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Welcome to the Apocalypse

Page 8

by Cathy Gaitan

  I’m squinting in the dark trying to distinguish features. That munching sounds familiar. I reach over to turn on the bedside lamp and feel my heart almost explode when I see Mercy’s startled expression.

  It’s definitely her. She’s still wearing the blood soaked yellow t-shirt with the huge gash over her heart. I’m staring at her but I still can’t believe it. “How?” It’s the only thing I can think to ask.

  She looks at me with the Twizzler sticking out of her mouth and shrugs. When she finishes eating it she says, “I guess Zombies aren’t as easy to kill as we thought.”

  Lumina jumps off the bed to rub against Mercy’s side. Her purring is loud enough to wake the dead. She’s obviously as happy to see Mercy as I am.

  “I’m sorry, Mercy. I tossed you in the river and you were still alive,” I whispered. I think of the way she floated off in the water and want to kick myself.

  “Yeah, that’s okay. All those hours of swimming paid off. At least this time I had an excuse for flopping around like a dead fish,” Mercy replied with a half grin. “Besides, I heard Julia tell you she wanted to burn my body. Thanks for the save. That would have sucked big time.”

  “Wait. You heard that?” I don’t understand this at all.

  “I heard everything. By the way, you made a promise. I’m gonna be expecting some mad Ninja skills,” she laughed softly, then winced and touched the site of her wound.

  “How bad is it,” I ask stupidly.

  Mercy looks at me like I’m dense. “Considering Julia dug a tunnel into my heart, not bad. I mean it hurts like hell but it won’t kill me I guess.”

  I grinned. “You’re like the Zombie version of a superhero. They try to take you out but you just keep getting up again.”

  Her eyes lit up. “I guess Julia’s not the only badass.”

  “I guess not,” I agreed. “What are we gonna do now,” I asked her because it was ‘we’. Whatever her plan was she could count on me. Strangely the thought didn’t freak me out.

  “Well, my plan is to get my cats, my weapons and you and head for the horizon. I’m not sure where yet so I guess my plan is to make it up as I go along.”

  “So, basically, your plan ‘A’,” was my sarcastic response. It’s the truth. She pretty much floats around like a feather in the wind waiting for the next breeze to determine her direction.

  Mercy didn’t take offense. “Exactly. It’s kind of nice that you know me so well. I don’t have to explain my thinking process,” she remarked.

  I was a little curious to know how exactly she would have explained chaos. I didn’t say it though. We didn’t have time for that. We needed to move before Julia or Titus found her.

  It was time for us to change direction. Hopefully the winds of fate would be kind to us. If not, no worries. I always have a plan ‘B’. I don’t trust anyone especially fate. She’s burned me one too many times.


  Chapter Nine

  Is it just me or does anyone else feel like the world is constructed of trip wires? We’re all just one wrong step away from disaster.

  -from the mad ramblings of Mercy Mayhem

  Mercy Mayhem

  One day after Mercy’s re-birth

  It’s 3 a.m. and I can’t sleep. I woke up with my heart pounding. I dreamed I was back in those woods. I could feel the blade entering my heart. I could see the rage in Julia’s eyes when she did it. I’m not sure what hurt more the blade or the betrayal. This might sound dumb but I’m pretty sure it was the betrayal.

  I heard the conversation between Pink and Julia. When Julia mentioned her plans for me I wanted to scream. I wanted to run but I couldn’t do either. It was like I was frozen in place. My body wasn’t mine anymore. When I heard Pink fight for me I couldn’t cry the tears of relief but I will always remember the feeling of gratitude. Pinkerton says not to trust anyone but I will trust him forever. Don’t tell Pink!!

  Remember how I told you Zombies are forged in fire? Well, it turns out so is loyalty. When the flames are all around you and you feel like you’re sitting in the middle of hell take a look around you. Who’s there? At that moment what matters, the only thing that matters, is loyalty.

  We may argue. We might say things to and about each other. He may have stolen that 5k from me. But when the sky fell down around me he was there. That is something I will never forget. Not ever!

  I still can’t believe Julia Caesar killed me! Every time I think our sisterhood is rock steady suddenly bam! Betrayal!

  When am I going to learn? How many times has Pink drilled it into my head? Trust No One!!! Well, I think this time the message may just stick. With the exception of Pink of course.

  I swear I can still taste that river water and this anxiety attack is making my chest ache. The wound doesn’t look nearly as bad as it did yesterday but it’s still tender.

  Thankfully Pinkerton has been pretty cool about all this. He hasn’t made one annoying comment about it. It’s weird for him but still nice. I don’t think he can hold back much longer maybe a few hours at most.

  Julia was so angry when she found out Pink stole the SUV. She yelled so loud on the phone I’m surprised she didn’t blow Pinks eardrum. He stayed calm though. Pinkerton said it was more or less a company vehicle and therefore did not belong to any one person. He didn’t tell her about me and she obviously didn’t think to ask.

  We’re sharing a hotel room right now. We’ve drifted into the heartland and some of the looks we’ve gotten have us on edge. I’m pretty sure some of these people would consider it their civic duty to report us. That’s if they don’t decide to just outright shoot us.

  Have I mentioned we’re on the most wanted list? I used to think it was cool. It’s not so cool anymore. Now it’s actually kind of nerve wracking.

  I asked Pink if we could stay put for a couple of days. I told him it was to recover from the trauma of Julia’s betrayal. He didn’t like it but he agreed. The truth is I’m planning a reunion of sorts. I’ve been corresponding with the residents of Happyville. I didn’t really like the way things went down there. The more I thought about it the more I was certain we were being judgmental. We acted as though there was something wrong with the way they lived when the truth was we were just scared. With the Humans demonizing us everything and everyone seemed like a threat.

  They were just living in their own world and couldn’t imagine anyone not wanting to stay in a place as ‘safe’ as Happyville. The residents of that town were as fearful as we were. Actually more so. They were too afraid to move or step outside town limits. Those folks were essentially prisoners in their own safe zone. Nothing bad could get to them but neither could anything good.

  I guess they built their walls so high it blocked out eve the sun. I’ve decided it’s my mission to free them. I guess Pinkerton will be my trusty sidekick. Don’t tell Pink !

  Anyway, I made arrangements for Molly and a few other Happyville residents to meet us here. It should be interesting. These people are not new to Zombiedom. They’ve been Zombies longer than we have so in that respect there won’t be a learning curve.

  The real kick will be in teaching them how to transition from existing to living. Sometimes realizing we actually have a life after death takes some getting used to but those people are really enthusiastic. I think the world just might need them. No sense in keeping all that light trapped in a town that tries to stifle it.

  I’m coming to realize that this revolution might just be about more than just order placement on an invisible list. It’s also about self-empowerment. It’s not enough that the world recognizes us as beings worthy of respect. We need to embrace ourselves in the same way. Sometimes that’s the hardest thing to do. I’m still learning how to do that. It’s kind of a day by day process. Pinkerton’s still a work in progress too. He’s just better at hiding it.

  Wherever Julia is she’s soon about to lose her mind. I’ve decided to continue with my blog. After all it’s called Chronicles of a Modern Zombie for a reason
. I told Pink and he was all for it. He says living on the edge means falling off sometimes but the experiences will make me stronger. I’ve survived the fall once I could do it again if I needed to. I just hope I don’t need to.

  I know I need to tell Pink about the Happyville group meet-up but I want to wait until the last possible moment. I think he’ll be okay with it but I don’t want to take any chances. If he’s not okay with it telling him now will give him too much time to try to change my mind. I’d like to think I’d stand my ground but sometimes I’m weak. Don’t tell anyone!!

  Molly says they’ll meet us in the park tomorrow at noon. She’s planning on bringing a picnic lunch for us. I guess you can take the Zombie out of Happyville but you can’t take Happyville out of the Zombie. She’s a people pleaser and that is that. My plan is to make her into a Molly pleaser. We’ll see how successful I am at that. Only time will tell. I’m pretty sure it won’t be easy. Nothing ever is lately.

  “What are you worrying about,” Pink asks making me jump. I didn’t realize he was awake.

  “I’m not worrying,” my default mode is always denial. free@symbianize

  “Sure, you’re not. You just wake up at four a.m. with happy thoughts,” he snorts. He’s always so sarcastic.

  “I didn’t say I was happy but I’m not worried either,” it’s more or less the truth.

  He didn’t look convinced. No surprise there. “Then what are you?”

  What am I? Talk about a loaded question. “I’m just awake. No reason or at least not an emotional one. Maybe I’m just too jacked up on sugar.” Okay that’s a total lie. I’ve been weening myself off the candy. I know what you’re thinking. I was chomping on Twizzlers less than 24 hours ago. So what? Don’t judge me! You have to start somewhere and I started 8 hours ago. It counts!!

  Pinkerton shook his head in exasperation, “Whatever. Just go back to sleep,” He tossed the blanket over my head. “You’re thinking too loud. It gives me a headache.”

  I shoved the blanket back again. “What does that even mean? How can my thoughts keep you awake?” What he said kind of freaked me out. Could he actually hear my thoughts?

  “It’s like this buzzing in my brain.” I could feel his gaze trying to penetrate my skull. “I can’t hear words but maybe in time,” he mused. Note to self: must find a helmet like Magneto.

  “Well, stay out of my head! There’s only room enough for one and that’s me.” He needs to understand this is not up for negotiation. My mind is my own. It may be a mess but it’s my mess.

  “You’re the one projecting your thoughts like missiles in an open sky. Give it a rest! Go back to sleep,” he ordered tossing the blanket at me again. I grabbed it and wrapped it around me.

  “I’m going back to sleep because I’m tired. Not because you told me to. Don’t think you can boss me around.”

  “I wouldn’t think of it,” Pink lied. He’s always trying to tell me what to do. This was my last thought before I fell back asleep.


  “Why did you want to come to the park,” Pink asked me as we made our way across the grass. Thankfully the sun was out and there was no rain in the forecast.

  Okay, so I hadn’t gotten around to telling him yet. No time like the present though! “We’re meeting some people here,” I casually informed him. I figured if I acted like it was no big deal maybe he’d feel the same way.

  Pink stopped walking and glared at me. “You’re leading me into an ambush,” he asked in disbelief.

  “Wait! What? NO,” I wasn’t doing that. Was I? “At least I didn’t mean to. I just didn’t want you to talk me out of it.” Yep. I was as smooth as always meaning not at all.

  Pink looked around us as though he needed to prepare himself for a sneak attack. To be honest he looked a little panicked. It made me feel awful. I touched his forearm. “It’s okay. Nobody’s going to hurt us.”

  When I saw Molly and the other three Happyville residents I pointed. “It’s just the Happyville Zombies.”

  Pinkerton looked at them and then back at me in confusion. “What the hell is going on?”

  I shrugged at him. “I guess I just thought we could help each other out. They were trapped and we’re adrift.”

  He didn’t look happy but at least he didn’t look panicked anymore. “You should have told me. You shouldn’t have made me come in blind,” Pink angrily informed me.

  “I know. I’m sorry. I would never do anything to put you in danger. You know that, right,” I needed him to understand that. I don’t want him to ever think he can’t trust me.

  “Not intentionally but you trust too easily. Look at what happened with Julia,” he reminded me. I tried not to flinch but I did anyway. That wound is nowhere near healing.

  “I’ve learned from that,” I insisted. I have. Really!

  “Have you,” Pinkerton looked back as Molly and the others approached. “I hadn’t noticed.”

  Okay, maybe he has a point but only a slight one. I tap the dagger I tucked into the waistband of my jeans reassuringly. Blind trust is a thing of the past for me but conditional trust I still embrace. The condition being if they try to hurt us we will give them physical reminders of why it was a bad idea to do so. I’ve practiced marking my initials with the dagger. Interlocked M’s and a smiley face.

  Everyone is looking at me with weird expressions. I guess I must have zoned out. Sometimes daydreams get the better of me. So what?

  “Hi Molly, it’s good to see you again,” I actually mean it. Corresponding with someone through text and email is not the same as actually speaking with them face to face. You don’t realize it but facial expressions add a lot to a conversation.

  Molly leaned over and hugged me. I have to admit I am not a hugger. My natural inclination is to stiffen and pull away but I force myself to relax and go with it.

  “You’re so much shorter than I remembered,” she exclaims with a laugh. I don’t know why this is funny but I bite back the rude comment that is begging to come out of my mouth. I am in control not my mouth.

  Pink slings his arm over my shoulder and says, “That’s what everyone says.” I think he’s worried I’ll do her. A karate chop to the neck, a kick to the face. I take a moment to imagine this then shake it off. No need for that. She didn’t mean anything.

  Molly turned to the woman beside her. “You didn’t get to meet Torin when you were in Happyville. Torin this is Mercy Mayhem and Pinkerton Floyd. Pinkerton and Mercy this is Torin Yeats.”

  “We’re happy to meet you, Torin. Everyone in Happyville seemed to really rely on you.” It’s true. It seemed like the town was on hold when she was away.

  She smiled the fakest smile I’ve ever seen. I should know, I’ve practiced it in the mirror many times. “That’s me. The reliable one.”

  “Oh, yes! We don’t know what we’d do without her,” Molly chimed in. “We’re so lucky to have Torin.”

  Torin’s smile became more strained with every word Molly uttered about her. Pink and I looked at one another in mutual understanding. Torin was drowning in Happyville and everyone there was too preoccupied to notice.

  Molly chattered on happily. “We set up the picnic under that Oak tree. Wendell’s making sure nothing walks away.”

  When we got to the spot Molly indicated we found Wendell sitting on a blanket with the meal spread out in front of him. Pink and I stopped in our tracks when we saw his hair. He did not look the same as the last time we saw him. I guess his interest in Pink’s hair had not been idle because he was now sporting a Mohawk. It was shorter than Pink’s and white but it was still interesting. He also had black plugs in both ears. The t-shirt he was wearing read ‘Don’t Fear the Reaper’.

  “What the hell,” Pink whispered to me. I just nodded because ditto.

  “You both remember Wendell don’t you,” asked Molly.

  “Yes, but he didn’t look like that,” I told her. It’s the truth. Wendell had c

  “What she said,” Pink replied hooking his thumb in my direction.

  Wendell grinned and spread his arms wide. “I had an awakening. After you all blew through town I realized there was more to the world than I realized. It was kind of like finding out the world was round and not flat.”

  Molly laughed a little self-consciously. “Happyville is a good place to live it’s just a little isolated that’s all.”

  Torin nodded in agreement but she didn’t say anything. She patted Molly’s shoulder and indicated that she should take a seat on the blanket. Pink and I followed suit.

  Molly had packed enough for an army. Which was great because some of us eat a lot. Stop judging! It’s a Zombie thing.

  “My goodness! You give Wendell a run for his money,” Molly laughed as she watched me devour the last sandwich. I popped an olive in my mouth and pretended it was her eyeball. It was salty and reminded me of the tears I won’t make her cry. Gross? Maybe but it’s only in my mind so back off!

  “Thank you for the lunch, Molly. Everything was delicious,” Pink was gripping my ankle so hard I was starting to lose feeling in my foot. He really thinks I have zero control. I pinched his hand until he yelped. I am in full control. Go ahead and judge me! I don’t care.

  “So, by your agreeing to meet with us I assume this means you’re interested in joining our revolution,” I cut to the chase. No point in wasting time. They’re either in or they’re out. It’s best to know right away.

  “Yes,” Wendell spoke first. I wasn’t really surprised he was in. The hair and ear plugs kind of indicated he was in the middle of his own personal revolution.

  I looked at Torin. Everything in her face said ‘yes’ but still she looked to Molly. Can someone be hopeful and hopeless at the same time? If so, I’m pretty sure that’s Torin.

  Molly was quietly nibbling on a strawberry tart. She didn’t look up just stared at the pastry like it held all the secrets of the world. I thought about snatching it away. Partly because I wanted it and partly because she was driving me crazy with the evasion.


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