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Falling for Agent Cruz:A Falling novel

Page 14

by DL Gallie

  “I’m sorry, Patrick, I have a doctor’s appointment, I can come in after that.”

  “I said now,” he shouts down the line.

  “And I said, I’ll be there after my doctor’s appointment. See you later.”

  Not giving him a chance to reply, I hang up and throw my phone down next to me. “Asshole,” I growl, as I take a big bite of my cheeseburger.

  Nic and I walk back into the office hand in hand, he’s still gripping tightly to the sonogram picture of our little girl, showing anyone and everyone the picture of our lil’ munchkin. I decided yes, in a spur of the moment decision when the doctor asked if we wanted to know the sex, I wanted to know.

  Our elation soon dissipates when we step into the office and are met with a scowling Patrick from IA. “Follow me, Agent Davis,” he growls, turning on his heel and walking toward the conference room.

  “Do you want me to come with you?” Nic asks me.

  Shaking my head, I smile, “Nah,” watching him walk away, I add, “I have nothing to hide, I’ll be fine.” I follow him to the conference room and wonder how can someone be so unpeopley? I used to feel sorry for Patrick and the IA guys but after this, nope, not at all. They are power hungry dicks, plain and simple.

  Before I’ve sat down, Patrick cuts to it. “Charli Davis, you are officially terminated from the FBI.”

  “Come again?” I ask him. “Did you just say I’ve been terminated?” Clearly, I heard wrong just now.

  “Yes, I did.” He growls at having to repeat himself. “You no longer are an employee here. We have found the smoking gun I need to bring your deceptive lying ass down. Did you think I would not discover that you’ve been laundering money?”

  “What evidence?” I ask.

  “You’ve been laundering money that links back to Vlahos, Ciccone, and several other illegal operations that we have been investigating.”

  “Whatever you have is fake,” I tell him again. “I’m innocent,” I protest but from the stern look on his face, he doesn’t believe me.

  “That’s what they all say.” He pompously stands up and glares down at me. “I suggest you find yourself a good lawyer because with what I have on you, you’ll be joining Dean behind bars very soon, and if I have it my way, the two of you will be going away for a very long time.”


  “No buts, Davis, you’re out.” He picks up his file and smugly adds, “Better get used to the color orange.”

  He walks out of the conference room leaving me stunned, alone, and jobless. A hand touches my shoulder, startling me. Lifting my head up, I see Nic staring down at me. Concern etched on his gorgeous face. “What happened?” he asks, his voice laced with apprehension and worry.

  “I…I’ve been terminated.”

  “What?” he growls, “This is horseshit.”

  Nodding my head, I begin to cry. “Nic,” I wail, “Our baby is going to be born in jail. I’m a shit mom before she’s even taken a breath.”

  “No!” He drops to his knees in front of me and grips my hands in his. “Our baby will not be born in prison. I will figure this out…somehow. I won’t let that happen.”

  “How?” I cry. “He seems pretty confident that what he has will stick and I’ll be sharing a cell with Dean.”

  “I don’t know how yet but, Angel, I promise. I will not let you down.”

  Resting my head on his shoulder, I continue to cry and think how I’m going to get out of this, but before I can think, Patrick the IA jackass—his new name—returns.

  “You need to leave the premises, Davis, you are no longer an employee of the FBI.”

  “I’m her partner, she’s here visiting me.”

  “She’s a known criminal, Agent Cruz, and is no longer allowed, or welcome, in the building.”

  “You—” Nic goes to berate Patrick, the IA jackass, when I interrupt, “It’s fine, I was just leaving.”

  Turning to Nic, I cup his cheek. “I’ll see you at your place later.” Lifting to my toes, I place a kiss on his lips. Picking up my bag, I exit the conference room and when I step out, I feel everyone watching me as walk toward the elevator.

  “Charli,” Bec says just as the door opens, “I will fix this.”

  “You sound like Nic,” I tell her and sadly smile.

  “Well, then listen to us, he and I will fix this.”

  Nodding, the doors close and the metal car takes me down to the parking lot. Walking over to my car, I climb in and before I head home, I make a stop to visit Dean.

  Going through the check-in procedure, I wait in the visiting room. He walks toward me, looking confused to see me.

  “What are you doing here?” he asks me.

  “Like you don’t know,” I snarkily say.

  “Has something happened?”

  “You could say that. I’ve been fired because apparently you and I have been laundering money together.” His eyes widen when I say this. “Is that why you were working with Vlahos? To launder money?” He stares blankly at me. “Why are you doing this to me, Dean? I was nothing but a good partner and friend to you, and this is how you repay me.” My eyes well with tears, “Why, Dean? Why?” My hand drops to my belly, I lift my gaze and plead. “I’m pregnant, Dean.” His breath hitches and his eyes widen at this revelation. “The stress of this isn’t good for me, or the baby.” I pause, wiping away a stray tear. I take a deep breath, “Be the man I know you are, Dean. Deep down you’re a good guy, you’ve just lost your way. Don’t let what you and your brother have gotten yourselves into affect me anymore. Own your mistakes and do the right thing, please. It's not just my life at stake anymore.”

  Standing up, I turn and walk away. Before I exit, I look over my shoulder. “Do the right thing, Dean,” I tell him before I push the door open and walk away from him. I have no idea if my plea will make a difference or if it all just fell on deaf ears. I hope with everything I have that I got through to him.

  Looking back through the glass, I see him still sitting there, staring into space. He’s processing my words and I have a feeling he’s going to do the right thing, well I hope he is.

  Stepping outside, I walk down the stairs and turn toward the parking lot and take a deep breath. I hate the smell of the prison. I need to go home and have a shower and wash off all the icky prison stench. Then I’m going to laze on the sofa, order McDonald’s delivery—again—and eat all the cheeseburgers. Once my tummy is full, I’m going to crawl into bed, sleep like Sleeping Beauty and then tomorrow, I’ll come up with a plan to end all this.

  That feeling of being watched has the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end. Looking around the open parking lot, I see that I’m the only one here. Shaking off the feeling, I climb into my car and head toward home but a few miles down the road, I see a McDonald’s and decide to stop in for a cheeseburger…or four. At this rate, our little girl is going to come out looking like the Hamburglar.

  Pulling in, the lineup for drive-through is massive and I’m in no mood to wait so I park my car and head inside. Ordering four cheeseburgers and a Sprite, garnering a Judgey McJudgerson look from the cashier, I pay for my order that could easily feed two, and technically I am two, so screw her and her Judgey McJudgerson face. With my receipt in hand, I smile politely and step aside to wait for my food.

  Living up to its ‘fast food’ name, my order is called quickly.

  Smiling at the cashier, who is still judging me, I grab my food and drink and head back to my car. Reaching into the bag, I pull out one of the delicious burgers and take a bite. Closing my eyes, I moan in delight as the greasy burger fires up my taste buds. Resting my drink on the roof my car, I dig in my bag for my keys. I’m so engrossed in looking for my keys, that I don’t hear someone sneak up behind me. Before I register what’s happening, everything goes dark for me and munchkin.


  Dean Chikatilo

  With Charli being pregnant, this changes everything. I was willing to bring her down to save my ass, but now th
at it’s more than her at stake, I don’t think I can do that to her. I knew using her as my scapegoat was going to bite me in the ass, but desperate times call for desperate measures. As the days go by, Darren is becoming unhinged and if he unravels any further, this will all turn to shit, well, a bigger pile of shit than it already is. Maybe it’s time I fess up to everything, but I haven’t come this far to lose now. I need a new plan that clears Charli but still keeps my hands clean…ish.

  “Phone call, Chikatilo,” the guard growls at me from outside my cell.

  Nodding at him, I rise to my feet and walk over to the wall of phones. Picking up the receiver, I answer, “Hello,”

  “It’s happening,” Darren bellows down the line. The tone and shake of his voice unnerves me. He’s teetering on the edge right now and I need to be careful how I proceed from here.

  “No!” I growl, “I say when it happens. You need to back off of Charli. Things have changed, she’s—”

  “—pregnant, I know. We need to wrap this up before she goes into labor. I want what you promised me. I’ve got this, Baby Brother. You will soon be free. We will have the cash. Just trust me, everything is in motion.”

  “What do you mean everything is in motion?”

  “I’m doing what I should have done as soon as you were arrested, I’m taking control of this operation.”


  “But nothing, this is happening, Dean, and there’s nothing you can say or do to stop it.”

  He hangs up and I mumble, “Shit. Fuck. Shit.” I stare at the wall, Charli is in danger and it's all my fault. This is turning into a raging inferno. I need to act now if I’m going to protect what’s mine, as well as Charli and her unborn baby.

  Picking up the receiver again, I dial the one person who I know will help me.

  “Dean?” a shy timid voice says after accepting the call.

  “Yeah, baby, it's me.”

  “What’s wrong?” she questions.

  “Darren is going to do something and I need to try to stop it because things have changed.”

  “What’s changed?” she asks.

  “Charli is pregnant.”

  “Wow, that certainly wasn’t expected.”

  “I know, kinda throws a wrench in the works, and with Darren becoming more and more unhinged, I need you to stop him from doing something stupid.”

  “I’ll do what I can, baby.” The line goes quiet, and then Lana quietly says, “I think I did something wrong that may have added to Darren’s mood.”

  My gut churns. “Lana, baby, what did you do?”

  “A while ago, I sent a message to that agent you mentioned, Cruz. Hoping to throw the focus on to Darren because I know deep down you don’t want to hurt Charli. The Cruz guy, well he came here. I ummm, ahh, I gave him hints without incriminating us or anything. And Darren, umm, knows he was here. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to lie to you but I just want you home. I miss you. I thought if I cleared your name, you’d be out.”

  “Yes, it was stupid, but I’ve been feeling the same.” Closing my eyes, I rub my forehead and sigh, “Baby, it’ll be fine. I’m…I’m thinking of coming clean. Darren is losing it and I don’t know how much longer I can keep up this charade. Now with Charli—”

  “Darren was ranting and raving about her while he was here. Saying she knows but is being a c-word about it all, and it’s time for him to make her pay. Does he mean what I think he means?”

  “If you think he means taking her and getting the info he wants then yes, you are thinking like him.” I pause. “Baby, I need you to do me a favor.”

  “Anything,” she says, and I know she means it. She may play the dumb bimbo but underneath that facade is a kick-ass woman who I’m crazy about.

  “I need you to get in touch with Cruz again and this time, I need you to tell him everything.”

  “Everything?” she repeats, her voice laced with concern, but the time to confess all is now.

  “No, don’t tell him everything, everything, but enough to get him intrigued and then you need to convince him to come and see me.”

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “No, but this has gone on long enough and it needs to end.”

  “Will you be safe?”

  “I’ll be fine, baby.” I’m not one-hundred percent sure. “But it's Charli I have concerns for now. She doesn’t deserve Darren’s wrath for my lies and deceit.”

  “Will Darren kill us?” she fearfully asks.

  “Us? No. Charli? Possibly, but this is a risk we have to take. I can’t let an innocent woman and her unborn baby take the fall for my mess. I never should have involved her, but desperate times—”

  “—called for desperate measures. I know, baby. I don’t like this but I will do everything you’ve asked.” She pauses. “I love you and I’m so proud of you. Sure, this hasn’t quite gone to plan but together, you and I can conquer anything thrown our way.”

  “I love you too, baby, but whatever you do, do not—I repeat—do not, let on to Darren that we’re going to flip on him. He will kill you in the blink of an eye and I can’t lose you.”

  “I promise, Dean. My lips are sealed when it comes to your crazy brother.”

  We say our goodbyes and hang up.

  Walking back to my cell, I hope with everything I have that Lana can get in touch with Dominic and keep Charli safe, but I know my brother, he will stop at nothing to get his money. He’d even kill a pregnant woman who, like Jon Snow, knows nothing.



  Watching Charli leave right now was hard. I wanted to smash Patrick from IA in the face but I know that won’t help Charli, or me. Turning on my heel, I walk into Amanda’s office, slamming the door behind me. She looks up and purses her lips at me. “This is horseshit,” I snarl, dropping into the seat before her.

  “I agree,” she says, leaning forward she rests her elbows on her desk and her chin in her fingertips. “What are you suggesting we do?”

  “Clear Charli’s name.”

  She nods. “And how do you propose we do that?”

  “I was hoping you’d have an idea because I have nothing right now. What’s this so called evidence they have?”

  “They haven’t disclosed that to me.”

  “This is horseshit,” I scoff, again. Staring at the floor, I lean forward and rest my elbows on my knees and cradle my head. I let out a frustrated sigh.

  “So you’ve said. Twice now.” Lifting my head, I stare across the desk at her.

  “Well, it is,” I say like a petulant child.

  “Cruz, I want you to go home and be with Charli this afternoon. She will need you, even though she’ll be stubborn and pretend like she doesn’t.” I nod and grin at this because that’s exactly what my Angel is like. “We can meet again tomorrow morning with a fresh and horseshit-free head. Then we’ll come up with a game plan to fix this mess.”

  Nodding in agreement, I agree, “I like this new plan. I’ll see you bright and early in the morning.”

  Tapping her desk, I stand up and exit her office. I head back to mine to grab my things and just as I enter my desk phone rings. I contemplate ignoring it but something compels me to answer. “Cruz,” I say in greeting.

  “This is Lana.”

  “Lana,” I repeat, the name sounds familiar but I can’t quite place it right now.

  “From Manhattan Vaults.”

  “Yes, Lana, how can I help you today?”

  “I…umm…ahh, Dean—”

  “What about the asshole?”

  “He’s not an asshole. He asked me to call you and warn you.”

  “Warn me about what?”


  “What about Darren?”

  “He’s going to do something stupid if you don’t get to him first.”

  “What’s he going to do?” But as I ask the question, I think I already know what she’s going to say.

  “He’s sick of waiting and he’s going to go after Char
li. He…he’s going to plant evidence—”

  “You’re a bit late with the warning, that’s already happened.”

  “Ohh,” she says, “I’m booked on a flight later tonight, can I meet with you?”

  “Why do you want to meet with me?”

  The line is silent for a moment and then she says, “I’ll tell you everything when I get there.”

  “Why are you helping me now? Why the change of heart? When I came to see you, you were locked up as tight as your vaults.”

  “Dean doesn’t want anything to happen to Charli, now that he knows she’s pregnant.”

  “How does he know she’s pregnant?” I ask.

  “He didn’t say but now that she is, it changes things. Can I meet with you tomorrow?”

  “What times does your flight get in?”

  “Around six, as long as Delta is on time.”

  “Come straight to my office, I can’t wait ‘til tomorrow to see you.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you later, Agent Cruz.”

  Hanging up from her, I grab my phone to call Charli and give her the good news. It goes to voicemail. “Hey, baby, it's me. I’ll be home later than I hoped but I think I have something that will clear your name. Love you.”

  Standing up, I walk back to Amanda’s office and fill her in on the call with Lana just now. “That’s great news,” she says. “I’d like to be here when you meet with Lana too.”

  “Of course,” I tell her.

  Heading back to my office, I sit down at my computer and try and concentrate but my mind can’t focus. I keep looking at the clock, I swear time is actually ticking slower. My phone pings with a text and I see it’s from Abi.

  ABI: Check this out, I’m getting it for baby Cruz **link attached**

  It's a website that makes baby clothing and Abi’s getting a onesie that says, “A U N T I E, I’ll be there for you.” In a Friends layout. I laugh and shake my head.

  NIC: Love it. So will our little girl


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