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Kathy Andrews Collection

Page 176

by Kathy Andrews

  “Ooooh, I’m getting close, Mother!” Jerry gasped.

  “Mmmmm,” she moaned, sucking faster.

  The sound of the doorbell clattered, startling Marcy. She jerked her mouth off her son’s cock.

  “Ohhh, shit, shit!” she cried out. “Susan is here already!”

  “Don’t stop now, Mother! Please, suck me! I’m just about to come!”

  “Oh, God!” Marcy sobbed, and swallowed her son’s cock swiftly.

  She sucked as fast and hard as she could, the doorbell clanging loudly in her ears. She bobbed her though as swiftly as she could, taking short sucks. She dug into her son’s ass, her fingers feeling the heat of his asshole through the seam of his jeans. She squeezed at his balls, urging him to unload into her mouth fast. The doorbell was insistent.

  “Oooooh, almost, Mother!” Jerry groaned, fucking her in the mouth as fast as he could.

  “I’m almost ready! Ohhb, I’m gonna come so fucking hard!”

  Marcy squeezed, at his balls, pressing her fingers hard into the seam of his jeans on his asshole. She squeezed at his asscheek, gobbling and groaning as she strained to make him come. His cock seemed twice its normal size, stretching her lips and filling her mouth. Jerry darted his right hand into the front of her blouse, cupping one of her naked tits as hard as he could.

  Marcy gasped.

  “Now, Mother! Ohhhh, I’m gonna come now!”

  His hot came-juice gushed over her tongue, flooding her mouth with the rapid squirts, burning it as it splashed into her throat. Marcy gulped at his comejuice, struggling to swallow it so none would seep from her mouth. She gulped hungrily, his cock throbbing powerfully with the spurts. Jerry was almost sobbing with the intensity of his discharge. He fucked his cock into his mother’s mouth, his cockhead pushing at her throat, Marcy choked daintily, drawing her lips up. She caught his gushing comejuice over her tongue, her mouth filling before she could swallow. She made wet sounds, and her cunt tingled. She was gulping at her son’s comejuice when she, too, came. Marcy pressed her ass hard into the chair, her cunt snapping almost with orgasms “Ohhhh, Mother, Mother!” Jerry moaned. The doorbell was still clattering insanely, and now there was pounding on the door.

  Marcy sucked off her son’s cock.

  “God!” she cried softly, running her tongue over her lips. “She’s going to walk right in on us!”

  Jerry stuffed his cock swiftly into his pants, his face flushed. Marcy jumped to her feet, the crotch of her panties wet. She rushed to a mirror to check her hair and face. Her lips glistened and looked puffy, but there was nothing she could do about it now.

  When she opened the door, Susan stood there.

  “I thought you overslept!” the beautiful blonde woman said.

  “We… I’m sorry, but…” Marcy stammered for an explanation, finding none.

  “Hi, Susan,” Jerry said, coming up behind his mother. Marcy glanced at the front of her son’s pants quickly. “You’re early.”

  “I know, honey,” Susan said. “I thought we’d get started early. Your father didn’t come home last night, and he’s still gone.”

  Marcy noticed how lovely Susan looked. She was in a tight tank top and had on white, tight shorts. Her long, tanned thighs were perfect. Marcy envied Susan her body, not realizing her own was just as beautiful.

  Jerry lifted the two small bags Marcy had packed the night before, between bouts of almost marathon fucking.

  Watching him load the bags into the trunk of the car, Susan murmured, “That boy gets more handsome every day. You’re very lucky to have him, Marcy. I hope to have a son just like him someday.”

  Marcy surprised herself by answering, “He’s our son, Susan.”

  “Yes, he is,” Susan whispered, watching Jerry lean against the trunk of the car.

  Putting on a show, Jerry opened the driver’s door, making a bow for his stepmother. Susan laughed with delight and slid under the wheel. Jerry then ran around and opened the passenger door, repeating his act. As Marcy slipped into the car, her pleated skirt rode past her knees. With her head turned away from Susan, she saw her son try to peek up between her thighs. She stuck her tongue out at him, sliding her legs into the car and smoothing, her skirt down.

  Jerry managed to squeeze behind Marcy’s seat and settled himself on into the rear. As Susan pulled away, Marcy was acutely aware of her wet panties. She had not had the opportunity to change them. She just knew her cuntlips were bruised, and that Susan could tell she had been sucking Jerry’s cock. A slight flush moved over her face and she stared straight ahead, hands folded in her lap.

  They drove in silence for some distance.

  “Why is everyone so quiet?” Susan asked. “This is a fun time. Come you two, perk up!”

  Susan began to sing, and she had a good voice. Soon Jerry was singing along with her, and Marcy began to feel more comfortable.

  “Anyone ready for breakfast?” Susan asked about an hour later. “There’s a good place just ahead!”

  Jerry devoured his breakfast. Susan and Marcy ate lightly, and Marcy found herself very comfortable with the lovely girl who was her son’s stepmother. Susan, she noticed, was careful with her language while Jerry was with them, but when Jerry went to the restroom, Susan leaned very close to Marcy and whispered, “That boy is going to break a lot of hearts when he’s older.”

  Marcy smiled mysteriously.

  They finished eating and climbed back into the car. The day had become hotter, and Susan flipped on the air conditioner. They began singing again, and Marcy heard Susan’s songs getting a bit suggestive. Jerry giggled with pleasure at one of them, and Marcy felt herself blush. As she sang, Susan slapped her hand up and down on her thigh, keeping time.

  “Come on, Marcy, sing with us!” Susan said, darting her hand to Marcy’s thigh and squeezing it quickly. Jerry was leaning over between his mother and stepmother, and his hands rested on their shoulders, singing at the top of his voice.

  Four hours later, they arrived at the sprawling amusement park.

  “Let’s get checked into that motel first,” Susan suggested. “That way we can spend hours inside the park and not worry about a vacancy later.”

  Marcy was willing — her panties were uncomfortable by now.

  Using credit cards, they checked into a single room, with Susan explaining: “We’ve got to watch our expenses, you know.”

  When Marcy opened the door while Susan helped Jerry unload their luggage, she saw two full-sized beds.

  “You and I can share one bed,” Susan said coming in with her suitcase. “We can let that kid have the other bed.”

  Marcy noticed Susan take a swat at Jerry’s ass when he came in, and Jerry skipped out of reach, giggling with excitement.

  The amusement park was crowded.

  Jerry, laughing excitedly, wanted to ride everything in sight. When he was rushing about, he was holding his mother’s hand, walking between Marcy and Susan.

  Within half an hour, Marcy noticed that Susan was holding her son’s other hand. She smiled to herself, pleased and happy. She noticed that Susan drew looks from men, but failed to notice that she drew just as many. But then, those white shorts held Susan’s compact ass deliciously, and Marcy could see Susan’s tits bounce tightly with movement.

  Jerry talked them into riding a few of the things with him. Marcy was afraid of some of the rides, but she went on them to make Jerry happy. One ride, something that went up and down and around, frightened her more than any of the others. The swinging ride sent her skirt high, and Jerry was sitting between her and Susan. No matter how hard Marcy tried to keep her skirt down, it was about her waist more than any other place. She was clinging to handholds and was afraid to turn loose to push her skirt down. Her panties were exposed, all the way.

  But when the ride was over, she was delighted. They laughed and cut up as they came off the ride.

  “That sure blew your dress up, Mother,” Jerry laughed. “I bet everyone here saw plenty!”

bsp; “Jerry!” Marcy gasped, her face turning pink.

  “Don’t worry about it, Marcy,” Susan laughed. “Let’s just have a ball!”

  Marcy did.

  For the first time in her life, she really enjoyed herself. She stopped trying to hold her skirt down on the more thrilling rides, and let it go, knowing her son and Susan and anyone else looking her way could see her long, luscious thighs and panties. She didn’t care… it was so much fun.

  About ten that evening, they stopped to have sandwiches. Jerry’s eyes glittered happily as he chattered to them about everything. He sat between them on benches, food and drinks on the table. Then, he became very quiet. It was a while before Marcy noticed how quiet he became.

  “Something wrong with you, darling?” she asked. “You haven’t said a word for two minutes!”

  He shook his head, but drew her hand under the table and placed it on his cock. Marcy jerked her hand away, glancing past him at Susan, but she had felt his hard-on.

  After eating, both Marcy and Susan were ready to go, but Jerry wanted one more ride. He chose a water ride, and neither Marcy nor Susan had the heart to refuse him. Susan climbed into the front, straddling the narrow seat. Jerry sat behind her, and Marcy behind her son. Marcy wrapped her arms about her son’s waist, and Jerry swiftly pushed her right hand to his crotch. Marcy started to pull away, but his cock felt so good in her hand. Jerry clung to his stepmother’s waist and when the ride started up the long hill, Marcy suddenly did something that surprised her.

  She opened her son’s pants and pushed her hand in, holding his cock. Jerry twisted his head around and grinned at her, and Marcy quickly kissed his lips, stroking his cock. She could feel, slightly, Susan’s ass with the back of her hand. Hoping Susan would know what she was doing, she pulled her son tighter between her thighs. Her skirt was past her thighs but she didn’t care. Jerry hugged one of his mother’s thighs with his hand, his other arm around his stepmother’s waist. As they crested, Marcy pulled her son’s cock out of his pants, and began to stroke her fist up and down. Jerry pressed his ass tightly into her crotch.

  “Jack me off, Mother?” he whispered as they started the descent.

  “Shhhhh!” Marcy warned, and began to pump on her son’s exposed cock.

  Susan was screaming with delight, her blonde hair flying back around Jerry’s face. Marcy pumped fast on her son’s cock, the ride twisting violently as it dipped and rose. Jerry was laughing, squeezing his mother’s thigh with his hand. The nylon felt good, to him, and he pushed his hand higher, feeling Marcy’s garter.

  “Good, huh?” Marcy said just loud enough for him to hear.

  She squeezed his cock hard, laughing as the ride twisted and turned with violence. She couldn’t believe she was sitting on this thing, with Susan in front of him, and here she was jacking her off. There was no danger of being seen, it was dark, and the imitation logs were far enough apart to prevent anyone from seeing where her hand was. Once, when Susan shifted her body, Marcy felt the beautiful young woman’s ass push at her fist, and she stopped jacking on Jerry’s cock, holding her breath in fear Susan would know what she was doing.

  Jerry, very excited, shoved his hand behind his back and between his mother’s thighs. Marcy mewled softly as he pushed at her cunt and managed to lift slightly. Jerry shoved his hand against his mother’s pantied cunt and held it as they went over the next to last hump. Marcy pumped frantically on her son’s cock, hurrying to make him come before the ride ended. His cock throbbed powerfully in her fist, and her other hand cupped his cockhead, not wanting any of his comejuice to splatter on the back of Susan’s white shorts.


  The log went almost straight down, taking Marcy’s breath away. Jerry howled with glee, pressing hard at his mother’s cunt. As the ride leveled and prepared for the last climb, Marcy pounded on Jerry’s cock in a frenzy. She hissed into his ear, “Come, Jerry!”

  The log crested, and as it began to descend with the steepest, most breathtaking rush, Marcy jerked even more frantically on Jerry’s cock.

  Jerry came halfway down.

  The hot spurt of his comejuice filled her palm, dripping wetly. Marcy pumped until he stopped gushing, then both laughed with Susan as water sloshed over the sides and drenched them.

  As the ride slowed, Marcy stuffed her son’s cock into his pants and trailed her, hand over the side, wishing she could have licked his comejuice from her palm instead. As they climbed from the ride, she noticed the front of her son’s pants was damp, but it blended with the water that splashed them. She hugged his hand tightly as they returned to the midway, giggling with him like two naughty teenagers.

  Susan grasped Jerry’s other hand as they wandered around slowly. Jerry didn’t want to leave yet, despite the late hour.

  “Another half hour, and then we go to the motel,” Marcy insisted. “You’re already worn out, honey.”

  “Not me, Mother!” He grinned and raced toward a dart game booth, “He’s beautiful,” Susan smiled as they watched him toss darts. “So beautiful it hurts!”

  Marcy agreed with Susan. “You’re very good to him, Susan. Since he has to have a stepmother, I’m very happy it’s you.”

  Susan impulsively hugged Marcy. “You know, you should have worn something besides that dress today. You were flashing pussy all over the place, you know.”

  “I was not!” Marcy gasped, reddening.

  “Well, panties at least,” Susan giggled at Marcy’s embarrassment. “I hope Jerr… I mean I hope he didn’t think anything about that.”

  “Why should he?” Marcy asked, glancing at Susan quickly, wondering what Susan knew.

  “Boys, you know,” Susan smiled. “Boys notice girls, especially if their dress is over their head.”

  “My dress was not over my head!” Marcy stammering slightly.

  “Almost,” Susan grinned. “I bet you caused a few hard-on!”

  Marcy felt embarrassed. She thought she had gotten over that, but her face was pink now. Susan was gazing at Jerry.

  “I wonder if Jerry is getting any,” she said softly.

  “He’s too young, Susan,” Marcy answered, turning away so Susan couldn’t see her eyes.

  “They’re never too young, Marcy.” Susan said. “Once they discover they can do something besides piss with those little cocks, they aren’t too young at all.”

  Marcy didn’t care for the way the conversation was going. It was too close to the truth.

  She didn’t want to spend the whole night and next, day without fucking her son, but she couldn’t see how they could do it. Susan was with them all the time, and there was no way she could sneak into Jerry’s adjoining bed in the motel room. Susan might hear them, wake up, see what they were doing. Marcy would die with embarrassment if that happened, she felt.

  “That was fun, but I didn’t win anything,” Jerry said as he came back to them. “One more ride, Mother?”

  “Jerry, it’s very late,” Marcy said.

  “Oh, let him ride one more!” Susan said, running her hand through Jerry’s hair. “It won’t hurt. Besides, we’re here to have fun. Let him knock himself out!”

  Marcy and Susan sat and waited while he rode one more ride. Marcy wanted her son’s cock so bad, she could feel her cunt twitching. When Susan leaned back on the bench and draped her arm over her shoulder, Marcy shivered. Even this lovely young woman’s touch sent a wild heat to her cunt. She was so aroused by the time Jerry came back to them, she was sure it showed somehow. She wasn’t looking forward to a restless night of frustration, sleeping in the same bed with Susan, while her son lay within reaching distance from her.

  When Jerry pleaded to stay longer, Marcy was almost snappish with him. She didn’t think she could remain in the park, not with her cunt throbbing and dripping into the crotch of her panties. Her legs were weak already, and she was saw her excitement could be seen by the way her braless tits strained at her thin blouse. Jerry pouted on the way back to the motel, the first t
ime he had acted spoiled in a long time.

  But as they reached the motel, he told his mother he was sorry for his behavior, and she hugged him as Susan opened the door to the room. When her son ran his hand over her curvy ass, she trembled. Jerry got in one quick squeeze of his mother’s ass before Susan stepped into the room and turned on the light. Then he pulled away quickly, darting into the room and to the bathroom.

  They could hear Jerry pissing — he had not closed the door completely.

  “Ahhhh, that’s music to my ears!” Susan chuckled, lying on one of the beds, her long, tanned thighs parted, her hands resting on her stomach.

  “What is music?”

  “Listening to Jerry take a piss,” Susan giggled, writhing her tightly clad ass suggestively. “He never shuts the door all the way. Must be a habit.”

  Marcy had not noticed her son leaving the door open at home, and she wondered about his visits to Susan and his father’s home on the weekends. Was it possible Susan was fucking Jerry?

  “How about some cold drinks?” Marcy asked as Jerry came from the bathroom, zipping his pains. “There’s a machine at the end of the hall. I’m kind of thirsty.”

  “Not for me,” Susan said. “I’m for the shower.”

  “Want to come with me, Jerry?” Marcy asked. Her eyes lingered on the front of his pants.

  “Sure, Mother,” he agreed.

  “I’ll leave the door open,” Susan said. “I don’t think anyone will come to watch me shower!” She winked.

  Marcy pulled her son from the room, afraid Susan would say something that would embarrass her again.

  “I really don’t want anything to drink, Jerry,” Marcy said, looking around. “What I want is your cock, baby. I won’t be able to sleep tonight if we don’t get in one fuck!”

  Jerry giggled and wrapped his arms about his mother’s hips, cupping her ass through her skirt.


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