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Booker (San Francisco Steel, #5)

Page 3

by KJ Dahlen

  Andrea took a deep breath and then finally told them all something that she had held back, “There is a tunnel. I just don’t know if it is viable. But we need to try.”

  The men all looked over at her.

  Andrea sighed. “I knew there was one, but it may be too old to use?”

  Grinder blinked at her as if he couldn’t understand this. “You knew about a secret tunnel and didn’t tell us? Babe, you cannot hold stuff like that back from us.”

  Andrea shook her head. “I found the outside part by that marker you caught me taking pictures of then I never got the chance to even go into it, let alone know if it could be used.”

  “Do you know where it comes in at here at the house?” Slammer glared at her as he asked.

  She nodded. “I have a guess and it is only that. A guess.”

  Shotgun pushed his fingers through his hair in frustration. “So, it might just be nothing?”

  Shrugging again, Andrea replied, “We have had a lot happening here since I arrived and then that whole thing with Bess...” Her voice slowed as she indicated to the still purple bruise on her forehead. “I never got a chance to look or even tell any of you about it and especially with where it is at. It might be nothing. But now that it has all come down to not getting in or out safe, we have to try.”

  Slammer stood up. “Lead us to it.”

  Andrea peered up at him. “It was described by Jacques in one of his journals, so you won’t like where it is.”

  Slammer still glared at her. “I already don’t like any of this. So show us.”

  Andrea stood and went to grab her crutch that Spider had given to her. “Ok, let’s go.”

  Grinder then stood and took the crutch from her hands, setting it on a chair. “To where?”

  She bit at her lip as she stated, “Slammer’s room.”

  They all stared at her.

  “It has been in my room all along?” Slammer looked shocked.

  She nodded. “You have Jacques’ room remember?”

  Ivy and River just stared at her then at each other.

  The group all stood up now.

  Grinder scooped Andrea up and led them to a room they all had been in and knew about.

  Slammer’s room.

  Chapter Three

  When they all stepped in, the huge old bed really stood out, as it was massive. Looking around, you could spot some of the antiques in the modernized room that had remained from the day Jacques had occupied it.

  Slammer gazed around with a puzzled expression, as he couldn’t fathom where some tunnel entrance would ever be in a room he’d been in for several years now. “You all need to remember we had the walls covered to modernize it and make it better for weathering the cold and heat.”

  Andrea shrugged. “What about the floors?

  “The floors?” he asked and immediately looked down.

  They all looked down.

  “Not here,” Andrea said from Grinder’s hold. “Under that.” She pointed to the huge old brass bed that was probably a good 400 hundred pounds in weight.

  Slammer raised his brows. “We have never moved it but once when we did the walls and it is a heavy bastard.”

  “Yeah, boss and who moved it?” Shotgun asked.

  Slammer wrinkled his brow. “Well, it wasn’t you or me.”

  “It was me.” Mammoth stepped to the bed. “You all are tiny mother fuckers.”

  The women all stared wide eyed. Then they laughed. It was an outrageous statement as none of the men here were small by any means.

  Booker stepped into the room as he noted the laughter and them all standing around. “What the hell is going on?”

  Shotgun shrugged. “We all came in here on a bet.”

  Grinder then took up the joking mantle, “Yeah, we bet Mammoth that he couldn’t move Slammer’s behemoth bed.”

  Booker just stared at them all. “In the middle of a war? You all are playing around and making bets?”

  “No, we aren’t,” Slammer told him as he shook his head at the other two men. “Andrea tells us there may be a tunnel entrance under that bed.”

  There was a loud scraping noise and a metallic echo as Mammoth did just as they predicted, he moved the bed over. “Get out of the way Shotgun,” he grunted.

  Shotgun did as he said.

  Then when it was as far as the wall would allow by the window, they all looked down.

  The wood flooring looked polished and well designed.

  “I don’t see anything,” Slammer grumbled and I never did before when we redid that floor.

  “There’s the line,” Andrea pointed.

  “What fucking line?” Booker asked.

  Mammoth shuffled over and knelt. “It just looks like the flooring wood line?”

  Andrea shook her head. “Grinder, put me down.”

  He stared at her face in concern as she had injuries that had just occurred.

  “Go on. I can walk.”

  He did so.

  A little unbalanced, Andrea made her way over and told Mammoth, “We need a long flat like screw driver or something to pry that wood up.”

  “Well fuck, why didn’t you say so?” Slammer went to the closet and brought out an old tool box. He rifled through it. Then finally, he raised a very large and long screw driver. He handed it to Mammoth.

  “Now score it...” Andrea got closer. “Around this square.” She knelt and drew a square on the wood with her finger that did follow the wood lines.

  They all watched as the big guy scraped and scratched.

  “I don’t think there’s anything...” Slammer’s voice faded away as the wooden plank under the screwdriver’s blade shifted.

  Suddenly, the boards all seemed to give.

  Amazed, they all stepped closer as the wood fell away down into... An actual tunnel.

  “Well, fuck me,” Booker stated.

  They all stood back.

  “It isn’t a very large hole.” Slammer shook his head.

  “Well, that let’s all you tiny mother fuckers out then right?” Andrea made a joke.

  The girls chuckled.

  Mammoth grinned. “Let’s me out too.”

  “I would do it if I could,” Andrea said with a hushed excitement. “Oh, my god... I would SO love to explore it. Damn, it would be like the discovery of the century. I could film it and—”

  Grinder placed his hand over her mouth. “And nothing. You can’t do it.”

  Shotgun took a closer look at the hole. “It’s too small for any of us, really.”

  “But not for me,” a voice called from the doorway.

  They all looked up to see Zoe.

  Mammoth immediately spoke, “NO.”

  She stepped into the room. “I am perfect for this.”

  “It’s too dangerous.” Mammoth crossed his mammoth arms over his large chest.

  “But it’s important to you all, right?” Zoe asked as she looked around.

  Slammer let out a sigh. “We don’t even know if it’s safe.”

  “I wanna try.” Zoe nodded.

  “No!” Mammoth repeated.

  Zoe stalked over to the giant of a man. Then she poked a finger in his chest even though she had to go up on tippy toes to do it. “You are not the boss of me, mister.”

  Slammer, Grinder and Shotgun, bit at their lips to keep from cracking up.

  Booker just watched. He shook his head. How a woman could think she could move a mountain...

  The sight of this 5’4, 130 pound petite female yelling, and trying to push around one of their largest brothers was like a bad comedy come to light.

  Mammoth seemed to gentle his gruff stance, “Come on Sprite, you might get hurt.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m sure Texas... is that his name?”

  Slammer nodded.

  “I’m sure he has a great video cam I can use and then you all can see what’s there?”

  Slammer tilted his head at her. “I can’t agree if Mammoth won’t allow it.”
  She turned to look at Slammer squarely, her small hands on her hips. “And why is that?”

  Booker chuckled.

  Zoe spun on him now. “And what is so dammed funny?”

  Booker stopped chuckling as he raised his hands up. “You’re his woman and none of us can overrule that.”

  She blinked her eyes. “What?”

  Slammer sighed again, “We can come up with someone better. Do we have any scrawny prospects?” He looked around at the men.

  Zoe gasped as she spun to him now. She opened her mouth seemingly to tell him off.

  Mammoth scooped her up. “Baby girl come on, you can’t—”

  She struggled in vain to get down. “Don’t call me a baby anything! I am not owned by you or anyone. I want to help your club. Help us all. And you won’t allow it?”

  He set her down and then let her go. Turning, he knelt and placed his large hands on a board near the hole and with great power, he ripped it up.

  They all stepped back as he ripped up two more with his bare hands. Then he stood and stared down at his small woman. “There... now, anyone of us can go.”

  Her face was a bright red as she stomped her small boot then turned and marched out of the room.

  Mammoth looked stricken. “What the hell did I do wrong?” he muttered.

  Ivy opened her mouth to answer and Slammer covered it.

  Andrea looked like she wanted to say something but she bit her lip instead.

  River looked up at Shotgun as if asking if she could help.

  He shrugged.

  “Umm... Mammoth?” River spoke.

  He swung his puzzled gaze over.

  “She has been taking care of herself for a long time in a tough situation from what I understand and she is not used to having someone care about her safety. But bossing a woman will not get you anywhere.” She winked at Shotgun.

  He rolled his eyes and shoved his hands into his jean pockets.

  “Then what do I do?” Mammoth asked her.

  “Talk to her. That might work?” Shotgun replied. “You need to share...” He looked like he was blushing. “Your umm...” His voice ran out.

  “FEELINGS!” the three women all exclaimed at the same time.

  Slammer looked startled, as did all the men in the room. Then they all laughed.

  Booker laughed too, and felt glad he didn’t have to deal with this kind of problem.

  Mammoth looked over at Slammer.

  He nodded. “Go on, we will get the equipment and see about the tunnel. Your big ass motherfucker work is concluded.”

  Mammoth scoffed at the title and hurried from the room.

  Chapter Four

  Slammer texted Texas, so they could implement Zoe’s idea of a video cam and get a good view of the tunnel.

  “I will go,” Booker offered. “I don’t mind small spaces.”

  Slammer nodded. “Okay.”

  Then Texas showed up with a shoulder cam.

  Grinder carried Andrea out.

  “But I want to see this!” she griped.

  He nodded. “I know, so we will go and sit in Texas’ room to watch the feed, okay?”

  She smiled and put her head to his neck, muttering, “Okay.”

  River looked around. “Do you have like a long jacket here, Slammer? Like a slicker or...”

  Slammer moved to his closet and brought out a long black trench coat.

  “Wow,” Ivy let out. “You would look awesome in that.”

  Slammer paused and raised a brow at her.

  She blushed furiously at his intense look and then giggled.

  Booker got into the coat and looked down at it. “Damn, this is nice.”

  “You’d better keep it that way.” Slammer growled.

  Booker’s head rose up.

  Shotgun laughed. “If you mess it up, he won’t hurt you.”

  Booker felt relieved.

  “...A lot,” Shotgun finished.

  Booker shook his head and Texas hooked up the camera. Then put a helmet on his head that had a flashlight.

  “Wow, you look like...” River stopped speaking when Booker glanced over at her. “Like you know, how they dress in that TV show, Dr. Who.”

  Booker chuckled as he made his way to the hole. He then had to climb in and hang by his hands on the wooden edge for a moment.

  Slammer brought over a huge flashlight and glanced it down.

  The ladder was right there.

  “Well god damn,” Slammer said.

  Booker put his feet on the rung.

  Slammer handed him the flashlight.

  Booker took it and climbed down.

  He stepped down to the bottom. The place smelled like the sea for sure. A salty and briny scent. He then took careful steps into the flashighted beam he put ahead of himself. It was an eerie thing to be here where you could actually hear the surf close by. Underneath everything in a space that probably hadn’t had a human being in it for more than a hundred years.

  “Watch out for snakes,” Shotgun called down at him with a laugh.

  “Very funny, Shotgun. Very funny.” Booker cracked a smile as he moved slowly along the squishy sand beneath his feet.

  Booker then made his way further in and then halted as he swung the light up along one earthen wall. “Well, holy shit! Texas? I hope you are getting this.”

  Mammoth looked in his room and at first, he didn’t see her. Until he stopped and listened. He could hear movement over by the window. When he stepped over, he peered down at the small spot between the dresser and the window.

  Zoe stared up at him. Her large green eyes were glittering with tears. It reminded him of the first time he ever saw those eyes then that sweet elfin face.

  Mammoth knelt down.” I’m sorry Zoe. I am I never had a steady woman before. All I could think was to keep you safe. I didn’t mean to insult you or blow your help off.” He lowered his head. “I know I don’t own you, but...” He raised his gaze to hers. “I will do anything to make sure no one or nothing ever hurts you again.”

  Zoe sighed. “I overreacted too. It just felt like no one took me seriously. Like I couldn’t do anything to help.”

  Mammoth grabbed her up and held her. “You are more of a fighter and braver than any woman I have ever known. If I were out there in the sandbox again, I would welcome your help by my side.”

  Zoe sniffled. “Really?”

  He pulled back. “Well, I wouldn’t want you in the line of fire...”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yeah, but next time, don’t just shoot my ideas down so fast, ok?”

  Mammoth kissed her soundly.

  She melted in his arms.

  Mammoth then smiled down at her. “We are going to miss the best part of this, Sprite. Come on.” He tugged on her hand and led her down the hall.

  An hour later, Slammer stood with his men his room. The women were all standing by the door talking.

  “What Booker showed us...” Slammer shook his head.

  “Yes, boss, I saw the tape. It is unbelievable, but it could be some kind of booby trap,” Mammoth said.

  “I know, but when this is over...”

  Grinder, Mammoth and Shotgun nodded.

  “We will find out what the hell that is.” Just then, Slammer got a text from Booker. When he read it, he looked over at Shotgun and told him, “We got two people at the marker and two dogs. I think Rainy is here.”

  Shotgun looked over at Ivy and said, “She’s your friend, make sure it’s her before we go out there. I don’t want any surprises.”

  They all went down to Texas’ Ops room and went in.

  Texas nodded at them as he motioned to the screen. “The camera at the marker is clear and there isn’t anyone else around. Booker is holding them until you confirm.”

  Ivy stepped over and took a close look. “That’s her and she brought her brother Carson with her.”

  Mammoth frowned. “Carson?” He moved toward the screen. He studied the other man standing at the marker
on the beach. “Sweet holy Mary, mother of god...” he whispered. “It is Carson Marlow.”

  Slammer frowned at his brother. “You know this man?”

  Mammoth grinned. “Hell yeah, I know him. Only I know him as Scope. He was the sniper in our group over in the sandbox.”

  “Well then, let’s all go out and get them,” Slammer said.

  “Got it.” Mammoth nodded. They all made their way back to Slammer’s room and to the hole in the floor.

  With the message Texas sent Booker to go and retrieve their guests, he headed out through the tunnel. He came up out of the tree copse and stopped in his tracks.

  The woman who stood there with the dogs and another man simply took his breath from his lungs.

  She was smaller than average only about five and a half feet tall, with his six foot four she would fit right under his heart. Her long red hair glimmered beautifully in the sunshine that shone over the beach and it covered most of her upper body. She was dressed in jeans and a tank top with her arms bare. Her figure was slim but not too slim. He breasts were well sized from what he could see and her hips were wide...just the way he liked on a woman, flaring down to thicker thighs and longish legs.

  At her feet sat a black German Shephard. He was well behaved and didn’t rush at him as he had approached.

  With a hand signal from the woman, the dog moved forward. Booker watched her carefully as she’d directed the animal at her side. He was well trained and gentle.

  Then finally Booker’s gaze met hers and he smiled when he saw her looking back at him with interest in her eyes.

  “Name is Booker,” he told her as he took off the helmet and tucked it under his arm.

  “I’m Quincy.” She blushed. “That is some outfit you’re wearing there Booker.”

  He grinned and shook his head. “Not mine. I borrowed it for the, well... tunnel archiving.”

  The man with her looked confused. “So you came up on the beach from a tunnel?”

  Booker nodded and extended his hand to him.

  The man shook it. “Carson, Quincy’s brother. So you actually came up from some tunnel near this beach?”


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