Kathy Andrews Collection
Page 356
“You like it?” she asked him, her voice hoarse. “You like it when I do that?”
“Oh, Mother!” Tony moaned, his eyes bright, feeling his mother’s asshole clench his cock at the base. “Your asshole is gonna burn my cock off!”
“No, it’s going to fuck it off!” she mewled, leaning forward, and working her ass up and down, her stretching assring gripping tightly. She lifted her ass all the way, the head of his cock almost coming free, then she lunged down again, hard and fast. “Watch Mother! Watch Mother fuck your cock with her asshole! You love Mother’s ass, baby, don’t you? You like that old Greek idea of fucking in the ass, don’t you?”
“Yeah, Mother!” he groaned.
“I’ll be your Greek, baby!” she sobbed. “Mother will be your Greek asshole! God, it’s so good in my ass! If we kept fucking this way, you’re going to have my asshole so big, a truck will go through it!”
“I don’t care!” she sobbed, leaning down and sucking at his toes, her ass riding up and down his cock. She stretched her long legs along his body, humping her ass up and down. “I just want my ass fucked!”
Tony’s mind was spinning as he stared down at his mother’s ass. He could see his cock clearly and could see the tightness of her asshole holding it, stretching. He could feel her hot, wet cunt on his balls each time she thrust her ass down.
Judy mouthed his toes, sucking them, licking them, grinding her ass onto his cock, her tits smashed near his knees. She felt lewd and wicked, fucking him that way. Her feelings soared, and she felt there was nothing she wouldn’t do for her son. He could do what he wanted with her body. She would accept anything he wanted, eagerly, wantonly.
“Baby, baby!” she cried. “Ohhhh, shit, darling! Your cock is so fucking big in my ass! I love it, love the way you fill Mother’s hot asshole. It makes my cunt wet! Ooooh, Mother is going to fuck your hard cock off, fuck it off with my tight asshole! Watch me, Tony! Watch my asshole suck your cock!”
“Damn! I can see it, Mother!” he grunted. “I can see my cock in your asshole! Fuck me, Mother! Oh, fuck me and make me come in your asshole!”
“I will! Ohhhh, baby, I will make you come in my asshole! Fill my asshole with that sweet comejuice! Squirt it all the way to my cocksucking throat! Make me taste your comejuice in my mouth when you come?”
Tony didn’t answer now. He was staring at her asshole, watching it fly up and down his cock. He was about to come, and his balls brushed at her hot pussy. His mother was mouthing and sucking at his toes again, and it tickled and felt good at the same time. He shoved his hands down and cupped her grinding, bouncing ass. Judy lifted and plunged, riding her fiery asshole on his cock in a frenzy. Her pussy was pulsating, her clit hurting with throbbing hardness.
As her pussy boiled toward an orgasm, her asshole feeling as if it would rip apart deliciously, Judy stuffed her mouth with her son’s toes, sucking them as she would his cock, vigorously. Her ass pounded faster and faster, and finally she slammed down hard, jerking her mouth off his toes and screaming.
“Ohhhh, I’m coming!”
Tony could feel her asshole pulsate with squeezing heat about his cock. His eyes filmed over, and he sent scalding spurts of comejuice into his mother’s grasping asshole. He could see the ring of her asshole clinging to the head of his cock as he came, and could see her asshole flexing.
“Oh, baby,” she moaned softly as she lay next to him now, holding his face against her tits. “You’re turning me into one big cunt, did you know that?”
“That’s impossible, Mother.”
“I know, but everywhere you stick that cock, it feels just like I’m just one big, sensitive cunt.”
When she woke up, she found they had turned about in the bed during the night, her face now resting against his cock and balls. She smiled as she saw how hard he was.
Tony lay on his side, one arm around her hip, his breath fanning the soft hair of her cunt. Coming awake slowly, Judy pulled her head back a ways, so she could see his cock and balls without being cross-eyed. His prick throbbed visibly, and his balls appeared full again. She was fascinated by how quick her son could get hard. How full his balls became in just a few short hours. She watched it throb, running a finger along his prickshaft lightly, barely touching it, not wanting to wake him up.
She sniffed, then frowned.
Then remembered.
Her smile grew wider as she inhaled deeply. His cock had been up her ass, she remembered. The swat was not unpleasant to her. On the contrary, it excited her. She remembered toiling her son she would be his little Greek girl and let him fuck her ass when he wanted. She knew Tony was showing a preference to fuck her in the ass, and she didn’t mind at all. She loved it inside her cunt, in her mouth, but if her son wanted to shove it up her ass from now on, she would accept it.
She moved her face close to his cock, inhaling the exciting scent of it. She touched his balls with the tip of her tongue, and felt them draw up. With a quiet giggle, she ran her tongue along the shaft of her sleeping son’s cock, licking it, tasting it. The exotic scent and taste made a tremor of hunger flow through her. She probed the tip of his cock, running her tongue about his pisshole. She felt his cock react with a jerk, and heard a soft moan from him.
She lifted her knee, exposing her cunt, pushing it closer to his face. She felt his breath fan over the lips of her cunt, and she shivered deliciously. She wondered what Tony would do if he woke up with his face in her pussy. It wouldn’t make him mad, she knew. He would probably start licking it, calling it the best breakfast he ever had.
The taste of his cock was getting to her. She wanted to take it into her mouth, have her own breakfast. She moved the tip of her tongue up and down his cockshaft, barely touching it, not ready to wake him yet. The taste of his cock after being inside her asshole was different than when it had been inside her cunt. She decided she enjoyed it, then she closed her lips about his cockhead, sucking very gently.
“Mmmmmm,” she heard her son moan, and his hips moved forward.
Judy pulled her mouth off his cock. “Are you awake, honey?”
“Who can sleep with his cock getting sucked, Mother?” he said, looking between their bodies at her face. “It sure is a nice way to wakeup.”
“Do you always have a hard-on in the mornings?”
“Most times,” he replied, “but when I take a piss, it’s all over.”
“Maybe it needs to be sucked every morning,” Judy teased nuzzling his smooth prickhead over face and lips. “That’s probably what it needs, a morning blowjob.”
Without another word, Judy began to suck her son’s cock. She held his ass while sliding her mouth beck and forth. Tony stroked at her cunt as she held her thigh up for him, kissing at her pussy now and then. Judy wasn’t concerned about him licking her cunt, not now. She wanted to suck his cock off, have him come in her mouth. That would be enough pleasure for her until later.
She mouthed his cock slowly at first, sliding her lips back and forth, but then excitement gripped her, and she began to suck faster, devouring his cock with hot greed, moaning softly. She dug into his ass and pulled, bringing his naked body over on top of hers. Then, with his legs alongside her head, she grabbed his as and began to suck hungrily.
Tony lifted and lowered his cock, fucking at her mouth as she sucked. Judy held his ass tightly, shoving her mouth onto his cock until his balls were crushed at her nose. She pulled the cheeks of his ass open, and Tony gasped as she jammed a finger into his asshole.
Clutching at his mother’s hips his cheek resting on her hairy cunt, Tony fucked up and down, feeling his mother’s finger moving in and out of his asshole, his cock in her mouth.
It didn’t take long.
“Ahhhh, Mother!” he moaned as his jism spurted.
Judy gurgled wetly, taking the hot load of her son’s comejuice into her mouth with pleasure. She didn’t swallow, but let her mouth fill, and only when his coc
k softened did she release him.
Slipping her finger out of his asshole, she gently pushed him away. She rolled her tongue about inside her mouth, tasting his comejuice, then swallowed it.
“You taste better every time you come in my mouth, Tony,” she said, swinging her legs over the bed. “I believe I could suck you off all day long.”
She left her son and filled the tub, pouring in her scented oils. As she bathed, she heard him in the hall shower. If nothing else, she thought to herself, Tony was taking more baths than ever before, and she didn’t have to tell him, either.
When she heard him banging about in the kitchen, she idly stroked her cunt under the water, and she wasn’t at all surprised when she made herself come.
Putting on her toga, she found her son in the kitchen, trying his best to fix breakfast for them. She laughed at the mess he had made, and took over the cooking.
“You sit your ass down and let me. You can’t cook and you know it.”
Tony was in his toga, and he sat and watched his mother.
“You know, Mother, we look just like those pictures in my books,” he said. “But I don’t think those togas were as short.”
“I like them better this way, don’t you?”
“Yeah!” he grinned. “Every time you lean over, I see your ass.”
Judy giggled, waggling her ass at him, lifting the sheer garment. “I swear, Tony, you must have some Greek in you.”
“I just love your ass, that’s all.”
“Most guys would love my cunt.”
“I’m not most guys,” he said. “And if you don’t hurry up with breakfast, I might have to fuck your ass first.”
“But, Tony,” she said, turning around and putting a platter of eggs and sausages on the table. “You just got a blow job. How can you be ready to fuck so soon?”
He showed her.
“Oh, my!” Judy mewled, seeing his cock standing up in his toga. She closed her fist about it, jacking him through the toga. “That thing must stay hard.”
She pumped him a few more times, then released him.
“Eat, then I’ll see if I can do something about it.”
Tony devoured his breakfast.
Toward noon, Tony said, “Mother, it sure would be fun if we could visit that pasture, wearing our togas.”
“It would,” she answered. “But someone might see us, and you can see right through these things.”
“We can cover up with a coat.”
Judy laughed. “In this weather? Tony, you’re crazy. That would draw more attention to us than if we dressed this way.”
“Yeah, I guess so,” he replied.
Judy considered a moment. “We can dress, but take them with us.”
“Hey, yeah, Mother!” he said, his eyes sparkling. “We could be just like those old Romans and Greeks. Boy, if we lived back then, we could see all those cunts, in or out of a house.”
Judy smiled at her son. It was too bad, she thought. It would have been a good time to live in, especially with every one as horny as she and Tony seemed to be.
“I’ve got some things to finish up,” she said, “and then we can drive out to the pasture.”
She loaded the clothes washer with soiled laundry, but before she could turn from the machine, her son came up behind her, lifting her toga.
“I need it now, Mother,” he said, poking at her ass with his stiff cock.
Judy smiled over her shoulder at him. His cock was very hard indeed. He had his swollen cockhead between the cheeks of her ass, his pisshole smearing her crinkled asshole. She whimpered softly, trembling. It seemed the more he fucked her, the more he wanted.
“I’m not stopping you, honey,” she whispered, leaning over the washing machine.
Tony shoved his mother’s toga to her waist, gazing down at the beauty of her smooth, creamy, white ass. He cupped her asscheeks, squeezing them, fondling them. One hand flipped between her thighs, rubbing at her hairy cunt, the other stroking up and down the crack of her ass.
“No matter where I touch, Mother, you’re hot,” he said, his voice thick. “I like that. Your cunt is wet all the time, did you know that?”
“Mmmmm, do I?” she purred, waggling her ass. “Just like your cock is hard all the time.”
Tony held his cock at the base, rubbing his smooth cockhead up and down the split of his mother’s ass. He poked it lower, then slipped his cockhead into her cunt, working it back and forth, teasing her, fucking her with only his prickhead.
Judy cried out her pleasure, spreading her feet on the floor and jutting her ass backward eagerly. Tony moved his cock a little farther into her cunt, and just as Judy pushed onto it, he pulled back.
“Don’t be mean!” she pleaded. “Stop teasing Mother, baby!”
Tony laughed, bringing the head of his cock upward, pressing it at her tight asshole. Judy thrust before he could rub.
“Ahhhhh!” she said, feeling the head of his cock slipping into her asshole.
But Tony pulled it out quickly.
“No, Tony!” she groaned. “Shove it in! Fuck me!”
But her son kept teasing her, first sticking his cock into her cunt, then her asshole, using only his swollen cockhead, no more.
Judy sobbed, trying to work her cunt or ass onto his cock, wherever it was. She twisted her exposed ass wantonly, begging him to fuck her. “You said you needed it, Tony!” she reminded him. “If you need my ass so bad, why are you teasing me? Please, Tony, fuck me! Either my cunt or asshole, I don’t care — just fuck me now!”
But Tony wouldn’t listen. He was enjoying himself.
Judy leaned on the washing machine, the vibrations sending ripples through her tits. She pushed her ass back, spreading her feet wider, and trembled as her son played around. He kept pushing his cock into her cunt, then her asshole. Since she couldn’t make him fuck one or the other, she lay and let him do what he wanted, wiggling her ass. But then it began to feel good, the way he pushed his cock into her cunt, then her asshole. He wasn’t using just his cockhead now, but stabbing his cock deep. He rammed it into her hairy pussy, stroking a few times, then pulled out and shifted his cock to her ass. He fucked her asshole a time or two and returned to her cunt. Back and forth.
Judy gaped with the sensation. It was as if she were being fucked by two cocks, two hard, throbbing cocks. She closed her eyes, and when her son moved his cock to her cunt, she lifted her ass to him, and when he moved it to her asshole, she lowered it so it would be easier. He stroked his cock in and out of her cunt slowly, then her asshole, just as slowly.
His slow fucking, alternately from cunt to asshole, was building a fire inside her body, a fire that started off warm, but with increasing heat. As the fire grew, Judy sobbed out her hungers, shaking her ass about for her son’s pleasure. She knew her son couldn’t keep up his slow fucking. She could feel his cock throbbing more each time.
Tony leaned back, looking down, watching his cock go from his mother’s cunt to her asshole. He felt the scalding heat of her cunt growing, felt the gripping squeezes of her asshole. His balls started to grow tight, and his breathing came faster. Pulling his cock out of her ass, he lunged it with force into her cunt, driving the air from Judy’s lungs. He rammed two or three times into her pussy hard, then jerked free and repeated it into her asshole.
Judy cried out each time he brutally forced his cock into her cunt or asshole. She found his quick lunges delicious, and she was never certain where his cock would go from one place to the next. Sometimes he would pull his cock from her asshole, and she expected it to penetrate her cunt, but he would ram it right back into her ass. It was not knowing where she would feel his cock next that helped create the raging hungers inside her.
“Tony, Tony!” she sobbed. “Please, baby! You’re driving me out of my mind! Fuck me, fuck my cunt, my ass, I don’t care — just fuck me!”
Tony finally became caught up with the sensations. He rammed his cock into his mother’s asshole, pumping hard and fast. The
friction of his hard cock against the ring of her tight asshole made Judy whimper. She danced her ass about lewdly, shaking it, humping and churning with his plunging motions.
Tony gripped his mother’s hips, jerking her ass back each time he thrust forward, his lower stomach making a fleshy sound against her curvy ass.
Judy clutched the sides of the washing machine, her knuckles white. Her cunt dripped wetly, her fuck juices sliding along her inner thighs, her clit bulging with hot, tingling hardness. Her asshole was very tight on his cock, and it felt to Judy as if it was stretched wide-open, a huge oval. His cock seemed to go deeper and deeper into her ass each time he fucked it.
“Ohhhh, it’s hot, so hot!” Judy hissed. “So very hot, Tony! Your cock is so fucking hot! Oooooh, baby, give Mother your big, hot cock right in the fucking asp! My asshole… fuck my asshole!”
His balls swung, beating against her seeping cunt. It was a feeling she was now quite familiar with, and one she would never tire of feeling. Her asshole, it seemed, squeezed at his cock by itself. Sensation after sensation gripped her, making her mind reel. She thought of nothing, only that sweet, ecstatic feel of her asshole burning and stretching for her son’s prick.
“Mother, it’s so good!”
“God, yes!”
Judy tried to move her ass with him, but he was beating his cock into her asshole so fast, she couldn’t keep up with him. He was jerking at her hips, puffing her backward as he rammed forward, and the buffeting made her gasp and moan with rapture.
“You’re going to make me come!” she hissed. “Keep that up and you’re going to make me come so fucking hard!”
“Me, too, Mother!”
“Faster… harder!” Judy begged. “Oh, God, ram my ass! Fill my ass! Tear my ass! Ahhhh, Tony, baby… rape Mother in the fucking asshole! Rape the shit out of my hot, fucking asshole!”
“I am! I am raping you up the fucking ass, Mother.”
Judy moaned, then screamed.
Her orgasm went off like a bursting nova. Every part of her body seemed to become tight, the heat swept through her, and her cunt squeezed as her asshole clutched his cock. She screamed loudly as she came, her legs trembling as she clutched the vibrating washing machine for support.