The Culling: Book 1 (The Culling Series)

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The Culling: Book 1 (The Culling Series) Page 51

by Tricia Wentworth

  Chapter 28

  Frank takes one look at my face and says, “What happened? Did you sleep at all last night, darling?”

  “A couple hours maybe,” I lie.

  “I swear as soon as they had you work in interrogations you have been getting less and less sleep,” he says angrily.

  “That wasn’t it, Frank,” I say with a sly smile. I do enjoy spending every morning with my attendants.

  “Is it Hadenfelt? That evil man. I swear. I haven’t been in active military for many a moons, as they say, but if I see him in the hallways…”

  “Dear, shut up. She’s trying to tell you.” Gertie playfully smacks him in the chest to shut him up.

  “Two weeks ago they gave me a deadline about Henry and Lyncoln. I had to choose. Today was the deadline.” I shake my head, still feeling absolutely gutted by having to hurt Henry like I did.

  Gertie gives me a side hug. “I am so sorry, especially after all that you have gone through the last few weeks. I can’t believe they made you do that. It hardly seems fair given the stress you are already under. Are you doing okay?”

  “I think so. I picked Lyncoln by the way,” I admit shyly.

  When I figured out I wanted to pick Lyncoln, I knew that people weren’t going to understand. Henry was my shoe-in for the presidency. Not that Lyncoln is a bad choice, but I pretty much had it in the bag if I picked Henry. So I’m sure that’s what everyone expected me to do. October helped to point out to me that none of that matters. Plus, if I can’t win with a man like Lyncoln and win only because of who Henry’s dad is, then I don’t want it anyway.

  “I’m so glad,” Gertie says, surprising me. I look at her with raised eyebrows and she continues, “Henry is your best friend and you have an incredible bond, but you and Lyncoln. Ahhh, fireworks happen when you are near one another.”

  I like the way she describes that even though she reminds me I will be missing my best friend.

  “I’m happy you’ve made a decision and have that behind you. I would have supported you either way, darling,” Frank adds.

  “Thank you, Frank.” I smile affectionately at them both and know Frank is about to go crazy if we don’t address my attire for the evening. “So burgundy in the style we discussed?”

  “Yes, and it is just marvelous.” He nods, eyes twinkling in excitement.


  “You need to look cozier than that,” Dougall commands. This is about the third rude remark she has said in the last five minutes.

  We are sitting answering her millions of questions in interview prep. Dougall will be asking the questions tonight also. She has been threatening to throw in questions we aren’t prepared for, but I highly doubt it is in Dougall to do something she doesn’t already know the outcome of. She just wants us prepared for anything.

  “Can you give her a break? She’s had a rough day and a rough couple of weeks. Even without a deadline, I might add,” Lyncoln snaps at her while rubbing my back with the hand he has draped over the back of my chair. He already knew about the deadline but was shocked that with Oliver and Isabella and everything going on that the board was so cruel in making me keep to it. He’s happy with the outcome though.

  We are answering all of her questions right too, she just wants us to feel more like a lovey dovey couple. And we are, we definitely are behind closed doors, it’s just that as I sit there at Mile High cozied up to Lyncoln, I also have in the back of my mind that Henry is upstairs and broken hearted somewhere. I have a hard time letting myself be happy today when I broke someone else’s heart this morning. Maybe she was right. Maybe I should have made the decision a while ago. Oh wait, I was busy grieving a friend and killing Isabella. Sigh!

  “I’m just saying that you need to bring your a-game tonight. Give it everything you’ve got,” she says seriously, almost as if it is an urgent matter.

  Does she know something I don’t?

  “Have you ever seen Lyncoln not give it everything he’s got?” I reply annoyed.

  Lyncoln winks at her. He can be quite the charmer when he wants to be.

  “I guess not,” Dougall says hesitantly. Though she still seems happy enough with my decision, she seems worried. I don’t get it.

  “Okay, then. Next question,” I say all business.


  I’m standing before the mirror once again not recognizing my reflection. Frank is an artist, he truly is. I’m wearing a burgundy dress that is mermaid style. It is tight around my chest and down to my hips before the slit in the thigh, where it flows outward. The bodice is the best part. Along the top of my rib cage, there is an upside-down “v” of about an inch that is sheer material, so sheer you can even see my skin through it. Above that, black sparkles are placed strategically throughout the dress material making it have a torn look to it. A very classy torn look, that is.

  My hair is half up and half down. My makeup is done with a smoky look to it. I have an amazing necklace and earring pair that makes me nervous to wear. I hope they aren’t real and I don’t bother to ask because I don’t want to know. The necklace is chunky and hides what the makeup doesn’t of the bruising on my neck from Isabella. Perhaps my favorite part of this outfit though, is the long black gloves I wear on my arms that match the bodice of my dress perfectly. I also have black sparkly shoes to match.

  I royalty! Now if only I felt the part. It seems crazy that a whole two days ago I shot Isabella, and now here I am playing dress up, heading into the final four of the Culling.

  Hearing a knock on my door, I take a deep breath and open it to find Lyncoln. He is wearing a black tux, with black leather looking lapels that match amazingly well with the sparkles in my dress. He has on a burgundy vest and shirt with a black tie. The burgundy contrasts the blue in his eyes and makes them pop. He has his hands in his pockets and for a moment I forget to breathe as I wonder if this man is really my boyfriend. He is way more attractive than any of the old movie actors used to be. If I wasn’t so dressed up, I would feel inadequate standing next to him. And he doesn’t even try! It’s just not fair.

  “Wow.” Lyncoln nods his approval as his gaze turns more animal like.

  “Ready?” I ask. I turn to grab my matching wristlet that only holds lip gloss and tissues, and is kind of useless.

  Lyncoln enters my room, letting the door slowly shut behind him, and circles around me like a vulture. “Wow.”

  “Like you haven’t seen me in a dress before.” I roll my eyes dramatically.

  His gaze starts at my shoes and follows the slit up my leg, and then up my curves until his eyes find mine. I turn no less than ten shades of red. There is something so raw and powerful in the way he is looking at me. It’s his “I know you” look but on steroids.

  “You look amazing,” he says with a slow smile that morphs into a grin.

  “You look pretty good yourself.” I smile back. “I have to say, I thought it was silly, but I kind of like this matching thing.” I reach out and straighten his already straight tie.

  He grabs my hand, holding it there, and steps closer to me. “Mhmm,” he mumbles absentmindedly.

  “You are acting like an animal,” I say shyly as his gaze gets more intense.

  “Mhmm,” he mumbles again as he leans in for the kill.

  “You’ll make us late and Dougall will cut your throat.” I try to make an effort to argue my way out of what I am sure will be a hot and heavy smoocheroo.

  “Mhmm.” He ignores me and his lips find mine. One hand is on my rib cage and the other is on my back. He pulls me in tight and kisses me hungrily but affectionately. When he pulls back, he smiles, saying, “Check me for lip gloss? We are going to be broadcast across the entire country, you know.”

  I playfully punch him and wipe off his lips, which do in fact look a little shimmery.

  “I don’t understand why you can’t contain yourself,” I say playfully, trying to be annoyed although my body temperature is sky rocketing and I would like nothing more than to
skip the interview for some more kissing like that. His eyes when he comes at me like that are…feral. In a good way. Ferally awesome.

  “It’s because…” he says looking at me so intently I swear I can see the fire coming out of his gaze, “now you are mine. If you thought I couldn’t contain myself before, you are going to be amazed at how much I am not going to be able to keep my hands off of you.”

  I smile like a fool and grab him by the tie for another quick peck of a kiss.

  “Regs.” His mood changes, getting more serious, and he pulls back like he is remembering something important.


  “Do you realize if we make it to the final two couples, your family can move to Denver to be with us?” he asks affectionately.

  My family! Ashton. Mom. Dad. Here with me? With everything that has been going on lately, I haven’t really had a chance to stop and think about it. I have already gotten them promoted twice, and hopefully on a leadership committee with making the final four. Coming to Denver? Having more opportunities? This is why I wanted to do this thing in the first place. It makes my heart do funny things to realize that Lyncoln knew this would be such a big deal to me. And he remembered to mention it now, before our first major event together.

  “I cannot imagine my life without them,” I think out loud.

  He nods his head in agreement. “Me either. I love you, you love them. By default, I love them.”

  I panic as I think of what would happen if we don’t make it any farther. “What if…” I begin before I am interrupted with a soft and tender kiss on the lips.

  “We can do this, gorgeous. We will bring them to Denver. We can win the whole damn thing.” He says it with that confident air that only he can pull off. “Trust me.”

  “Okay. I do.” I smile then angle my head to the side as I say, “Thank you.”


  “For believing in me…in us…and remembering my family.” I wrap my arms around him and give him a hug.

  With that, he gives me a light kiss on the forehead and rubs circles with his thumb on my bare back like he did the night we met. “But are you sure you don’t want to change your mind? Last chance before you’re stuck with me forever.”

  I don’t even hesitate. “I’m sure.”

  For the first time in quite a while, I feel genuinely happy and content without having to feel a side of guilt along with it.


  We go second, after Knox and Attie. They are already sitting down answering questions when Elle ushers us into the interview area. Frank and Gertie are there and buzz around us as they straighten us out. I shouldn’t be nervous since the only thing different from earlier today is the camera in the room, and the fancy clothes, but for some reason I am. Each couple has only about ten minutes to woo over the entire country. Mom and dad and Ash will be watching at home. This is the first they will know about my decision in choosing Lyncoln too. Actually, this is the first anyone will know of my decision.

  All too soon, the ten minutes has passed. When my name is called, I sit down in the appropriate chair across from Dougall. Just like with Attie, the “lady” goes first and answers a few questions on her own before her counterpart is brought out.

  “Ms. Reagan Scott,” Dougall greets me.

  “Hello,” I say warmly. I get an image of the dying former Madam President in my head. She radiated strength and kindness. I try to somehow magically channel that as I remember my family and all of Omaha are watching on the other end.

  “You are from Omaha and our youngest candidate,” she states.

  I smile. “That is correct.”

  She goes on to ask me a few questions about the Culling. I answer them and then she starts asking me about Lyncoln.

  “What first drew you to him?”

  “He was unlike anyone I had ever met. Even in the way he walks, he is powerful and purposeful. I had never met anyone that…intense.” I laugh. “He is a force of nature.”

  “What makes you think he will be able to lead our country?” she asks a harder question, building up for his introduction.

  “Lyncoln. There is just no other like him. His life wasn’t always easy,” I pause and start to feel a bit emotional after this long day. I know I can’t talk about his dad’s murder, but I have to be as honest as I can be without giving out too much information. “He has had to go through a lot of pain. But the pain that would have crippled most people, instead made him stronger. He is hard and protective when he needs to be. If it is something he cares about, he is fiercely loyal too. He is very much a military man and has an impressive reputation, but he is so much more than that. I have so many examples and stories I could tell you, but the bottom line is, he’s the man for the job. He will not only do the job, but like anything he does, he will do it greatly.”

  “Well said. Let’s bring this man out, now shall we? Mr. Lyncoln Reed,” she introduces him with a smile an open armed gesture.

  He walks over and sits in the empty chair next to me. Immediately his arm goes behind my chair and I lean in closer to him, knowing this is what Dougall hounded us for this afternoon. He leans in and gives me a kiss on the forehead that has her beaming.

  “So. Mr. Reed. What drew you to Ms. Scott?” she asks.

  “I think the better question, Professor Dougall, is what didn’t? She has a heart of gold. She works hard. She loves hard. And she is one of the most intelligent and perceptive people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Even Admiral Taggert is taken in with her. And if all that isn’t enough, she is absolutely gorgeous too. The total package.” He shrugs and steals another kiss, this time on my cheek.

  I blush. This Lyncoln is definitely a charmer. He definitely brought his a-game. Dougall laughs and I know she approves.

  “Can I tell you a secret?” he leans in and lazily puts an ankle across his knee.

  “Of course,” she smiles. She is eating this up. We are doing her proud.

  “She didn’t like me the first night we met,” he says with a wink.

  “No. I thought you hated my guts,” I argue with a laugh.

  “Why is that, Ms. Scott?” she inquires though loving our banter. This was not rehearsed, but she doesn’t seem to mind.

  “When we first met, he just seemed standoffish. He didn’t act like he wanted to shake my hand, and he didn’t.” I shake my head smiling as I remember. It feels like it was a century ago. I remember wondering if I smelled bad or something.

  “Well, Mr. Reed? What do you have to say for yourself?” Dougall asks, playing along.

  “From the little that I had seen of her, I already knew at that point that she was it for me. I was afraid to meet her because I knew at that exact moment I wanted to marry this woman. I was done for,” he says with a smile as he looks at me.

  I blush again. We both know that at that point he knew me quite well and had seen a lot of me, not a “little”. Enough that it was far from love at first sight, but we don’t need to explain that. That’s a detail in our story that we can tuck away for later.

  “While we are on that topic, what about children?” Dougall asks.

  It is expected we marry. Good thing we actually like one another. So knowing that, naturally, one of the first questions the general population would have wouldn’t be about marriage, but about children.

  My chest hurts as I replay Mrs. Maxwell’s words to me about raising her children as presidential children. I let Lyncoln take this question so I don’t falter. I don’t know how I feel about having kids in this situation. It would be against the law not to though. I have always wanted kids, I just don’t want to fear for their lives. I cannot even imagine how hard it would be. This is perhaps the first time of the entire Culling that my young age is to my advantage. No one expects me to start popping out babies at 18 years old. I have time. Even the Maxwells waited five years into their presidency before having kids.

  “What about them? With her brains and good looks, they’ll be awesome.” Lyncoln smile
s and it makes my heart flutter thinking again of miniature Lyncolns with blueish-brown eyes running around. I can’t help but grin like a fool.

  “How many?” Dougall pries.

  “As many as we want. Three? Four? Maybe even five,” he shrugs then playfully adds, “God sakes, can you let me marry her first, please?”

  Dougall actually blushes.

  She then gets to the harder questions about our views on political issues. Of course, nothing is said about the current drifter situation. I wish we could talk about that and lay it all on the line, but we can’t. We answer the questions better than we have before though and piggyback off of one another making some pretty good points.

  “Last question,” Dougall announces as our time runs out. “Are there any issues or areas of concern that you would like to address if you become the next presidential couple? If so, what are they?”

  Um, yeah, crazy lady. There is a whole war that needs to be dealt with.

  I go first. “I’m interested in giving our country an upgrade in our technologies and advancements. We have some very intelligent people working on some very impactful projects that need to be implemented across the townships. We also need better meshing of those technologies in each and every township,” I explain as I think of Marcia and her water advancements. I know now that because of the war, they have been holding off as to not give the drifters a new way to attack with more transportation between the townships, but that isn’t a good enough excuse. We can’t live in constant fear of these people. We have to keep our country moving forward. We can’t cower.

  “My interests are in the military, training and preparations both. I’m interested in putting units in place that rotate around to each of the townships for training, or at least a full-time unit within each township. It’s time all of our townships are as well protected and trained as Denver is. It isn’t fair to train our young men and just leave them in the townships to do another job until they are needed. If being a soldier is a full-time job in Denver, it should be everywhere else, too,” Lyncoln explains simply and intelligently.


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