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Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8)

Page 35

by Daniel Schinhofen


  “I’m sorry, Al,” Gerald said grimly. “Deirdre and Chris…”

  Stacia let out a hiccupping sob as she buried her face in Alburet’s chest. Fluff and Karen were both there, trying to soothe their sobbing wife. Alburet felt his blood run cold. His arms tightening around Stacia, he ground his teeth together.


  “They were in the last group to be swallowed,” Gerald replied. “I’m sorry. I should have stopped them.”

  Shaking his head, Alburet kept a lid on the rage he felt flare inside of him. “No. Stein will pay for this... for all of our loved ones who’ve died because of him. They died doing what they wanted. They lived good, free lives.”

  “We’ll make all of them pay,” Karen agreed.

  “We’ll save the rest by stopping this from continuing any longer,” Fluff added.

  Stacia pulled back just a fraction from Alburet, her tear-stained face tilted up to look at him. “We be makin’ them pay. For Da’, sis, and our friends. Ya can nay forget what ya need to be doin’.”

  Meeting her gaze, Alburet felt some of his anger drain away. “I’ll do what I have to, but we will be making all of them pay.”

  “Form up! We move in two minutes,” Roberto called out.

  “Al, Gerald and I talked last night. We’re going to set up a memorial for our friends who fell during this raid. We’re going to immortalize them in the graveyard, so everyone who comes to Progress will know of their sacrifices. We were going to ask Fluff to design the statue.”

  “I’ll work on it when we get time,” Fluff nodded.

  “Ya will do them all honor,” Stacia said as she eased away from Alburet, still holding onto his arm.

  “Stein,” Karen hissed under her breath, “you’ll pay for making her cry.”

  Alburet caught her eyes and nodded, “He will.”

  Chapter Thirty-nine

  The last few hours until they reached the cleft of the mountains were not as eventful as breaking camp. There were sporadic fights with undead or Sandworms, but nothing near the magnitude they had faced with Experiment 3.

  Set into the cleft was the first gate of the prison, with the emblem of the first empire emblazoned on both open doors. Fluff and Ioaniss made copies while the raid began marching through. There was a small graveyard just inside the gates, the words almost worn off the few tombstones still standing.

  “Hold this position,” Roberto called out. “We’ll be opening the portal here. Reinforcements will arrive shortly. If anyone wishes to depart, wait until our reinforcements have come through.”

  Tyr put his Mindstone away, “Get those items set out around the graveyard.”

  “I’ll make sure it’s done,” Ioaniss said.

  “I’ll assist,” Vladimir said grimly.

  The two nobles hurriedly laid out a few dozen items around the perimeter of the graveyard. “We are ready, Sire.”

  Tyr stepped over to the marked edge of the graveyard. Materializing his golden sword, Tyr planted it into the ground. “Justice, we have done as you asked. Please help us with opening this portal.”

  A golden glow sprang up, encompassing the graveyard in its entirety. After a few heartbeats, a blue glow filled the interior of the circle, replacing the gold. Once it faded, Tyr removed his sword; the gates of the graveyard were now marked with Justice’s symbol.

  Stormguard Guards were the first people to appear in the graveyard a minute later. Lord Theron was in the first group, and reported to Roberto. Behind them came another detachment of Dwarven Guards, a unit of Elven Archers, and another unit of the Lunari Pride. Finally, Two-souled began to pour through the now functional portal.

  “Those who wish to join the fight, report to Commander Roberto,” Captain Mantoya was saying, trying to shepherd the groups of smaller Guilds toward the Commander. “For those who have been here, stand down. We’ll be reorganizing for an hour.”

  Fluff took out her sketchbook and started drawing. Karen appeared behind her, putting her arms around Fluff to hold her but not interfere with the drawing. Alburet pulled Stacia to his side and held her as they watched people continue to pour through the portal.

  “I need to meet up with our people who died,” Gerald said. “We’ll be back in a bit.”

  “We’ll be right here,” Alburet said.

  More minutes ticked by as the stream of people kept coming. Alburet watched the other Two-souled when they appeared and lined up to sign up with Roberto. Tyr was holding a conference in his pavilion with the leaders of the other nations.

  “Al,” Mother called out, “might I have a moment of your time?”

  “Of course, Mother,” Alburet replied. “What can I do for you?”

  “Firstly, and I’ve already told the King, you are now officially the second in command of the Infernals.” Watching his jaw drop slightly, she smiled and continued, “Secondly, I wish you to step outside the gate with me as I summon more reinforcements from the Dark Lord. And finally, Justice is sending his reinforcements and asks that you be on hand then, as well.”

  “Go ahead, Al,” Karen said. “Fluff and I will stay here for when Gerald gets back.”

  “Okay.” Turning to Mother, Alburet bowed his head and motioned ahead of him. “After you, Mother.”

  “Wonderful,” Mother smiled as she took to the air. “It’ll be much easier to fly out of this.”

  Alburet launched himself, and with Stacia beside him, they followed Mother back outside the gates. “Why did we have to come out here?”

  “It’ll be easier to open the portal here without the prison wards interfering.”

  “Makes sense,” Alburet said as he landed beside Mother.

  Mother smiled as she put her Mindstone away. “They will be here in a moment.”

  “Mother,” Stacia said softly, “do ya think me Da’ and sis will be waitin’ for me?”

  Mother’s eyes softened as she looked at Stacia. “I don’t know, child. Who gets to go to Delta World is beyond even the gods. From the little bit I’ve heard, it is the soul that goes, not the person. If they were chosen, they will be reborn in that world.”

  “Oh,” Stacia whispered, her lips trembling, “I will nay be able to tell them I love them again.”

  “Dear child,” Mother said, moving over to put her hand on Stacia’s shoulder. “They knew well of your love, as well as the rest of your family’s love. Never doubt that.”

  “Iffin one is reborn in Delta World, then how…” Stacia began to ask before she stopped.

  “No. You won’t be dead,” Mother smiled softly and leaned close to Stacia. “I’ll tell you a secret; the Two-souled will go as they are. I’ve heard of your quest, and it’s very likely that you will be taken by the Overlord to Delta World as you are now.”

  Stacia looked at Alburet with tear-filled eyes. “I had hoped to see them again.”

  “I know,” Alburet said, pulling her into his chest tighter. “I’m sorry, dearest.”

  A burst of smoke and a bright red light announced the arrival of the Infernal reinforcements. The four leaders of the reinforcements stood proudly at the front. The first of them stepped forward and bowed her head to Mother. “Mother, the Dark Lord asks that you return to his side.”

  “Yuna, he knows I won’t go,” Mother replied. “I must expunge the mistakes of our past.”

  “He instructed me to tell you the following if you declined: ‘Get back here. Peace is waiting and she insists that her handmaidens will handle Ophelia for us.’ Peace then told me to add the following: ‘Mother, please come home. Your husband will be most distraught if you die.’”

  Mother sighed as she looked at the army of Infernals behind Yuna and the other Demon Lords. “I’m supposed to turn away from all of you and retreat to safety?”

  “Yes,” the three behind Yuna said in unison.

  “Alburet, I am afraid I shall be leaving the command to you much sooner than I had thought.”

  “Go and watch over us,” A
lburet said, gently taking her hand from Stacia’s shoulder and kissing the back of it. “Goodness knows we can’t have the Dark Lord upset.”

  “Alright, but first we should be seeing—” Mother began but cut off as a golden light above them heralded the arrival of the Angels.

  Pouring from the open portal above them, an army of similar size to the Infernals appeared. The Archangels floated to the ground without the help of wings, putting them beside the grounded Destroyers. The last two through the portal were Andrea and Parsnew.

  The two handmaidens landed beside Mother, giving her bright smiles. “Mother, Peace wishes for you—” Andrea began, before Mother cut her off.

  “Yes, yes, I know. I’m only staying to see the gift Justice wished to bestow on Alburet,” Mother said.

  “Ah, that is well, then,” Andrea said as she extended a small box to Alburet. “Justice asks for you to prove his brother right or wrong.”

  Taking the box, Alburet looked inside. There was a single gold coin, marked with Justice’s sword. “A token?”

  “A favor to be called in however you see fit,” Andrea smiled. “It will bring Justice’s full power to bear if requested by his Champion.”

  Picking up the coin out of the box, Alburet discovered a second coin under it. The emblem on it was indistinct to him, “Um?”

  “Peace’s favor,” Parsnew said. “Identical to Justice’s.”

  Pulling that coin out of the box, Alburet saw a black coin under them. “The Dark Lord?”

  “He can be such a child,” Mother sighed. “I would have given it to you, but…”

  Taking it, another coin made of red metal was revealed. “Okay, seriously?”

  “Bastet wishes you to give that to her Champion,” Andrea replied with a giggle.

  “Fine,” Alburet replied. Taking that coin revealed underneath it. “Okay, I’m done playing.” Upending the box, he ended up with a total of nine coins in his hand. “One from each god to their relevant Champion, right?”

  “That is correct,” Parsnew agreed with a perturbed expression. “I was going to explain at the end.”

  “Okay, I’ll give them off to the right people. Can they only be used once?”

  “Yes, for a single fight only, so they’ll need to carefully consider when they should be used,” Andrea replied.

  “Ya be okay now?” Stacia asked the recently recovered Angel.

  “I’ve been restored by Peace,” Andrea replied. “I’m not perfectly healthy, but with my sister, I will be fine.”

  “I must return home,” Mother said. “This moment has been ages coming, Alburet Darkhand. The hopes of the Dark Lord now rests on you. Yuna will be your second in command.” Kissing his cheek, Alburet felt an electric current rush through his body. “For my favorite grandson,” Mother whispered before she vanished.

  Yuna blinked. “Mother doesn’t kiss without reason,” she said in surprise, then changed direction. “Now that we are here, we are ready to strike down Stein for good. What are your orders, Lord Darkhand?”

  “We need to inform Commander Roberto and get these coins to the right people. Follow me.” Flapping his wings, Alburet took to the sky.

  The Infernal and Angel reinforcements caused a commotion at the gates as they marched through to meet up with the rest of their brethren. Alburet landed next to Roberto and held out his hand. “Commander, these need to reach the correct Champions. Each can only be used once, but will bring the power of the divine to our aid in a single fight. Mother has returned to the Dark Lord’s side, and Yuna Demonchild is now second in command of the Infernals.”

  “Second to you?” Roberto asked.

  “That’s what I was told, but I’m not suited to lead a small army,” Alburet said. “Yuna?”

  “Yes?” Yuna asked from above them.

  “You are now in command of the Infernals. You can name your second.”

  Yuna laughed, “I told him you would decline to lead his forces.” Landing beside Alburet, Yuna bowed her head to Roberto. “Commander, I am at your command for this raid.”

  “Very well. Get your people to fall in with the other Infernals,” Roberto said. “Meet at the pavilion in twenty minutes.”

  “Of course,” Yuna said as she took to the air again.

  “Theron?” Roberto called out.

  Wilbur came running, “Yes, sir?”

  “Go inform the Champions of each god to come to the pavilion in twenty minutes.”

  “Yes, sir,” Wilbur replied, snapping a salute before rushing off.

  “Anything else?” Roberto asked Alburet.

  “Not from me, but Andrea and Parsnew are back,” Alburet replied, pointing up at the two white gowned handmaidens.

  “Very well. We shall see you for the meeting, Champion Darkhand.”

  “Of course,” Alburet replied.

  Heading back to where Gerald was, Alburet smiled when he caught sight of Karen and Fluff, speaking softly with Stacia. For you three, I’ll make sure the quest is completed.

  Fluff and Karen were comforting Stacia, who was coming to terms with learning that her view of Delta World was wrong, which was really deepening the loss of her father and sister. Alburet joined them, holding his loving wife and wishing he could do more for her.


  Time passed, and before Alburet was ready for it, the summons to the command tent came. Leaving Stacia in the embrace of Karen, Alburet and Fluff headed for the tent with Gerald and Marysue. Gerald and Marysue looked back at Stacia and Karen, not wanting to break the silence but still concerned for their friends.

  “Stacia always thought Delta World would mean seeing those who had died again. Mother explained differently,” Alburet said as they approached the tent.

  “Oh,” Marysue said, looking back. “I wish I could be there now.”

  “You can talk with her after the meeting,” Gerald said softly. “To help them, we need to help Al complete his mission.”

  “Thank you,” Fluff said. “We appreciate you taking our mission into account.”

  “Friends do what they can for each other, don’t they?”

  “Yes,” Alburet agreed, a memory of David flashing in his mind’s eye. “Thank you,” he told the guards who opened the tent flap for them.

  “We’re just missing the Champions of Forge and Hearth,” Ioaniss said, welcoming them into the crowded pavilion.

  “We be here,” a surly dwarf said upon entering the tent behind Alburet and Fluff.

  Beside him was a smiling Dwarf who rolled his eyes. “We’re here. Don’t mind Werrick; he’s just being himself.”

  The lack of accent from the second Dwarf told everyone there that he was likely a Two-souled. “Thank you for coming. We have gifts delivered to us from each of your gods,” Tyr said without preamble. “Please see Roberto to receive them after the meeting.”

  The Champions were shocked at the news, as were most of the rest of the occupants of the pavilion. Roberto cleared his throat. “Now that everyone is assembled, I’ll recap what we know. Mother was recalled by the Dark Lord, so the Infernals are now under the direction of Yuna Demonchild,” he motioned to where she stood in the corner. “Andrea and Parsnew have both returned to us to lead the Angels, as well,” he motioned to Parsnew. “With all the reinforcements, we have close to nine thousand guards from the various nations. With the Infernals and Angels, we climb to a total of fifteen thousand. The Two-souled brings our total to twenty thousand, but many of them are not maxed and would be ineffective in the assaulting force. We’ll be holding them back with us for defense of the graveyard.”

  “Excuse me,” an Elf raised his hand, “we aren’t going to go in with the others?”

  “Most of those who came through the portal today are barely level seventy,” Roberto replied bluntly. “They’d be killed before they could do more than cast a spell or two. Does that sound like helping, Sidewinder Two-souled?”

  “Why the fuck did we come if we aren’t going to be attacking?” the Elf snap

  “Holding the graveyard will determine if this raid is successful or if it fails,” Benedict said from his place near the King. “Supply lines have always been the most important part of any army, and our supply line is going to be being able to respawn to try again. If the graveyard falls, we’ll have to find a way to reopen the portal to here or Law and hope that Stein doesn’t do something worse than he already has.”

  Gerald raised an eyebrow, impressed by how commanding Benedict sounded, and quickly backed him. “Lord Lightfist is correct. Add in the fact that every native who dies is dead with no coming back, and your job becomes doubly important. You are the wall to keep the world alive.”


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