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Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8)

Page 51

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Finish what?” Jones grumbled as he drank the potion, regaining most of his health.

  “You miserable insects,” Stein’s voice sounded ghostly as a Spirit floated up from where he had died. “Now I will see the last of you dead.”

  “Fucker just won’t die,” Karen said as her life continued to diminish.

  Marysue downed a mana potion and hit Stein with her Divine Heal. “No. Nobody stands in the way of what I want.”

  “Hit him with healing,” Brightlight cried out as she cast her own healing spell.

  “Fools! Killing me means killing him,” Stein laughed as he hit Tyr, vanishing into the King.

  “Kill me,” Tyr choked out, his sword vanishing from his hand. “We can’t waste healing trying to drive him out.”

  “No,” Gerald said. Tyr’s body shuddered and Stein began to laugh from inside of it. “We’ll save you the old-fashioned way,” Gerald said as he Ground Stomped.

  Tyr’s body locked up when the stun took effect and Stein was ejected from it. “I see now why my bride hated you so much,” Stein seethed as he was hit by another healing spell.

  “We have that effect on people,” Karen murmured, wobbling on shaky legs.

  “All healing on Stein,” Ioaniss ordered. “If you’re injured, wait until you fall below ten percent before asking for a heal.” Reloading his crossbow, Ioaniss glared at the Spirit. “Your reign of terror ends now.”

  “Fine. If I can’t have the King first, I’ll take him,” Stein shouted as the Spirit went into Alburet.

  “Wait,” Fluff yelled as one of the tanks started for him. “He’ll be fine.”

  Not even a second later, Stein was ejected from Alburet’s body as his health reset to full. “What? How is that possible?”

  “Love makes everything possible,” Alburet smirked, reaching out and touching Stein with Demonic Vitality.

  Floating backward away from Alburet, Stein caught sight of the bracelet he wore. “I see... it’s a Heartstone. Where is the little bit—”

  “That is my friend,” Marysue snapped, her frosty voice colder than Antarctica. “I’ll not have you use that language in regards to her.” Her healing spell hit the Spirit a moment later.

  “Fools! You’ll never stop me,” Stein hissed as he rushed back at Tyr, who had come out of the stun.

  “No,” Mantoya said. He stepped into Stein’s path and the Spirit vanished into his body. “You killed my father. I’m prepared to die.”

  The Two-souled winced at the phrasing, watching the last bit of health fade from Mantoya. “No! You troublesome gnats just need to lay down and die,” Stein raged from inside the Captain’s body for a few seconds before Mantoya pitched over dead, the debuffs finally claiming his life.

  “Kill the Spawn,” Blaze said to his few remaining Delvers. “We can’t let them overcome us while we deal with Stein.”

  “More of you will join me soon,” Stein said, floating up from the corpse.

  “We’re holding our own,” Marysue said, using Halo to at least temporarily save the most injured raid members. “Now we’ll whittle you down more.”

  “Priests are always so certain that they can decide who lives and dies,” Stein seethed. “Maybe you need to be next.” Stein matched action to his words, his form blurring as it went over the raid and right at Marysue.

  “No, she’s mine,” Gerald said, his Intervene again saving an ally from harm but costing him his body.

  Fluff gnashed her teeth; her Crown’s ability was still on cooldown, so she wouldn’t be able to save Gerald. Karen rushed at Gerald, determined to do what had to be done as her own life was now under fifteen percent.

  “No,” Marysue whispered as Gerald turned to look at her. “Gerald, why?”

  “You always come first,” Gerald choked out. “Kill me. You need to finish this.”

  Karen was the first one there, her blades digging into the gaps in his armor, the poisons taking hold in his body and crippling it. “I’ll do it for you,” Karen said, looking at Marysue.

  Stepping back, Marysue’s face hardened and she nodded, “Thank you, Karen.”

  Stein fled Gerald’s body as the poison paralyzed it. Without warning, Stein spun on Karen and possessed her.

  “Bastard,” Alburet hissed as he rushed at Karen, grabbing her when she dropped her weapons.

  “It’s okay, Al. We just need you to live,” Karen managed to say.

  “Need you to live, do they?” Stein laughed from Karen’s body. “How sweet.”

  “We don’t have much time left,” Blaze said as Ulula and Maree from his group died and came back as Calamity’s Spawn.

  “I’ve got you,” Fluff murmured as she ripped Karen’s throat out.

  “Killing your own lover?” Stain laughed as he left Karen’s dead body. A handful of healing spells and Abilities hit him, turning his laughter into a scream of pain. “Oh no, we’re not done yet. I’ll at least finish what was started long ago.” Stein’s Spirit went back to Tyr, entering him before anyone else could act.

  No one was close enough to stun the King, so Ioaniss threw a foam trap at Tyr’s feet, though he knew that alone wasn’t going to free him from Stein. “Kill me,” Tyr said as his sword, which he had just used to kill another Spawn, vanished from his hand.

  “Yes, kill me,” Stein laughed as he started to throttle the body he possessed.

  “What do we do now?” Hammerhand asked, his own life now fading now that he had no more potions left.

  “As he asked,” Ioaniss said, drawing a dagger.

  Tyr’s lips pulled back in a smile as Stein stared right at Ioaniss, not stopping his attempt to strangle the King.

  Before Ioaniss could strike, Fluff hit Tyr with her full fury. Her claws flashed, sending blood flying as she tore into the King. “I’ll kill you for making me kill her.” Everyone froze for a moment at the sheer fury Fluff displayed.

  Wildmane joined her, knocking Ioaniss aside with his Wild Charge. “We will end this for you.”

  Ioaniss bowed his head, saying a prayer as he put the dagger away and drew out his crossbow, loaded with the last few bolts he had left. “May Justice hold you close.”

  Tyr fell and the buff from the King faded. Everyone felt the loss keenly except for the few who knew the secret.

  Rising high above Tyr’s corpse, Stein was laughing, “Finally! The Crown has been forced from his family’s line.”

  “No, his wife and child still live,” Ioaniss said.

  “My chosen in the Lunari will finish them before the night ends,” Stein laughed. “I shall claim my reward for finishing my quest, after so very long.”

  “Your chosen were sniffed out and killed,” Wildmane snarled. “We killed them all after the Pride Leader was injured.”

  Stein stopped laughing, “No…”

  “Yes,” Marysue said as her next heal slammed into Stein.

  “Besides, I’m not dead,” Tyr said as he climbed back to his feet.

  Stein spun to stare at Tyr, “How?!”

  “I have friends and allies, something you have always lacked,” Tyr said.

  With only a few dozen people left alive— most of them with well under twenty percent health— the three remaining healers hit Stein with their most powerful heals, finally pulling the last fragment of life from the Spirit.

  “No! I was promised immortality…” Stein yelled as his Spirit broke apart and faded away. A massive chest appeared in front of the King, the darkness that had occluded the sky vanishing.

  “For you, Justice,” Tyr whispered and took a knee next to the chest.

  Chapter Fifty-eight

  “Sire, the undead have lost cohesion,” Roberto reported over the Raidstone. “We should be able to finish up in the next hour or less.”

  “Very good, Commander,” Tyr said softly as he touched the chest.

  With a burst of light, the chest vanished and the sound of Angels and bells filled the air. People began to talk excitedly as they pulled items out of bags.r />
  Alburet looked to the Graveyard, where raid members were finally respawning. Barely aware of what he was doing, he Summoned Stacia to him. When she appeared beside him, Alburet crushed her to his chest and kissed her passionately. The kiss lingered until Fluff spoke up.

  “May I say hello to her, Al?” Fluff asked.

  Breaking the kiss, Alburet nodded, “Sorry, didn’t mean to monopolize her.”

  “She did keep you alive,” Karen said, grabbing Al, spinning him to her and claiming his lips.

  When that kiss broke, Alburet was kissed by Fluff while Karen took Stacia. Accepting the love from each other equally, they finally stopped trading kisses when Gerald coughed.

  “I know you could do that all day, but the King would like to talk with you,” Gerald said. “I’m going to take the others to help mop up the undead. Tomorrow night, we’re going to hold a party for the testers who are leaving and welcome the new arrivals.”

  “Did you finish your quest?” Marysue asked before anyone moved.

  Quest Completed: A Deal with the Overlord.

  Rewards: The full truth and a boon from the Overlord.

  A new god has ascended.

  Mother has taken her place beside the Dark Lord. She will no longer walk the world, nor aid the followers of the Dark Lord as she has in the past.

  Alctriuz Prison Cleared!

  The Prison of Alctriuz has been cleared by a coalition of every nation plus the Two-souled.

  Stein has been destroyed and the Final Death is no longer a guarantee.

  This day every year shall be celebrated in Stormguard!

  Clear Alctriuz Prison.

  For taking part in the Alctriuz Prison Raid, you will receive rewards from the Crown of Stormguard. Pay attention over the next few days to find out where and when the rewards will be given out.

  Revered by all Nations.

  Alpha Company and Delvers Inc. are now Revered or Respected by every nation for their heroic and steadfast aid in slaying Stein.

  Alburet looked at the notifications, “Yeah, we did it.”

  “I hope we can have a private dinner before you go,” Marysue said before she took Gerald’s arm. “Come on, Gerald. We have work to do.”

  “When will she contact you?” Karen asked.

  “Probably tonight,” Alburet replied.

  “Karen… about killing you—” Fluff began.

  “It’s fine, Fluff,” Karen said, taking her arm. “You did what I wanted done. It was better than having him control me any longer.”

  “I was worried the whole time,” Stacia said as they approached Tyr, Ioaniss, Vladimir, Wilbur, and Roberto.

  “You weren’t able to watch?” Alburet asked. “I thought the Dark Lord was watching us somehow along with Justice and the others?”

  “Aye, they were, but they could nay share it with the rest of us,” Stacia replied.

  “How many healers did they have on you?” Fluff asked.

  “Thirty-three,” Stacia replied. “Every one they could gather, from the lowest levels up to a few in the low nineties.”

  “Mother really did help us out,” Karen said. “The ring probably wouldn’t have done what we needed it to, but it did save Tyr… You were right to do what you did, Al.”

  “I’ll treasure this moment,” Alburet said, holding back a smile. “Not many men can say they got their wife to agree they were right.”

  Rolling her eyes, Karen snorted, “I’ll make you pay for that later.”

  “Hopefully for the rest of my life,” Alburet said softly.


  “Sire, you wished to see me?” Alburet asked when they reached the outer ring of guards around Tyr.

  “Let him in,” Roberto ordered.

  “Darkhand, Ladies,” Tyr said, smiling at them, “I need to thank you. Without this ring, I wouldn’t have survived.” Tyr held the ring out to Alburet.

  Alburet motioned Tyr to keep it, “No, keep it, Sire. I’ll tell you a secret not many others know. I won’t be here for much longer, and am unlikely to ever come back to Alpha World.”

  Tyr’s smile vanished, “That is troubling, considering the debt I owe you.”

  “I have two requests that might help ease the debt you think is owed,” Alburet said. When Tyr motioned for him to go on, Alburet continued, “Make House Darkhand a noble house of Stormguard. My sister in-law, Marian, has already been declared my successor. The other is to let Lilith Crowley take over as Ambassador of the Dark Lord.”

  “I would say his requests are good ones,” Ioaniss murmured.

  “Very well, but that is not enough to repay you for my life,” Tyr agreed.

  A corner of Alburet’s mouth twitched as he thought of another idea. “Sire, I will suggest that Heart’s Light, while being dedicated to Justice and Peace, might not have Stormguard’s best wishes at the forefront of their agenda. Delvers and Alpha Company have shown they will do what needs to be done for the Crown and not rush in to kill the end boss on their own.”

  Tyr’s lips thinned, but he nodded minutely. “Jones and Dracon have already made that point. I shall make the three Guilds equal in the eyes of the Crown. Any more than that might upset the citizenry.”

  “Thank you, Sire,” Alburet said, bowing from the waist.

  “Very well. We shall finish this up. In two days, a Convocation will be called and I ask that you be ready to attend.”

  “Barring unforeseen issues arising, I’ll be there,” Alburet replied.

  “Thank you again, Alburet,” Tyr said, turning to Roberto. “Get started on the logistics of setting up a Keep near the first graveyard. I want to make sure this place is watched.”

  As Alburet led his wives away, the family felt a weight fall off their shoulders. Alburet looked at the fading sun and smiled. “Should we go home, have a good meal, and turn in for the evening?”

  “What about the undead?” Karen smirked.

  “I’ve killed enough for today,” Alburet shrugged.

  “I think a bath sounds lovely and should come before the meal,” Fluff opined.

  “Aye, ya be havin’ the gist of it,” Stacia nodded. “I can be lettin’ Loralee know we be comin’ home and to make sure dinner be kept warm for us.”

  “Who am I to stand in their way?” Karen snickered.

  “I’m certainly not going to,” Alburet grinned as he pulled out his Homestone.

  “Mayhap we should invite me sisters and Ma’ over for dinner,” Stacia suggested. “I be sure they be wantin’ to hear about what happened.”

  “That’s fine,” Alburet said. “See you two at home,” Alburet winked at Fluff and Karen.

  “We’ll be waiting,” Karen replied.

  “But don’t keep us waiting long,” Fluff added.

  Alburet let Stacia finish sending messages before he used his own Homestone to bring them home. Appearing outside the manor, they saw Fluff and Karen still there, speaking with Tiny, Bob, Bezzle, and the other Infernals.

  “Tiny, Bob, thank you both,” Alburet said when he saw them.

  “It is our duty, master,” Tiny rumbled, the smile on his face wide and proud.

  “I was hoping to be there at the end,” Bob shrugged. “Guess you learned to survive without me?”

  “Could have used you,” Alburet said. “I’ll never forget the guy who has two thumbs and saved my ass on day one, though.”

  “This guy,” Bob smiled as he hooked both thumbs back at his chest.

  “Damned right,” Alburet chuckled.

  “We told them the basics,” Fluff said. “Bezzle has asked to sit in at dinner to hear the whole story.”

  “Bob, do you and Tiny want to join the family meal?” Alburet asked. “We can use the big dining room so all your wives can attend.”

  “I am honored, master,” Tiny said.

  “Sweet. Loralee will be thrilled,” Bob bounced in place.

  “Then we should go get ready,” Karen said as she took Fluff’s arm. “It’ll be a bit yet. We need t
o clean up first.”

  Bob snickered, “Right?”

  “I’ve always liked you, Bob. You’ve always understood me,” Karen laughed as she guided Fluff to the manor door.

  “For the rest of you,” Alburet said, addressing the throng of Infernals, “Final Deaths are no longer certain. Spend the night with your family and pray for those who aren’t here anymore.”


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