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Connor (Strauss Bear Shifter Brothers 0f Colorado Book 4)

Page 12

by Brittany White

  Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door being flung open and frantic footsteps racing towards her. A warm body slammed into her, sending pain sparking through her body, and Brooke twisted, ready to fight when Carlo’s familiar voice cried out her name, burying his head into her fur.

  “Brooke! Thank God you’re alright!”

  Brooke shifted instinctively, relishing the feeling of being held. His soft curls tickled her face and she looked up to see Angela standing at her other side, a relieved smile on her face. Behind her, three pairs of eyes stared at her. Simon, Lola and Ria. That made five.

  Five of her pack had waited for her. Brooke felt tears come to her eyes and she pushed Carlo back to rest her forehead against his.

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I drove everyone away - this never would have happened if I’d just kept my temper and told you when Connor and I-”

  “Don’t be fucking insane.” Angela dropped to her knees, eyes stern. “You’ve done more than enough for us over the years - probably too much - we got lazy. We all saw how much you were suffering, and we did nothing to help you.”

  “But they’re all gone, Ang, Vince staged a fucking mutiny, and they listened to him.” Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes, and it was suddenly hard to swallow past the lump in her throat. She looked away, unable to stand the idea of her pack, even this small part of it, seeing her this way. Again she wished for Connor and the safety to be weak that he provided. A hysterical laugh bubbled in her chest at the image of her curled in his ridiculously huge arms.

  “Vince has always been a manipulative bastard,” Angela said, bringing Brooke back to the problem at hand. “What they’re doing is wrong. We may not have been there for you in the past but we’re with you today.”

  “And if you have a bear boyfriend now? You wanna have a family and cute little mutant hybrid babies?” Carlo shrugged with a grin. “I already told you, I don’t mind.”

  Brooke had never felt more proud.

  “He’s my mate,” she said softly, allowing a grin to spread across her face at the words. It felt so wonderful to say them out loud. Connor Strauss was her mate.

  “About time,” Angela teased. “We're happy for you.”

  “Now,” Carlo climbed to his feet, “let’s go save your boyfriend.”

  The plan was simple - Vince and the rest of the pack would be heading back to the cabin by sundown to get Brooke, and when they discovered she wasn’t there they would head straight to the lodge. That meant Brooke and her group needed to ambush them before Vince and company got there.

  “Simon!” The youngest stepped forward nervously at her call and Brooke’s heart gave a leap. “I need you to go to Black Bear Lake Lodge and warn Connor and his brothers - if we don’t make it, they'll need all the time we can give them to prepare and get the guests out.”

  “But,” Simon’s voice was high and reedy with panic and Brooke had to lay a hand on his arm to try and calm him down. “They’ll never listen to me Brooke, you should go-”

  “You have to,” she interrupted. “I’m not letting you go running into a fight without me again - never again, you hear me?” They’d believe him, they had to. She gave a shaky sigh and steeled her gaze to hide her own nerves. “You’re the fastest one of us, Simon. Please, do this for me.”

  Simon watched her with wide eyes and Brooke wanted to tell him she was just as afraid as he was, more, even. She couldn’t bear the thought of losing her whole family in one day, but she had to be strong. She pulled him in, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “I know you can do this,” she whispered into his hair.

  She let him go and watched him shift.

  I won’t let you down, his voice was determined and strong in her mind and she knew he wouldn't. He turned and sprinted away into the trees. Brooke watched him for a few moments longer, confident she’d managed to get him out of harm's way.

  She just hoped the same could be said for the rest of them.



  When Connor arrived at the lodge, he found Eric, Nathan, and Cody and their mates already outside, waiting for him. Despite the whirlwind of emotions coursing through him, Connor felt steadier when he reached them.

  “Connor!” Eric came forward to meet him, the others hot on his heels. “What happened? You hung up so quickly - did you find her?”

  Connor shook his head, trying to make sense of his scattered thoughts. “It’s Vince, I’m sure of it. Brooke said he wanted to take over the pack. Carlo reported he hasn’t seen her since the meeting ended. Fuck. We need to find her, now.”

  “I understand you’re worried about her, but what does this have to do with us?” Cody asked, confusion creasing his face. Connor felt a growl rumble at the back of his throat and Cody took a step back, head bowing automatically in the face of his pissed off alpha.

  “Brooke is my mate,” Connor snapped impatiently. Six pairs of eyes widened and Connor forced himself to continue, “I got that feeling - the one you all talked about. I know it's unheard of, mating outside our species, but I know what I’ve felt and I’ve accepted it.” He felt the truth of his words settle inside him. It was so clear to him now, the attraction towards her pulling him into Cole’s day after day despite the arguments, the sheer frustration at seeing her upset or hurt - like her pain was his pain. “That pack is all she’s had for years, and I will do everything in my power to make sure she gets to keep it.”

  They were all silent for a long moment and Connor prepared himself for the onslaught of disgust. It was one thing to take pity on a small group of wolves struggling to get by, but mating with the alpha of their own species' long lasting enemy? He wouldn’t be surprised if this was a step too far. But then Alanna took a tentative step forward.

  “We’ll help you,” she said solemnly. Jessie and Lydia nodded in silent agreement. Connor was shocked, as were his brothers, but the women ignored their mates and stared straight at Connor.

  “I’ve known you for most of my life, Connor,” Lydia said, taking Eric’s hand in hers. “You knew what people said about me and you didn’t care. And then when I came back, spouting about awful dreams, you helped me, no questions asked.”

  “You helped all of us,” Jessie continued. “Before we were ever a part of your family, no matter what people said about us: you helped us. Because your brothers loved us, so you loved us.”

  Alanna spoke next, and her easy, relaxed grin made something within him settle as she said, “And we love you. No way in hell are we letting you do this by yourself.”

  Connor didn’t know what to say. He felt so overwhelmed he thought he might cry, which he resolutely refused to do in front of his brothers. They’d never let him hear the end of it. He opened his mouth to say... something, when a loud noise had them all turning towards the parking lot.

  A young wolf had skidded to a stop before them, breathing hard. He was a tiny little thing, with thick dark fur and light eyes that were wide with panic. Connor’s heart skipped a beat.

  The wolf vanished and a young man with equally dark hair stood before them. He couldn’t have been older than seventeen. He looked scared out of his mind and Connor hunched his shoulders slightly, trying to appear smaller, unthreatening and approachable. He knew he and his brothers made quite the sight all together - large and imposing - but the boy seemed to steel himself, determined to be brave.

  “Vince is planning an attack,” he rushed out. “He found a witch willing to do a power transition spell and he’s already got more than half the pack on his side. When he finds out Brooke got free he’s going to head straight here to take you down.” A power transition spell? What the hell was that? He knew how wolf packs decided the next alpha but that was usually a straight fight… wait.

  “Escaped? She’s okay? Where is she?” The questions rushed from him, relief and fear crashing through him like waves. Simon looked taken aback, as if he didn’t think Connor would believe him, but nodded quickly.

sent me here to warn you, she’s taken the rest of the pack back to their hideout to ambush them before they have a chance to get here.”

  She was alive; Brooke was alive. Connor allowed himself a quick moment of relief. Then he stood up straighter, laying a gentle hand on the kid’s shoulder.

  “What’s your name?”


  “We’re coming to help.”

  Simon looked skeptically over Connor’s shoulder. “All of you?”

  Connor said nothing, letting his sleuth members make their own decisions. He’d never ask them to put themselves in danger for him, just as they had never asked it of him.

  Cody appeared at his side, eyes focused and dangerous. “All of us,” he confirmed, voice steely.

  Connor turned to the others, who nodded. They were with him, trusting Connor to make the right decision. He felt a rush of affection and pride for them all and nodded his silent thanks. Then he turned back to the small wolf watching them warily.

  “All of us,” Connor repeated.

  Tracking Brooke’s scent was easy, it had been trapped in his mind ever since that first time in his suite, pine leaves and petrichor. The others followed him as he ran through the trees, nose close to the ground. Her scent was strongest by the river where they’d made love and Connor followed the creek bed, scent growing stronger by the step.

  An old cabin rose out of the trees to meet them. It was one of the original lodge cabins from the first site, when their family had first settled this mountain. It was decrepit from old age and disuse but it was indisputably Strauss land and property. This whole time Vince had been hiding less than ten miles from Black Bear Lake Lodge, as far into Strauss territory as you could get before you were practically at the lodge’s front doorstep. Connor suppressed a low growl.

  The group paused behind some bushes just outside the cabin’s yard, sounds of fighting loud in their ears. Connor worried his lip between his teeth; they were late.

  Suddenly, Simon dashed out into the open before anyone could stop him, leaping over a fallen tree and straight into the middle of the fight. Connor was up before he realized, watching the young wolf rush to the aid of a young she-wolf surrounded by two much larger, older wolves. She was putting up an amazing fight but he could see she was struggling, leaning heavily on three of her legs, her left front paw curled protectively into her side.

  Simon bared his teeth, snarling at the wolves as they closed in on the smaller pair, and to Connor’s surprise Nathan threw himself from cover and launched himself at the two attacking wolves, claws raking through the hind legs of the largest wolf before Connor could even think to call out for him. Alanna was quick to follow her mate. Connor propelled himself forward after them, the rest of the bears following close behind.

  The air was thick with snarls and barks, most of the wolves surprised by the Strauss sleuth’s appearance. Brooke’s wolves redoubled their efforts, rallied by their unexpected allies. Connor wasted no time throwing himself into the fight. He threw a mangy looking wolf straight into the air, sending her smacking into a tree and bouncing to the forest floor. She didn’t get back up.

  Another leapt at him from behind, teeth finding the soft skin of his neck and biting down hard. Connor roared in pain, twisting his body, trying to dislodge his attacker. He swiped out blindly and the wolf yelped, falling away, with blood dripping down from his eyes and down into his maw.

  With the immediate threat dealt with and the support of six other angry bears, Connor casts his eyes over the battle, searching for Brooke. There were so many sounds all around him that it was getting hard to discern one growl from another.

  Then, Eric’s voice called out in his mind, I can see her, she’s heading for the trees to the South- his voice cut off abruptly and Connor raised up on his haunches in alarm, scanning the fray for his brother.

  We’ll be fine, I’ve got Eric, just go! Cody screamed through their mental link. Connor could see him, rushing off to their youngest brother’s aid, and so Connor turned south.

  I’m coming Brooke.

  He found her several yards away from the cabin, cornered against a tree by a large black wolf whom Connor vaguely remembered hiding in a tree during their last confrontation. Connor assumed it must be Vince. He was accompanied by a tall woman with long black hair and covered in blood red paint. Vines weaved their way around Brooke’s body, keeping her pinned to the rough bark, and Vince was reared up, fangs bared as he prepared to strike.

  Connor saw red. He rushed forward, slamming into the witch and sending her flying, and the vines keeping Brooke captive fell to the ground, useless.

  Brooke scrambled free and immediately turned to Vince, opening her mouth to let out a deafening howl as they circled one another. Connor watched her in awe - marvelling at the strength and poise of her lithe body. She was beautiful.

  The witch was up, swaying slightly on her feet, and Connor barely had time to dodge as a flash of green light streaked towards him, turning the tree behind him into dust. Well, fuck.

  Connor ran at her, swiping when he got close enough but she was quick, just as quick as he was, and she ducked out of the way, another streak of energy whistling past Connor’s head as he circled back.

  He wasn’t used to fighting humans, not in this form, but he knew better than to shift back. As a bear he might be a bigger target, but as a human he’d be dead in seconds. He could still hear Brooke and Vince fighting behind him, growling and snapping at each other, but every time he tried to get closer to them, to help Brooke the way every fiber of his being was screaming for him to do, the witch would attack him.

  Finally, Connor managed to get behind her and, with one strike, he took her head. She fell to the ground, blood pouring out over the leaves, already forgotten as Connor finally focused back on Brooke.

  She was injured, blood seeping through her fur and limping as she favored one of her front legs, but Vince looked to be in a similar position. He was confident, tail high in the air, but Brooke was pure fury with a laser focus, keeping low to the ground, looking for any weakness in Vince’s defenses.

  He ran forward to help but stopped when she turned towards him. He knew that mates were supposed to be able to communicate with one another, just like members of a sleuth. He had seen it countless times with his brothers, holding secret conversations with their mates while they all sat eating lunch together, and this felt similar. He couldn’t hear what Brooke was saying, not with words, but he knew her face so well, he didn’t need to hear her with his ears.

  Please, she said. I need to do this.

  Connor grit his teeth but did as she asked. Fine, he replied. But I’m not leaving.

  The wolves’ fight resumed in earnest, the snapping of their jaws echoing off the trees like gunshots. It took everything in Connor’s power not to leap into the fray. All other sounds seemed to fade from his mind as he watched his mate circle Vince, lashing out as quick as a whip and tearing into his flesh, retreating before the bastard could retaliate. She was a better fighter than Vince, Connor could see it in the way the two of them moved. While Vince was all cocksure and half-assed, guessing movements instead of waiting, Brooke took her time, searching for a weakness before she made her move.

  Mates were supposed to protect one another, be there for each other no matter the cost. But his mate was an alpha - she had to protect her own. This was her fight. All Connor could do was watch.

  Vince lunged, an obvious move that even Connor saw coming. Still, his teeth sink into the meat of Brooke’s shoulder, bringing her to the ground with a loud thud. Brooke rolled around, never settling for a moment and, quick as a flash, she flipped them around, twisting Vince loose and pinning him to the ground, breathing hard. Her sides heaved, solid proof that she was alive, breathing, victorious. As she stood there snarling at her defeated opponent, as she pushed him into the dirt, she was breathtaking. Connor was hit again by how deep his love goes for her.

  She howled and her voice reverberated through the ai
r like a song. She lets out another howl and Connor instantly knows what it means: I have won. The whole pack heard it and, as his worry for his mate subsided, Connor could hear that the rest of the fighting seemed to have stopped. A few of the wolves join the song - their howls adding to Brooke’s, building into something like a war cry.

  Brooke stopped howling, staggered back off of Vince, turning her head towards Connor. She looks exhausted. All Connor wanted to do was take her in his arms. They had won.

  Connor moved forward to meet her, uncaring of his own pain when something moved behind Brooke - Vince.

  Connor cried out, but it's too late! Vince collided into Brooke’s back, teeth sinking into the scruff of her neck. Brooke whines, high and panicked. A thread of pure terror gripped Connor, he leapt, unthinking, towards the pair.

  Vince was dead before Brooke’s body hit the ground.

  The sudden silence was deafening. Connor could hear the tiny little rasping breaths leaving Brooke’s mouth. He let out a roar, loud and thunderous, and dropped gently to Brooke’s side.

  He could only hope the others got there in time.



  “Do you really think this would suit me?”

  Brooke looked up, smiling when she recognized the woman she’d just spent an hour helping pick out literally hundreds of outfits. She smiled, nodding and beckoning the customer forward. Her shoulder twinged in pain but she ignored it. The doctor had told her it would probably ache from time to time.

  The doctor had also told her to take things easy, and Brooke, after spending nearly a month doing nothing but roaming endlessly around Connor’s luxurious prison of a suite and ready to tear her hair out, had scoffed. The second she was allowed to leave she’d gone down to the promenade to beg Elsie for her job back. The older woman had looked shocked, saying she hadn’t realized she didn’t still work there. Brooke could have kissed her.


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