep flutter in her stomach. The man had the most disarming way about him. Charming in a boyish sense, which had always drawn Becca to him. Time hadn’t changed his effect on her or the impact to her heart.

  “What time is it?”

  Leaning down, he slid his phone from the pocket of his pants, then blew out a soft curse.

  “What is it, Quinn?”

  His apologetic gaze met hers. “We didn’t use protection.”


  He didn’t miss the despondent tone of her reply. It took little to read her thoughts. “If you think I would mind getting you pregnant, you’re wrong.”

  Sitting up, she winced at the slight pain from her bruised ribs. “Do you want more children?”

  Moving beside her, he settled an arm over her shoulders. “What I want is for us to marry. Afterward, I plan to work real hard at growing our family.”

  Laughter burst from her, creating another flash of pain in her chest. Raising a hand, she touched the small, square bandage on her cheekbone, wondering how she’d felt no pain when they’d been making love.

  He shifted to face her. “Are you all right? Was I too rough?”

  Hearing the worry in his voice, she shook her head. “No. I was just wondering why neither my ribs nor face hurt while we made love.”

  A mischievous grin brightened his face. “Well now, I don’t know.” Leaning over, he took her mouth in a searing kiss before drawing back. “Maybe we should do some experimenting.”

  Pulling her close, they both froze at voices from the front of the house.

  “Damn. I forgot Tracker and Fargo were coming over to stay with you while I pick up Jamie from school.” Remembering also brought a wave of guilt. What had he been thinking, making love to Becca when men were after her?

  “Hey, Wrangler. You guys home?”

  “Tracker,” he muttered. “Get dressed while I go out and talk to them.” Brushing a quick kiss over her lips, he dressed, shutting the door behind him.

  Becca didn’t move, afraid if she did, the last hour with Wrangler would go up in smoke. Glancing around, she forced herself to breathe. Had she been a fool to give herself to him? Did he truly intend to marry her, create a real family?


  She glanced up, not having heard the door open. “Yes?”

  “Don’t overthink what happened. I love you, and we’re going to make this work.” Flashing his patented grin, he closed the door as a chuckle broke from her lips.

  “Are you certain?” Wrangler’s muscles tensed, unease swirling through him.

  “Raider hacked Lew’s voicemail. There’s no question Becca took something from Ellison before moving to Liberty Lake.” Tracker reached into his pocket, pulling out a folded piece of paper. “Raider copied the messages for you. Wrath, Ghost, and Rock already know. The prez says it’s up to you to get the information from Becca.”

  Leaning back in his chair, Wrangler scrubbed both hands over his face, a ball of ice building in his stomach. Why hadn’t she told him about the file? The answer was all too clear. She didn’t trust him.

  “I’ll handle it, but it’ll have to wait until I get Jamie from school.” Plus, he needed time to sort out how to approach Becca without endangering their fragile relationship. “What else did Raider discover?”

  Tracker leaned forward, resting his arms on his thighs. “Ellison and his close associate, Dorn Rawlins, are heavily tied into the Night Devils, as well as the Quintero Carte
l. They’re in deep, Wrangler. Drug running, human trafficking. If Becca took a file that could tie them to the illegal activities…” He didn’t need to say more.

  Swallowing the rush of bile, Wrangler stood, pacing several feet away. Opening his phone, he called the clubhouse.

  “Wrath, I need you or Rock to pick up Jamie from school. You’re both on the list.”

  “Already on my way. Did Tracker and Fargo give you what Raider learned?”

  “I’m holding it in my hand. Why didn’t she tell me?”

  There was a long pause before Wrath answered. “Do you have to ask?”

  Shredding a hand through his hair, he blew out a curse. “No. But it’s different now.”

  “You want to share?”

  “Hell no. You’ll have to take my word for it. That’s why I need you to get Jamie. Becca and I need to talk, and it can’t wait.”

  “Be careful. No matter what happened between you two in the last few days, she’s scared. Let her know we’re all here to help. Whatever she needs, Wrangler. She and Jamie are family.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Becca needed a shower. Lots of hot water, lasting until the heat ran out. Instead, the doctor had told her to wait a couple more days. It hadn’t seemed a problem until falling into bed with Wrangler.

  Wetting the hand towel, she moved it along her arms, down her body, thinking about the last hour. Unexpected and wonderful. So much more than her most vivid fantasies.

  She’d been with a total of three men, two after Wrangler left. The most recent being Victor, which happened only one time. It hadn’t been right comparing them to her ex-boyfriend, but it was difficult not to. Today reminded her why.

  Wringing out the towel, she leaned against the edge of the counter, doing what Wrangler had told her not to do. Second guess herself. Becca couldn’t shake the fear she’d made a horrible mistake giving in to her burning need for him.

  Hearing tapping on her door, she slipped into her robe, padding across the bedroom to open it. “Quinn.” She pulled the door wide, wondering why he knocked. “Come in.”

  Walking several feet into the room, he turned to face her, his expression not at all what she’d expected.

  “What’s wrong?” Then she held up a hand, her heart sinking. “Let me guess. You’ve changed your mind. It was a mistake, and—”

  Snaking an arm around her waist, he drew Becca to him, his mouth covering hers. There was nothing gentle about this kiss. It was hard, demanding, almost punishing in intensity before he lifted his head and dropped his hold. He didn’t smile.

  “You’ve got to get that shit out of your head.”

  Touching her lips, feeling them sting, she didn’t respond.

  Crossing his arms, his legs shoulder-width apart, he leveled a stern gaze at her. “We’ve been doing some digging, trying to discover why anyone would want to hurt you.”


  “Wrath, Rock, Ghost, and a few of the other men. I can’t tell you much, other than they’re as invested as me in keeping you and Jamie safe. We can’t do that unless you’re honest with me.”

  Raising her chin, Becca tried to stare him down. It didn’t work. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “Is that how you really want to play this, Bec? Because it’s not a game. Do you want me to tell you how I know?”

  Biting her lower lip, she clasped her hands together, giving a terse nod.

  Dropping his hands, accepting this might be harder than he’d first thought, he motioned to the bed. “Sit down.”

  “I’ll stand.”

  “This is no time to be obstinate, Bec.”

  “I’m still going to stand. What do you have?”

  Narrowing his gaze, he pulled the folded paper from his pocket, handing it over.

  “What is this?”

  “What you don’t want me to know.”

  Stomach clenching, she took the paper, her hand beginning to tremble. She prayed he didn’t notice. He did.

  “What’s in there isn’t going to change anything between us, Becca.”

  Glancing down at the paper, then back up at him, she unfolded it and began reading. With each sentence, the muscles in her stomach clenched more until she lowered herself onto the edge of the bed. Finishing, she folded the paper, handing it back.

  “Where’s the file?”

  She shook her head.

  “Becca, we need the file.”

  Shoving aside the fear he’d turn away, she jutted out her chin, back stiffening. “So you and your band of outlaws can use the information to make your own runs? Take out the competition?”

  “What the fuck, Bec?”

  “I don’t know why you turned away from your life as a Navy SEAL, and it’s not my business. What is my business is Jamie having a father who’s an outlaw biker. God only knows what kind of stuff you’re doing. How you make your money.”

  Shredding a hand through his hair, he turned away. He’d forgotten Becca knew nothing about Eternal Brethren’s true mission. It made him wonder why she’d decided to give him another chance. Or maybe she hadn’t. Maybe she hadn’t been as vested in what happened between them today as him.

  Whirling around, he pinned her with an unyielding stare, anger spiraling through him. “So you made love to me believing I’m nothing more than a criminal?” Taking a menacing step toward her, he placed fisted hands on his hips. “Was what happened between us some kind of playtime with the bad boy who makes his living by…what? Dealing drugs? No, wait. Trading in human beings maybe?”

  With each word, he twisted the blade deeper into her gut. Wrapping her arms around her waist, she forced herself to remain calm, knowing he was right. She should’ve asked him questions before they’d made love.

  “It wasn’t playtime, Quinn. Not for me.”

  “Then what was it, Becca?”

  When she didn’t answer, he dropped his hands to his sides, doing what he could to calm the pain in his chest. “Do you love me?”

  Looking up, she nodded. “Yes.”

  “But now you’re having second thoughts. The truth is, you’re not sure you want yourself or Jamie associated with someone like me. If so, you might as well bail now because with me, you get the whole package, babe.” He held out his hands, giving a slight shrug.

  Becca stared at him, his words ripping through her. “Don’t you think I already know that?”

  “No, I don’t think you do. If you did, you wouldn’t have mentioned me not being a fit father for Jamie.”

  Her own anger rising, she stood. “I didn’t say you aren’t a fit father. I’d never say that about you. It’s just…”

  “Just what?”

  “I should’ve learned more about you before…before we…”

  He raised a brow. “Had sex?”

  Moving to within a few inches of him, she shoved Wrangler’s chest with both hands. “It may have been just sex for you, but it wasn’t for me.”

  “Bec, I—”

  “Shut the fuck up, Quinn. You’ve had your say. Now it’s my turn.”

  Stunned, he tilted his head. “Was that a swear word coming out of your mouth?”

  “Fuck off.”

  Lips twitching, he took a small step closer. “Whoa. Two in less than thirty seconds. What would your mother say?”

  “Who do you think I learned them from?”

  He couldn’t hold back a laugh. Reaching out, he grabbed her shoulders, dragging her against him. “I need you to trust me, Bec. Not just with some stuff, but with everything.” Moving them to the bed, he sat down, pulling her onto his lap. “Ask me whatever you want, and I’ll do my best to answer you.”

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she studied his face. “You aren’t planning to lie to me?”

  “Hell no. If I can’t answer you, I won’t respond at all. Fair enough?”

  “All right. We’ll start with what I hope is an easy question. Do you love me?”

  “Wait. Do I get a kiss for each right answer?”
br />   Shoving his shoulder, she repeated the question. “Do you love me, Quinn?”

  His features sobered. “Yes. With every cell in my body, and that won’t change.”

  Relaxing at his answer, she tried another one. “Do you really want to marry me, have a family?”

  “More than my next breath. Are you sure I can’t have a kiss?”

  Lowering her head, she brushed her mouth against his, pulling back when he tried to deepen the kiss. “Okay. Tell me about the Eternal Brethren.”

  This was the part he dreaded. Wrath, Rock, and Ghost had navigated these waters fine, but could he? “What is it you want to know?”

  “Do you break the law?”


  Stunned, she drew back. “No?”

  “That’s what I said. Next question.”

  “But…” Becca didn’t know what else to ask. She’d been so certain they were one of the clubs buried in criminal activity.

  Rubbing circles on her back, he kissed her neck. “Speechless?”

  “How do you make your money?”

  “The old fashioned way. We work. I help run our dozen or so businesses in town. We may not look like much, but the Brethren are awesome entrepreneurs.” He pulled her close, nibbling her ear before moving to the corner of her mouth.

  “Wait. You run a dozen businesses?”

  Sighing, he lifted his head. “You work for Cara. Hasn’t she told you about them?”

  “A little. Still, I thought, well…given the way people in town talk about you…”

  Smoothing a hand down her hair, he kissed her again before setting her aside and standing. “The townsfolk believe what we want them to. I can’t tell you much, but I swear the work we do is legal and for the right side.”

  The right side. The words swirled in her head, a buzz of recognition materializing. “You’re a—”

  “Whatever you’re thinking, don’t say it. Someday, I’ll tell you more.”

  “But not today?”

  “No, sweetheart. I’ve already said too much. Now, back to the file.”


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