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Gamer for Love (Alpha World Book 8)

Page 56

by Daniel Schinhofen

  “Very well, Darkhand,” Tyr said. “While I feel the scales are still far from balanced, I will accept these as your boons.”

  “Thank you, Sire,” Alburet bowed before he returned to his seat.

  “Lord Theron, please step forward,” Tyr continued calling people forward.

  The Convocation went on for hours as all the notable figures and Guild leaders were called up and rewarded. Benedict was stiff but thankful when he appeared for Heart’s Light. His face went stony when Tyr announced that Delvers and Alpha Company would be viewed as their equal in the city, but applauded along with the crowd.

  When the Convocation finally came to an end, the sun was low in the west. After saying their goodbyes, Alburet and his wives were ready to head home. They still had a dinner with the Dark Lord to attend.

  Chapter Sixty-three

  They used their Homestones to get back to the manor, and Bezzle was there to greet them. “Lord, the Dark Lord has sent a gift for you.”

  “Where is it?” Alburet asked.

  “Behind the manor,” Bezzle grinned.

  “Should we go look before we freshen up for dinner?” Alburet asked the ladies, who all nodded in agreement.

  Bezzle led them around to the back of the manor. A rune, glowing red, was etched into the ground. “A portal rune. It will place you at the outer gate of the Dark Lord’s palace.”

  “We don’t own this place,” Alburet said. “I’m not sure if a portal—”

  “It is fine, Lord,” Bezzle said, cutting him off. “The manor was purchased outright from the Pride Leader, and Sir Jones approved placement of the portal before it was done.”

  “I guess that will make it easier for the Ambassador to speak with the Dark Lord,” Alburet said. “We’ll use it ourselves, but first, we want to change into different clothing for dinner.”

  Bezzle grinned before he flew back toward the gates. “I hope you have a good evening, Lord and Ladies.”

  They didn’t take long to freshen up and change. Dressed in outfits of black and red, they headed to the new portal. Bob and Tiny joined them, both Infernals dressed in suits.

  “Tiny,” Alburet smiled, “that looks good.”

  “Namida made it for me,” Tiny rumbled.

  “Yeah, she’s a wizard with a needle. I’m so glad that Loralee picked her as my second wife,” Bob grinned.

  “She made yours as well, right?” Karen asked.

  “Yeah. I didn’t know how comfortable a suit could be until she gave me the ones I wear.”

  “I wish we could craft,” Fluff murmured.

  “You do,” Karen said, nudging her gently. “Your artwork is a craft, and now, statues are going to be made by the natives based on your designs.”

  Fluff blushed, “Thank you, Karen. It means a lot when you say it that way.”

  “Aye. I be knowin’ what ya mean though, Fluff,” Stacia added. “Only a select few get blessed with the knowledge of craftin’. Tha’ be another reason why Margret’s death was so tragic. She was blessed with the knowledge of the needle, and now she be gone.”

  Alburet bit his lip. “Should we go?” he asked instead of telling them about the crafting that was coming.

  “Aye. I be havin’ our gift to Mother,” Stacia smiled.

  “Ladies,” Alburet said, motioning them to the rune.

  “Always wanting to watch us walk by him,” Karen winked.

  “Can’t blame him,” Bob coughed.

  Tiny’s rumbling laughter was joined by all three women as they stepped past the men with exaggerated moves and stepped on the rune. “Okay, guys, let’s go,” Alburet said after Stacia, Karen, and Fluff had vanished, still chuckling when his foot touched the rune.

  The red-streaked black stone walls rose before the group while the black metal gates stood open, a dozen Destroyer Lords standing on gate duty. “Lord Darkhand, Ladies Darkhand, Tiny, and Bob, the Dark Lord is expecting you. Are your wives not going to join you tonight?” The last question was directed at Bob and Tiny.

  “We didn’t know if they were invited,” Tiny rumbled as he pulled out a Mindstone. “They’ll be here shortly,” he said after a moment.

  “Same,” Bob nodded, putting his own Mindstone away.

  “Would you like to go inside or wait here for them?” the largest Destroyer asked.

  “We’ll wait here so our families can all go in together,” Alburet said.

  The Destroyer’s face was obscured by a helm, but his smile could clearly be heard in his voice, “Very well, Lord Darkhand.”

  Alburet was glad that Succubi didn’t take long to get ready, because all of their wives appeared in under five minutes. “Ladies, thank you for coming,” Alburet said as they each paired up with their husbands.

  “We didn’t mean to keep you waiting, Lord,” Rachel said, her black dress conservative compared to everyone else’s.

  “We didn’t mind,” Fluff said and pulled out her sketchbook. “Please give me a moment.” Fluff was drawing for a few minutes before she put it away. “Sorry, I wanted to record that for later.”

  “Lord Darkhand, if your party is ready, my second shall lead you to the door,” the Destroyer Lord said.

  “We are ready…?” Alburet trailed off, fishing for a name.

  “Flamefist, Lord. It is an honor,” Flamefist said, bowing his head. “Darkcloud, you are on escort.”

  An Imp Lord came off the wall and hovered in front of them briefly before he touched down. “If you will follow me, Lord and Ladies.”

  Alburet bit back a laugh when he noticed the Imp Lord was also in a suit. As they walked, Alburet leaned in toward Rachel. “I don’t remember the Imp Lords wearing suits before.”

  “It is a new thing,” Rachel replied softly.

  Glancing back at Bob, Alburet had to bite his lip to stifle another laugh. Bob was puffed up and strutting along, his wives surrounding him. Clearly, him wearing the suit during combat had made an impression on the Imp Lords here at the Dark Lord’s plane.

  “He’s so proud,” Fluff murmured.

  “I thought he might be a bit more vocal about it, but he’s playing it much cooler than I thought he would,” Karen added just as softly.

  “His wives have been helpin’ him,” Stacia said.

  “Luckily he has wives that are good for him like I do,” Alburet smiled.

  “Right?” Karen laughed.

  The walk to the door wasn’t long, and the Destroyer Lords and Imp Lords on duty all bowed as they passed. Darkcloud left them at the door with the Succubus that had brought the invitation.

  “Please, follow me,” the Succubus said, leading them down the hall.

  Entering the formal dining room, they greeted the Dark Lord and newly ascended Dark Lady. “Dark Lord, Dark Lady, it is a pleasure to see you again,” Alburet said.

  “Please, just call me Mother. It’s the only name I wish to be called,” Mother said as she went to greet them with hugs.

  “As you command, goddess,” Alburet replied with a smirk.

  “Justice said the same thing to her last night,” the Dark Lord laughed.

  Mother’s smile wavered but came back, “I will allow it this time, but only because we are here to celebrate the completion of your quest.”

  “Justice and Peace were going to join us, but something came up,” the Dark Lord sighed. “I really wanted you two to meet.”

  “Maybe next time,” Alburet said with a forced smile.

  “There won’t be a next time, though, will there, Alburet?” the Dark Lord replied, shaking hands with him. “We’ve heard that you are moving on to Delta World.”

  “Dear,” Mother sighed, “you’re going to get in trouble, so please stop.”

  Alburet and his wives exchanged a look. “The Overlord?”

  “Who else could censor me?” the Dark Lord shrugged. “Guess I’ll be nice. She did finally let my darling become my equal.”

  “I always thought it was odd that all the gods had a partner that was their equ
al except you,” Karen said. “No offense, Mother.”

  “None taken. We were promised long ago that the day would come, but that it would cost me my ability to be his liaison on Alpha World. I’m fine with it happening now, since Stein has finally been put to rest. Please, sit. We have a wonderful meal planned.”

  “Ya could nay oppose him yaself?” Stacia asked as everyone was being seated.

  “I was constrained on that point, and his location was hidden from us until Alburet met him. I did give thought to moving on my own and dealing with the punishment the Overlord would have dealt to me, but I was warned that it would mean my death.”

  “I wouldn’t allow her at that point. What is life without your loved ones around you?”

  Alburet nodded, “I understand.”

  “We know,” the Dark Lord replied. “Mother was there to assist you.”

  “Right,” Alburet nodded.

  “Enough. This is a happy meal... well, mostly happy. We’re sad that you’ll be leaving us,” Mother said, picking up a small crystal bell and ringing it.

  Dozens of Succubi came into the room with trays, quickly serving the table the first course and drinks. Alburet shook his head when the Succubus serving him tried to flirt with him. “Not taking more wives,” he told her.

  “Please excuse their advances. You are quite the prize, but we know that you are content with your three,” the Dark Lord said. “Ladies, if you bother him, you will be removed from dinner service.”

  All the Succubi bowed their heads, “As you command, father.”

  The Dark Lord rolled his eyes, “They’ve all become a bit more willful since your ascension, dear.”

  “I’m very proud of them,” Mother giggled.

  “May your marriages be as happy as ours,” the Dark Lord said. “But maybe with children who listen to their father.”

  Alburet laughed along with the others, but a spike of fear pulsed inside of him. Can you be a good father, after failing— Stacia took his hand and cut off the thought. Alburet gave her a wan smile, “Sorry.”

  “Nay need, Asthore. Ya will be a father equal to or better than me own.”

  Throat catching, Alburet blinked against the tears he felt. Fluff spoke before he could, “I have the same fear when thinking about being a mother, Al. I know it will be fine, because Karen and Stacia will be there to help me, just as we will be there with you.”

  “If we get to have kids,” Karen added softly, her own desire for children striking all of them.

  “We will,” Alburet said as he thought back on his previous dream. “All of them are already named, remember?”

  “Yes,” Karen said. “I want that... exactly that.”

  “May your dreams come true, as ours have,” the Dark Lord said, his voice filling the room with power.

  “I agree,” Mother said, another wave of power coming from her.

  “See? We have two gods in our corner,” Alburet said, reaching behind Fluff to touch Karen’s shoulder. “Have faith.”

  “Okay,” Karen nodded.

  “Master,” Tiny rumbled as softly as he could, “I have a request.” When Alburet nodded, Tiny continued, “Might I be allowed to name our children after you and your wives?”

  Alburet blinked, “Uh… sure… yes, that’s fine, Tiny.”

  “Me, too,” Bob said quickly, adding, “in time. Not in a rush here, but you know... eventually.”

  Loralee rolled her eyes, “Bob, we’ll have children and be fine. Imp Mothers are for those Succubi who wish to have numerous children. Besides… you’ll see,” she trailed off with a smirk.

  Alburet chuckled at Bob, “You can, too, Bob.”

  “We’re fine with that,” Fluff, Karen, and Stacia agreed.

  “Then I would like to announce that I am pregnant,” Rachel beamed.

  The room was loud for a moment as everyone congratulated Rachel and Tiny. The Succubi came back in to remove the first course and saw that it had barely been touched. A number of them looked sad until the Dark Lord explained.

  “We’re sorry, we’ll focus on the food,” Alburet said, unable to stop himself when he felt the sadness from so many of them.

  “Now I feel bad,” Karen whispered as they swiftly brought out the second course.

  “We’ll talk after dinner,” Mother said. “Please, enjoy the meal.”


  Sitting back in his seat, right on the edge of being too full, Alburet sighed happily. The seven-course meal had been, without a doubt, the best meal of his life, even surpassing the one at the castle months before.

  “Fabulous,” Fluff said with a wide smile.

  “We’re glad you enjoyed it,” Mother said.

  “Coffee?” one of the Succubi asked while they cleared the table.

  “Yes,” the Dark Lord replied. “We have a few points to discuss.”

  Alburet perked up, pushing off the full stomach sleepiness he felt. “What did you wish to discuss?”

  Holding up a hand, the Dark Lord had Alburet wait for the coffee to be served. “Do not let another being enter this room until I call,” he told the Succubi as they were leaving.

  “I shall inform the Dark Guard,” the Succubus replied, bowing low.

  Eyebrow going up, Alburet waited, feeling the tension spike around the table.

  “Now that we won’t be disturbed, we can talk. Justice and the other gods have been amenable to accepting me back into their midst again,” the Dark Lord said. “It’ll be a slow integration, because some are still a little leery of my intentions, even with my full might thrown into helping kill Stein.”

  Mother touched his hand when he paused, the spike of sorrow from him felt by everyone at the table. “We will miss them with you.”

  “They fought bravely,” Karen said. “No warrior could ask for more.”

  Nodding, the Dark Lord sighed, “It’s still never easy losing friends. Cal, Kean, and Pytor will always be remembered, just as their brother Zackorie will be. With you leaving, that means Yuna will be my last remaining Demon Lord. Luckily, she won’t be my last Champion. I’ll be allowed to have Champions like the other gods do.”

  “You’re straying,” Mother gently nudged him.

  “Sorry,” the Dark Lord said. “Part of that integration is setting up Ambassadors with the other nations.”

  “Tiny for the Dwarves and Bob for the Lunari,” Karen said quickly.

  Mother laughed while the others looked at Karen with wide eyes. “You have solid ideas with those choices, Karen. We’re going to have Lilith take the role of Ambassador in Stormguard from you, Alburet.”

  “For any of that to be accomplished, we have to deal with the matter of them being your minions,” the Dark Lord said.

  “Is there any way to let them stay as my minions?” Alburet asked. “Unless you would rather be freed,” he added, looking at Bob and Tiny.

  “I’m happy as your shield,” Tiny rumbled.

  “Not getting rid of me now, nope,” Bob added.

  “I have asked. Since you are leaving,” the Dark Lord said, “the Overlord is willing to let them remain your minions until the gateway between your world and ours closes.”

  “Let them be Ambassadors, then. They’ll do you proud,” Alburet said.

  “Very well,” the Dark Lord smiled. “I think we’ll make them Ambassadors now, too, but we’re missing an Ambassador for the Elves. Since Stacia is going with you, I can’t ask her to fulfill the role.”

  “Bezzle,” Fluff suggested.

  “He would hate that,” the Dark Lord chuckled. “I’ll accept your suggestion, though.”

  “Poor Bezzle,” Karen snickered.

  “He’ll be fine,” Mother said. “Bezzle is one of our oldest children. He’ll be more than a match for the long-lived Elves when they start trying to feel superior because of their age.”

  “Master,” Tiny said, rising to his feet glass in hand, “I’ll always remember you. The number of masters who possess your level of care and drive t
o succeed are very few. I have never had a master who comes close to you.”

  “Hear, hear,” Bob said, raising his own glass high.

  “To Alburet Darkhand, the best master any Infernal would be lucky to have,” Tiny finished.


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