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Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8)

Page 10

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Now that we’re past that bump, maybe we should head on inside,” Alburet said, motioning to the building where a number of other guildies were entering. Waltrim was acting as a bouncer, checking to make sure that everyone who entered was an actual member of the Guild.

  “Sorry for that,” Violet sighed. “I don’t like airing relationship things in public.”

  “None of us do,” Alburet said. “Luckily, it was more family than public. After all, you’ll be a sister-in-law soon.”

  Violet’s cheek twitched, “Sure, bro.”

  “Bro?” Alburet chuckled as they all started toward the inn. “Didn’t expect you for a ‘bro’ kind of woman.”

  “My upbringing gets the better of me every now and again,” Violet chuckled.

  “Well, at least it wasn’t dude-bro,” Karen snickered.

  Alburet’s head twitched to the side, “Guh, no.”

  Violet, Fluff, and Karen laughed at him, then went on to explain what a dude-bro was to Stacia and Marian. They got in line so they could go inside and the group ahead of them jumped in to help with the explanation, as well. After a minute, most of those waiting were laughing and having fun at the expense of dude-bros everywhere.

  When they reached the head of the line, Waltrim smiled broadly and ushered them in without any comment. The room they stepped into was already half full, and a dozen Succubi were acting as waitresses.

  “I think the Dark Lord would be proud,” Alburet chuckled.

  “I would hope so,” Stewart said from nearby. “Welcome to the Alpha Company banquet. Drinks are free, and food will be brought out once Gerald and Marysue show up. Make yourself at home; the inn is reserved for Alpha Company members only today.”

  “Drinks free? That’s going to cost the Guild a pretty penny,” Alburet said.

  “I’m sure there’s enough money in the Guild fund,” Karen snickered. “Remember the tax?”

  “Oh, right,” Alburet chuckled.

  “Forget because you don’t keep track of your coin?” Fluff giggled.

  “And not being in charge anymore,” Alburet admitted. “Thank Darkness for Gerald.”

  “Rumors say that Alpha Company is going to be at the forefront of defending the Keeps. Is that true?” Stewart asked, changing the subject.

  “Probably, but Delvers and Heart’s Light will be right there beside us,” Karen said. “Gerald was going to make the arrangements.”

  “Marysue is likely the one to arrange that,” Fluff said. “She likes setting up any sort of social event. While the Keeps are probably going to see a lot of fighting, there will also be a lot of social interactions between the Guilds.”

  “How are Grim and Almira doing?” Alburet asked Stewart.

  “Good. They’ve moved into a room here at the inn currently to help make sure that we’re all safer,” Stewart replied before a sad chuckle escaped him. “It’s almost like the old days.”

  “We’ll make her pay, Stewart,” Alburet said, anger coloring his words before he could pull back his emotions. “Bloodmoon will pay.”

  “She’s a Two-souled,” Stewart sighed. “You might kill her, but she’ll never pay enough.”

  “Tha’ be true,” Stacia agreed, her lips downturned. “We will do our best to hurt her for the pain she has given us.”

  Stewart nodded and forced a smile. It looked out of place with the pain in his eyes. “I know you will, Stacia. Please, excuse me. I need to check in with Tabitha.”

  They let him go, feeling the depth of the sadness that radiated from him. Alburet felt the anger inside him spark, but instead of flaring, it smoldered. It was ignited, but waiting for the right moment to come forth.

  “We should get a drink,” Karen said.

  Moving into the room, they got drinks from one of the Succubi that was circling around and ended up near Ironhand. They chatted for a while about the defense of the town. Rolland was going to move the portal to the outside of town tomorrow morning.

  Almost an hour went by before Gerald and Marysue showed up, the last two of the Guild to appear. Gerald greeted everyone as they moved to the center of the room. Raising his hand and clearing his throat, he waited for the room to quiet. “Welcome everyone to the second banquet for the departing members of Alpha Company. Tonight, we’re losing thirty-nine members, all going back because life in the other world is demanding them back.”

  A sad cheer went up as people started to clap their friends who were leaving on the back. Gerald waited, and after a minute, it quieted down again.

  “We’ll also be gaining new members a couple of hours after midnight. I’ve been told that the new long-term testers will be here by six in the morning. We’ll be meeting up with them outside the Portal Guild in Stormguard. In addition to welcoming new members, we’re getting everything ready for the defense of the Keeps, which I know a number of you are looking forward to.”

  Applause and a few grumbles from the players on their way out greeted the announcements. Gerald paused a few minutes before he called the room back to order. “I know you’ve been waiting for the food, and it will be out shortly.” Stopping while another cheer rang out, Gerald chuckled. “But first,” pausing again for the groan, “two things. The items that were looted during a quest to the lost city of Peace will be auctioned in an hour.” Another loud cheer went through the room. “The last thing before we get to the party is simple. The Keep defenses are going to be a group effort with Delvers and Heart’s Light. This is in preparation for the Raid on the Forgotten Prison, which is going to be the first big Raid that we get here in Alpha World.”

  “Is that confirmed?” someone asked from the back of the room.

  “Not completely, but everything has been pointing that way with Stein and the storyline that’s in place,” Gerald said. “Stein was last seen at the Forgotten Prison, so it’s very likely that this is going to be the big event. The defense of the Keeps seems to be the run up to that, like we’ve seen from other… worlds,” Gerald carefully avoided the word game, since there were natives present.

  “With that said, let the party commence,” Marysue said quickly, forestalling any other questions. “Stewart, our gracious host, if you would bring forth the food?”

  The moment she had finished speaking, the Succubi, who had disappeared into the kitchen during Gerald’s speech, each came out carrying a large platter filled with food. They set them down on the long tables set against one wall, then went back to circulating through the room with their trays of drinks.

  Stewart was the last one from the kitchen, carrying a small tray with little chunks of cheese. “Before you all go rushing to load up your plates, I invite you to sample a delicacy from the Dark Lord’s court. Infernal cheese isn’t spicy, but does carry a flavor not found anywhere else.” Taking the tray around the room, he presented it to each person.

  Everyone who took a piece made noises of approval at the flavor of the morsel. Alburet was one of the last people to get a sample. He popped the bit of cheese into his mouth at the same time Gerald did the same. It took him a moment to categorize what he had just eaten. He finally decided it was the richest cheddar he had ever tasted; exquisitely sharp, but still creamy and not crumbly at all.

  “That’s some great cheddar,” Alburet murmured.

  “What are you saying? It was clearly muenster,” Karen said.

  “It wasn’t a gouda?” Fluff asked. Around the room, similar conversations were springing up as people compared their perceptions of the flavor.

  “As you’ve all just learned, the cheese best matches the ideal of the taster,” Stewart chuckled. “Please enjoy the feast.”

  People wasted no time lining up at the buffet table. The party was soon in full swing between the food and drinks freely available. There weren’t a lot of tables set up for people to sit, so everyone got to experience the fun of holding a plate and a drink while trying to stand and eat. After watching the awkwardness for a little while with a growing smile on his face, Stewart had the Infer
nals bring tall but small round tables, allowing people to set down plates and cups without it taking up a lot of room. Stacia caught Stewart’s eye and shook her head, but her suppressed laughter was obvious to him and those near her. Stewart gave her a small shrug, then headed back into the kitchen.

  The party continued for an hour with laughter and many stories being told. Gerald eventually went to the middle of the room and whistled to get everyone’s attention. “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for the auction. Stewart, if you and your family would bring out the items, please?”

  Destroyers, Imps, and Succubi carried out the armor, weapons, and jewelry, setting them on the tables that had been used for food and drinks a few minutes before. Everyone got a good look at the items as they went past. Once everything had been brought out, Gerald went to the first table.

  “Our first item is this Infernal Steel helm. Remember, all proceeds are going to the Guild fund to pay for taxes and upkeep… or we can take our proceeds and give them to those who are affected by the many Final Deaths that are taking place now. I’ve spoken with the Delvers and Heart’s Light. They’re also going to contribute to the widows and orphans fund.”

  The Guild overwhelmingly voiced their support of giving to the natives. With that decided, the auction picked up, the bidding fast and fierce. People were now doubly invested in the outcome, wanting the items but also wishing to help the natives.

  Almost everything sold wound up going for a little more than it would have cost to buy it from a shop, but the players were glad to pay. The conclusion of each sale was met with cheers, even by those who lost the bids. Kim went around, collecting coin from the winners and delivering their prizes.

  The last item auctioned was a necklace of strength. Gerald waited for the cheers to die off again before he got the attention of the room. “We have a couple of hours before the end comes for our friends. Take this time and say your farewells. Though they will be back, we won’t see them nearly as much. Tell the tales of the good times and the bad again. Celebration is the best way to keep memories sharp in the mind.”

  Gerald stepped away from the center and Ironhand took the spot. All eyes went to the Dwarf, who looked back at the crowd for a moment before he closed his eyes and began to sing. The opening lyrics of “You’ve Got a Friend In Me,” caught most of the Guild by surprise. By the time he got to the first chorus, most of the Guild was singing along with him. When the song came to an end, Ironhand went right into “Side by Side” with Leggylass joining him. Not many people knew that song, and the improvisation by the couple soon had many people laughing.

  “Where did you learn that?” someone shouted when the song came to an end.

  “I first heard it from my grandfather. He used to listen to a well-known comedy duo back in the day,” Ironhand explained. “One more, then I’ll stop. This one I think most of us have heard, at least in passing.” Tapping out a simple beat, he was soon singing “With a Little Help From My Friends.”

  Once again, everyone who knew the words joined in. Seeing the response, Ironhand lead them once more through the song. When the song came to an end the second time, he bowed to them, and everyone gave him a round of applause.

  Time felt like it stretched on, but also went by too rapidly, as the appointed time finally came. Gerald took the middle of the floor once more, glass in hand, the Succubi distributing drinks to everyone.

  “It’s time. Let us share one more drink together. Just like the last time, this isn’t goodbye, but more a brief parting. Our friends will be coming back to see us, and hopefully help us in the days ahead. To our departing friends, I thank you for joining us over the last month. You’ll always have a home in Alpha Company.”

  With the toast given, a long moment passed, and the members who weren’t staying vanished all at once. A deep melancholy filled the room as those who were still there looked to where their friends had been just a moment before.

  “I look forward to seeing you all in the morning at the Portal Guild. We’ll welcome our new members and send off people to the various Keeps to defend,” Gerald said, though his voice was softer and full of sadness. “Sleep well.”

  With that, the party came to an end and people began to leave the inn. Some groups were already consolidating their parties, filling in gaps left by the departing players. Watching the others leave, Alburet and his wives said their goodbyes to their friends before they used their Homestones and went to get some sleep themselves.

  Chapter Eleven

  The next morning felt more subdued than it had for the past few days, and Alburet felt a certain loss without Lilith and the kids at the table.

  “What’s wrong?” Fluff asked him, picking up on his sadness.

  “Miss having the kids here.”

  “We can be fixin’ tha’ when we get to Delta World,” Stacia said.

  “The kids will be surrounded by love,” Karen smiled. “Even if we can’t have them, you and Stacia can.”

  “I do nay be thinkin’ tha’ the Overlord would deny ya the chance to have kids of ya own,” Stacia said.

  “I think Stacia is right,” Fluff agreed. “We’ll all have children.”

  Alburet followed that thought, imagining all three of his wives with two children each beside them, each resembling their mother or himself, and a little girl beside him. Kaylee, Alistern, Anastacia, William, Sheryl, Joseph, and Odilia. Alburet knew all of their names, named after their parents and friends, and it had already been agreed that the next two would be Lilith and David.

  “Al?” Karen asked, breaking him from his daydream.

  “Sorry, I was just thinking about what it would be like to have kids with each of you,” Alburet said, a hopeful smile on his face.

  “Ya were namin’ them in ya mind,” Stacia said with an uncanny idea of where his thoughts had gone.

  “Not really. I just knew the names they had when I imagined the scene.”

  “Tell us?” Fluff asked.

  “Stacia’s first child was a girl named Kaylee,” Alburet said, his voice catching for a moment.

  “We wouldn’t have it any other way,” Karen said.

  “Your first was a boy named Joseph,” Alburet said.

  “Dad,” Karen said with a sad smile.

  “What about me?” Fluff asked.

  “Anastacia, after your mother.”

  “As it should be,” Stacia smiled.

  “Stacia was next with a boy, Alistern. Then, there was Karen’s daughter named Sheryl. Fluff’s second was named for my father, William, and Stacia’s third was named for my mother, Odilia. We had agreed on the next girl being Lilith, and the next boy being David.”

  “I’m good with this,” Karen said.

  “I think it’s fitting,” Fluff said, touching his arm.

  “Aye, we all be in agreement,” Stacia said, resting her hand on his other arm. “We be havin’ nine or more kids between us, and name them after our parents and friends.”

  “Nine kids?” Fluff said, a dreamy smile coming to her as she started to picture it.

  “That’s a lot of kids,” Karen said. “I think it’s a wonderful idea, though.”

  “Aye, we be able to give them all the love they be needin’,” Stacia’s smile was broad as she embraced the idea.

  “Breakfast is done, and we need to get going,” Alburet said, breaking them from their moment. “Come on, ladies. Before any of that happens, we have a quest that needs to be done.”

  All three women got to their feet, determination etched on their faces. Giving him kisses as they went past him, they all seemed ready to take on the world. Their fire gave him increased hope.


  When they arrived at the Portal Guild, Alburet was immediately approached by a man with a bloody moon emblem on his chest. “Hey, you guys looking for a Keep group?”

  “We are here to meet up with our Guild,” Alburet replied as the ladies were getting out of the carriage.

  “Fuck,” the guy sighed as he went
back to the four others with the emblem on their chests. A moment later, he darted toward another group approaching the building. “Hey…”

  “Damn, this place is busy today,” Karen said, looking at the massive throng of people.

  “Everyone wants in on the action,” Alburet said.

  “I see Blaze,” Fluff said, giving the leader of Delvers a wave.

  “Benedict’s Guild be over there,” Stacia said, indicating the largest gathering of players.

  “I thought they only took those that worshipped Justice and Peace?” Karen asked.

  “That’s what he said, but maybe they accept normal Two-souled, as well,” Alburet suggested.

  “We should find Alpha Company,” Fluff suggested.


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