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The Culling: Book 1 (The Culling Series)

Page 24

by Tricia Wentworth

  Afterwards, Henry goes as far as to walk me back to my room for the evening. I know he won’t go in, but dropping me off at my door is a kind gesture, especially in my state. It means a lot that he recognized I was stressing out and took the time to help work me out of my funk.

  At my door, he turns me to look at him and gives me a hug. He whispers in my ear, “Talk to me. Please.” His arms feel familiar, which makes me feel worse. How will I ever go back home from this place after having met him?

  Still in his hug and unable to look him in the eyes I say, “What if I don’t make it? What if they don’t vote me to be with you? How will I ever go home after this? Watching you win the Presidency with someone else would tear me to shreds.”

  He pulls me back to look at my teary eyes, resting his hands on my face, thumbs ready to wipe away any tears that may fall. “Don’t even think like that. You will make it. We will make it. We will make sure of it. As more people leave, it will get easier. Besides, we will make it clear we are a couple before the voting, so they don’t have a choice but to vote for us together.”

  He holds me for a while longer and rubs my arms up and down a few times before telling me goodnight, giving me another kiss on the cheek, assuring me I have nothing to worry about, and then leaving me at my room. I have the worst feeling in my gut that he is wrong. The farther this goes, it will become harder instead of easier. It’s hard to believe I’ve already been here four whole weeks, an entire month. In a month more, it will be impossible to say goodbye to Henry.

  If I even get to say goodbye at all.


  At exactly 9:30, there is a knock on my door. Knowing October was going to come to see me, I am anxious to see what she has to say.

  “Hey,” I greet her as I open the door. I barely have the door open before she quickly enters the room.

  “Hey. I have to be fast. Marisol’s room isn’t on your floor, but one of her minions could be,” she says hurried.

  “Okay? What is up with you and Marisol anyway?” I ask, cutting to the chase.

  “Have you ever heard of the saying ‘keep your friends close and your enemies closer’?” she asks, looking determined and brilliant as usual.

  “Yes,” I say taken aback. That same exact phrase keeps popping up, starting with when I heard it first from Lyncoln the night of the ball.

  “Well I have officially infiltrated her circle. I’m supposed to be spying on you and Elizabeth, who she sees as her biggest threats,” she says quickly.


  “I made up a lie about how you are just here for the boys,” she says quickly again and winces as if knowing her words will hurt me.

  It does sting a little. “Uh. Thanks.”

  She reaches out and squeezes my shoulder, “Of course I don’t really think that, and it isn’t really true, but I had to make it believable. I made up some stuff you supposedly said too.”


  “So anyway, I will be spending more time with you and Elizabeth and then reporting back to her. But really, I’m going to be spying on her and reporting to you,” she says with a shrug like that explains everything.

  “Wait? What?” I say, sitting down on a chair in my room. “And why?”

  “Marisol is evil. A woman like her at the helm of our country would be a disaster,” she says matter-of-factly. “I’m a double agent of sorts.”

  “But what about you? In hanging out with her and playing a double spy, you will hurt your own chances of the presidency,” I ask, still uncertain with what I am hearing.

  “I never wanted it,” she says simply while looking down at her shoes.

  “What?” I feel confused for the hundredth time since she got here just a few seconds ago.

  “I never wanted the presidency.” She pauses. “You know the questions they ask, like ‘Did you have a boyfriend before coming here?’ Well. I did. I do. I don’t want this, and I never did. I want to teach. I want to marry my boyfriend. I know I wouldn’t be happy with this life.

  “At first, they told me I had to try my hardest and if I didn’t I would be relocated to a different township, unable to marry Lucas,” she pauses again. “When they figured out I am more of a nerd and not so much a social girl, they knew I wouldn’t ever win anyway, but they also know I’m smart. So they asked me to stay and help the next Madam President solidify her spot in the Culling. Like a support system. I knew I had to say yes. I couldn’t go home and marry Lucas and be happy if someone like Marisol actually won.”

  “Okay?” I remember what the President told me about choosing to be the President.

  October never would have chosen it, and in being forced to do something she ultimately didn’t want to do, she would have hated it and became cold-hearted over time. She never would have forgiven them for not letting her marry the person she chose and she wouldn’t have been a good leader because of it. For the Culling seeming so cutthroat in process, they do at least seem to understand that making someone do something against their will is detrimental to their cause. Our government may be messed up at times, but it isn’t outright evil.

  “So that brings me to you. I started looking for who should be the next Madam President. I looked hard, I paid attention to little things, I almost never read my book, and I just sat there at lunch listening in on different conversations. I also was given some inside information to help me with my decisions. I have been telling them for weeks now that Marisol is bad news, but for some reason, they aren’t listening to me. I’m not sure what power she holds here in Denver, but she has it. Right before the ball, I knew you were one of my final four. Then when I saw how quickly Lyncoln and Henry saw what I saw, it only confirmed it. I have it down to three. You, Elizabeth, and Vanessa. But you are who I would personally vote for,” she says smiling this time.

  “Excuse me?” I say totally shocked. She finally sits down on the couch next to me.

  “I will do everything in my power to help you and the others until they send me home, which could be soon. I want to go home, but I feel it’s my duty to help you guys first. I don’t know what’s up with Marisol. They monitor her, and they know how she is, but for some reason, she is very high on the rankings. She won’t be going home for a very long time.”

  “Oh great,” I say feeling dread. What won’t that girl do to become Madam President? Or what has she already done to get this far?

  “But neither will you. It’s going to get crazy. The only reason I am telling you this and not the others is because at some point I may have to be mean to your face in order to get her to really believe me. We are going to have to fake a fight or something. I just couldn’t start a fight with you or let you feel like I chose Marisol over you when you are kind of our group’s leader. You’re the one that got us all together and I couldn’t do that to you. And if I did it to Elizabeth, she would just cry, even if she knew it was fake. And Vanessa would punch me. And I don’t want punched. So that leaves you and means I needed to bring you in on the secret.”

  “This is crazy!” I say shaking my head. “So it isn’t because of Henry?” I can’t believe that she would have just picked me out of the bunch. But maybe she would because I have sort of paired up with Henry and he has been the favorite from day one. That would make more sense.

  “No. I saw your lie detector test. I don’t care who you pick. But just for the record, both Lyncoln and Henry would make fine presidents. Tough choice. I don’t envy you.” She smiles and gets up to leave.

  “October?” I ask weakly as she heads towards the door.

  She stops and looks back at me.

  “These words seem inadequate, but thank you,” I say emotionally. I feel disbelief. I feel grateful. I feel excited. I feel dread.

  “Don’t thank me yet. We still have our work cut out for us. Then there is the voting. This is only the beginning. Marisol cannot win.”

  And with that, she gives me a tight smile and leaves just as quickly as she came.

  Chapter 12

  It takes about a half-hour ride to get to the location of the paintball competition. It’s late afternoon by the time we arrive in black SUVs, two contestants per vehicle. I’m not sure the point of that since we very easily could have done four or five to a car, but I remember that somewhere out there, someone or something is a threat to the presidency. I wonder how safe the paintball match will really be, but I realize that they will have done every precaution possible. I’m feeling nervous to know what it feels like to get shot with a paintball too. It sounds painful. And just…bizarre.

  We are taken to an open field next to a thicket. Off in the distance, I can see DIA. Beyond the open field where we will be meeting for this paintball match, there are logs and trees of every shape to hide behind. It smells woodsy and abandoned. Guards, of course, are everywhere though, some on the hills around us and others down on the open field with us. With so many extra guards, I wonder how long it took to organize all this.

  Once it gets dark, this will become interesting. A bunch of tall floodlights are set up around the field to help us see once it does get dark, but they won’t do as good of a job in the trees.

  As the sun starts to drop beginning to paint the sky with its setting, I am thankful for the fresh air and beauty both. Again, I am nervous to get shot with a paintball, but feeling excited overall nonetheless. I’m also a bit worried about tripping over a stick in the dark and getting injured. Shooting in the dark is dangerous enough without being a klutz. I just don’t want to make a fool of myself and fall on my face in front of everyone…again.

  We are all wearing the black gear given to us as well as glow in the dark bands around our wrists, ankles, and around our waists. We segregate into a large boy group and girl group and are then given guns, quickly taught how to shoot them, and are given a bag of glow in the dark ammo. I shoot a couple of rounds at a tree for practice and find myself quite entertained with the splatters of paint. This might be fun. I imagine shooting Marisol in the face. We have protective gear and masks we have to wear, but still. It sure would make me feel better.

  We meet back together and Professor Bennett announces the five teams, which have two team leaders a piece. I’m a bit bummed to find out I’m not on Henry’s team and Katie is. I’m sure she will follow him around like a lovesick puppy dog. I selfishly hope she goes home soon. I then find out that I am on Lyncoln and Trent’s team along with Elizabeth, Renae, and Oliver. So that brightens my mood. Others on my team that I don’t know as well include Isabella, Grady, and Christopher.

  This will be the first time in the last two days Lyncoln won’t be with Attie. I haven’t talked to him since I don’t remember when. He’s been keeping his distance, but probably won’t be able to ignore me for this. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

  I’m also not sure how I feel about the fact that Elizabeth makes our paintball gear look far too good. Normally I wouldn’t like being in her group, but since she and Maverick are a thing, I have felt less threatened and have been enjoying her friendship more and more. It’s not her fault she is by far the most beautiful girl here. I head over to stand by and chat with her when we break into our groups to get the rundown on how this will work.

  Each team has a flag we have to protect and we also have to try to steal other team’s flags. You may make an alliance with another team or teams, or you can choose not to. The goal is to not lose your flag and gain as many other flags as you can. Once your flag is in an opponent’s assigned area, you are out. If you are shot three times, you are out. Above all else, you cannot lose your flag. You must leave the trees for the opening once your team has lost your flag or once you have been shot three times. The game will continue until one team has in their possession at least three flags.

  Professor Bennett is practically bouncing as he explains all the rules and dismisses us to our different areas to strategize amongst our teams. He is just wayyy too excited for this.

  “I vote Lyncoln tells us what to do,” Trent slaps him on the back as soon as we are to our assigned area and gathered around.

  “Me too,” Elizabeth adds and Renae and I nod in agreement. Renae tells me all the time that she is afraid of and intimidated by Lyncoln. He is definitely intense, but I’m not afraid of him. Intimidated maybe, but not afraid.

  Lyncoln starts in all business as we crowd around closer listening to him strategize, “Okay, we will need to split up, obviously. We will make an alliance with one team and one team only. Half of us will be on the offense with that team and work on getting the other team’s flags. The others will work defense in protecting our own flag. Once the first flag is taken, and make dang sure one of us has it in our possession, we’ll then need to then break our alliance and take our alliance’s flag. We will need a covert group to do that, already in place having found our ally’s flag, ready to ambush them by the time that first flag is taken. There can probably only be one or two people since the rest will be needed to protect our flag. So with our flag and two others, we will win, and win quickly.

  “That means our offense, with the help of our ally, needs to pinpoint only one other flag. Don’t make it too easy or too obvious. With the help of an alliance, it should be easy enough to take another team’s flag. Go as fast as possible. Get the first one and act like you are helping for the second one, but stay back and then make your exit as clean and quick as possible. This will be the hardest part. Cover that flag bearer like our lives depend on it and make sure they get out with the flag, without getting shot, or we are screwed. Then the group waiting in ambush gets the third from our ally, and counting our own, that’s the end of the game, we win. ”

  I’m impressed with how quickly he thought of that and shake my head along with a few of the others who obviously feel the same way. Christopher smiles like he expected nothing less from Lyncoln.

  “Cutthroat. I love it,” Isabella offers.

  “Me too,” Oliver agrees and salutes Lyncoln.

  Having our plan in place, now the only question that remains is who is going to do what. I kind of stay back and let them duke it out. I have no idea what I would be good at. This is completely out of my comfort zone. Trent and Lyncoln are our team leaders, so they can just put me wherever.

  “Lyncoln, dude, you are ruthless. You need to be the one to steal the flag from our alliance.” Oliver salutes again. “I nominate you to the ambush team.”

  “Grady and I will lead the offense then. We can take Renae?” Trent offers.

  “I would feel better with Grady and Oliver both protecting our flag. I’ve seen Grady shoot. He’s one of the best.” Lyncoln smirks at Oliver as if knowing he isn’t a good shot but not wanting to say it. “Take Christopher instead. He’s who I would want holding onto that first flag we steal. The guy is crazy fast.”

  “You good with that Grady?” Trent asks.

  “Heck yeah,” Grady nods.

  Lyncoln then turns to Christopher, “You will be the key in all this. Be aggressive. Take a risk and make sure that you personally get the other team’s flag while still with our ally. Hold on to it and get the hell out of there. If you fail us, we lose. Just hold on to the dang flag.”

  “Got it, boss,” he nods excitedly. He and Lyncoln seem to be cut from the same aggressive mold, so I have no doubt he will succeed for us.

  Trent nods his agreement then turns to Renae, “Renae, are you cool being the only chick on offense?”

  “Yeah, I would prefer offense.” She seems to be beaming. I smile at her. Since the boys have been in the mix, she has been much less annoying and rude. I think Trent is on her list of boys to woo as well, so she will enjoy the extra time with him.

  “So that leaves me, Elizabeth, Grady, Isabella, and Reagan at the flag. Why don’t you take Reagan with you for the third flag and team ambush?” Oliver asks and grins right at me.

  “Works for me.” He shrugs looking none too happy about it.

  Great. Thank you, Oliver! I give Oliver a look that tells him I know he’s being a giant turd.<
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  I turn to Lyncoln, trying my best to be nice and respect his wanting to distance himself from me. “Are you sure? I can help defend the flag if you’d rather?”

  This makes him smirk. “With your aim?”

  I realize he’s referring to the turkey story and I squint at him like I’m insulted.

  “I’m taking Reagan,” he nods at me definitively, trying not to smile, “I trust the rest of you to protect our flag. Everyone good?”

  Everyone nods and seems content with their jobs…everyone but me. I don’t know if Lyncoln hates me or likes me. I just can’t keep up.

  And wouldn’t you know it that our alliance ends up being with Henry’s team? I have to steal Henry’s team’s flag with Lyncoln of all people.

  The irony is real.


  We have five minutes to go into the trees and hide our flag somewhere in our team’s allotted area. We know the general vicinity of Henry’s team since they are our ally. Now it comes down to the best place to put our own flag because once we place it somewhere, we cannot move it. Isabella finds a huge stump fallen over on its side and we place our flag inside of it. So if someone walks by, they would have to turn around and be looking for it in order to find it. If they do turn around though, its glow definitely gives it away. We are just banking on that if someone gets that close, we will shoot them the required three times before they turn around and take it.

  After hiding our own flag, we set off on our assigned duties, spreading out and heading in the direction we each need to. The only sound heard is the leaves crunching beneath our boots. We don’t want to give away our position although the glow sticks on our gear will do that if someone gets close enough. It is almost completely dark out. Surprisingly, we can still see quite a bit from the moonlight and floodlights.


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