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Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8)

Page 4

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Alburet was surprised when the Delvers chose Maree rather than Blaze. Benedict was going for his group, as well as the tank from the second Heart’s Light group. Leggylass was put forward for Ironhand’s party, as Gerald had mentioned the bow to Ironhand previously.

  Karen suggested Alburet, but he declined and instead motioned to Gerald. “He’s always in the fight, and all I could get would be something to boost my stats. If Gerald can get a weapon to complement his shield, it would probably be best.”

  “That’s good thinking,” Marysue nodded. “I was going to suggest Fluff, but now…”

  “Gerald,” Fluff agreed. “The more he can do while holding the mobs, the less we have to do when we get there, and who knows what kind of item he’ll be able to pick up. I would suggest looking for anything that will stop the nightmares, though.”

  “Okay, I’ll go,” Gerald said.

  “Good,” Tyr said, getting to his feet. “You five are to follow me. The rest of you are dismissed. Your companions will be escorted to the front once they have chosen.”

  “Alburet, do you have a moment?” Blaze asked as they were being led away.

  “For the Delvers, sure.”

  Letting the others separate a bit from them, Blaze lowered his voice. “The first raid has to be coming soon. All of this feels like the run-up to the kick off. The way the game has gone to this point, I’m betting these raids aren’t going to be your normal ‘get a group of twenty to fifty players together and farm the bosses.’”

  “I’d bet you’re right on that,” Alburet nodded. “Alpha World doesn’t really follow the same logic that we’re used to in that regard.”

  “I have a hunch that you’re going to be in the thick of it,” Blaze continued, watching Alburet’s face intently. “I want my Guild involved.”

  “I want your Guild there,” Alburet replied, meeting Blaze’s gaze. “I would like to have Heart’s Light and anyone else with brains, as well. I think you’re right about the end game raids here. I think they are going to be huge, chaotic things, and not the simple kill trash, kill boss, collect loot raids we’ve seen. It’ll play more like the raids to take the Keeps. A single event, but many times larger.”

  “The pre-event seems designed to make us compete, which makes the end goal a bit weird, doesn’t it?” Blaze said.

  “Yes and no,” Alburet frowned. “Each of the items the King is giving out are pretty overpowered. If you can get two or more of them for your group, do it. We’ll want anyone that has one of them at the prison.”

  “I’m going to approach Benedict once he leaves,” Blaze said as they started to catch the others near the exit. “We need to at least get our Guilds all working together by the time the raid starts.”

  “I’ll pass your thoughts along to Gerald,” Alburet said.

  “Thanks. We’ll see you again,” Blaze said as he went to rejoin his friends.

  “What did Blaze want?” Marysue asked.

  “He wants to make sure that the Delvers and Heart’s Light are involved in the prison raid.”

  “That would be good for everyone,” Marysue nodded. “I’m sure Gerald intends to ask them once he finishes up this bit.”

  “Are we heading out after breakfast, before the quest is announced to everyone else?” Karen asked.

  “We’ve already received the quest, so we might as well,” Marysue smiled.

  Alburet blinked and checked his UI, seeing the quest waiting and noticing they had leveled up twice. “We made level eighty-six. I didn’t realize.”

  “We should go train so we can head out early,” Karen said.

  “I need to hit the Keep then, to train with Stewart,” Alburet said, sadness touching him as he thought about Alistern.

  Before anyone else could reply, the sound of horses drew their eyes to the open gate. A half dozen carriages from various noble houses drew up in the middle of the courtyard, and were immediately surrounded by the castle guards.

  “Is that House Henoc?” Karen said, looking at one of the crests.

  “Yes, it is,” Marysue nodded.

  “She sided with Skippy during the Convocation,” Fluff said as her claws shot out of her fingers.

  “The guards seem to have it under control, but maybe we can see if they need help,” Alburet said as he summoned Tiny and Bob to him. “Just be ready in case things go badly, guys.”

  Henoc’s carriage door opened and all the guards shifted, ready to act. Instead of Lady Henoc, her daughter stepped out of the carriage, her eyes red from tears. “I have come to inform the King about the death of my mother,” she said with a gravity that was only slightly marred by her voice hitching on the last word.

  As the situation impacted on the watchers, the other carriage doors opened and younger nobles stepped out, each one asking to speak with the King about the death of the Lord or Lady of their House.

  “What the fuck?” one of the Heart’s Light players asked with wide eyes.

  “Suicides to clear their houses of involvement with Stein,” Sato said calmly. “Old school redemption of honor.”

  “Japanese influence,” Karen murmured. “After turning on their Liege, they committed seppuku to regain the honor of their House.”

  “We shall advise the King of your petition,” the Captain of the guard said as he had his men take the five nobles into a courteous custody. “Until he has time, we shall bring you to a room to wait for him.”

  “Thank you, Captain,” Henoc said as she let her hands be manacled.

  “This place just gets to you,” one of the Heart’s Light members said, watching the five nobles walk past under guard.

  Alburet turned to Fluff and saw her sketching. Watching her work, he saw the scene to be the younger Henoc stepping from the carriage. Not disturbing her, he stood nearby and watched her draw as the others talked. When she finished the quick sketch, he gently touched her shoulder. “You okay?”

  “The moment struck me,” she replied softly as she put the pad away. “She knows it might cost her her life, but she came anyway.”

  “You can finish that later tonight. We can give it to Jones so it can be remembered for the rest of time.”

  “I would like that,” Fluff nodded.

  “Here they are,” Ulula said.

  Alburet looked up to see the five people who had gone with the King emerging from the castle. Leggylass held the Bow of Feranthas, the bow they had found in Peace. Alburet chuckled when he realized that the majority of those who had gone to select items were tanks.

  Gerald stopped when Blaze intercepted him and Benedict. After a brief conversation, the three men shook hands, and Gerald headed over to them. “Sorry for the delay. I have a new sword. Every hit with it adds a small Light debuff that stacks. Lunch should be ready, so shall we head to the manor for food?”

  Knitoc’s voice let them know that the carriages were pulling up. “We’ll follow you,” Alburet said. “Guys, ride with the others. I’ll dismiss you once we’re at Gerald’s, but I’ll resummon you when we go to train.”

  “Yes, master,” Tiny rumbled as he climbed up next to Knitoc.

  “Got it,” Bob said as he waited for Astov to help the ladies into the carriage.


  Lunch was good; not as good as Loralee could produce, but still good. Gerald explained what Blaze had asked him about, and his agreement with the other two Guild leaders. Finally, he showed them his new sword, Blight Cutter. The Light debuff was damage dealing and could stack up to twenty charges. When the wielder wanted, the debuff could be triggered to slow the monster’s attack and movement speed.

  Each of the groups had taken one of the five noble Houses in the city that had been trapped with Golems. Gerald had informed the King that Alpha Company would be heading for the country estates of Gilden. Benedict had opted to take his group to House Carradine, while Maree had chosen House Calnon.

  Separating after the meal, everyone left the manor to go train, agreeing to meet up at the Portal Guild once
they were done. Bob and BJ flew overhead on guard, while Tiny walked in front of Alburet and TJ brought up the rear. Stacia and Kitten flanked Alburet; Kitten was now a perfect copy of Stacia since it was now known that Stacia was his Succubus.

  “Ya been quiet, master,” Stacia commented. “What be on ya mind?”

  “I feel like the raid is coming faster than most people think,” Alburet admitted. “A month at most, I’m thinking.”

  “Tha’ can nay be,” Stacia said, shaking her head. “How would we be gettin’ across the Dead Lands that fast?”

  Alburet’s lips pursed as he considered her question. It took us over a week to get to the Keep, and that was with combat a couple of times a day with the help of the Infernals. Same with getting to Peace, and the prison is as far from Peace as Peace is from the border of the Empire. I find it hard to believe they would ask the player base to march across the Dead Lands for three plus weeks just to get to a raid. “I don’t know.”

  “Ya just be wantin’ to get the quest done so we can be happy,” Stacia said as she kissed his cheek from both sides.

  “Maybe,” Alburet said, but his gut told him that something was going to give.

  Intending to use the Guild Hall Portal, they greeted Vanessa and Kauree. Vanessa stopped them before they got past, “Alburet, what was all the commotion in the city earlier?”

  Alburet gave her a quick explanation, making both her and Kauree go pale.

  “Stein is moving, then,” Vanessa said tightly.

  “Aich, iffin they target us, they will be payin’ in blood,” Kauree snorted. “‘Sides, he already said tha’ the nobles who sided with Stein have fled.”

  “That doesn’t take into account anyone they left behind,” Alburet said. “Be wary. At least two of the Houses hold a grudge against the Guild.”

  “Aye. Do nay be worryin’. I be keepin’ her safe,” Kauree replied.

  “I need to train and meet up with the others, so excuse me, please,” Alburet said, then left the two receptionists behind.

  “Ya think Skippy will try to attack the Guild?” Stacia asked.

  “Him or Carradine.”

  “To attack the hall would be hard, since it be in the city,” Stacia murmured. “It be more likely they attack the town.”

  Alburet nodded, “I’m sure Gerald has already considered that.” Appearing in the Graveyard at Progress, Alburet gave the six guards there a nod. “I’ll send him a message, though.”

  Alburet put his Mindstone away when they were almost at the inn. “Gerald’s already made sure the guards are on high alert. Captain Mantoya has also been notified to send word if an attack does come.”

  Alburet was surprised to find the inn doing a brisk business. Illos waved at them as they came in the door, while a half dozen Succubi carried drinks to various tables. “Greetings, Lord Darkhand. Stewart is training another Summoner already. Would you like to see him?”

  “Please. How did you know we were coming?” Alburet asked.

  “I am stationed here to greet Summoners and direct them where to go for training,” Illos grinned. “Last room on the left.”

  “Huh, your family and Waltrim’s?” Alburet asked.

  “Yes. We are quite happy to help master with the inn,” Illos grinned briefly, but it faded. “I wish that Alistern could see him.”

  “Da’ would be proud,” Stacia said softly. “Unca Stew be knowin’ tha’. Do ya best and ya will bring him even more happiness.”

  “Of course,” Illos bowed. “Might I bring your minions some drinks while you train, Lord?”

  “Go ahead, guys,” Alburet said. “I’ll be right back.”

  “I be keepin’ me eye on them,” Stacia said, giving him a peck on the cheek. “Do nay keep us long.”

  Entering the room that had been set up to train Summoners, Alburet saw Violet speaking with Stewart. “How’s it going Violet? Stewart?”

  “Good,” Violet said, handing the book back to Stewart. “We hit level seventy-five today.”

  “Nice. What did you pick up?”

  “Imp Storm,” Violet grinned. “They might only last thirty seconds, but that can equate to a ton of damage.”

  “Oh, it can indeed,” Stewart chuckled.

  “They have been great for me, but I’m a bit broken.”

  “We’ve heard,” Violet smirked. “Any man would be with your three wives, though.”

  “Goodness knows they try. Stewart, I’m here to train, too.”

  “Level eighty-six? Darkness, what happened?” Stewart asked as he pushed the book to Alburet.

  “The Lords who tried to kill the King the other day left behind traps. Five manors had infestations of Elemental Golems. Twenty guards met their Final Deaths in combat today. Delvers, Heart’s Light, and our Guild were at the forefront to combat them.”

  “Who wiped?” Violet asked.

  “Ironhand’s group, the Delvers, and one of the two Heart’s Light groups. Only my and Benedict’s parties managed to kill their targets without wiping.”

  “Stein is about to make his move, then,” Stewart said, getting to his feet.

  “Likely,” Alburet nodded as he chose his Ability. Pushing the book back to Stewart, Alburet shrugged. “Wait and see is what it comes down to. You all should be ready to move out around noon tomorrow. I can’t say more than that, but be at the Portal Guild and ready to go once the announcement is made.”

  “Got it,” Violet nodded. “What did you take?”

  “Demonic Inspiration; it’ll double all my minion’s stats for five minutes. I’ll tag it into Imp Storm to supercharge it.”

  “That is the best way to combine those Abilities,” Stewart said as he picked up the book and put it into a thick metal safe.

  “Who trains the Necromancers?” Alburet asked.

  “I have an old acquaintance coming out tomorrow, and he’ll be getting a new book from the Crown,” Stewart said. “The Crown is also granting all Necromancers who need to train free passage via the portal to come here.”

  “Makes sense,” Alburet nodded. “I wonder if he’ll send one of each trainer out here to help make things easier for the higher levels?”

  “The King has his hands full,” Stewart said, leading the two of them out toward the front room. “Is everything else in the city okay?”

  “Emily is… I should let Lilith announce that news,” Alburet said, cutting himself off.

  “I’ll have to contact her,” Stewart said, obviously intrigued.

  “I need to get back to the city,” Alburet grinned. Turning to Violet, he continued, “Grind the hell out of your levels as quick as you can.”

  “Raid coming fast?” Violet asked.

  “Probably, and you’ll want in on it.”

  “I’ll wrangle the others,” Violet nodded. “We’ll go full bore for the rest of today.”

  “And remember to be ready tomorrow,” Alburet said as Stacia, Bob, and Tiny joined them. “See ya.” Triggering his Homestone, Alburet vanished along with his minions.


  Demon Lord Summoner

  Ambassador for the Dark Lord

  Level 86

  Strength: 349 (0)

  Agility: 349 (0)

  Constitution: 644 (270)

  Intelligence: 424 (50)

  Wisdom: 1,469 (820)

  Charisma: 379 (0)

  Health: 10,740

  Mana: 18,990


  Demon Skin-Rank 8

  Demonic Retribution- Rank 8

  Summon Greater Imp

  Fire Blast- Rank 8

  Sap Strength- Rank 8

  Demonic Haze- Rank 8

  Summon Greater Destroyer

  Demonic Vitality- Rank 8

  Fire Burst- Rank 8

  Summon Greater Succubus


  Personal Spells

  Flame Weapon


  Infernal Upgrade: (Succubus- Ally)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Imp- Big Boom)<
br />
  Infernal Upgrade: (Destroyer- Demonic Shell)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Succubus- Comforting Touch)


  Infernal Upgrade: (Succubus- Essence Drain)

  Still Caster

  Infernal Upgrade: (Imp- Burning Cleanse)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Destroyer- Savage Roar)

  Infernal Upgrade: (Destroyer- Bash)

  Imp Storm

  Infernal Upgrade: (Imp- Infernal Flames)

  Demonic Inspiration

  Racial Abilities:


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