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Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8)

Page 20

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Shortly after they left the Infernals, Bob suddenly yelled down at them, “Move!”

  Fluff grabbed Karen and Leaped away from the others. Alburet and Stacia reacted by going straight up, which left Gerald, Marysue, Tiny, and TJ the only ones still standing where they all had just been. The reason for Bob’s warning became obvious a heartbeat later when the mouth of an Elder Sandworm swallowed the four on the ground.

  Immediately using Demonic Inspiration then casting Imp Storm, Alburet felt a pang of fear for his friends. “Burn it quickly!” Alburet yelled at the Imps.

  Stacia and Kitten flew down and used Essence Drain, pulling a combined ten percent of the mob’s health away. Fluff and Karen went running back in to add their attacks.

  The damage added up quickly, forcing the mob to puke out everyone it had swallowed. The moment their bodies hit the ground, Gerald was on his feet. His shield slammed into the mob, stunning it.

  “Tiny, TJ, get ready to chain stun it,” he spat. “Don’t let it get away.”

  With the Imps and the chain stuns, the Elder Sandworm was almost dead by the time it burrowed. Everyone on the ground scattered, hoping to reduce the number that would be swallowed.

  Alburet flew down and snagged Marysue, pulling her into the air. “Al, what are you doing?” Marysue called out in shock.

  The Elder Sandworm shot up from under where she had been, its massive maw barely missing them. “I figured you’d be targeted,” he told her as he flew off to the side and set her down.

  With the Worm resurfaced, the group was able to pull off the last of its health. Once it fell over dead, Gerald slapped his hand to it. “Thank you for getting Mary out, Al.”

  “I would have for any of you,” Alburet replied. “Bob, how did you know it was coming?”

  “I caught sight of a bit of its tail,” Bob replied.

  “Well that sucks. I’d hoped that you’d figured out some trick to know when we were going to be attacked by one,” Alburet sighed.

  “Sorry,” Bob said.

  “It nay be ya fault. Ya warned us, which was good,” Stacia said, flying up to pull the Imp into a hug. “Ya have our thanks.”

  “We got another heart,” Gerald said, “so things are working out on that front.”

  “That’s good,” Marysue said.

  “Yeah, that’s good,” Bob said dreamily when Stacia let him go.

  “Let’s go,” Gerald snorted. “I’ll check in with Blaze tonight and see how they’re doing.”

  “Where did they go?”

  “Same zone as their Keep. Like us, they went for knowing the mobs to help them get an edge.”

  “Makes sense,” Alburet nodded.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  The next four days passed much as the previous one had; there was a fight every fifteen to twenty minutes with a lot of walking in between. They had encountered another dozen groups of Infernals during that span, receiving shards and hearts from each of them.

  Exiting the tent quietly one morning, Alburet gave Gerald a nod as he took a seat near the fire. “Besides the Elder Sandworms, it’s been pretty easy, hasn’t it?”

  “I think the Worms have more than made up for the other parts,” Gerald snorted. “I could be biased, since I’m the one that keeps getting swallowed at the start of the fights with them. I’m really glad we only get a couple of them a day, and far enough apart that you have your Imp Storm each time.”

  “Me, too,” Alburet admitted.

  “Thank you for keeping Mary safe during the transitions, too,” Gerald said as he began to pull ingredients from the bag.

  “Glad to do so, Gerald. How long have you trained?”

  “Since I was six,” Gerald replied. “Since I was going to be beside Mary all the time, Dad thought it would be easiest for me to be her protector as well as her friend. Boxing, wrestling, a number of martial arts, knives, guns... a lot of training.”

  “Does she know that it was all for her?”

  “She knows more than she lets on,” Gerald chuckled. “She’s as smart as, or smarter than her father, but she hates people of her social standing. It’s been easier for her to be the withdrawn ice queen, but she hates that, too.”

  “What about you, though? You’ve had almost your whole life devoted to her. Doesn’t that grate on you at all?”

  Looking up from his prep, Gerald chuckled, “No. It probably should, but it never has. I remember when she was first hurt by someone and the anger that sparked inside of me. I pretty much knew then that no matter what, I would stay with her. Even when I confessed as a kid and she spurned me, I just hid my feelings from her.”

  Adding diced food to the pan, Gerald looked up at Alburet. “How has it been, the whole multiple wives thing?”

  “Different,” Alburet chuckled. “We haven’t had any real issues, but I think most of that comes down to knowing what each other is feeling. If we hurt each other, we know it. It can’t just be ignored or buried. The love we feel resonates, which makes us love each other more. Frankly, I wonder how difficult it would have been without that. Normal relationships are hard enough, but this should be orders of magnitude harder.”

  “I wonder if that would work for Mary and me? The emotional connection, not the extra partners,” Gerald hurriedly clarified.

  “I figured that’s what you meant,” Alburet laughed softly. “You both truly love each other, we all feel it keenly when you are together. I wonder how much more it would bring you together, honestly. Being able to know without any doubt that the other person loves you is… hard to explain.”

  Gerald nodded, then said almost as an aside, “Food is going to run out soon. I’m thinking we should return and drop off what we have, then head out again. Resupply, check in with the others, and back out. Benedict and Blaze have been very cagey about saying what they’ve gathered, but I have to assume they’ve been as productive as we have.”

  “Even with us getting free stuff from the Infernals?”

  “Even with that. From what I’ve heard from Violet, the other zones are a bit more populated; they get a fight every five to ten minutes, but their drop rates are half what we’ve been seeing. The shards have also been dropping during the zone events at the Keeps run by Heart’s Light. They’re gathering them and handing them off to an officer for their Guild.”

  “That sounds like Benedict,” Alburet said. “He’s probably going to try and get at least two of the five groups if he can’t get them all. I’m sure we’re all hoping for that.”

  “True, but if any of us manage more than two, it’ll be them. His Guild is comprised of serious gamers. My limited interactions with them made that clear.”

  “What are you making?” Alburet asked, the scent of cooking starting to reach him.

  “It’s a mixed grill,” Gerald shrugged. “Once I add the eggs, it’ll be more of a quiche. If I left the eggs out, it would be closer to a dinner than breakfast.”

  “We going to travel for most of the day before we head back?”

  “That’s the plan.”

  “There ya be,” Stacia said, poking her head out of the tent flap. “I found him. He be talkin’ with Gerald.”

  “Breakfast will be ready in ten minutes,” Gerald said. “No reason to rush.”

  “That means I get ten minutes of just enjoying watching you cook,” Marysue said, stepping out of the other tent and packing it away. “I have your gear and bag here,” she smiled, setting them down behind him.

  A couple of minutes later, the others joined them. Fluff pulled out her sketchbook and passed it to Marysue. “I showed them last night when I finished, but I thought you might want to see.”

  Marysue took the offered pad, “Is this from the fight?”


  “She did amazing, as always,” Karen said, giving Fluff a squeeze.

  “She did,” Marysue agreed as she scanned each page slowly. “You could surely be a well-known artist if you wanted to, Fluff.”

  “I already have a lif
e goal,” Fluff replied, her cheeks heating to a light pink.

  “Staying with us,” Karen said.

  “You think the Delta World testing will be even longer, then?” Marysue asked idly, but the surge of eagerness inside of her belied her calm exterior.

  “I don’t know, but I hope, like you do,” Fluff said.

  Marysue blinked, pulling her eyes from the drawings to Fluff. “I guess that’s true. Different reasons, but the same hope.”

  “We do nay know iffin it will be as we hope yet or nay,” Stacia said. “Al be havin’ his quest to complete first.”

  “Oh, when are you going to summon Bob?” Karen asked suddenly.

  “After breakfast,” Alburet chuckled. “I wonder if his ego will have grown along with him?”

  “I hope not,” Gerald said. “We’ve finally reached a good place, but god help us if his ego has grown.”

  Marysue shook her head, watching Gerald work on breakfast. “Bob isn’t ego driven, unlike some people we’ve known, Gerald. He is a very simple Imp that likes to needle those around him. I like his honest way of being himself, though I am thankful he stopped trying to pick fights with you.”

  Breakfast was roundly enjoyed by everyone, though they all ate quickly as most of them were eager to see Bob’s Imp Lord transformation. Once the dishes had been cleaned and put away, Alburet summoned Tiny first.

  “Ready to see Bob as an Imp Lord, Tiny?”

  “He has been talking of little else since you leveled last night,” Tiny rumbled, a broad smile on his face. “Loralee and his other wives had to drag him off to bed.”

  “That’s Bob, alright,” Karen snickered. “Okay, Al. Let’s see him.”

  Once he was sure everyone was ready, Alburet intoned the words with a serious tone, his lips creasing into a smile. “I summon Bob the Mighty.”

  The smoke heralding the appearance of one of his minions seemed a little thicker than it had been previously. The sense of anticipation that hung in the air was broken when Bob launched himself out of the cloud, his wings wider than before. Hanging in the first rays of sunlight, Bob grinned down at them.

  “So, what do you think? Pretty sexy, right?”

  Bob looked exactly like Bezzle in height and color. His smile was so wide that it showed off the long rows of sharp teeth he had. His horns were still short, but now they curved back like a shark’s fin and looked rather sharp.

  “Very handsome,” Stacia said. “How does it feel to be an Imp Lord?”

  “Oh my fucking Darkness, it’s amazing,” Bob said, landing in the middle of the group. “We’ll be adding the two Succubi that Loralee has picked out for us soon, too. Oh, and I never did thank you for telling Loralee to spoil me a few days ago, master. You are amazing, thank you.” As Bob talked, his eyes grew damp, one tear escaping to roll down his cheek. Quickly scrubbing it away, Bob coughed, “Stupid sunlight.”

  “Sure, it’s the sun, uh huh,” Karen snickered, grabbing the now five-foot tall Imp and hugging him.

  Fluff and Stacia joined in on the hug, smothering Bob for a long moment. Marysue waited until the three parted before she gave Bob a brief hug herself.

  Eyes glazed over, Bob wobbled in place. “Four of four, would be hugged again.”

  Alburet laughed at the comment. Even Gerald smirked and rolled his eyes. “Okay, Bob, get it together. We have more mobs to kill today.”

  Blinking, Bob took a moment to focus again. “Right, mobs. Killing. I got it.”

  Gerald outlined their plan for the ladies and Infernals. “Everyone good with that?” When no one objected, he grabbed his shield. “Okay, Al, pull the Campstone and let’s get the day moving.”


  The day went as expected, and an hour before sundown, they used their Homestones to get back to the city. They planned to meet up at the castle in the morning and turn in their quest items.

  The Infernals not actively on duty were gathered around the front door. Namida Blackheart, Bob’s second wife, stood in front of the others. As soon as the group appeared, she rushed forward and crushed Bob to her ample chest, kissing the top of his head.

  “I think we’re having a party,” Karen laughed. “Did you all come out to see him?”

  “We did,” Bezzle said from a few feet away. “Infernals making it to the rank of ‘Lord’ are not common. For one who was one of the weakest not even four months ago to do so is almost unheard of. Considering that he is also in service to Lord Darkhand, it makes it even more an event of note.”

  “Loralee has been working on the feast since we were told you were coming home tonight,” Rachel said, moving out of the crowd. “I hope that this is acceptable.”

  “Perfectly. We should have the same for Tiny and Stacia when they both reach their highest tier,” Alburet replied.

  “I will make sure that it is done,” Rachel beamed.

  “Let’s break to get cleaned up and we’ll start the party afterward,” Alburet said before turning to Knitoc. “I have an errand for you, Knitoc. Go over to Pablo’s Provisions and try to fill as much of this list as you can.” Alburet held out the shopping list that Fluff had compiled earlier.

  “I shall do my best, Lord,” Knitoc said, heading off to the carriage at a fast walk.

  “I’ll go with him,” Astov said. “If you give me the list, I’ll fly over and start on getting it filled so we can be back faster.”

  Watching the two Infernals with a smile, Alburet looked back to find the mob already dispersed. Tiny and Bob were also missing. “Well, it seems everyone is eager for the party,” Alburet said as he headed inside, along with Stacia, Karen, and Fluff.

  “Of course we are,” Karen grinned. “But first, bath time.”

  The bath was filled with teasing, but no one went too far, not wanting to delay the party. Dressing in some of their better clothes, the four made their way down to the big dining room. Rachel opened the door for them, dressed in a surprisingly very conservative dress. The room was filled, with only six seats vacant. Tiny stood behind two of them near the head of the table, waiting to seat his wife. Near him, Gerald and Marysue sat with smiles on their faces.

  Alburet caught sight of Knitoc, who gave Alburet a tight smile, handing him the list he’d been tasked with filling. Alburet waited until he had the ladies seated and had taken his own seat before he glanced at it. Only half the items had been marked off.

  “Was it bad?” Fluff asked softly.

  “We’ll need to get food from Stewart, as you thought,” Alburet replied before he picked up his glass and stood up to make a toast.

  The conversations in the room died down as all eyes went to him. “Ladies and gentlemen, tonight we hold a feast for my first friend in Alpha World. I wouldn’t have made it to where I am if not for the steadfast loyalty of Bob. Time and again, he has saved me from death and never once balked when he put himself in danger for me. So please, raise your glasses and toast with me to the best Imp I could have hoped for as my minion, but more importantly, as my friend.”

  Glasses were raised and everyone drank to Bob, who was a much darker red than normal. Bob stood up as Alburet sat back down, and looked around the table slowly. “I’m not good with speeches, but I do want to thank you all for coming to this party that master is holding for me. Honestly, I feared I’d never serve a Summoner with a kind heart, and if I did, it would end badly because of a mistake I made. Alburet has not only treated me like all of us hope we’ll be treated, but as a friend— a true friend. With his help, I have risen to heights I could only dream about. During my short time with him, I have managed not only to grow, but to also find love with my beautiful wives. Who could have asked for anything more than what I have? Thank you all. Now, let’s get this party started.”

  A loud cheer went around the table, and everyone drank to Bob’s short but heartfelt speech. Gerald leaned over, whispering something to Marysue, then stood. Everyone looked at him with puzzled expressions.

  “Sorry to break the moment, but I have a
few words I’d like to say. Bob, we have fought, argued, traded insults, and for a time, I hated you. Thankfully, we’ve come to a point where I now think of you as a friend and trusted companion. I just wished to say that it has been aggravating, but also fun, having you with us on this journey.”

  Bob walked around the table and offered his hand to Gerald. The two shook solemnly, then Bob jumped up and threw his arms around Gerald’s neck, kissing his cheek. Spluttering and trying to dislodge the Imp, Gerald was in a near panic before Bob leapt off and strutted back to his spot at the table.

  “I like you, too, Gerald,” Bob snickered, earning raucous laughter from the rest of the room.


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