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To Serve my Alien Man

Page 2

by Sabrina Kade

  “I’m sorry,” I mutter. “I guess pregnancy hormones are bothering me more than usual lately. I hear what you’re saying. And you’re right. I’m happy with myself, but I definitely want my pre-baby body back. I’m happy with Dolan too, but I want to be back to my old self.”

  “And so you do that. Hell, I’ll help you. The workout twins will probably be all about it.”

  “I’m not saying I want to be an Olympian,” I interrupt. “Just back to good old size sixteen.”

  “So, we’ll do that. Together.”

  Another smile crosses my face. I shouldn’t be so lucky to have a friend like Sloane and a man like Dolan. Not many of the girls have kids of their own yet, and I’m about to be one of the lucky few. I’ll have that serene look on my face like York. And though poor Ellis is stressed because her kid is the size of Pennsylvania, I’m sure Hujun is helping her in any way he can. I know the girls will do the same for me. And Dolan? My sex-crazed, sexy as fuck alien mate? I know he’ll be obsessed with keeping me happy in and out of the bedroom.

  “How is Ellis doing, anyway?” I ask in a quiet voice, embarrassed that I haven’t checked on her myself lately. I just haven’t felt like doing much. I turn to Sloane, who lowers her head.

  “She’s struggling, I think,” she says in a quiet voice. “Hujun still has a lot of work to do around the lairs, and Junis is pretty big for her. She has bruises on her face where he’s clubbed her while trying to feed him.” She shakes her head. “I know Blythe and York spend a lot of time with her, but they have children of their own, and most of the girls aren’t interested in spending time with a gigantic, screaming baby.”

  I nibble on my lower lip. Here I am throwing a fit about gaining some weight that I could probably lose pretty easily a few months after giving birth, and it sounds like Ellis is having some legitimate troubles with her newborn. I remember how we all prepared for a great migration the Sidyths called flenhein, but I don’t remember seeing Ellis. Hujun was there though. So were Blythe and York. But where was Ellis? I remember seeing her belly and how bad I felt because toward the end of her pregnancy, Hujun wouldn’t let her leave the bed. I know this was for her own good, but it must have been lonely.

  And God, I remember the screaming when she was in labor.

  It’s not natural for a woman less than five feet tall to give birth to a twelve-pound baby. I guess through Chentan and the magic of Sidyth medicine, they were able to make it as painless as possible, but I’m sure Ellis is still pretty shook up by the whole thing – physically and emotionally. And now she has a baby who can punch her so hard in the face that he can leave bruises?

  Fuck. I can’t imagine having to deal with that. Looking down at my rounded belly, I’m sure my infant won’t be tiny, but I’m confident I’ll be able to push it out. And though I’m sure the baby will be big, I’m considerably taller than Ellis, both in height and weight. No baby is punching me! She must spend a lot of time alone lately. I’m sure I won't want a lot of company those first couple weeks, but damn. It doesn’t sound like Hujun is with her as much as he wants to be. Or should be.

  I thank the heavens for Dolan. No matter how much he gets on my nerves, I always come first to him. If he has a duty, he’ll find a way for someone to cover so he can stay with me. If I’m sick? He won’t leave my side. If I’m horny, he won’t leave my cunt alone until one of us passes out. He’s a good man. A man who loves me and every part of me. And I acted like an idiot by fretting over a few pounds. Pounds come and go. A good man will stay with you forever.

  “We should see Ellis more often,” I say quietly.

  “I know,” she agrees. “But she… I think she’s trying to figure this out on her own. Nothing we say or do will mean anything because we’re not going through it yet. You know how hard-headed Ellis can be.”

  “Yeah, but I shouldn’t be sitting around feeling sorry for myself because I gained some weight. Like you said. It happens. I’ll get over it. But Ellis sounds like she’s struggling with Junis. Instead of you being here supporting me, we should try to help her with the baby. I know you’d do the same for me.”

  “Of course, I would.” Sloane absently rubs her stomach. “I’m going to need all the help I can get when this little papaya comes to town… but…” she trails off. “What about Dolan? You’re not going to keep up this crap about how he doesn’t like your body anymore, right?”

  I nod. It’s going to be difficult these last few weeks, especially when I’ll continue getting bigger and bigger, but I have to accept it. I’m pregnant. I’m not a stick-figure. I had curves to begin with, so of course, I have more curves now that I’m in the third trimester. Dolan doesn’t care about any of that. He barely speaks to any of the other girls other than Sloane, and he only does that because I growled that he needs to like her because she’s my friend. Like Sloane, I can’t help rubbing my stomach, trying to picture what the little guy is going to look like. Guy or girl, he’ll be loved. He’ll be a beautiful mix of Dolan and I. The possibilities are endless and seeing Kyeth and Yazrik, it’s hard not to get a little excited about what’s to come.

  Ellis probably had that same excitement. And then it came crashing down around her when she found out that having a big alien mate means having a big alien baby. And I see what Sloane’s saying. Ellis is hard-headed as fuck, and there’s no way she’s admitting to anyone that she’s having a hard time. Hujun probably knows, and Kansas has probably already figured it out, but that’s not good enough.

  It’s time to stop sulking, and vag up.

  I brace a hand against my back and stand up from the bed, groaning from the movement. Damn. Maybe I have been feeling sorry for myself for too long. I don’t remember it being this hard to get up. But it also feels good to move with a purpose. My stretch marks don’t matter. Not really. They’re battle scars as far as I’m concerned, and if by some small chance they bother Dolan, he’s doing a damn good job keeping that information to himself. The extra pounds on my hips and breasts will go away in time. I’ll make sure of it, and if not me, Rene and Devyn will whip my ass back into sexy, curvy shape.

  It’s weird, but I’m looking forward to it.

  And tonight? I’m going to blow Dolan’s mind. And his cock if I don’t tire out first.

  He deserves some extra action. And, judging by the tingle between my legs, it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea for me either.

  For now though? I want to check on Ellis. I tell Sloane this, and of course, she follows.

  Because she’s a good friend.

  Good friend. A great mate. A child on the way.

  It’s hard to get too upset about a few extra pounds.

  But a small voice whispers anyway on our way to Ellis’ room. Is there any possible way Dolan hasn’t noticed the weight I’ve gained? He may be an alien, but he’s still a guy. And I don’t look like the same woman I was before I got pregnant. He must have noticed. He has to feel something about it other than lust. He has to.

  I try not to think about it.

  But the voice doesn’t go away.



  My mate is unhappy. With herself, being pregnant, or me, I am not entirely sure. She says one thing, but I think this is one of those moments where she means another. I could barely tolerate it. To hear her call herself a word like disgusting almost sent me over the edge. I would kill any of my brothers who would dare to say such a thing to my Chosen mate, but I cannot do such a thing when Layla says such horrible things about herself.

  I am still angry. Hearing Layla saying she thinks she is disgusting makes me feel as though I’ve failed her as a mate somehow.

  Have I not made her feel like she is my everything?

  Have I not made her scream to the deities when I make her come?

  Have I not worshiped her cunt as often as she needs while carrying our sprog?

  What am I doing wrong that she feels she is anything but the suns, the moons, and the stars?

  “I simply do
not understand where I went wrong,” I grumble, pushing a hand through my hair.

  “Wrong about what, brother?” I nearly stumble forward, but not before the owner of the voice catches me by the shoulder and spins me around. There is a curious expression etched upon Exer’s features, which is odd considering that for many planetary rotations I thought he only cared about his animals amongst the talas. “You are muttering to yourself.”

  “Ahh, yes. I suppose that I am.”

  “Is all well?”

  I frown, wishing I didn’t feel the need to speak. But Exer has grown on me since discovering our Chosen mates are friends. We spend much more time together, and I have learned how much he cares for the bloody-haired human female. Each day he speaks about how he is worried her body is too frail to carry his sprog. I do not have the same concerns when it comes to Layla, so it is difficult for me to understand. “I am fine. Layla and I pleasured each other until the suns rising. My mate is a hungry one.”

  Exer smiles. “Yes. I could hear both of you, which makes me wonder why you are muttering to yourself. I would think your words would be positive, but you carry many worries upon your shoulders. Speak if you like.”

  Speak if you like. These are words I never imagined hearing Exer say. For so long, I thought he only cared about his animals: Hinda and the friendlier dilewilers. I did not believe it was possible for him to be concerned with his brothers. And hearing him permit me to speak on what troubles my mind forces my lips to part. Exer may understand what I am going through. The bloody-haired female, Sloane, rejected my brother for many turnings. Perhaps she had the same worries that my mate does? That she is ‘disgusting’?

  Just thinking about the word is enough to make me snarl.

  “You are not well,” Exer concludes, clapping me softly on the back. “Come, let us find Hinda in the clearing, and we can talk openly.”

  I nod, hating that I have become such a weak male. So soft that my Chosen mate doubts herself. If I were better at making her happy, she would not act this way. She would not pinch and prod at her body as though it is covered with disease. Why would she act this way? Is it the sprog that is growing in her body? Does she not like the extra curves that have blossomed on her already ample frame? I enjoy them. Even merely thinking of them, my cock grows harder despite the trek through the talas into Hinda’s territory.

  When we arrive, Exer takes care of his slobbery beast as though it is a pet of some sort, which I do not understand. Hinda is a strange, ugly creature, and though Exer has a mate back at the lairs, he spends much of his time here. He says his mate understands, but I wonder if that can be true. I have barely been away from Layla, and already I thirst for her. I long to bury my face between her thighs and lap up the sweet, heady juices that come from her cunt. I groan, thinking about the little purring sounds Layla makes when I hit her favorite spot; the G-spot as she calls it. There is nothing better than making my female cry out because of what I do to her.

  There is no way Exer could understand my troubles if his concerns are his mate being too small or fragile to carry his sprog. That is a legitimate concern. While tall, Sloane is also slim and bony. I cannot tell where her breasts end, and her stomach begins. At least, I couldn’t until she was pregnant. And though the curve on her belly is a nice feature, it is nothing compared to what my Layla has. She is considerably more ample than most of the females on Hethdiss. I like it. I love it.

  Perhaps I have not mentioned this enough for Layla to understand.

  Perhaps she worries that I do not find her as desirable as her stomach continues to stretch and grow. Disgusting. That word makes me want to pull my claws out. Layla could not be further from that word. She is ample, yes. Soft. Round. Beautiful and incredible. Disgusting, no. Never. Does she worry that I am not pleasuring her enough? She came three times before suns rising. Now that she is pregnant, does she need to come more? Is it like the food she eats? The bigger she gets, the more she desires?

  It is a perplexing thought, but not one I can easily ignore.

  While Exer continues to shower his ghastly beast with attention, my mind drifts further, trying to figure out if there was something I did or something I could to help my mate feel better. Her sadness will not be suitable for the sprog. And if my mate is sad, my brothers will wonder if I am a suitable mate for her.

  I should not have left her side.

  I hiss under my lips, ignoring the look Exer gives me before I sit on the nearest rock and rest my back against a tree. I should not have left her, but I was so angry when she called herself that terrible word. I must show her that I care. I must show her that I can still pleasure her and make her feel as though she is the suns, the moons, and the stars.

  “Do you wish to speak?” Exer asks.

  I shake my head. “No.”

  He nods, not seeming upset by my decision, and I am happy for it. Exer’s company was all I needed to pull myself together. If Layla is unhappy with how I am treating her, that is something I can remedy. I am used to her rejecting me. It was something she enjoyed doing before admitting I was a suitable mate for her. I won her once. I will win her over again.

  “If you have nothing to say, then what are you still doing here?” Exer calls.

  And he’s right. What am I still doing here? I do not need to wait to return. Exer can handle himself. And so, without another word, I rise to my feet and sprint back to the lairs, ignoring everyone I pass. I have to see her. I have to see my beautiful, ample mate—

  And there she is.

  Sitting upon the bed, alone in the blankets, staring down at her stomach once more. Her shirt is pulled up, and she is rubbing at the stretched skin covering it, and she is startled by my presence.

  “Dolan,” she croaks. “What are you doing here? I thought you were—”

  I advance, falling to my knees before her. Her eyes widen, but she doesn’t move. I hear her heartbeat thudding heavily in my ears, and it is a beautiful sound. She still has a bodily reaction to me despite my worries. I reach forward and cover her stomach with my hands after brushing hers away, smoothing my thumbs over the tender skin. There is movement there, and though this is extremely exciting, the time has not yet come to put the sprog’s attention first.

  It is my Layla that needs me.

  Layla – who fought for so long to avoid Choosing me as her mate. Layla, who yelled at me, shouted with me and argued with me until her brown cheeks flushed pink. She found me arrogant and annoying. She is probably not wrong, but this did not mean I did not want her. I wanted her more than anything I ever desired, and I stopped at nothing to have her, even putting my life in danger to prove that I would be a good mate. It was a bad decision, but one I would make every single time because it brought Layla into my arms, and her cunt to my mouth.

  Layla always says I am vulgar. I suppose she is not wrong.

  I’m still silent as I continue to brush my hands across her stomach, and I think Layla is still too shocked to fight me off. I am rarely quiet, and I hope she realizes that this is because I want her to understand how truly in awe I am of her. How much I love her and appreciate her. How thankful I am that she Chose me as her mate. I always knew that she would, but it’s nice that I didn’t have to wait so long.

  Rising to my knees, I now cup Layla’s full cheeks, enjoying how they fill my hands. Exer could never do this with his mate. She is too frail. Too thin. Not for me. If Exer enjoys her, that is his choice, but a female like Sloane was never meant for me. Layla was. She was born and bred for me – the perfect specimen of human female in any way a human female could be measured. I take in Layla’s eyes, smiling when they meet mine. She has such a lovely smile: blunt white teeth, full pink lips, and a playfully pink tongue despite being oddly short. She slicks it across her lips, finally finding the will to speak.

  “What… what are you doing, Dolan?” She’s trying to sound annoyed, but there is breathiness in her tone that lets me know that she is probably not feeling ‘disgusting’ at this moment.
“You’re supposed to be with Exer.”

  “I was. And now, I am back.” I lean forward and press my lips against hers, tasting the taste that is my Chosen mate’s alone. I wish I detected more arousal, but for now, there is only confusion and sadness.

  Sadness. Why?

  “That word,” I can’t help bringing it up again. “That word that you called yourself.”

  Recognition flashes over her features. “Disgusting?” It comes out like a wisp of air, barely reaching my ears. When I nod, she quirks one of her thin, brown eyebrows. “What about it? You want to tell me never to repeat it?”

  “You may say it all you want. But never about yourself.” I lean closer, and kiss her softly on the neck, collarbone before dipping lower to her full, sensitive breasts. “You could not be anything further than disgusting, Layla. You are my beautiful, ample mate.”

  I feel her stiffen. Small hands push at my chest, and though I could fight, I choose not to allow Layla her space. I notice that her eyes are glassy.

  “What?” I dare.

  “Ample mate,” she whispers. “Is that all I am to you?”

  Confusion flickers across my face as I try to process her words. Of course, she is my mate. Of course, she is also ample. I do not understand. “Is there anything else you would be?” I go to reach for her, but she slaps my hand away before I can get closer. “What are you doing, Layla? Why are you angry?” And sad, I wish I dared to ask. Why are you sad lately, Layla?

  “I just…” she trembles and rises to her feet in a slow, rickety motion, caused by how large pregnancy has made her. I want to help, but I am sure that this is not something she wants right now. “I just talked to Sloane about this. I thought I was okay with it. But hearing you call me that—”


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