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The Culling: Book 1 (The Culling Series)

Page 20

by Tricia Wentworth

  It sucks having to watch it with the boys around. Henry manages to somehow sit beside me, with Katie on the other side of him. Vanessa sits on the other side of me. I don’t know where Lyncoln went to, but I’m sure he’s around.

  The worst part is hearing the man tell us what he’s experiencing in a series of interviews with himself. It’s just so sobering. The man knows he’s going to die, but is still taking the videos and staying in a contained room to be monitored with cameras and microphones. Case studies like this were done with a hope that in learning more about Trident they could somehow stop it. But they never did stop it. Trident just ran her course, killing as many as fast as she could.

  An hour and a half in, and day three for the man in the video, the man starts to lose function of his arms and legs. It is horrifying watching him try to use his appendages but not having control of them. One minute he will be walking around normally, and the next he can’t even lift himself up off the ground. He can’t see either, which makes matters worse, and now he can’t even control his own body. It doesn’t take long for him to start begging for them to just kill him already.

  I can barely take it. What is the point of this? Making us watch the footage makes me almost want to cheer for the man, but yet I know his fate. It seems cruel just sitting here watching him suffer and eventually die. I try to find Attie but can’t see her from where I’m sitting. I know if this is hard on me, it’s even harder on her. She likes to save lives, not watch people die.

  I feel tears sting my eyes when he is completely paralyzed and lying there but still talking to us and describing what is happening to his body. He sounds defeated. Miserable. Hopeless. Trident was cold-hearted. The way in which she killed is unheard of in its level of barbarism; it was a slow torment.

  By the time we finish, watching him essentially slip into a coma he never wakes from, it’s right before dinner time. Many girls can’t help but sob when he finally dies. Some of the boys are taking it upon themselves to be a hero and console the criers. I want to cry my eyes out, but I’m an ugly crier and Henry is right beside me so I’m trying my hardest not to. As if sensing that I’m about to lose it, he puts his hand across the back of my chair and lightly gives my shoulder a squeeze before trailing his fingers over my shoulder in a circular pattern.

  His distraction works and my focus switches to the fact that he’s comforting and touching me. In front of everyone. As the video wraps up, Professor Zax moves back to the front of the room.

  “Today we saw this poor man die. I wanted you to see first-hand what it was like to see Trident’s ugly face. We must never forget Trident. You must always keep the mistakes of the past in your minds as you embark on a journey of leading our country. The only way I could truly make you understand what happened and what it was like, the only way for you to truly have empathy, was for you to experience it like this. Harsh? Maybe. But I don’t believe any of you will ever forget this. I think now you understand the seriousness of what Trident was.” He nods for emphasis. “That’s all for today though this is not our last case study. Class is dismissed.”


  Somewhat off by ourselves in the back of the pack of the dinner line, Lyncoln stands behind me and touches my back leading me forward when the line moves. I’m not sure he does it because he wants to touch me or because he’s polite. Whatever the reason, it seems he’s always touching the small of my back.

  “You did well today,” he tells me and I assume he is referring to our group project and not the case study. This is the nicest he has been to me all day. Come to think of it, this is the most he has talked to me all day. I didn’t even really see him after our group project.

  “Thank you, I think. We better win because I’m fairly certain there is a pretty big target on my back since I’m the only girl in our group,” I confide.

  “As there should be,” he says honestly.

  I spin around to look at him, wondering exactly what he meant by that statement. Is he a friend or enemy? Frenemy? I can’t figure it out. At first I thought he was in cahoots with Marisol. Now, I’m not so sure.

  “You’re dynamite. Dynamite I should be staying far, far away from.” He smiles softly while looking me dead in the eyes as if that explains everything.

  “Dynamite?” I stammer.

  He looks down at me and grins, “You know, small package, big delivery.”

  “Oh?” Oh is all I can come up with. I have never been called dynamite before and the way in which he says it makes me believe it’s a compliment I wouldn’t mind hearing again.

  “Yet, here I am, a glutton for punishment. I just can’t seem to stay away from you.” He half-smiles with a shrug and turns me back around since the line is moving again.

  “I’m sorry,” I say, not really sure what on earth I am apologizing for, or why he thinks he needs to distance himself from me. Also, he is talking to me. In full sentences. How about that?

  “I’m not. Don’t forget a peanut butter cookie. They’re my favorite,” he nods to the desserts as we get to the end of the line.

  I go to our usual table on autopilot and am both happy and jealous to see Henry sitting by Attie, talking to both Attie and Renae. Maverick is across from Elizabeth and Vanessa and Bronson are there as well. I wave Oliver over to join our group also.

  Lyncoln puts his tray down directly across from mine. As he sits down, he leans across the table and whispers, “Future boyfriend?” He nods at Oliver.

  “I don’t kiss and tell,” I whisper back, laughing at my boldness. I don’t kiss period, but he doesn’t need to know that.

  Fortunately, Christopher sits down next to Lyncoln and starts asking him some questions. This gives me time to chat with Vanessa.

  “How are you holding up?” Vanessa smiles like she knows I’m caught in a testosterone cyclone.

  “Um. I have no idea what I’m doing here,” I whisper and she laughs so hard I have to add, “Rude.”

  “You’re doing just fine,” she whispers back with a wink and gives me a nudge of her elbow in support.


  Two days later, though we have a full set of classes, the priority for everyone seems to be the group project with Professor Zax. All having our own parts to work on in our group, I haven’t had to deal with the tension with both Henry and Lyncoln because we have all been busy. Lyncoln has seemed to withdraw from me anyway. He still sits with us for dinner and I catch him looking in my direction often, but he hasn’t been touchy or talkative the last few days. Surprise, surprise. Mr. Dark-and-mysterious is at it again.

  Oliver has been my partner for the second half of our project and I’m pleased to work with someone without the extra stress. I’m usually either trying to get a read on Lyncoln and who he is and if he’s making a move on me, or am freaking out about Henry and the fact that every girl here wants him. But, I’m beginning to really like Oliver the more I get to know him. The fact that I am not attracted to him at all probably helps enormously.

  We are finishing our model on our city as others have long since filed down for dinner. We have glue stuck to our hands and though we look slightly disastrous, our project model looks favorable. We finish up, and as I glance at the clock, I realize we almost completely missed dinner altogether. We leave later than usual and are walking behind two girls who are in Marisol’s circle of friends, Sapphire and Jade.

  “I mean a group of boys to herself?” the one named Jade says and rolls her eyes. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out who they’re talking about.

  “Henry doesn’t even like her, I bet. He’s just stuck with her and too nice to tell her no.” Sapphire shrugs.

  “I don’t know who she thinks she is. I mean, she really isn’t even that pretty,” Jade says as they round the corner.

  Unable to take hearing anymore, I slow down until I’m barely walking. Oliver stays with me and asks, “Holy crap. Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I just need a minute. Go ahead.” I do my best to smile at him.

“Just for the record, you are very pretty and none of us feel stuck with you. Those girls are just impertinent.” He gives me a quick hug and leaves me to my thoughts.

  I am emotionally drained and fighting off tears. I can feel the evil stares all the time so I know that some girls here do not care for me, so that’s not news, but it’s completely different to overhear some of the things that are being said about me.

  “Give me a second, Sarge,” I stop against the wall and hold my hands over my face rubbing my temples while taking deep breaths.

  I tell myself not to take it too personally. Girls turn monstrous when they are jealous. I try to remind myself that this isn’t about me and who I am as a person, this is about them and their own insecurities. And if I can keep my emotions in check watching a man die from Trident, this emotional crap with the girls should be a breeze. Right? Never mind the fact that I’m about to go down to dinner where I will see both of those girls and have to act like nothing happened.

  I stand there a few minutes rubbing my temples to calm down. Suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder and another one over one of my hands. Knowing it isn’t Sarge, I take down my hands surprised to find Henry’s eyes staring into mine, just inches away.

  “What happened?” he asks with his emerald green eyes in concern while his hands rub up and down my arms. My skin goes from being somewhat chilled to tingly as soon as he starts rubbing my arms. It just feels too darn good.

  “I just overheard something I didn’t really care to hear, that’s all.” I shrug.

  He looks at me knowingly. “Something with the girls?”

  I nod.

  “I’m sorry.” He says it almost angrily and brings me in for a hug, and we just stand there for a few seconds. Since he’s quite a bit taller than I am, my head is level with his heart which I can hear beating. He feels safe. And warm. And smells good. And his muscles are definitely nice, especially his pecs. I could get used to this. I don’t know where he came from, but I’m glad he’s here.

  “Thank you,” I say as he pulls away. I find I am no longer concerned about crying, but am more concerned about falling over from all the feelings he makes me feel while in his presence. He’s a lot to take in.

  He grabs my hand, rubbing his thumb back and forth along my hand while starting to walk slowly towards the elevators. Sarge and his two normal guards follow closely behind. They give us enough distance to talk in privacy, but as usual, they are ever present.

  “I have a feeling you being in my arms will never be a burden, no matter the reason. So let me know if you ever need a shoulder to cry on,” he smiles and I almost fall over in shock.

  “Why me?” I ask honestly, thinking out loud. “Sorry,” I immediately add, trying to save face.

  He stops walking and turns to look at me while still holding my hand. “Don’t be. I like that you are direct.” He smiles and adds, “It has been you and only you since you waved to me in your slippers. I’m not sure how or why, I just know that at the ball you were the only one I wanted to keep dancing with, the only one that kept my attention. I know that I have to humor these other girls and see what else is out there, but right now, I only want to spend time with you. I don’t see that changing any time soon. Just to be honest with you, you had me at the slippers.”

  He reaches down, gives me a kiss on my hand, and then we get in the elevator.


  After dinner, I purposefully leave right when Attie is leaving. I need to talk to her to clear the air. I need to do something about the guilt that is eating me alive with these two boys. She hasn’t been mean to me or avoided me, but she isn’t being her usual chipper self and I feel partially to blame for that. I just don’t know what I’m doing. Not only have I never dated a boy, but I have definitely never dated, or wanted to date, the same boy as one of my friends.

  “Hey. Attie. Can I talk to you a minute?” I ask as I catch up to her in the hallway to the elevator.

  “Sure. Let’s go to the lounge on my floor,” she says with a smile, “My feet are killing me.”

  As we ride the elevator, we make small talk about the dinner and amazing food we are always fed at Mile High. On her floor, we quickly take a seat on the couches, her on one and me on the one next to it. We are the only ones in the lounge on her floor.

  “Look. I just wanted to clear the air about Henry. Before the dance, I know you really had your sights set on him. And now I’m talking to him a lot and I know that must bug you,” I blurt out, straight to the point.

  “Reagan,” she starts but I cut her off.

  “Attie, I never planned on it. I didn’t mean to ‘take him’ or whatever. It just happened. I am really, really sorry,” I say and shamefully look at my hands. “I don’t want to lose you as a friend.”

  “It’s really okay, Reagan.” She shrugs.

  “Are you sure you aren’t just saying that?” I ask concerned.

  She sighs. “It took Henry all of the first hour to see in you what we have all been seeing in you. Am I disappointed? Yes. But if it wasn’t me he took a hankering to, I’m glad it’s you. Plus, he and I didn’t have the connection you two do. It happens! I just hope that maybe, just maybe, there is someone else here that I do have that connection with. I’m just bummed it isn’t happening for me yet like it is for you. I wanted for it to be easy and not forced.”

  She’s so nice it makes me almost want to cry. “They would be stupid not to see what an awesome woman you are,” I tell her then I laugh and add, “Henry should realize it too.”

  “Thanks, Reagan. I was never mad at you. I was disappointed that first night, definitely. I was in my head and let my nerves get to me a little. That isn’t your fault. It’s also just weird that you have all these eligible suitors and then you see them date all your friends too. Don’t worry though, I’m not pursuing Henry anymore.” She reaches over to give me a supportive hug. “He is all yours. And I’m kind of glad too because all those girls just line up for him. I don’t want to get in trouble for smacking one.”

  This makes me laugh. Smacking someone is the last thing Attie would do. Marcia maybe would, but not Attie. I sigh a big breath of relief. “Wow. I feel so much better clearing this up with you.”

  She laughs, “Had I known you thought I was mad at you, I would have approached you before now. I’m bummed…stressing myself out a little…but not mad. And definitely not mad at you.”

  “Thanks, Attie. I’m sure you will find someone, whoever it is. I’m sure.” I give her a quick hug.

  I hope she does find someone because not only does she deserve it, but she is one of my close friends here and I’m not ready to say goodbye to anyone else yet.


  Two days later, we are finishing up all areas of our project in the morning as presentations will be that afternoon. I’m still giddy thinking about Henry and his kiss on my hand. I have played it over in my head at least a hundred times and I keep looking for something wrong with him. He just seems too good to be true. I watch him talk to other girls, like yesterday at lunch, and he is nice to them, but not overly flirty like with me. I think about the “connection” Attie says we have. I don’t think he is kissing any other hands or even calling them beautiful. I can’t think about anything past this presentation though because if I allow myself to think about what it would be like to be the Presidential Couple with him, I might just pass out from disbelief.

  We are discussing our plans for the presentation we all have to take a part of and I’m barely paying attention until my name is said. “Reagan needs to have a large speaking portion,” Joshua nods his head in my direction.

  “I agree. You should hear what those other girls are saying about her. At least if she gets credit where credit is due, maybe they will shut their traps,” Oliver offers while humorously slapping the air like he is slapping someone, making me laugh.

  “I really don’t care. I don’t think whether or not I have a big speaking part will affect their animosity,” I say looking at Henry
’s green eyes briefly and blushing. We are back to wearing our business wear during the week and he looks entirely too good in a tie. I feel like I should always be wearing formal wear in order to keep up with his good looks. Good thing I have Frank and Gertie to dress me.

  “How about you start us off?” Lyncoln asks me. This is the nicest thing he has really said to me in days. No wait…that is the only thing he has said to me in days. I see his jaw clenched like he is mad about something, but I don’t understand what.

  I shrug, trying to be nice. “If that’s what you want. Or you can, chief. ”

  “It’s what I want.” He says it so bossily that I know he isn’t just saying it to be nice. He looks at me a beat longer than necessary and then immediately starts discussing with Henry which portion of the presentation he will take.

  That dude is intense for sure.


  At lunch, I find Henry sitting surrounded by girls again. No matter how fast I enter the cafeteria, there are never any spots open by him. Yesterday, it was Katie and Isabella. Today it is Attie and Renae again, though I’m not worried about Attie, or even Renae really. I even wave at them with a smile. I find myself trying hard not to be a constant jealous mess though I do trust Henry. At least today he is still in the general vicinity of me.

  I’m selfishly sad our project is coming to an end today. Although we haven’t gotten much time together the last few days, at least for our project I get Henry all to myself without having to watch girls throw themselves at him. Pouting, I find a small opening by Vanessa and plop myself down not even noticing that Lyncoln is on the other side. He doesn’t bother to scoot down to give me more room, so we are sitting super close. Figures.

  “How is your day?” I ask Vanessa who seems quiet.


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