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Falling for Agent Cruz:A Falling novel

Page 5

by DL Gallie

  “I think I like that plan,” she breathlessly pants, as I continue to kiss down her neck toward her gorgeous tits, taking her nipple into my mouth, and gently sucking.

  “Fantastic, now let me have my breakfast.”

  She likes this plan because she pushes on my head, guiding me down her body. I can smell her arousal and I’ve barely touched her. She spreads her legs, opening herself up. I breathe her in and moan before I slide my tongue between her folds.

  “Biker Boy,” she moans, pressing my head into her farther. “Fuuuuuuuuck,” she wails, as I bring her closer to the brink. She explodes on my face when I slip the tip of my pinky into her ass. Sliding back up her body, I stare down at her. Her cheeks are flushed, I have never seen a more gorgeous sight. “We will totally be exploring your ass later.”

  She bites her lip and nods her head.

  “Fuck me, you are perfect in every way,” I tell her before I slam my lips against hers. The force of my kiss shocks her, her mouth opens, and I slip my tongue inside. My cock thickening with each sweep of her tongue against mine.

  “Fuck me, Biker Boy,” she breathlessly whispers against my lips.

  Without waiting a beat, I rub the tip of my cock up and down her slit. She tilts her hips and the head edges in slightly. Staring down at her, I thrust forward and push the rest of the way in. Pausing, I hold myself still and let her warmth envelop me and then I begin to rock back and forth. Her forehead rests against mine as I continue the thrust in and out of her. This is more than fucking, it feels like we’re making love. That thought should scare me but it doesn’t. That thought lingers in the back of my mind as Charli and I continue to thrust back and forth.

  She rakes her nails down my back and grips my ass, pulling me into her farther. Our bodies are one as we both rock our hips. The connection between us is palpable. The air pinging with desire and lust. It’s filled with moans, groans, and grunts.

  My eyes are closed and I give everything I have to her. Her body stills beneath me and she lets out a guttural wail that sets me off. Together we come and I come hard. Harder than I ever have before. Opening my eyes, I stare down at her. She’s breathing hard.

  Reaching up she cups my cheeks. “Fuck me, Biker Boy, that was—”

  “Amazing. Out of this world. The best fuck you’ve ever had.”

  “Wasn’t what I was going to say, but I totally agree.”

  Rolling off her, I lie on my back, and she cuddles into my side, just like she did last night, and I have to say, I love having her close to me like this. Normally after a hookup it’s uncomfortable but with Charli there’s no awkwardness.

  Her fingertips gently run across my pecs, my skin coming to life under her touch. I internally laugh, this woman is turning me into a mushy ball but I don’t care. After the clusterfuck that was Bianca, it's liberating to be at ease with a partner.

  Seems moving to Chicago was not only great for my career but personally too. Charli and I click on all levels. I wasn’t expecting to meet anyone last night but I’m glad I met Charli. She is the complete package. Killer body. Wicked sense of humor. Amazing mouth, but most of all, she’s honest and real. I know I don't know her well, but she’s everything I imagine when I think of who I want Mrs. Cruz to be. Again, that thought doesn’t scare me. I don't think it does because she is who I have been waiting for all my life.

  Charli’s breathing evens out, she’s drifted back to sleep. I stare down at her and smile. I fucking love Chicago, I think to myself. Gently I place a kiss on her head and close my eyes. My last thought before I drift off to the land of Nod is that this is the beginning of something amazing.



  I’m lying in bed with my eyes closed. My bladder is singing out for me to get up and relieve myself, but my bed feels amazing and I don’t want to get out. A rustling next to me causes my eyes to open wide and that’s when I remember, I’m not at my place…and I’m not alone.

  Looking to the side, I’m met with a muscular back. My eyes trace the red finger marks I left on his skin last night. They start at his shoulders and go all the way to his ass. His ass has bruises from my fingers. Between my thighs begins to tingle as memories of last night, and earlier, flash before my eyes. Then I remember I need to pee.

  Climbing out of bed, I pad over to the en suite bathroom. Sitting on the toilet, I relieve myself. As the tightness in my bladder decreases, my chest and lungs begin to tighten. My breathing begins to speed up and the urge to flee is strong. “I need to get out of here,” I whisper to myself. I wipe and stand up, glancing at myself in the mirror. The girl reflecting back looks like me, but she’s relaxed and well fucked. And well fucked, I am. Both figuratively and literally.

  Last night was amazing, the best night of my life, but I need to get out of here.

  Taking a deep breath, I peek back into the bedroom and see that Dominic has rolled to his back. His chest is on display and I get the sudden urge to lick each and every crevice on his delectable body. His cock rests against his stomach and I remember what it felt like in my mouth earlier. If I was brave, I’d crawl back onto the bed and ride him like the stallion he is, but I’m not that brave brazen woman anymore. I’m back to being a big-ass chickenshit who’s about to sneak out.

  Ever so quietly, I tiptoe across his room and into the living area. I look around for my clothes and then I remember they’re in the garage. I open the garage door and like each time you try to be quiet, it sounds like a herd of elephants heffalumping about. I look over my shoulder but I don’t hear or see Dominic. I slip into the garage and quickly redress. Once I’m clothed, I grab my phone and I order myself an Uber. Thank fuck for location tracking, as I have no clue as to where I am. Luck is on my side and a car is only a few minutes away.

  With my ride on the way, I quietly head back inside. Tiptoeing to the front door, I’m almost free when his voice startles me. “Leaving without saying goodbye?”

  Spinning on my heel, I stare at him, and holy crap on a cracker, this man is fine. His hair is messy in that sexy I-just-crawled-out-bed way. A pair of gray—yes gray—sweatpants hang low on his hips, accentuating every rugged ridge on his body. “I…umm, ahh—”

  “Sneaking out so there’s no awkward goodbye?”

  Nodding my head, I smile. “Yeah, pretty much. Look, Nic, I’ve never done this before. I don't know the etiquette for the morning after.”

  “Sneaking out without saying goodbye is not the best way to end what I can unequivocally say was the best night of my life.”

  Again I find myself grinning. “Yeah, it was pretty amazing.”

  “So why are you sneaking away then? We could have this all the time. Maybe?”

  “Just because we had a great time between the sheets doesn’t mean we will connect emotionally too.”

  “I’d be surprised if we didn’t because, Charli, I have never, N-E-V-E-R felt a connection like I do with you.”

  I did too is what I want to say, but instead I go with, “Nic, please just let me go.”

  “Give me one good reason why.”

  He walks toward me. “Because…”

  “Because? That’s all you’ve got?”

  Looking to the floor, I close my eyes and take a deep breath, lifting my head, I stare at him. “Nic, I’m not looking for anything right now. If fate has other ideas and we meet again, then we know that it was meant to be, but for now I’m gonna go.” Stepping to him, I press my lips to his for a quick goodbye kiss, but as with us, it quickly turns heated. He slides his hand around my waist, pulling me to him. His tongue pushes through my lips and into my mouth. Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, we melt together into one perfect goodbye kiss.

  Pulling back, I whisper, “I’m sorry.” My phone pings, indicating my ride is here. “Goodbye, Nic.” Turning toward the exit, I bite my bottom lip, and breathe deeply. He reaches around me and opens the door for me.

  “I’ll walk you out,” he tells me, leaving no room for argument.

We step out onto the porch and I see the sedan idling out front. We silently walk down the pathway, his hand resting on my lower back. My body thrums with desire from his brief touch. A part of me wants to stay but there’s also a part that needs to get out of here. As if the moment isn’t mortifying enough, a car pulls up behind my Uber. A male and female climb out, followed by two young boys from the back, they are bickering between themselves and oblivious to what’s going on around them.

  “Boys,” the father says, garnering their attention. The six of us awkwardly stare at one another.

  “Hi,” I shyly say.

  “Hello,” the father, well I presume he’s the father since the three boys all look similar. “Are you the agent here to show us the house?”

  “Huh?” I question like a goof. “No, I’m just leaving…”

  “Ohh,” he says, and then recognition hits that I’m doing the morning-after walk of shame, and his eyes flick between Dominic and me. With a knowing smirk, he turns and walks toward his wife and kids, leaving Nic and I alone.

  Nic reaches out and opens the car door for me. “Thank you,” I say as I climb in. He closes the door and I look up to see him staring down at me. There’s hurt in his eyes and I feel like a bitch that I’m the reason he’s hurting. I knew having a one-night stand was a mistake. This is an awful feeling and it’s not one I will be repeating. Ever. One-night stands are not for me.

  “Fuck,” I quietly mumble to myself.

  As the car pulls away, our eyes are locked on one another. I stare at him and his house as we drive down the street and turn the corner. Guilt has taken up residence within and I’m close to telling the driver to turn back around when my phone rings from my clutch. The noise startles me and I jump at the sound. Digging in my bag, I retrieve my phone, and smile when I see Bay’s name flashing on the screen.

  “Morning,” I say in greeting.

  “More like afternoon, and where the fuck are you?” In the background I hear Corey tell her to watch her mouth.

  I laugh at Corey berating her before I answer, “I’m in an Uber on my way to my car.”

  “You dirty fucking skank. I’m going to get wine and then I’ll meet you at yours.”

  “Make it tequila.”

  “This is gonna be good. See you soon, skank.” She hangs up before I can reply.

  Shaking my head, I drop my phone back into my clutch and lean my head against the window, and I watch the city go by and think about Bay’s words. She’s right, I am a skank. A gutless skank who walked away from the most perfect man I have ever met and after the best fucking night of my life. Dominic and I clicked on every level. Our bodies melded together as one. He’s ruined me when it comes to sex, never will I experience anything like that ever again.

  The car stops outside Bin 501. I thank the driver and climb out. Walking over to my car, I unlock it and climb in. My eyes drift over to where Nic parked last night and my heart aches at the thought of never seeing him again. “Stupid stupid, Charli,” I berate myself as I start my car and head home.

  When I pull up at my place, I see Baylor is already here. “Hey hey, skanky lady.” She sings this in tune to “Foxy Lady” by Jimi Hendrix as I walk up to her. I give her ‘the look’ and her eyes widen. “What’s wrong, puddin?” Now she’s channeling her inner Harley Quinn. My mouth opens and closes a few times. I don’t know where to begin, the first tear falls and without saying a word, she pulls me in for a hug.

  Wrapping my arms around her, I begin to sob. “I had the best night of my life with Biker Boy,” I sniffle, “and then I left, saying if it's meant to be it’s meant to be, but I think I made a mistake. I should have stayed. I should have gotten his details. I shouldn’t have been a skank. I should have been a mature adult.”

  “Why did you do all of that if it was the best night your life?”

  “’Cause I’m a dickwad.”

  She pulls away and cups my cheek in a motherly way. “Don’t cry, Charli. Let’s go upstairs and you can spend the afternoon with me and Jose. We can make you forget all about Biker Boy.” She lifts the bag with her and jiggles it about. I can hear bottles clinking together. I nod and for the first time since I got home, I smile through my tears.

  Bay and I link arms and we head inside and up to my apartment. She and Jose certainly do make me forget all about the sexy bike-riding Adonis…that is until Monday morning when I come face-to-face with him in the most unlikely of locations.



  Watching Charli drive away in her Uber just now gutted me. Man, I’m turning into a chick with all these ‘feelings,’ I think to myself, as I watch the car turn the corner at the end of the street. I’m left standing here with my crumpled heart, alone, but movement beside me catches my attention. When I look up, the man, his wife, and sons are still standing here, staring at me.

  I smile at them, the man has a knowing look on his face. His wife has a scowl on hers and the kids; they are none the wiser as to what just transpired. Nodding my head, I smile, and watch as they walk toward the house next door. It was recently sold, I’m guessing they’re my new neighbors. Perfect first meeting, I think to myself as I head back inside.

  Closing the door behind me, I walk toward the kitchen. “I need coffee,” I mumble to myself, as I grab my mug and place it under my Keurig.

  Leaning against the counter, I wait for the nectar that is coffee to brew. My mind flits over last night and this morning. I woke up to an empty bed, and my heart deflated when I realized I’d been fucked and chucked. I really thought we had a connection, but the conversation just now proves that, once again, when it comes to chicks, I know jack shit. My dick is rock fucking hard right now, it clearly didn’t get the memo that I’m alone.

  With my coffee in hand, I pad across the living room and step out onto the back deck. The deck was the reason I got this place. It takes up the majority of the backyard but it's perfect. To the left is a sunken hot tub and to the right is a gourmet outdoor kitchen. I treated myself and have ordered an outdoor table and matching lounger that my sister, Elena, helped me pick out. She’s another reason coming to Chicago has been great. I never realized how much I missed her. She’s currently a first-year med student at Western General. I’m so proud of her, if only Abigail, or Abi as she prefers, was as focused as Elena. Abi, is the baby of the family and in Mom and Dad’s eyes, she can do no wrong. She’s definitely the wild child of the three of us, but in saying that, I wouldn’t change a thing about her.

  As if she knew I was thinking about her, my phone pings with a text.

  ABI - What’s up Boogerbutt?

  DOMINIC - Having a coffee on my big deck

  ABI - I don’t want to know about your big deck

  DOMINIC - Can’t wait for you to sit on my big deck

  ABI - **middle finger emoji**

  DOMINIC - You love me **kiss emoji**

  ABI - Only cause I have to

  ABI - Can’t wait to visit you

  ABI - Mom says hey

  DOMINIC - Tell her, her favorite son loves her

  ABI - You’re her only son

  DOMINIC - Hence her favorite, der.

  DOMINIC - How are you?

  ABI - I’m texting you on a Sunday afternoon so clearly I’m bored.

  DOMINIC - Feel the love. What’s up?

  ABI - You ever feel lost?

  That last message concerns me so I bring up FaceTime and call her.

  “You didn’t need to call,” she says in greeting.

  “I know I didn’t but I think this conversation will be easier in person rather than via text.”

  “I’m fine,” she confirms, but I can tell from the look on her face she is anything but.

  “Abi,” I warn, “don’t bullshit me. Whenever you, or any woman, says they are fine; they are definitely not fine. What’s got you down?” She goes quiet, and then her eyes well with tears. “You’re scaring me, Sissy.”

  “Donovan broke up with me.”

  “Well, he
’s clearly a dick and not worthy of your tears.”

  “But I…” She drifts off and then it clicks.

  “Slept with him.”

  She nods. “He humped and dumped me.” She’s full-on crying now.

  “I know how you feel and—”

  “You don’t know shit,” she sasses, wiping at her tear-stained cheeks.

  “I know more than you think, Sis.” My mind immediately drifts to Charli, I know exactly how you feel, Abs, but the difference is, I’m not a seventeen-year-old girl.

  “I thought he loved me, Nic.” I growl when she calls me Nic. My name is Dominic but as soon as I think that, I realize that most of the night, Charli called me Nic and I didn’t correct her. In fact, I didn’t mind her calling me that at all. I normally hate it when people call me Nic. Another reason we were perfect, then I hear Abi say, “…I was only a bet.” My mind forgets about Charli and I focus on my sister.

  “Say that again?” I growl, my big brotherliness kicking in.

  “It was all a bet,” she cries.

  “He bet on you?”

  “Yep, he and his friends have a bet on how many girls they can bang before Christmas break.”

  “What a bunch of dickwads.”

  “That’s nicer than what I said when I found out. Any chance you can arrest the pindicked assholes?”

  “As much as I’d love to help you with that, I can’t.”

  “Maybe Elena can get me a severe shits inducing drug. I can give them all a case of the mega shits.”

  “Just go to the pharmacy and do it yourself. No need to incriminate Elena like that, or ruin her career before it's even begun.”

  “You’re so smart.”

  “You’re just realizing this?” I tease. “But I promise, you’ll get over it, and then when you least expect it, you’ll meet Mr. Right and you’ll forget all about the dickwad who broke your hymen and heart.”

  “Speaking from experience?”

  “Well, since I haven’t found Mrs. Right and don’t have a hymen, I can’t say for sure but look at Mom and Dad. They’re blissfully happy and in love.”


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